2 Disney employees sue over visa hirings


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Disney using cheap labor to feather their bottom dollar. And what party is it that's looking after the middle class. It's certainly not the dems.

Two former Walt Disney World tech employees filed federal lawsuits against the company Monday, accusing it and two outsourcing firms of conspiring to replace workers with less costly foreign ones using H-1B visas.
The lawsuits were filed in federal court, in the Middle District of Florida, by Leo Perrero and Dena Moore, who were among 250 Disney tech workers laid off about a year ago. The lawsuits seek class-action status.
Defendants include HCL Inc. and Cognizant Technologies.
Sara Blackwell, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said the lawsuits aim to "kick them [outsourcing companies] at their business model, to stop them from systemically abusing the immigration system."


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