2/3rds of America believe's Biden compromised by China


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
Its to late, the time for this was prior to cheating the traitor into office, the traitor is also almost certainly compromised by Russia and Putin, where his family scored multiple mystery millions! If you have an honest bone in your body, and considering his every treachery toward the United States, from Afghanistan where he intentionally abandoned tens of thousands of American citizens, and our allies, intentionally killing American energy independence, the economy, societal harmony, setting the DOJ upon Americans for no more than merely asking questions, protecting murderous DC cops who committed political murder, destroying the southern border allowing in multiple millions of illegals, destroying the DoD and the armed forces via CRT and sick twisted sexual indoctrination, ect ect, then you cannot deny the in your face obvious, not one thing this animal has done, not fucking one, has benefited the United States, just China, Russia, Iran, and Iran's proxies....

Results are from a survey conducted April 5-April 8 of more than 1,000 likely general election voters. The margen of error is 2.99%.

lmao 1000 people.
Its to late, the time for this was prior to cheating the traitor into office, the traitor is also almost certainly compromised by Russia and Putin, where his family scored multiple mystery millions! If you have an honest bone in your body, and considering his every treachery toward the United States, from Afghanistan where he intentionally abandoned tens of thousands of American citizens, and our allies, intentionally killing American energy independence, the economy, societal harmony, setting the DOJ upon Americans for no more than merely asking questions, protecting murderous DC cops who committed political murder, destroying the southern border allowing in multiple millions of illegals, destroying the DoD and the armed forces via CRT and sick twisted sexual indoctrination, ect ect, then you cannot deny the in your face obvious, not one thing this animal has done, not fucking one, has benefited the United States, just China, Russia, Iran, and Iran's proxies....

2/3 of America believes a magical sky dad watches their every move. Americans are fucking stupid.
2/3 of America believes a magical sky dad watches their every move. Americans are fucking stupid.
Its so revealing, you cannot speak truth, you just cannot fucking do it, you had to manufacture a ludicrously stupid ad hom attack upon an entire nation, you did that because you cannot be honest, its impossible for you to be honest, and in this instance honesty requires you just speak the fucking obvious, you don't fucking give a damn that the man is a traitor, you don't care one fucking jot, your hatred and intolerance win out every single time, it is you who is stupid, impossibly stupid, not to mention poisonous, all in one sick twisted package.... :poke:
Its so revealing, you cannot speak truth, you just cannot fucking do it, you had to manufacture a ludicrously stupid ad hom attack upon an entire nation, you did that because you cannot be honest, its impossible for you to be honest, and in this instance honesty requires you just speak the fucking obvious, you don't fucking give a damn that the man is a traitor, you don't care one fucking jot, your hatred and intolerance win out every single time, it is you who is stupid, impossibly stupid, not to mention poisonous, all in one sick twisted package.... :poke:
You believe a fantasy completely fabricated by primitives thousands of years ago. You spend your life trying to vote the Old Testament into law. I don't give a fuck about your feelings anymore.
So you're declaring yourself "fucking stupid"?
I have 1/3 of the population as wiggle room. I could be part of the stupid 2/3, but not living my life according to fantasies developed within the oral traditions of ancient primitives gives me a confidence boost that I'm in that 1/3.
You believe a fantasy completely fabricated by primitives thousands of years ago. You spend your life trying to vote the Old Testament into law. I don't give a fuck about your feelings anymore.
I suggest you run along and masturbate in private, masturbation is at the root of all trolling behavior, a strange cyber version of an exhibitionist looking to provoke shock at sight of its penis, so run along and masturbate in private, and stop doing so in my thread! :wink:
I suggest you run along and masturbate in private, masturbation is at the root of all trolling behavior, a strange cyber version of an exhibitionist looking to provoke shock at sight of its penis, so run along and masturbate in private, and stop doing so in my thread! :wink:
Lol that's a hoot

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