2 Gay Italian Designers Slam Elton John's "Synthetic Babies"

Lie and falsify. That is the motto of the anti gay croud
They've lost on every front it's really becoming pathetic.
Gay people can have children.
And it is war. It doesn't have to be, but your side insisted. Enjoy your loss.
"Oh, lay down and take it or you get what you deserve"...said the rapist...
Stop tying up my state and raping her ability to self-govern.
"Oh, lay down and take it or you get what you deserve"...said the rapist...
Stop tying up my state and raping her ability to self-govern.

Um, a lesbian couple having kids isn't 'raping' you. Your analogies are becoming as irrelevant as they are shrilly hysteric.
Lie and falsify. That is the motto of the anti gay croud
They've lost on every front it's really becoming pathetic.
Gay people can have children.
And it is war. It doesn't have to be, but your side insisted. Enjoy your loss.
"Oh, lay down and take it or you get what you deserve"...said the rapist...
Stop tying up my state and raping her ability to self-govern.

Lesbians having and rearing children is exactly like rape. lol.

Here's what inevitable said:

"Gay people can have children.
And it is war. It doesn't have to be, but your side insisted. Enjoy your loss."

When the discussion here is about two gay Italians who support vocally a child's right to a mother and father. The loss isn't actually mine since I grew up with a mother and father in the married home I lived in. So did Elton John and his "husband" David Furnish. The psychological-loss is to the untold numbers of children into the future if the neo-experiment using kids as psychological lab rats is federally-forced upon the states as a protected institution.
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Here's what inevitable said:

"Gay people can have children.
And it is war. It doesn't have to be, but your side insisted. Enjoy your loss."

When the discussion here is about two gay Italians who support vocally a child's right to a mother and father. The loss isn't actually mine since I grew up with a mother and father in the married home I lived in. So did Elton John and his "husband" David Furnish. The loss is untold numbers into the future if the neo-experiment using kids as psychological lab rats is federally-forced upon the states as a protected institution.

Then why compare a lesbian couple having a kid with you being raped?

That has to one of the most melodramatically irrelevant analogies I've ever seen.
Wow "inevitable" missed that call by a country mile.. :lmao:

There is little difference between what you advocate and what Hitler advocated.

There- that is a statement as ignorant as yours.

Well the Italians who are gay themselves are advocating a traditional mother/father marriage that they and you and Elton John and David Furnish all enjoyed when they were kids. Why subject children to your neo-experiment? They can't vote. Someone has to speak up for their best interests here..

There is little difference between what you advocate and what Hitler advocated.

There- that is a statement as ignorant as yours.
So are we changing the subject now because you two don't want to discuss the two gay Italian fashion guys advocating a traditional mother/father marriage on behalf of children?
So are we changing the subject now because you two don't want to discuss the two gay Italian fashion guys advocating a traditional mother/father marriage on behalf of children?

LOL.....how funny from the queen of the strawmen.
So you don't want to talk about two famous gay men asserting their beliefs that children need both a mother and a father; like they had. Like everybody had, statistically.
Lie and falsify. That is the motto of the anti gay croud
They've lost on every front it's really becoming pathetic.
Gay people can have children.
And it is war. It doesn't have to be, but your side insisted. Enjoy your loss.
"Oh, lay down and take it or you get what you deserve"...said the rapist...
Stop tying up my state and raping her ability to self-govern.
The state can't stop gay people from being together, or having kids.
Here's what inevitable said:

"Gay people can have children.
And it is war. It doesn't have to be, but your side insisted. Enjoy your loss."

When the discussion here is about two gay Italians who support vocally a child's right to a mother and father. The loss isn't actually mine since I grew up with a mother and father in the married home I lived in. So did Elton John and his "husband" David Furnish. The psychological-loss is to the untold numbers of children into the future if the neo-experiment using kids as psychological lab rats is federally-forced upon the states as a protected institution.
Seems to be heterosexuals that deny children their mother or father. It's done at an alarming rate by them. Seems odd you only focus on homosexuals
...calling for a boycott of people that disagree with you is fucking stupid. Neither of the two Italian designers violated the rights of anyone. They expressed an opinion.


How do you feel about Chic-Fil-a? Phil Robertson & Duck Dynasty? The cult of LGBT came down hard on these folks enough to make Hitler's Third Reicht blush. Care to comment?

Ah yes, the moronic boycotts of Chik-Fil-A and a television program was just like Kristallnacht, only more severe.

You're becoming more unhinged as June nears. Get a grip.
Seems to be heterosexuals that deny children their mother or father. It's done at an alarming rate by them. Seems odd you only focus on homosexuals

You are mistaking punitive for incentive.

Let me explain the difference. A state only punishes those who don't provide a mother and father to children by simply denying them the perks of marriage. This way, freedom is preserved and the state does its best to entice families with mothers and fathers for children: the best formative environment for them

Nobody is out to throw people in jail who don't meet the standard. They just simply don't get the perks. This way the states gently guide and encourage the citizens to provide the best formative environment for kids.

And like the gay Italians said, they had a mother and father. Elton John and his "husband" David Furnish also had a mother and father. This is a new experiment that guts the physical structure of the word "marriage". So it needs the permission of the governed.
Seems to be heterosexuals that deny children their mother or father. It's done at an alarming rate by them. Seems odd you only focus on homosexuals

You are mistaking punitive for incentive.

Let me explain the difference. A state only punishes those who don't provide a mother and father to children by simply denying them the perks of marriage. This way, freedom is preserved and the state does its best to entice families with mothers and fathers for children: the best formative environment for them

Nobody is out to throw people in jail who don't meet the standard. They just simply don't get the perks. This way the states gently guide and encourage the citizens to provide the best formative environment for kids.

And like the gay Italians said, they had a mother and father. Elton John and his "husband" David Furnish also had a mother and father. This is a new experiment that guts the physical structure of the word "marriage". So it needs the permission of the governed.

The fact that you believe gays raising children is something "new" is frankly astonishing. Gays have been raising children for an aburdly long time. Denying them marriage doesn't suddenly make these kids have a mother and father, it only denies their parents a marriage.

How has your marriage been gutted now that gays are marrying? Be specific.
The fact that you believe gays raising children is something "new" is frankly astonishing. Gays have been raising children for an aburdly long time. Denying them marriage doesn't suddenly make these kids have a mother and father, it only denies their parents a marriage.
How has your marriage been gutted now that gays are marrying? Be specific.
Look pal, brother and sister raising their incest children in the backwoods of Kentucky isn't new either. But that doesn't mean Kentucky should be forced by 5 people in DC to legitimize brother/sister marraige for the sake of those children..

We are talking about how all children over time are "gutted", not adult heteros already married. How children are "gutted" by homosexual marriage is that by its very physical structure it deprives boys of fathers and girls of mothers. If you want to find a class of "gutted" boys in their late teens, find ones who were raised without fathers. If you want to find a class of "gutted girls" in their late teens, find ones who were raised without mothers: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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The fact that you believe gays raising children is something "new" is frankly astonishing. Gays have been raising children for an aburdly long time. Denying them marriage doesn't suddenly make these kids have a mother and father, it only denies their parents a marriage.
How has your marriage been gutted now that gays are marrying? Be specific.
Look pal, brother and sister raising their incest children in the backwoods of Kentucky isn't new either. But that doesn't mean Kentucky should be forced by 5 people in DC to legitimize brother/sister marraige for the sake of those children..

We are talking about how all children over time are "gutted", not adult heteros already married. How children are "gutted" by homosexual marriage is that by its very physical structure it deprives boys of fathers and girls of mothers. If you want to find a class of "gutted" boys in their late teens, find ones who were raised without fathers. If you want to find a class of "gutted girls" in their late teens, find ones who were raised without mothers: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

How shocking of you to try and change the topic to incest. At least you admit the idea of gays raising children isn't something "new" as your foolishly claim. Baby steps.

I see you didn't address my question. How are gays getting married gutting YOUR marriage? It isn't. Your just being a drama queen. Then again, you believe gays and their allies stupidly boycotting a fast-food restaurant is akin or even worse than Kristallnacht. lol.

I find it highly amusing that you would link me to The Prince's Trust knowing full well I don't believe your self-serving, wild, and quite frankly, bullshit interpretations of the study.

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