2/3 of Americans don’t trust Joe Biden

Trump…with 93% negative reporting in media, with Zuckerberg, Dorsey, the google faggots and Bezos censoring him and steering public opinion….and with all of academia telling our children how evil he is was able to garner the numbers he did.
That should blow your tiny little worthless mind.
Excuses noted.
Trump…with 93% negative reporting in media, with Zuckerberg, Dorsey, the google faggots and Bezos censoring him and steering public opinion….and with all of academia telling our children how evil he is was able to garner the numbers he did.
That should blow your tiny little worthless mind.
XponentialChaos will deny this like he denies the Holocaust
He was polarizing and sent mean tweets. Why is Bidens rating so low? Fifth time I have asked you this.
I asked first.

Biden has dismal numbers, so you call him an embarrassment and a laughing stock. Trump's numbers were even worse. So that makes him an embarrassment and a laughing stock, right?

Yes or no. Answer the question.
I asked first.

Biden has dismal numbers, so you call him an embarrassment and a laughing stock. Trump's numbers were even worse. So that makes him an embarrassment and a laughing stock, right?

Yes or no. Answer the question.
Already answered you. Trump was polarizing. People didn’t like him based on his rhetoric not politics. It would be like calling a tough head coach a laughing stock. Trump was an asshole but people feared and respected him. Biden is a laughing stock.

Now I ask for the 6th time why are Bidens numbers so bad since he is not an asshole and is not polarizing via his tweets.
Already answered you. Trump was polarizing. People didn’t like him based on his rhetoric not politics. It would be like calling a tough head coach a laughing stock. Trump was an asshole but people feared and respected him. Biden is a laughing stock.

So Biden's low numbers make him a laughing stock. Trump's lower numbers don't make him a laughing stock.

Thanks for pointing out your blatant hypocrisy.
Ofcourse he will…Leftists can only stay Leftists by ignoring truth, facts and data.
They run on emotion exclusively…they hate when they are pressed to be rational and logical.
Six times I asked him the same question and he dodged it. Pathetic Holocaust denying Fascist. All he is.

So Biden's low numbers make him a laughing stock. Trump's lower numbers don't make him a laughing stock.

Thanks for pointing out your blatant hypocrisy.
Are you going to answer me or not? I answered you and explained how it’s not hypocrisy. You’re just too stupid to grasp simple English. But at least I answered you. On the other hand you danced and dodged like the prancing Nancy boy you are.
Another? He wasn’t an incumbent. Young kin had no experience and the Lt Governor and AG went deep red too. It wasn’t just that McAuliffe sucked but the whole state went deep red. The new slogan is “Let’s go Brandon”….and it’s resonating.
Don't you read, before you type? He was Governor of Virginia for one term, from 2014-2018. They may not have wanted another term. Just how often has Virginia had a Governor of one party and a LT Governor of another party. You got some sort of hard on, against Youngkin, thinking him so week, he had no coattails at state level? You are aware they campaigned together, and the maps of the counties they won are amazingly alike, right? All three of them did, as a matter of fact. They actually went out and campaigned in and for Virginia on issues import to Virginia, yet you cheapen their well-earned victories, saying, it wasn't them and their merit, and their stance on the issues important to Virginians, but the Virginians were really just voting against Joe Biden? You really think low of the people of that state, that they would waste their Gubernatorial vote in some lame protest instead of picking the best leaders for their state.
Don't you read, before you type? He was Governor of Virginia for one term, from 2014-2018. They may not have wanted another term. Just how often has Virginia had a Governor of one party and a LT Governor of another party. You got some sort of hard on, against Youngkin, thinking him so week, he had no coattails at state level? You are aware they campaigned together, and the maps of the counties they won are amazingly alike, right? All three of them did, as a matter of fact. They actually went out and campaigned in and for Virginia on issues import to Virginia, yet you cheapen their well-earned victories, saying, it wasn't them and their merit, and their stance on the issues important to Virginians, but the Virginians were really just voting against Joe Biden? You really think low of the people of that state, that they would waste their Gubernatorial vote in some lame protest instead of picking the best leaders for their state.
Again it was a blue state that went deep red. You believe it had zero to do with Biden and the Democratic Party as a whole moving too far left? That’s what Youngkin campaigned on.
Now I ask for the 6th time why are Bidens numbers so bad since he is not an asshole and is not polarizing via his tweets.
Now that we've established that you're a hypocrite, I'll take a swing at this one. Thank you for being patient.

I think he has made some mistakes and he deserves criticism for them.

I think the political climate is still very heated. Biden has done a good job of trying to ease the division, but things are still very divisive especially after the last two presidents.

Lastly, I think a lot of the economy issues are still very much impacted by covid. I think people are getting restless and frustrated with conditions not improving as quickly as we hoped.
Are you going to answer me or not? I answered you and explained how it’s not hypocrisy.
You constantly demonstrate that you're full of shit.

Biden's dismal numbers make him a laughing stock. Trump's dismal numbers don't make him a laughing stock.

I'll take "Hypocrisy" for $500, Alex.
Now you’re mocking other users who made you look stupid (like you needed any help). You can’t even answer a simple question.
You make up bullshit that I denied the Holocaust and you actually got that retard to believe you lol. Yes I'm going to mock him.

I answered your question.
Now that we've established that you're a hypocrite, I'll take a swing at this one. Thank you for being patient.

I think he has made some mistakes and he deserves criticism for them.

I think the political climate is still very heated. Biden has done a good job of trying to ease the division, but things are still very divisive especially after the last two presidents.

Lastly, I think a lot of the economy issues are still very much impacted by covid. I think people are getting restless with conditions not improving as quickly as we hoped.
Biden did a good job? 2/3 disagree with you. Biden said he would end COVID while Trump
Said we should live with it. Trump was right. Media portrayed Trump as a villain from day 1 but Andrew Cuomo was a hero. That bit them in the ass. Trump was and is an asshole and he is polarizing. Of course he will have some low ratings but not on the economy. People trusted him there. People don’t trust Biden with ANYTHING. Hence he sucks. He is an embarrassment. And he is not even entertaining like DJT was.

Good talk, leftist.

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