2 Black thugz beat to death 88 yr old WWII Vet

May WWII veteran Delbert Belton Rest in Peace.

God knows he didn't deserve to die like that. :(

Only one of our self proclaimed blacks has thanked the above post.

007 (Yesterday), Connery (Yesterday), HereWeGoAgain (Today), LadyGunSlinger (Yesterday), Pheonixops (Today), RandallFlagg (Today), Sunshine (Today), Unkotare (Today)

I guess not thanking a post on a message board translates to them not caring. :cuckoo:
I simply can not fathom what would possess ANYONE to treat an old man the way these two animals treated this gentleman. And then, I am reminded of a murder that took place in Kansas City Missouri many years back where a man, coming from a McDonalds with a hamburger, was murdered for his food.

I don't care for "knee-jerk" responses to this sort of savagery, but in this case I could make an exception. These two animals (and they ARE animals) should be taken to the public square and hung.

And, I'm waiting for Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to pop up and tell us that this is "somehow the white mans fault for these two "brothers" who had no choice but to strike out against whitey"

There are days (and this is one of them) when I am positive that the "American experiment" has failed miserably. I'll probably be over it tomorrow, but right now I'm just very sad....

Please let us know when this happens; I'll be the first to call them assholes.
I am getting fed up with whitey getting in stand offs with the Police. What can you do?

I don't believe you. I don't believe you are fed up with something that is incredibly rare.

Not in Spokane. It has happened a lot lately.
We just had two all day one stand offs in the last week and a half.

Standoffs are generally some mentally ill person with OCD who can't accept some event that occurred in his life. Maybe if mental health care was a little better in your area, these wouldn't happen so frequently.
More race-baiting from the fringe right tea bags.

Yep. The attack had nothing to do with race. The victim's niece said he was targeted because of his age and size (he was only around 5 feet tall). The press said it was a random attack.

The perpetrators were black, yes. And the element of violence among black males is an issue, but this was not a racially motivated crime.

We need to address why we have a problem with violence throughout the US, in general. It's a violent country. Obviously having lots of guns and putting slews of people in prison isn't fixing the problem.
May WWII veteran Delbert Belton Rest in Peace.

God knows he didn't deserve to die like that. :(

Only one of our self proclaimed blacks has thanked the above post.

007 (Yesterday), Connery (Yesterday), HereWeGoAgain (Today), LadyGunSlinger (Yesterday), Pheonixops (Today), RandallFlagg (Today), Sunshine (Today), Unkotare (Today)

I guess not thanking a post on a message board translates to them not caring. :cuckoo:

And Facebook and Twitter are national news outlets! You are really stupid. But that point has been made numerous times already. When do you go back to school? You can't be any farther along than 6th grade.
More race-baiting from the fringe right tea bags.

Yep. The attack had nothing to do with race. The victim's niece said he was targeted because of his age and size (he was only around 5 feet tall). The press said it was a random attack.

The perpetrators were black, yes. And the element of violence among black males is an issue, but this was not a racially motivated crime.

We need to address why we have a problem with violence throughout the US, in general. It's a violent country. Obviously having lots of guns and putting slews of people in prison isn't fixing the problem.

You know that because you are their godmother or something.
Only one of our self proclaimed blacks has thanked the above post.

I guess not thanking a post on a message board translates to them not caring. :cuckoo:

And Facebook and Twitter are national news outlets! You are really stupid. But that point has been made numerous times already. When do you go back to school? You can't be any farther along than 6th grade.

While listing those I also listed two national news site. I think the stupid one, is the one who can't follow a thread. In my opinion.

And there you go making assumptions about me. What a loser you are.
I dont see why their race is relevant to this atrocity.

Consider the fact that the last 3 major reported incidents were Black on White crimes. Shit...ever since the George Zimmerman verdict, Black on White crime has increased in frequency.

I don't believe you. I don't believe you are fed up with something that is incredibly rare.

Not in Spokane. It has happened a lot lately.
We just had two all day one stand offs in the last week and a half.

Standoffs are generally some mentally ill person with OCD who can't accept some event that occurred in his life. Maybe if mental health care was a little better in your area, these wouldn't happen so frequently.

Or we could so something about the drug problem among white people.
I wonder if this is why black people are so disparate to get white people disarmed?
I wonder if this is why black people are so disparate to get white people disarmed?

What Black people " are so disparate to get white people disarmed"? I'm Liberal and part Black and I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and most likely have a more open attitude towards the Second Amendment than many so-called conservatives and Second Amendment supporters.
They have identified the second suspect, should be a matter of time before he is caught.
I wonder if this is why black people are so disparate to get white people disarmed?

You know, it's bad enough to misspell words, but when you misspell a word so badly that it becomes a totally different word...your communication skills begin to go down the toilet.

"Disparate" means that something is totally dissimilar, or different. "They had disparate ways of thinking."

The word you are looking for is "desperate."
More race-baiting from the fringe right tea bags.

Yep. The attack had nothing to do with race. The victim's niece said he was targeted because of his age and size (he was only around 5 feet tall). The press said it was a random attack.

The perpetrators were black, yes. And the element of violence among black males is an issue, but this was not a racially motivated crime.

We need to address why we have a problem with violence throughout the US, in general. It's a violent country. Obviously having lots of guns and putting slews of people in prison isn't fixing the problem.

Sure it is. Violent crime is on a downward trend.

US crime rate at lowest point in decades. Why America is safer now. - CSMonitor.com

FBI ? Violent Crime

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This is a real hate crime.

You leftist are going to say it is ok as blacks can do no wrong within your eyes. You can bet you'd have a 5,000 post thread about the evils of whites if this was the other way around.

You people sicken me.
This is a real hate crime.

You leftist are going to say it is ok as blacks can do no wrong within your eyes. You can bet you'd have a 5,000 post thread about the evils of whites if this was the other way around.

You people sicken me.

Pretty much any violent crime is a hate crime.

Who is saying, " it is ok as blacks can do no wrong within your eyes." ? Show me one "leftist" on this thread that is saying such a thing. Show me one self identified Black person on this thread saying such a thing.

I don't care what color the perpetrator or victim is; right is right and wrong is wrong. What those scumbags did was WRONG. Why does it seem that you are "missing" the posts from "leftists" on this thread stating that it was a heinous crime?

Who is "you people", the "you people" who aren't members of this board and are not participating in this thread?

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