2/3's polled want gov't to guarantee healthcare coverage for all American's

If that poll is even somewhat correct, the far right fringe's fight against ACA is fail.
If that poll is even somewhat correct, the far right fringe's fight against ACA is fail.

are you a paid Obama/government stooge?
or you do it for free?
everything with you is the Tea party, rightwing, tea party, right wing, tea party right wing, blaaa blaaa blaa
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It's unsurprising that The Nation found a bunch of brainwashed Reactionary Liberals to spew the Progressive Orthodoxy that is aimed at destroying the quality of humans in the U.S.
You obviously didn't read the link I provided.

Form your link: This article appeared in the July 9, 2007 edition of The Nation.

So your "recent" polls are 6 years old; pre-recession, pre-financial crisis, pre-trillion plus deficits. Not particularly meaningful in 2013.
If that poll is even somewhat correct, the far right fringe's fight against ACA is fail.

are you a paid Obama/government stooge?
or you do it for free?
everything with you is the Tea party, rightwing, tea party, right wing, tea party right wing, blaaa blaaa blaa

Steph, I am a mainstream Republican who will not tolerate the crap from the far right that attempts to destroy America's future.

You fringe lemmings are not going to tell the other 80% of us how we are going to live.
Form your link: This article appeared in the July 9, 2007 edition of The Nation.

So your "recent" polls are 6 years old; pre-recession, pre-financial crisis, pre-trillion plus deficits. Not particularly meaningful in 2013.
It's recent according to geological time.
Recent polls show the majority of American's favor liberal policies.

54 percent think "government should help the needy even if it means greater debt"

Two-thirds want the government to guarantee health insurance for all citizens.

69 percent believe government should guarantee every citizen enough to eat and a place to sleep

53 percent think unions help the economy

53 percent of Americans thought the Bush tax cuts were "not worth it because they have increased the deficit and caused cuts in government programs."

89 percent [prefer] rehabilitation over incarceration for youth offenders.

62% percent [think] that undocumented immigrants should be allowed to "keep their jobs and eventually apply for legal status."

58 percent favor "tougher gun control laws,"

two-thirds think corporate profits are too high

57 percent of independents think government should aid more needy people even at the price of higher debt.
So as you surf through the plethora of these right wing threads, remember this...

[only] 25 percent of people [polled] call themselves Republicans
Have a nice day! :eusa_angel:

I love your source for recent polls.

I do have one question though, why did you have to go all the way back to 2007 to find a poll that supports Obamacare?
If that poll is even somewhat correct, the far right fringe's fight against ACA is fail.

are you a paid Obama/government stooge?
or you do it for free?
everything with you is the Tea party, rightwing, tea party, right wing, tea party right wing, blaaa blaaa blaa

Steph, I am a mainstream Republican who will not tolerate the crap from the far right that attempts to destroy America's future.

You fringe lemmings are not going to tell the other 80% of us how we are going to live.

no you're are not "mainstream" Republican...you are as extreme LEFT Progressive as someone can get...so stop with the lies and admit what your are...nobody here is buying it anymore
typical misleading dishonest thread by the liberal/left/Democrat

poll from HOW many years ago?

this is disgusting but that is how they play
are you a paid Obama/government stooge?
or you do it for free?
everything with you is the Tea party, rightwing, tea party, right wing, tea party right wing, blaaa blaaa blaa

Steph, I am a mainstream Republican who will not tolerate the crap from the far right that attempts to destroy America's future.

You fringe lemmings are not going to tell the other 80% of us how we are going to live.

no you're are not "mainstream" Republican...you are as extreme LEFT Progressive as someone can get...so stop with the lies and admit what your are...nobody here is buying it anymore

You can only come to that conclusion because you are so much a far right reactionary TeaP that Paul Ryan looks like a commie to you.
Are you advocating a protectionism policy for the US? That's pretty much what would happen without our military showing power to our allies and enemies. I know, liberals want a weak military but that's not good for a superpower. And there are many benefits to being a superpower and our military does a lot of good for us around the world.

We can't afford it anymore and I'm sick and tired of watching Americans die for people who hate us. Our interference in other people's affairs is what has made us a target for terrorism.
so 75% of the people they polled gave them the answers they knew they would get since they were polling cities.

seriously, the last poll should have keyed you in.

oh and, since only one of the polls went past 75%, that means even dems know much of liberal bullshit is too much of a waste of time and money
None of that makes sense.

I'll give you a Two Thumbs down!

sorry, forgot math was hard for liberals.

25% of the people polled were reps, that means the other 75% were dems.

That means not 100% of all dems want what was asked.

pollsters know where to call to get the best results, and still couldn't get high numbers.

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