2 Americas : Americans views of Europe

It’s as much unwarranted fear as it is ignorance that drives most on the American right; similar to that among the European right: unwarranted fear of immigrants, change, and diversity.

You ever read up on the problem of Muslim Rape Gangs in the UK?

It is worse than you can imagine.

It is worse than I would have believed possible.

And it is caused by people like Tommy and you.

Correll, the Left Wingers believe that Muslims are the victims of prejudice which allows them to do whatever they want. They do not care about the children that were harmed, they only care about building their coalition.

Their commitment to this madness, even as undeniable evidence is being found, such as the massive rape rings of children,

is beyond rational comprehension.
A guy that gives an order to the press to not report that a reporter was arrested on his authority?

I find such behavior to be morally repulsive and it leads me to not find the Judge to be credible.

Mmm, the pressure that can be brought against a person facing years in prison is well known.

TO cite a "guilty" plea as "Evidence" is nothing but dishonesty from you.

You are a dishonest and vile person who supports the jailing of political prisoners in your own nation.
You crack me up you shit kicking cretin. The judge made an order at the start of the trial to protect the integrity of the trial. All the proper journalists behaved themselves apart from this drug dealing fraudster. Big deal. The fact that you do not understand what a fair trial entails tells me all I need to know about you.

Sure. And the fact that it limits the embarrassment of the government for it's policies leading to the rape ring, that is just a coincidence?

Which policies ?

Take your tin hat off you fucking moron. The JUDGE imposes the black out to ensure a fair trial. There is no government involvement.
Your stupidity on this thread underlines the validity of my OP. You understand NOTHING .

The policies we have discussed at great length many times before.

The Judge is part of the government and obviously has personally bought into supporting the Government's policies that lead to these atrocities, and will lead to many more.
So,using your forensic knowledge of the UK legal system...................
Explain to me what the Judge got wrong.
Which policies did he support ?
And is this Judge known for flouting human rights ?
1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.
1. Robinson is not a reporter. he was jailed for breaching the terms of his suspended sentence. No proper reporters got in any trouble at all. Do you actually understand why he got sent down or are you genuinely that fucking stupid.

2. Well you did matey.
Because they do not have champions like you making policy

1. He was reporting on the results of government policy and was arrested for it. The excuses that your repressive government puts on the paper work is of no importance.

2. "Like YOu". Not "YOU". My answer to your stupid question, which I have answered many times before, FOR YOU, STANDS.


Actually, if you went to a real British news site, you would have seen that he was live streaming on Facebook for about an hour outside of a court room and the comments he made over Facebook could have put the trial in jeopardy of a mistrial.

I have a link a couple of posts back if you need it. Page 3, post 29.
It was even worse than that. Some of the names he gave out were not even on trial.
That is pretty bad...

How is that going to cause a mistrial?
Sure. And the fact that it limits the embarrassment of the government for it's policies leading to the rape ring, that is just a coincidence?

Which policies ?

Take your tin hat off you fucking moron. The JUDGE imposes the black out to ensure a fair trial. There is no government involvement.
Your stupidity on this thread underlines the validity of my OP. You understand NOTHING .

yes, Tommy, we know.

The more you support Muslims raping children, the more virtuous you feel.

You have posted several hundred times on the matter and we all know how important is for you to keep up that steady sup[ply of "easy meat" for your buddies.
You have a link for that claim or are simply incapable of addressing his arguments forcing you to resort to kindergarten name calling?

You seem to lack an understanding of basic law not to mention what constitutes a journalist. Publicizing names of people on trial, who are not on trial, is not journalism for one, and has the dangerous possibility of creating innocent scapegoats and ruining reputations. It is either highly irresponsible or just one more manifestation of the football hooligan character that led him to join neonazi groups, form EDL and the UK chapter of Pergida. That is your hero, and god forbid anyone point out whata nasty piece of work he is, because you will follow them around accusing them of supporting the rape of children.

Yeah, you sure wouldn't want to ruin the reputation of a child rapist!

Your concerns are duly noted.

I am concerned with the victims, myself, so we are just on completely opposite sides of this issue of child rape.
The point of it all is that until the jury comes back they are alleged rapists. If you cant get your head around that simple fact you have no place in an adult discussion.

No, in point of fact, they are either rapists or not.

THe "alleged rapists" is a legal term.

It does not actually have anything to do with reality.
Which policies ?

Take your tin hat off you fucking moron. The JUDGE imposes the black out to ensure a fair trial. There is no government involvement.
Your stupidity on this thread underlines the validity of my OP. You understand NOTHING .

yes, Tommy, we know.

The more you support Muslims raping children, the more virtuous you feel.

You have posted several hundred times on the matter and we all know how important is for you to keep up that steady sup[ply of "easy meat" for your buddies.
You have a link for that claim or are simply incapable of addressing his arguments forcing you to resort to kindergarten name calling?

You seem to lack an understanding of basic law not to mention what constitutes a journalist. Publicizing names of people on trial, who are not on trial, is not journalism for one, and has the dangerous possibility of creating innocent scapegoats and ruining reputations. It is either highly irresponsible or just one more manifestation of the football hooligan character that led him to join neonazi groups, form EDL and the UK chapter of Pergida. That is your hero, and god forbid anyone point out whata nasty piece of work he is, because you will follow them around accusing them of supporting the rape of children.

Yeah, you sure wouldn't want to ruin the reputation of a child rapist!

Your concerns are duly noted.

I am concerned with the victims, myself, so we are just on completely opposite sides of this issue of child rape.
The point of it all is that until the jury comes back they are alleged rapists. If you cant get your head around that simple fact you have no place in an adult discussion.

Alright then wouldn't that same way of thinking apply to Donald John Trump?

Sure he has been convicted in the media daily but where is the conviction by the courts?

See those like you love your innocent until proven guilty but only when it suits you...

Now as I have said before you are no different than the fools you complain about but you are so blinded by your hate for America that you can not see your own bigotry!

Which policies ?

Take your tin hat off you fucking moron. The JUDGE imposes the black out to ensure a fair trial. There is no government involvement.
Your stupidity on this thread underlines the validity of my OP. You understand NOTHING .

yes, Tommy, we know.

The more you support Muslims raping children, the more virtuous you feel.

You have posted several hundred times on the matter and we all know how important is for you to keep up that steady sup[ply of "easy meat" for your buddies.
You have a link for that claim or are simply incapable of addressing his arguments forcing you to resort to kindergarten name calling?

You seem to lack an understanding of basic law not to mention what constitutes a journalist. Publicizing names of people on trial, who are not on trial, is not journalism for one, and has the dangerous possibility of creating innocent scapegoats and ruining reputations. It is either highly irresponsible or just one more manifestation of the football hooligan character that led him to join neonazi groups, form EDL and the UK chapter of Pergida. That is your hero, and god forbid anyone point out whata nasty piece of work he is, because you will follow them around accusing them of supporting the rape of children.

Yeah, you sure wouldn't want to ruin the reputation of a child rapist!

Your concerns are duly noted.

I am concerned with the victims, myself, so we are just on completely opposite sides of this issue of child rape.
The point of it all is that until the jury comes back they are alleged rapists. If you cant get your head around that simple fact you have no place in an adult discussion.

No, in point of fact, they are either rapists or not.

THe "alleged rapists" is a legal term.

It does not actually have anything to do with reality.
Thats an illuminating stance. Perhaps we should just dispense with trials altogether and just string up people based on our prejudices ?
Is that how it works in the US ?
American's views of Brits: Half are fags, or poofters if you prefer, the other half are thugs. And that's just the women.

Ummm................dude...................if you were familiar with British slang, you would know that a fag is a cigarette.

Did you miss the insertion of "poofter" for the benefit of our our fag Brit contributor?[/QUOTE]

Did you miss the point that the term fag is used only for cigarettes, and not a slur towards gay people? It's in America where fag is a slur to gays, not Britain.
A guy that gives an order to the press to not report that a reporter was arrested on his authority?

I find such behavior to be morally repulsive and it leads me to not find the Judge to be credible.

Mmm, the pressure that can be brought against a person facing years in prison is well known.

TO cite a "guilty" plea as "Evidence" is nothing but dishonesty from you.

You are a dishonest and vile person who supports the jailing of political prisoners in your own nation.
You crack me up you shit kicking cretin. The judge made an order at the start of the trial to protect the integrity of the trial. All the proper journalists behaved themselves apart from this drug dealing fraudster. Big deal. The fact that you do not understand what a fair trial entails tells me all I need to know about you.

Sure. And the fact that it limits the embarrassment of the government for it's policies leading to the rape ring, that is just a coincidence?

Which policies ?

Take your tin hat off you fucking moron. The JUDGE imposes the black out to ensure a fair trial. There is no government involvement.
Your stupidity on this thread underlines the validity of my OP. You understand NOTHING .

The policies we have discussed at great length many times before.

The Judge is part of the government and obviously has personally bought into supporting the Government's policies that lead to these atrocities, and will lead to many more.
Britain has an independent judiciary who's job is to uphold the laws.

1. So, independent that it is not considered a government function? Are they not supported by taxes?

2. And his actions and motives are still the same. Jailing a man for revealing the results of government policy.
A guy that gives an order to the press to not report that a reporter was arrested on his authority?

I find such behavior to be morally repulsive and it leads me to not find the Judge to be credible.

Mmm, the pressure that can be brought against a person facing years in prison is well known.

TO cite a "guilty" plea as "Evidence" is nothing but dishonesty from you.

You are a dishonest and vile person who supports the jailing of political prisoners in your own nation.
You crack me up you shit kicking cretin. The judge made an order at the start of the trial to protect the integrity of the trial. All the proper journalists behaved themselves apart from this drug dealing fraudster. Big deal. The fact that you do not understand what a fair trial entails tells me all I need to know about you.

Sure. And the fact that it limits the embarrassment of the government for it's policies leading to the rape ring, that is just a coincidence?

Which policies ?

Take your tin hat off you fucking moron. The JUDGE imposes the black out to ensure a fair trial. There is no government involvement.
Your stupidity on this thread underlines the validity of my OP. You understand NOTHING .

The policies we have discussed at great length many times before.

The Judge is part of the government and obviously has personally bought into supporting the Government's policies that lead to these atrocities, and will lead to many more.
So,using your forensic knowledge of the UK legal system...................
Explain to me what the Judge got wrong.
Which policies did he support ?
And is this Judge known for flouting human rights ?

THe Judge should not have jailed a reporter and had him so quickly processed, on a bullshit excuse in order to prevent the public from being informed of the details of the atrocities that your government immigration policy and culture of political correctness has caused.

Nor should he have issued a ban on Free Speech regarding the arrest of the reporter and his being a political prisoner.

And that Judge is now known for flouting human rights, certainly.
You crack me up you shit kicking cretin. The judge made an order at the start of the trial to protect the integrity of the trial. All the proper journalists behaved themselves apart from this drug dealing fraudster. Big deal. The fact that you do not understand what a fair trial entails tells me all I need to know about you.

Sure. And the fact that it limits the embarrassment of the government for it's policies leading to the rape ring, that is just a coincidence?

Which policies ?

Take your tin hat off you fucking moron. The JUDGE imposes the black out to ensure a fair trial. There is no government involvement.
Your stupidity on this thread underlines the validity of my OP. You understand NOTHING .

The policies we have discussed at great length many times before.

The Judge is part of the government and obviously has personally bought into supporting the Government's policies that lead to these atrocities, and will lead to many more.
So,using your forensic knowledge of the UK legal system...................
Explain to me what the Judge got wrong.
Which policies did he support ?
And is this Judge known for flouting human rights ?

THe Judge should not have jailed a reporter and had him so quickly processed, on a bullshit excuse in order to prevent the public from being informed of the details of the atrocities that your government immigration policy and culture of political correctness has caused.

Nor should he have issued a ban on Free Speech regarding the arrest of the reporter and his being a political prisoner.

And that Judge is now known for flouting human rights, certainly.

The dude isn't a "reporter", he's a freaking far right white power activist who was live Facebooking just outside of the court while a trial was going on, and naming names of defendants that didn't even exist, as well as put the trial in jeopardy of a mistrial, according to British law.

BTW.....................are you a British lawyer, and can you explain exactly how this is a violation of his rights? If you aren't, then you can't.
yes, Tommy, we know.

The more you support Muslims raping children, the more virtuous you feel.

You have posted several hundred times on the matter and we all know how important is for you to keep up that steady sup[ply of "easy meat" for your buddies.
You have a link for that claim or are simply incapable of addressing his arguments forcing you to resort to kindergarten name calling?

You seem to lack an understanding of basic law not to mention what constitutes a journalist. Publicizing names of people on trial, who are not on trial, is not journalism for one, and has the dangerous possibility of creating innocent scapegoats and ruining reputations. It is either highly irresponsible or just one more manifestation of the football hooligan character that led him to join neonazi groups, form EDL and the UK chapter of Pergida. That is your hero, and god forbid anyone point out whata nasty piece of work he is, because you will follow them around accusing them of supporting the rape of children.

Yeah, you sure wouldn't want to ruin the reputation of a child rapist!

Your concerns are duly noted.

I am concerned with the victims, myself, so we are just on completely opposite sides of this issue of child rape.
The point of it all is that until the jury comes back they are alleged rapists. If you cant get your head around that simple fact you have no place in an adult discussion.

No, in point of fact, they are either rapists or not.

THe "alleged rapists" is a legal term.

It does not actually have anything to do with reality.
Thats an illuminating stance. Perhaps we should just dispense with trials altogether and just string up people based on our prejudices ?
Is that how it works in the US ?

I was just NOT allowing you to use legal jargon to avoid the horror of what has occurred.

THe policies of your vile and decadent government has led to the rape of, at least, thousands of your nation's young white children.

Lawyers, cops, judges, they have, in court, good reason to use such terms.

A bunch of random people on an internet discussion forum? NOt so much.

It is telling how little you seem outraged about that.
Sure. And the fact that it limits the embarrassment of the government for it's policies leading to the rape ring, that is just a coincidence?

Which policies ?

Take your tin hat off you fucking moron. The JUDGE imposes the black out to ensure a fair trial. There is no government involvement.
Your stupidity on this thread underlines the validity of my OP. You understand NOTHING .

The policies we have discussed at great length many times before.

The Judge is part of the government and obviously has personally bought into supporting the Government's policies that lead to these atrocities, and will lead to many more.
So,using your forensic knowledge of the UK legal system...................
Explain to me what the Judge got wrong.
Which policies did he support ?
And is this Judge known for flouting human rights ?

THe Judge should not have jailed a reporter and had him so quickly processed, on a bullshit excuse in order to prevent the public from being informed of the details of the atrocities that your government immigration policy and culture of political correctness has caused.

Nor should he have issued a ban on Free Speech regarding the arrest of the reporter and his being a political prisoner.

And that Judge is now known for flouting human rights, certainly.

The dude isn't a "reporter", he's a freaking far right white power activist who was live Facebooking just outside of the court while a trial was going on, and naming names of defendants that didn't even exist, as well as put the trial in jeopardy of a mistrial, according to British law.

BTW.....................are you a British lawyer, and can you explain exactly how this is a violation of his rights? If you aren't, then you can't.

Another lefty more outraged over the reporters ties with racists groups, than the mass rape of children.
You have a link for that claim or are simply incapable of addressing his arguments forcing you to resort to kindergarten name calling?

You seem to lack an understanding of basic law not to mention what constitutes a journalist. Publicizing names of people on trial, who are not on trial, is not journalism for one, and has the dangerous possibility of creating innocent scapegoats and ruining reputations. It is either highly irresponsible or just one more manifestation of the football hooligan character that led him to join neonazi groups, form EDL and the UK chapter of Pergida. That is your hero, and god forbid anyone point out whata nasty piece of work he is, because you will follow them around accusing them of supporting the rape of children.

Yeah, you sure wouldn't want to ruin the reputation of a child rapist!

Your concerns are duly noted.

I am concerned with the victims, myself, so we are just on completely opposite sides of this issue of child rape.
The point of it all is that until the jury comes back they are alleged rapists. If you cant get your head around that simple fact you have no place in an adult discussion.

No, in point of fact, they are either rapists or not.

THe "alleged rapists" is a legal term.

It does not actually have anything to do with reality.
Thats an illuminating stance. Perhaps we should just dispense with trials altogether and just string up people based on our prejudices ?
Is that how it works in the US ?

I was just NOT allowing you to use legal jargon to avoid the horror of what has occurred.

THe policies of your vile and decadent government has led to the rape of, at least, thousands of your nation's young white children.

Lawyers, cops, judges, they have, in court, good reason to use such terms.

A bunch of random people on an internet discussion forum? NOt so much.

It is telling how little you seem outraged about that.
You are insane. What did the Judge get wrong ?

Do you not believe that we are entitled to a fair trial ?

To be honest I think we ll know the answer to that.

You dont even know the name of the judge that you are slagging off and you certainly dont understand why the drug dealing fraudster was sent down.

You are a fuckin joke mate.
Yeah, you sure wouldn't want to ruin the reputation of a child rapist!

Your concerns are duly noted.

I am concerned with the victims, myself, so we are just on completely opposite sides of this issue of child rape.
The point of it all is that until the jury comes back they are alleged rapists. If you cant get your head around that simple fact you have no place in an adult discussion.

No, in point of fact, they are either rapists or not.

THe "alleged rapists" is a legal term.

It does not actually have anything to do with reality.
Thats an illuminating stance. Perhaps we should just dispense with trials altogether and just string up people based on our prejudices ?
Is that how it works in the US ?

I was just NOT allowing you to use legal jargon to avoid the horror of what has occurred.

THe policies of your vile and decadent government has led to the rape of, at least, thousands of your nation's young white children.

Lawyers, cops, judges, they have, in court, good reason to use such terms.

A bunch of random people on an internet discussion forum? NOt so much.

It is telling how little you seem outraged about that.
You are insane. What did the Judge get wrong ?

Do you not believe that we are entitled to a fair trial ?

To be honest I think we ll know the answer to that.

You dont even know the name of the judge that you are slagging off and you certainly dont understand why the drug dealing fraudster was sent down.

You are a fuckin joke mate.

The Judge should allow reporters to report to the public, the cost of the horrific policies of your corrupt and decadent and oppressive government.

That is what the Judge got wrong.
The point of it all is that until the jury comes back they are alleged rapists. If you cant get your head around that simple fact you have no place in an adult discussion.

No, in point of fact, they are either rapists or not.

THe "alleged rapists" is a legal term.

It does not actually have anything to do with reality.
Thats an illuminating stance. Perhaps we should just dispense with trials altogether and just string up people based on our prejudices ?
Is that how it works in the US ?

I was just NOT allowing you to use legal jargon to avoid the horror of what has occurred.

THe policies of your vile and decadent government has led to the rape of, at least, thousands of your nation's young white children.

Lawyers, cops, judges, they have, in court, good reason to use such terms.

A bunch of random people on an internet discussion forum? NOt so much.

It is telling how little you seem outraged about that.
You are insane. What did the Judge get wrong ?

Do you not believe that we are entitled to a fair trial ?

To be honest I think we ll know the answer to that.

You dont even know the name of the judge that you are slagging off and you certainly dont understand why the drug dealing fraudster was sent down.

You are a fuckin joke mate.

The Judge should allow reporters to report to the public, the cost of the horrific policies of your corrupt and decadent and oppressive government.

That is what the Judge got wrong.
Journalists are allowed to report the crimes. But not during the trial. Why can you not see the problems that this causes ?
Why are you being so obtuse ?
The point of it all is that until the jury comes back they are alleged rapists. If you cant get your head around that simple fact you have no place in an adult discussion.

No, in point of fact, they are either rapists or not.

THe "alleged rapists" is a legal term.

It does not actually have anything to do with reality.
Thats an illuminating stance. Perhaps we should just dispense with trials altogether and just string up people based on our prejudices ?
Is that how it works in the US ?

I was just NOT allowing you to use legal jargon to avoid the horror of what has occurred.

THe policies of your vile and decadent government has led to the rape of, at least, thousands of your nation's young white children.

Lawyers, cops, judges, they have, in court, good reason to use such terms.

A bunch of random people on an internet discussion forum? NOt so much.

It is telling how little you seem outraged about that.
You are insane. What did the Judge get wrong ?

Do you not believe that we are entitled to a fair trial ?

To be honest I think we ll know the answer to that.

You dont even know the name of the judge that you are slagging off and you certainly dont understand why the drug dealing fraudster was sent down.

You are a fuckin joke mate.

The Judge should allow reporters to report to the public, the cost of the horrific policies of your corrupt and decadent and oppressive government.

That is what the Judge got wrong.
How have you managed to miss all the reporting on this that has been going for over a year?
No, in point of fact, they are either rapists or not.

THe "alleged rapists" is a legal term.

It does not actually have anything to do with reality.
Thats an illuminating stance. Perhaps we should just dispense with trials altogether and just string up people based on our prejudices ?
Is that how it works in the US ?

I was just NOT allowing you to use legal jargon to avoid the horror of what has occurred.

THe policies of your vile and decadent government has led to the rape of, at least, thousands of your nation's young white children.

Lawyers, cops, judges, they have, in court, good reason to use such terms.

A bunch of random people on an internet discussion forum? NOt so much.

It is telling how little you seem outraged about that.
You are insane. What did the Judge get wrong ?

Do you not believe that we are entitled to a fair trial ?

To be honest I think we ll know the answer to that.

You dont even know the name of the judge that you are slagging off and you certainly dont understand why the drug dealing fraudster was sent down.

You are a fuckin joke mate.

The Judge should allow reporters to report to the public, the cost of the horrific policies of your corrupt and decadent and oppressive government.

That is what the Judge got wrong.
How have you managed to miss all the reporting on this that has been going for over a year?
I suppose it depends where you get your information from ? The fact that the news of this even penetrates his parents basement surely invalidates his whine ?
yes, Tommy, we know.

The more you support Muslims raping children, the more virtuous you feel.

You have posted several hundred times on the matter and we all know how important is for you to keep up that steady sup[ply of "easy meat" for your buddies.
You have a link for that claim or are simply incapable of addressing his arguments forcing you to resort to kindergarten name calling?

You seem to lack an understanding of basic law not to mention what constitutes a journalist. Publicizing names of people on trial, who are not on trial, is not journalism for one, and has the dangerous possibility of creating innocent scapegoats and ruining reputations. It is either highly irresponsible or just one more manifestation of the football hooligan character that led him to join neonazi groups, form EDL and the UK chapter of Pergida. That is your hero, and god forbid anyone point out whata nasty piece of work he is, because you will follow them around accusing them of supporting the rape of children.

Yeah, you sure wouldn't want to ruin the reputation of a child rapist!

Your concerns are duly noted.

I am concerned with the victims, myself, so we are just on completely opposite sides of this issue of child rape.
The point of it all is that until the jury comes back they are alleged rapists. If you cant get your head around that simple fact you have no place in an adult discussion.

Alright then wouldn't that same way of thinking apply to Donald John Trump?

Sure he has been convicted in the media daily but where is the conviction by the courts?

See those like you love your innocent until proven guilty but only when it suits you...

Now as I have said before you are no different than the fools you complain about but you are so blinded by your hate for America that you can not see your own bigotry!
1. Yes, along with Hillary Clinton...right? If some so-called reporter claimed he was on trial for a crime I would say the same. There is however a much lower bar when it comes to private citizens vs public figures.

2. The media can convict him, as you guys did with Clinton, in their opinion pages and such...but if they stated he was on the docket for child rape and he wasnt, he could sue them because that is unambiguosly false.

I love America. That is qby I despise what you are doing to her.

What did I convict Hillary Clinton of?

Please provide in great detail of the many writings by me that have convicted Hillary Clinton of anything.

Have I called her stupid?


Did I say she was not worth voting for?

Sure did!

I also have said the same thing about Donald John Trump but I will be damn if you will accuse me of convicting someone because of media opinion!

If you like please feel free to show where I even supported the lock her up movement and let me bet you my banning that all you will find is me mocking them like I mocked birthers!

So before you lecture me Coyote remember who you are giving the lecture to because unlike the Trump supporting crew on here I have no political leaning and in fact I am very Liberal minded and you know this.

Hillary Clinton is guilty of being stupid and egotistical like her buddy Donald Trump and that is my opinion on that!

Also Coyote you don't like the way I have made America what it is today?

How the hell is it my fault that close minded voters keep on voting the same trash in over and over and the end result we end up with a damn Shock Jock for President and I am the cause of it?

Did you know I actually voted for Johnson but would have voted for Sanders had he been the Democratic choice?

Yeah, I would have voted for a Socialist last election but when the Democratic Party gave us Hillary as the choice, well no I will not vote for her!

Did not like her as First lady, nor as Senator and hated her as SoS, so there was no way I was voting for her or her buddy Donald John Trump!

So as you lecture me about how the media has covered her and found her guilty, well remember love unlike the usual partisan hacks I do not listen to Rush, watch Fox News or take the opinion of bloggers to heart...

My main news source is Al-Jazeera news because even with their bias opinion of Israel, well they are less slanted than many news sources in the States and my second source is usually the BBC and British rags...

So thank you for you opinion of how you believe you know my opinion when in fact you can hit the search button Trump and see that I hate him as much as I hated Obama or Hillary Clinton, wait you might discover I really despise the man and then you discover I am not the issue nor one of those that made you hate what you see in this country today...

Also look in the mirror and remember you might be part of the damn problem, so figure out how to be the solution or don't and just be like the OP'er and generalize about entire country because of the words of a few!
Last edited:
yes, Tommy, we know.

The more you support Muslims raping children, the more virtuous you feel.

You have posted several hundred times on the matter and we all know how important is for you to keep up that steady sup[ply of "easy meat" for your buddies.
You have a link for that claim or are simply incapable of addressing his arguments forcing you to resort to kindergarten name calling?

You seem to lack an understanding of basic law not to mention what constitutes a journalist. Publicizing names of people on trial, who are not on trial, is not journalism for one, and has the dangerous possibility of creating innocent scapegoats and ruining reputations. It is either highly irresponsible or just one more manifestation of the football hooligan character that led him to join neonazi groups, form EDL and the UK chapter of Pergida. That is your hero, and god forbid anyone point out whata nasty piece of work he is, because you will follow them around accusing them of supporting the rape of children.

Yeah, you sure wouldn't want to ruin the reputation of a child rapist!

Your concerns are duly noted.

I am concerned with the victims, myself, so we are just on completely opposite sides of this issue of child rape.
The point of it all is that until the jury comes back they are alleged rapists. If you cant get your head around that simple fact you have no place in an adult discussion.

Alright then wouldn't that same way of thinking apply to Donald John Trump?

Sure he has been convicted in the media daily but where is the conviction by the courts?

See those like you love your innocent until proven guilty but only when it suits you...

Now as I have said before you are no different than the fools you complain about but you are so blinded by your hate for America that you can not see your own bigotry!

No it wouldnt be the same at all and I cant really join the two examples together.
In the one corner you have people on trial charged with serious offences.
On the other hand you have a thin skinned child who is upset that people say nasty things about him.

The right to a fair trial is the cornerstone of democracy, certainly in the UK. It goes back to Magna Carta when the people sought to curb the tyranny of the state. When that goes you have nothing.

So when a little roach like Yaxley Lennon tries to disrupt the process he is only going to one place.

Do you agree that a fair trial is a right that everyone should have ?

Everyone should have a fair trial, but I damn well know you do not practice what you preach!

You convict someone quickly on public opinion as the next person, and I will bet you would convict Trump and have convicted already before he ever would see the inside the courtroom.

I usually wait for the conviction before I convict the individual and even then I prefer to read and see the evidence.

Also you have convicted half of America based on ignorant views on this board, again I offer my evidence you are a close minded fool that never practice what he preaches.

If you have not written so many times your bias opinion, well then maybe I could be sway to say Tommy is open minded and would never convict people based on public opinion but alas you are that type that would!

Should everyone have a right to a fair trial?


Now the question should be is what do you consider to be a fair trial and my bet is you will give the same close minded nonsense many like you do from left to right!

If you want things to be fair in life then start practicing what you preach!

Also you already know or should know that life is not fair nor will it ever be fair no matter how much you wish for it because humans never play fair in life!
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Observations on the USMB over two years have led me to this.

There seems to be two Americas.

One is educated. Well read,well travelled and able to discern propaganda from fact. They are slightly left leaning and have decent liberal values.

The other America is uneducated, they drink up fake news as if it tastes of nectar. They have probably only been abroad with a gun in their hand. They are stupid,they have failed in life and they need someone to blame for it.
Gays,Blacks,Muslims,NFL players, Parkland survivors, its a growing list.

Which leads me to the absolute sshite that I see posted on this site about Europe in general and the UK in particular.

When I joined this board I was told that Europe was "gone". We were all being poisoned by halal burgers and sentenced to death by sharia courts for entering no go zones in all of our big cities.

Puzzling to one who lives here.

Then there was the faux outrage over London electing a Mayor who was "shock horror" a muslim.
M Khan is not to my taste but he is an affable character who is as westernised as any loon would want.

Then we come to poor Alfie Evans whose dying body was exploited by nutters who have no shame at all. Government death squads at work I was told,

Bit of a shock to me. I have a basic understanding of UK civics and I could not discern a direct line from Alder Hey to Downing St.And yet fuckwits a thousand miles away could work it all out on the basis of a few breitbart articles written by partisan hacks.

And on we go to Stephen Yaxley Lennon. Over here he iss seen as a drug dealing football hooligan/ fraudster. A neo nazi from the violent fringes of the UK underclass.Over in the states he is seen by some nuts as a modern day Robin Hood, saving white virgins from evil mooslims.

Again, the vacuous spout their ignorance of British law by trying to concoct a conspiracy theory that has no basis in fact.

I may be a bit late coming to the party but I have realised that lack of knowledge is not an issue for these shit kickers. They dont need to know anything and in fact they cant be arsed to fill in the vast canyons of emptiness in their knowledge banks.

That is because their concerns are 100% about the US.

Shit US healthcare = Look at Alfie
Crazy US gun laws = Someone got shot in London
Immigration = Lets not import rape gangs

It really does make me weary readng all this ignorant shite.
Dems are racist.
Blacks are violent.
Muslims are rapists.
Gays are paedos.

On and on it goes.

My sympathies are with my American friends and those educated individuals on this board. It cant be easy having to deal with this level of dumb every day.

I'm very well educated. I've lived in England and traveled all over Europe. After decades of careful observations I have come to some conclusions.

Left wingers are never as smart as they think they are and Right Wingers are never a dumb as the Left Wingers think that they are.

White Liberals believe that they are superior to mainstream white people…..which makes Liberals a form of White Supremacist. It's just like how the Nazis thought they were superior to other Europeans.

Liberals profess to be against racism, bigotry, prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination, but those are their favorite activities.

Liberals demand higher taxes, but they take all of their tax deductions

Liberals hate rich people, unless they are rich themselves.

Democrat Voters believe that they are being exploited by rich white racist, and they are correct, but it’s rich white Democrat politicians

Left Wingers invert victims and villains.

Liberals are totally blind to obvious media bias.
Sunniman is as dumb as he appears! I have yet to find a lib that dumb yet. I am sure it is just around the corner there is plenty of stupid to go around!

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