2 France air craft deverted. One to SLC Sketchy. could be anything


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
2 Paris-bound flights from US received phoned in bomb threats after take off, Air France confirms - @MikeDelMoro

abc in confirming the threat. Apparently phoned in.
2 Paris-bound flights from US received phoned in bomb threats after take off, Air France confirms - @MikeDelMoro

abc in confirming the threat. Apparently phoned in.

Everyone will be jumping at shadows for awhile. Hoaxes will be called into to cause panic.

This is life when you live with terrorism. Oh, for the good old days sadly gone.
It wouldn't take much. Someone goes into a bathroom with a back pack, pulls out another backpack or bag, fills it with something with a bit of weight and adds a couple of wires, just barely poking out from the top or puts in a loud watch or clock ticking. Leaves it under the sink and reports a ticking noise to the stewards. Pilot calls in an emergency and lands the plane.

Almost any unclaimed or unidentified bag or package can be assumed as a danger.
Way to early to know anything for sure but as previous poster pointed out terrorist don't generally phone in bomb threats. Seems like a hoax but lets wait for more information.

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