2 Black thugz beat to death 88 yr old WWII Vet

Well I guess it's time some white folks put a bounty on the heads of these ******* a la the Zimmerman case.

Ooops...or would it be racism because it's whites threatening these vicious animals?
Guess why this will remain a local story... Something tells me obama won't speak out even if a member of the greatest generation gets murdered by "teens".. Can't score any political points.

WWII vet, beaten by teens outside Eagles Lodge, dies | Spokane/E. WA - KXLY.com

Photos of homicide suspects | KXLY.com - Spokane/E. WA

Wow! I'll bet Jesse really really frowns upon this incident of racist black murderers having a little fun.

frowningis such a harsh word! :lol::lol:
Guess why this will remain a local story... Something tells me obama won't speak out even if a member of the greatest generation gets murdered by "teens".. Can't score any political points.

WWII vet, beaten by teens outside Eagles Lodge, dies | Spokane/E. WA - KXLY.com

Photos of homicide suspects | KXLY.com - Spokane/E. WA


It it also trending on twitter.
He was SAVAGELY and BRUTALLY murdered.. More details:
Police: Arrest Made In Beating Death Of 88-Year-Old WWII Vet « CBS Seattle

elton was found by police with serious head injuries and died in the hospital Thursday.

Belton’s daughter-in-law tells KREM-TV that the suspects beat him with flashlights.

“They used those great big heavy flashlights,” Bobbie Belton said. “The doctors said he was bleeding from all parts of his face.”

Spokane Police say they have surveillance images of the attackers.
I simply can not fathom what would possess ANYONE to treat an old man the way these two animals treated this gentleman. And then, I am reminded of a murder that took place in Kansas City Missouri many years back where a man, coming from a McDonalds with a hamburger, was murdered for his food.

I don't care for "knee-jerk" responses to this sort of savagery, but in this case I could make an exception. These two animals (and they ARE animals) should be taken to the public square and hung.

And, I'm waiting for Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to pop up and tell us that this is "somehow the white mans fault for these two "brothers" who had no choice but to strike out against whitey"

There are days (and this is one of them) when I am positive that the "American experiment" has failed miserably. I'll probably be over it tomorrow, but right now I'm just very sad....
I dont see why their race is relevant to this atrocity. Let the men be brought to justice regardless of their skin color.
How much longer before there is some kind of explosion?

When I was a girl the closest thing to a drug addict was the little bored housewife on Milltowns. Even in high school, there was no such thing as street drugs here. In a few years, drugs were just in the city, now they are everywhere. The same will occur with gangs. People who live where I live are so far removed from something like that they can't even comprehend. We get an occasional drifter who will come through and commit a horrendous crime, but no gangs. That will change just like the street drug thing did.
Well, I hope some soldier catches these punks, and will put the fear o' God into their souls before they are put away for the remainder of their lives. This man survived the hells of WWII but is taken down by a pair of low life black kids. Am I racist for saying the black kids are low lifes? No. I am being factual.

Liberals think nothing of it. Of course not, nobody in the DNC thinks of it when it doesn't play along with their narrative.

Please..let me help here. I am black. These thugs are gutter trash who, will most likely end up dead in some gutter. They are animals who would take on an old man because he is an easy target.

No, whites are NOT racist for pointing out the obvious. If they were White and the Vet was black, the same would apply.

Stupid Liberals.

Except for the "stupid Liberals" part, I agree. It's not like "the Black community" is holding up scumbags like those perpetrators as "heroes". In my opinion, they receive the same disdain from all DECENT people ,from all different sides of the racial and political spectrum.
I want the black community to shame this kind of behavior like the white community shames our people that hurt others.

SHAME on the Black community for not condemning this kind of Animal, savage behavior.

So, when my family asks me "why would a black guy live way the hell up in nowhere Montana" I tell them about instances like this.

This country is riding a hell-bound train...headlong into disaster.

You are Black and you are condemning it, I am part Black and a Liberal and I am certainly condemning it. Do you really think that "the Blacks" need to have some stupid march to condemn the behavior of those less than animal scumbags? Really?
Maybe they should just interview some Black people and ask them what they think about what those bastards did to an 88 year old man, person, regardless of his WW2 service. The fact that they could do that to ANYBODY is pretty horrific.
May WWII veteran Delbert Belton Rest in Peace.

God knows he didn't deserve to die like that. :(

Only one of our self proclaimed blacks has thanked the above post.

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