2 Black thugz beat to death 88 yr old WWII Vet

How about OJ?

I did not pay any attention to the Anthony trial or hoopla so I have no opinion one way or the other, other then to note that after a trial a JURY decided she was not guilty of the charges.

As for OJ I watched that trial. The prosecution failed to prove any point they attempted to make and the evidence clearly showed that in that trial OJ did not kill his x wife or Goldman.

The only reason the civil trial went differently is because the judge refused to let the defense present the theory that he was set up by the cops ( which he clearly was).

He didn't kill his wife? Did you read his book? He pretty much admitted to killing them. Dude is a sociopath. Yeah, the prosecution messed up, along with Mark Furhman. Only reason why he got off, plus an awesome legal team.
You, and maybe five other people think he is innocent.
How much do you wanna bet that these two thugs have a prior record?

These guys beat him, and did not use a gun. Guns aren't the problem, thugs are, and our joke of a justice system that lets them roam the streets picking off innocent people.
So how many more whites have to be SHOT IN THE BACK FOR FUN, and elderly, defenseless hero's BEATEN TO DEATH by BLACK ANIMALS before the shit really hits the fan and we have an all out race war?

I think blacks and whites are complete and total polar opposites, and living together just doesn't appear to be working out. Maybe if blacks HATE us CREEPY ASS CRACKAS so bad, we can start offering them free tickets back to AFRICA. Go back to living in mud huts and chucking spears at each other. Looks as though that's what they're best suited for.

Maybe you need to calm down a little.
Simply not true.

You wasted no time in this thread comparing the crime to Zimmerman, now did you? Claiming that Martin was the victim and unfairly criticized as a thug. Which of course ignores the Jury verdict which found Zimmerman INNOCENT because of self defense. How does one defend themselves against an innocent 12 year old? And win in a trial in open court on self defense?

How does a woman kill her child and get off? Zimmerman could be innocent but a trial doesn't prove they were actually innocent. Shit! If he had been convicted he could have still been innocent.

There is no possibility of Zimmerman ever being proven innocent to libtards like you. The ideological need for you bastards to attack SYG laws over-rides any concern or consideration of Zimmerman's actual guilt or innocence, of which you could not give a shit.
Do you think Casey Anthony was innocent?

Under US law they are innocent until proven guilty. So yes a Jury agreed they are innocent.

Do you think she is innocent? Or are you too scared to answer?

Innocent or not the jury who heard the evidence from pro legal minds determined that the evidence was insufficient, no matter who quick the press is to hang people in the press prior to trial.
We need to go back to having swift trials and public hangings in order to put some fear into these thugs roaming the streets.

Our justice system is a joke, and that's why these thugs are running wild without any fear of reprisal.
Blacks kill white? That won't make national news. But let a Hispanic defend himself from a black and kill in self defense and Obama will be telling us he coulda been his son.

Yep it has, it's all over Fox and Fox is international, this combined with the cold blooded murder of the white Australian gives black parents a big PR problem.

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