2/3 of Americans don’t trust Joe Biden

Better than the last clown.

You guys have nothing but excuses for him losing.
20% ?

20% ?

How many would take their vote back on Trump after what he pulled on Jan 6?

Interesting since he ran as the great unifier but now is the great divider it seems?

70% are saying his policies have worsened the economy or had no effect.

80% consider inflation to be a problem.

So what happened to the great unifier?

Truth over Facts
Let’s Go Brandon

I think he'd like to see the citizens unite. But the left just won't allow it. They're the "My way or the highway" party of extremist. They don't care about equality or unifying.
They have an extremist agenda to push on the decent folks of America, and are not going to allow some dementia patients stand in their way.
How many would take their vote back on Trump after what he pulled on Jan 6?

I didn't vote for Trump (or Biden). But the way you lefties are, (extremist) I can see myself voting for Trump in 2024 just to shut the lefts extremist up. They've become radical extremist. Pushing racism, bigotry and all sort of bag idea's onto us decent folks who really would like for everyone to just get along.
We're not racist, bigots or the monsters the lefts extremist try to say we are.
You people have tried to cancel Abraham Lincoln, for christs sake. That's real genius.
I didn't vote for Trump (or Biden). But the way you lefties are, (extremist) I can see myself voting for Trump in 2024 just to shut the lefts extremist up.
That’s nice. Not sure why you’re sharing that with me.

Did anyone ask you who you’re going to vote for in 2024?

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