2 Gay Italian Designers Slam Elton John's "Synthetic Babies"

The fact that you believe gays raising children is something "new" is frankly astonishing. Gays have been raising children for an aburdly long time. Denying them marriage doesn't suddenly make these kids have a mother and father, it only denies their parents a marriage.
How has your marriage been gutted now that gays are marrying? Be specific.

We are talking about how all children over time are "gutted", not adult heteros already married. How children are "gutted" by homosexual marriage


How are 'all children' gutted by homosexuals marrying?

And what the hell do you mean by 'gutted'- is this some weird allegory- or do you think that all children are literally having their guts removed?

Well see that's the thing, when you half-quote someone, you leave the answer to your question out.

Here, read up: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The fact that you believe gays raising children is something "new" is frankly astonishing. Gays have been raising children for an aburdly long time. Denying them marriage doesn't suddenly make these kids have a mother and father, it only denies their parents a marriage.
How has your marriage been gutted now that gays are marrying? Be specific.

We are talking about how all children over time are "gutted", not adult heteros already married. How children are "gutted" by homosexual marriage


How are 'all children' gutted by homosexuals marrying?

And what the hell do you mean by 'gutted'- is this some weird allegory- or do you think that all children are literally having their guts removed?

Well see that's the thing, when you half-quote someone, you leave the answer to your question out.


How are 'all children' gutted by homosexuals marrying?

And what the hell do you mean by 'gutted'- is this some weird allegory- or do you think that all children are literally having their guts removed?
The fact that you believe gays raising children is something "new" is frankly astonishing. Gays have been raising children for an aburdly long time. Denying them marriage doesn't suddenly make these kids have a mother and father, it only denies their parents a marriage.
How has your marriage been gutted now that gays are marrying? Be specific.

We are talking about how all children over time are "gutted", not adult heteros already married. How children are "gutted" by homosexual marriage


How are 'all children' gutted by homosexuals marrying?

And what the hell do you mean by 'gutted'- is this some weird allegory- or do you think that all children are literally having their guts removed?

Well see that's the thing, when you half-quote someone, you leave the answer to your question out.

Here, read up: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So you can't be specific about how gays marrying "guts" YOUR marriage. That's what I thought.

The Prince's Trust does not say any of the nonsense you claim it does.
So you can't be specific about how gays marrying "guts" YOUR marriage. That's what I thought.

The Prince's Trust does not say any of the nonsense you claim it does.

My marriage has nothing to do with the concerns of this thread. This thread is about four gay men all of whom had a mother AND father, fighting about whether or not kids have a right to a mother AND father. Two of the gay men are for the word "marriage". Two are for redacting it in a brand new social experiment where their boys will be raised to view women as womb-machines, not deserving of reverence or regard or importance beyond that function.

I'd call that backsliding socially.
So you can't be specific about how gays marrying "guts" YOUR marriage. That's what I thought.

The Prince's Trust does not say any of the nonsense you claim it does.

My marriage has nothing to do with the concerns of this thread. This thread is about four gay men all of whom had a mother AND father, fighting about whether or not kids have a right to a mother AND father.

And if you deny marriage to same sex parents, do their children magically have opposite sex parents?

Of course not. Denying marriage has nothing to do with the issue of same sex parenting. As same sex parenting happens regardless of marriage.

Two of the gay men are for the word "marriage". Two are for redacting it in a brand new social experiment where their boys will be raised to view women as womb-machines, not deserving of reverence or regard or importance beyond that function.

And how would denying them marriage in any way prevent them from using a surrogate to have children?

Again your 'problem' (same sex parenting) has nothing to do with your 'solution' (denying 'same sex marriage'). As the former exists even if the latter doesn't.

And there's nothing new about same sex parents.
How would denying polygamists marriage benefit their kids? How would denying brother and sisters to marry benefit their kids? How would denying monosexuals (single parents) the benefits of marriage benefit their kids?

It's all or nothing. Either marriage means as it always has structurally man/woman, father/mother or it doesn't mean that at all. "marriage equality" dictates that nobody of any age, number or blood relation be denied either.

You would say those other examples are not the same. But you would be then saying that marriage is a privelege for only some. And you are right. So who sets the standard for priveleges that some are denied of? That would be the majority in the sovereign states. Not for 5 people in DC to arbitrarily decree like kings and queens.
How would denying polygamists marriage benefit their kids? How would denying brother and sisters to marry benefit their kids? How would denying monosexuals (single parents) the benefits of marriage benefit their kids?

It's all or nothing. Either marriage means as it always has structurally man/woman, father/mother or it doesn't mean that at all. "marriage equality" dictates that nobody of any age, number or blood relation be denied either.

You would say those other examples are not the same. But you would be then saying that marriage is a privelege for only some. And you are right. So who sets the standard for priveleges that some are denied of? That would be the majority in the sovereign states. Not for 5 people in DC to arbitrarily decree like kings and queens.

FFS, why do you insist on calling single parents monosexuals? It makes no sense.

And marriage has not always meant the same thing. Marriage laws have changed over time and been different depending on the particular nation or culture involved.

But hey, don't let any of that get in the way of another of your rants!
I see the Gaystapo ...

Do not misuse the german history for your political propaganda. Indeed murdered the Nazis about 4000 homosexual and transgender human beings - on the other side were lots of Nazis homosexuals themselve. And not everyone who was categorized as a "homosexual" from the Nazis was indeed homosexual.

In general I don't have any sympathy for everyone who tries to produce human beings like machines and is using for this process other human beings like machines. It's one of the worst forms of slavery to pay poor women for the fruits of their bodies.

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How would denying polygamists marriage benefit their kids? How would denying brother and sisters to marry benefit their kids? How would denying monosexuals (single parents) the benefits of marriage benefit their kids?

It's all or nothing. Either marriage means as it always has structurally man/woman, father/mother or it doesn't mean that at all. "marriage equality" dictates that nobody of any age, number or blood relation be denied either.

You would say those other examples are not the same. But you would be then saying that marriage is a privelege for only some. And you are right. So who sets the standard for priveleges that some are denied of? That would be the majority in the sovereign states. Not for 5 people in DC to arbitrarily decree like kings and queens.

FFS, why do you insist on calling single parents monosexuals? It makes no sense.

And marriage has not always meant the same thing. Marriage laws have changed over time and been different depending on the particular nation or culture involved.

But hey, don't let any of that get in the way of another of your rants!

So you saying that marraige has its limits. Who decides them then? 5 kings and queens in DC or the discreet communities within the separate sovereign states? Want a hint? Read this OP: Lifestyle-Marriage Equality Slugout State Authority vs Federal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
How would denying polygamists marriage benefit their kids? How would denying brother and sisters to marry benefit their kids? How would denying monosexuals (single parents) the benefits of marriage benefit their kids?

Why you can't you answer a simple question about the topic of your thread: the children of gay parents?

Simple: you know that denying marriage to same sex parents does NOTHING to benefit these children. And as the courts have established in elaborate descriptions in Windsor. v. US, denying marriage to same sex parents causes severe harm to these children.

So no benefit and severe harm. Why would we EVER deny marriage to same sex parents?

You have no answer. And as 44 of 46 federal rulings overturning same sex marriage bans demonstrates, neither do the courts.
So you saying that marraige has its limits. Who decides them then? 5 kings and queens in DC or the discreet communities within the separate sovereign states? Want a hint? Read this OP: Lifestyle-Marriage Equality Slugout State Authority vs Federal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Silo, try as you may......constitutional guarantees do not disappear just because they are inconvenient to your argument. Constitutional guarantees trump state laws. You despise this idea. But its true none the less. When the States violate the constitutional guarantees, the federal judiciary can and will intervene and prevent it.

And as the 14th amendment makes ludicrously clear, that's exactly what is supposed to happen. The States do not have the authority to violate constitutional guarantees. Thus. there is no authority possessed by the States that is abrogated by the intervention by the federal judiciary to protect rights.
Well I think it's significant (keeping with the title of the thread which you are loathe to do when it doesn't support your agenda) that two flaming gay Italian designers are standing firm on believing that their childhood of having a mother and father in the home was the best environment. And that Elton John and his guy pal David Furnish who also had mother/father homes, believe it's "hateful" that other gays would object to the experiment they are performing with the young boys in their home who they are depriving of a mother "as married".
Well I think it's significant (keeping with the title of the thread which you are loathe to do when it doesn't support your agenda) that two flaming gay Italian designers are standing firm on believing that their childhood of having a mother and father in the home was the best environment. And that Elton John and his guy pal David Furnish who also had mother/father homes, believe it's "hateful" that other gays would object to the experiment they are performing with the young boys in their home who they are depriving of a mother "as married".

And if you deny marriage to same sex parents.....do their children magically have opposite sex parents?


So much for 'significance'. I think the word you were looking for was 'irrelevance'.
"2 Gay Italian Designers Slam Elton John's "Synthetic Babies""

Which reaffirms the fact there is no 'gay agenda,' no 'gay activists,' that gay persons are just as diverse in thought and opinion as everyone else – that indeed gay individuals are no different than anyone else.
Well I think it's significant (keeping with the title of the thread which you are loathe to do when it doesn't support your agenda) that two flaming gay Italian designers are standing firm on believing that their childhood of having a mother and father in the home was the best environment. And that Elton John and his guy pal David Furnish who also had mother/father homes, believe it's "hateful" that other gays would object to the experiment they are performing with the young boys in their home who they are depriving of a mother "as married".

Wasn't it calling the children synthetic that was considered hateful?
"2 Gay Italian Designers Slam Elton John's "Synthetic Babies""

Which reaffirms the fact there is no 'gay agenda,' no 'gay activists,' that gay persons are just as diverse in thought and opinion as everyone else – that indeed gay individuals are no different than anyone else.
If you see the efforts to silence these two, you'll see why it's a cult and that there is in fact an agenda. Cult members who speak out when the group "goes too far" are quickly brought back to heel by overt humiliation and harsher tactics if necessary. That is exactly what was done to the two Italians who spoke up for the word "marriage" and its integrity on behalf of kids. They were SLAMMED with criticism, THREATENED to be boycotted.

That's how cults work..
"2 Gay Italian Designers Slam Elton John's "Synthetic Babies""

Which reaffirms the fact there is no 'gay agenda,' no 'gay activists,' that gay persons are just as diverse in thought and opinion as everyone else – that indeed gay individuals are no different than anyone else.
If you see the efforts to silence these two, you'll see why it's a cult and that there is in fact an agenda. Cult members who speak out when the group "goes too far" are quickly brought back to heel by overt humiliation and harsher tactics if necessary. That is exactly what was done to the two Italians who spoke up for the word "marriage" and its integrity on behalf of kids. They were SLAMMED with criticism, THREATENED to be boycotted.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that 'cult' is all in your head.
"2 Gay Italian Designers Slam Elton John's "Synthetic Babies""

Which reaffirms the fact there is no 'gay agenda,' no 'gay activists,' that gay persons are just as diverse in thought and opinion as everyone else – that indeed gay individuals are no different than anyone else.
If you see the efforts to silence these two, you'll see why it's a cult and that there is in fact an agenda. Cult members who speak out when the group "goes too far" are quickly brought back to heel by overt humiliation and harsher tactics if necessary. That is exactly what was done to the two Italians who spoke up for the word "marriage" and its integrity on behalf of kids. They were SLAMMED with criticism, THREATENED to be boycotted.

That's how cults work..

That is how cults work? They criticize and threaten boycotts? :lol:
"2 Gay Italian Designers Slam Elton John's "Synthetic Babies""

Which reaffirms the fact there is no 'gay agenda,' no 'gay activists,' that gay persons are just as diverse in thought and opinion as everyone else – that indeed gay individuals are no different than anyone else.
If you see the efforts to silence these two, you'll see why it's a cult and that there is in fact an agenda. Cult members who speak out when the group "goes too far" are quickly brought back to heel by overt humiliation and harsher tactics if necessary. That is exactly what was done to the two Italians who spoke up for the word "marriage" and its integrity on behalf of kids. They were SLAMMED with criticism, THREATENED to be boycotted.

That's how cults work..

You are as delusional about 'cults' as you are about everything else.

Still waiting for you to explain how denying marriage to two homosexual parents helps their children.

Or maybe you can tell us about wolves and chickens who parent humans again....that is always good for a laugh.
"2 Gay Italian Designers Slam Elton John's "Synthetic Babies""

Which reaffirms the fact there is no 'gay agenda,' no 'gay activists,' that gay persons are just as diverse in thought and opinion as everyone else – that indeed gay individuals are no different than anyone else.
If you see the efforts to silence these two, you'll see why it's a cult and that there is in fact an agenda. Cult members who speak out when the group "goes too far" are quickly brought back to heel by overt humiliation and harsher tactics if necessary. That is exactly what was done to the two Italians who spoke up for the word "marriage" and its integrity on behalf of kids. They were SLAMMED with criticism, THREATENED to be boycotted.

That's how cults work..

That is how cults work? They criticize and threaten boycotts? :lol:

That would mean that the Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist Church among others would be cults- at least by Silhouette's perverted logic.

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