2 Gay Italian Designers Slam Elton John's "Synthetic Babies"

The article I read said that they were representing that they believed in mother/father marriage. That the Italians both came from traditional mother/father families and that they believed this was the right thing.

I discussed this with a gay friend of mine, he also believes traditional families are the best for children. Not a big deal, it is an opinion, no discrimination involved, just his observation of life.
Not your typical flame-war. More like a flaming-war.. But the two gay Italians have a point..THEY enjoyed having both a mother and father..
Italian designer duo slam Elton John in IVF babies row - Business Insider
Rome (AFP) - Italian designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana on Monday accused Elton John of being authoritarian, ignorant and hypocritical in a row over IVF babies, escalating a spat that has embroiled some of the world's biggest stars.

John, 67, stirred up a social media storm on Sunday when he called for a boycott of the designer label in reaction to comments in which Domenico Dolce referred to babies conceived through IVF as "synthetic"....

In a typically scathing post on Instagram, he added: "Your archaic thinking is out of step with the times, just like your fashions. I shall never wear Dolce and Gabbana ever again. #BoycottDolceGabbana."

The designers, who are also gay and were in a long-term relationship with each other until a few years ago, said it was the veteran British rocker who was being judgemental.
Dolce said his comment that IVF was not for him should not have been interpreted as disapproval of anyone else's choices.

"I'm Sicilian and I grew up in a traditional family, made up of a mother, a father and children," he said in a statement.

"This is the reality in which I grew up, but it does not imply that I don't understand different ones. I was talking about my personal view, without judging other people's choices and decisions."...

Speaking to Italian daily Corriere della Sera's web edition, Gabbana said he had expected better from a singer he once admired.

"I didn't expect this, coming from someone whom I considered, and I stress 'considered', an intelligent person like Elton John.

"I mean, you preach understanding, tolerance and then you attack others?

"Only because someone has a different opinion? Is this a democratic or enlightened way of thinking? This is ignorance, because he ignores the fact that others might have a different opinion and that theirs is as worthy of respect as his."

Elton John's (with his gay "husband"..wife?..) position, of course, is that the kids he has (that don't have a mother, that were womb-farmed out in order to exist.....gee kids, what lessons are you learning about how to regard females in general?) are perfectly legitimate and the new trend. John went further to slam the two gay Italians for insisting a real family matters. Then the spat took on a life of its own on social media.

Helpful reference links related to this debate: A Child Can t Call 2 Women or 2 Men Mom Dad US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

John and his "husband" have two toddler boys.


Just shows how intolerant the left has gotten.
Elton had the right to disagree with what they said, but went too far by wanting everyone to boycott their products.
And in your mind the Right is tolerant?
Meanwhile in actual news, California's water supply is still running out, sea levels are still rising from global warming, and Iran still wants nuclear weapons.

But please, by all means, devote time to trivum like this.

Two prominent gay guys coming out on behalf of mother/father marriage is not "trivial" (sic). It's pretty important stuff. Like I said, Elton John and David Furnish both had mother/father marriages in the homes they grew up in.

And they turned out to be gay.

Clearly if we allow heterosexuals to raise children, they end up with gay children.

We can't have that happening

Why do you suffer from this obsessive hatred towards homosexuals ?
This thread is about me agreeing with two Italian homosexuals about the structure of marriage and how it is best not redacted, using kids as lab rats in a neo-experiment.

Why do you suffer from this obsessive drive to squelch any and all free speech in opposition to the redaction of the word "marriage" to a predictable child psychological harm? (boys no father, girls no mother)

Why do you suffer from this obsessive hatred towards homosexuals ?
This thread is about me agreeing with two Italian homosexuals about the structure of marriage and how it is best not redacted, using kids as lab rats in a neo-experiment.

Why do you suffer from this obsessive drive to squelch any and all free speech in opposition to the redaction of the word "marriage" to a predictable child psychological harm? (boys no father, girls no mother)

This is the 11th thread you've created on the topic of gay marriage. You've long since passed into obsession.

And if you agree with the italian designers, why would you think that IVF creates 'synthetic children'?
I agree with them about traditional families with both a mother and father being vital to children. IVF isn't the topic here even though that was the thing that kicked off the gay spat between these three celebrities. In the end the two Italians stated that they believed in the mother/father families that both they and both Elton John and his "husband" David Furnish enjoyed growing up.
I agree with them about traditional families with both a mother and father being vital to children. IVF isn't the topic here even though that was the thing that kicked off the gay spat between these three celebrities. In the end the two Italians stated that they believed in the mother/father families that both they and both Elton John and his "husband" David Furnish enjoyed growing up.

And how does denying same sex parents marriage help their children? If a lesbian couple isn't allowed to marry....does that mean their kids suddenly have opposite sex parents?


How then does your 'solution' have anything to do with your 'problem'? Denying marriage to gays and lesbians doesn't benefit children. It only hurts them.

Why do you suffer from this obsessive hatred towards homosexuals ?

Why do you suffer from this obsessive drive to squelch any and all free speech in opposition to the redaction of the word "marriage" to a predictable child psychological harm? (boys no father, girls no mother)

Free speech means you have the right to make any crazy ass claims like you do.

But it doesn't mean your crazy ass, homophobic rants are free from criticism.

You lie- as you are lying again in this thread.

Because of your homophobic obsession.
I agree with them about traditional families with both a mother and father being vital to children. IVF isn't the topic here even though that was the thing that kicked off the gay spat between these three celebrities. In the end the two Italians stated that they believed in the mother/father families that both they and both Elton John and his "husband" David Furnish enjoyed growing up.
And how does denying same sex parents marriage help their children? If a lesbian couple isn't allowed to marry....does that mean their kids suddenly have opposite sex parents?
How then does your 'solution' have anything to do with your 'problem'? Denying marriage to gays and lesbians doesn't benefit children. It only hurts them.
We don't incentivize that which is not the best formative environment for kids. Would you that single parents should also enjoy the benefits of marriage? Why not? There are tens of millions more kids caught up in that lifestyle than homoesexual lifestlyes. What makes the tiny fraction of kids in homosexual lifestyles more important than the tens of millions caught up in monosexual lifestlyes? If you are using "suffering kids" to justify redacting the world "marriage"....

...And what of the 100s of millions of children into the untold children who will predictably suffer if the redaction of the word "marriage" is forced federally upon the sovereign states (not to mention the grave harm done to democracy...considering this is about a minority lifestyle, & not a race of people)? Redacting marriage to be a free for all, particularly in the homosexual-lifestyle case, is institutionalizing depriving boys of fathers and girls of mothers. This is detrimental to children: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
In the end the two Italians stated that they believed in the mother/father families that both they and both Elton John and his "husband" David Furnish enjoyed growing up.

Worth pointing out once again:

All 4 of those 4 gay men grew up in traditional heterosexual families.

And yet- they are all gay.

Clearly that means that traditional heterosexual families are the source of all gay men.


Why do you suffer from this obsessive hatred towards homosexuals ?

Why do you suffer from this obsessive drive to squelch any and all free speech in opposition to the redaction of the word "marriage" to a predictable child psychological harm? (boys no father, girls no mother)

Free speech means you have the right to make any crazy ass claims like you do.

But it doesn't mean your crazy ass, homophobic rants are free from criticism.

You lie- as you are lying again in this thread.

Because of your homophobic obsession.

Yeah, how is disagreeing with someone 'squelching free speech'? That claim doesn't make the slightest sense.

Sil, you're trying too hard to cast yourself as the victim.
I agree with them about traditional families with both a mother and father being vital to children. IVF isn't the topic here even though that was the thing that kicked off the gay spat between these three celebrities. In the end the two Italians stated that they believed in the mother/father families that both they and both Elton John and his "husband" David Furnish enjoyed growing up.
And how does denying same sex parents marriage help their children? If a lesbian couple isn't allowed to marry....does that mean their kids suddenly have opposite sex parents?
How then does your 'solution' have anything to do with your 'problem'? Denying marriage to gays and lesbians doesn't benefit children. It only hurts them.
We don't incentivize that which is not the best formative environment

Once again- how does denying children being raised by gay parents having married parents help any children?

As Justice Kennedy said so clearly:

"There is an immediate legal injury and that's the voice of these children," he said. "There's some 40,000 children in California, according to the Red Brief, that live with same-sex parents, and they want their parents to have full recognition and full status. The voice of those children is important in this case, don't you think?"

You keep doing this bait and switch- you claim to be trying to protect children- and then when it is pointed out that preventing marriage doesn't protect any children- you then go to your rationalization about the state not wanting to marry homosexuals.
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Isn't Elton John too old to have babies. Isn't he like 90 or something?
I agree with them about traditional families with both a mother and father being vital to children. IVF isn't the topic here even though that was the thing that kicked off the gay spat between these three celebrities. In the end the two Italians stated that they believed in the mother/father families that both they and both Elton John and his "husband" David Furnish enjoyed growing up.
And how does denying same sex parents marriage help their children? If a lesbian couple isn't allowed to marry....does that mean their kids suddenly have opposite sex parents?
How then does your 'solution' have anything to do with your 'problem'? Denying marriage to gays and lesbians doesn't benefit children. It only hurts them.
We don't incentivize that which is not the best formative environment for kids. Would you that single parents should also enjoy the benefits of marriage? Why not? There are tens of millions more kids caught up in that lifestyle than homoesexual lifestlyes. What makes the tiny fraction of kids in homosexual lifestyles more important than the tens of millions caught up in monosexual lifestlyes? If you are using "suffering kids" to justify redacting the world "marriage"....

So what is the benefit to children in denying marriage to same sex parents? In that entire paragraph, you never did actually address my question. Let alone answer it.

I mean, we know the severe HARM that denying same sex marriage causes to children:

Windsor v. U.S. said:
"And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives....

....DOMA also brings financial harm to children of same-sex couples. It raises the cost of health care for families by taxing health benefits provided by employers to their workers’ same-sex spouses. And it denies or reduces benefits allowed to families upon the loss of a spouseand parent, benefits that are an integral part of family security.

Your proposal causes the humilitation of 10s of thousands of kids, damages their sense of family, raises their healthcare costs, denies them benefits and reduces their family security.

And in exchange for all this immediately legal harm they get......nothing. Denying marriage to their parents doesn't benefit these children at all.

...And what of the 100s of millions of children into the untold children who will predictably suffer if the redaction of the word "marriage" is forced federally upon the sovereign states (not to mention the grave harm done to democracy...considering this is about a minority lifestyle vs a race of people)?
How will preventing gay marriage effect 'help' children? Gays and lesbians still have kids. Thus, denying same sex marriage doesn't mean that their children have opposite sex parents. It only guarantees that these children never have married parents.

Which hurts these children severely. And doesn't benefit them.

Why would we ever do this?
Oops! Looks like Elton John (a typical liberal) expects everyone else to boycott the designers, however he is exempt.

Is the boycott over already Elton Singer spotted in LA holding Dolce Gabbana shopping bag - just one day after furious row with Italian fashion designers over synthetic IVF babies Daily Mail Online

Lol! Do as I say not as I do!

Boycotting people that disagree with you is fucking stupid. Boycotting people that are violating rights or the law.....that makes sense.
Oops! Looks like Elton John (a typical liberal) expects everyone else to boycott the designers, however he is exempt.

Is the boycott over already Elton Singer spotted in LA holding Dolce Gabbana shopping bag - just one day after furious row with Italian fashion designers over synthetic IVF babies Daily Mail Online

Lol! Do as I say not as I do!

Boycotting people that disagree with you is fucking stupid. Boycotting people that are violating rights or the law.....that makes sense.

I never called for a boycott, Elton John did, he violated his own boycott, the day after he imposed it.

If you aren't going to follow through, don't publicly state you are boycotting it.

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