2 Grown Men and a 13 Yr Girl

Here is the scenario. You are a cop and you see 2 grown ass men with a 13 year old girl asleep in a car parked at a gas station. You question the guys and talk to the girl. They tell you they are together and even produce a affidavit showing they have legal custody of the girl. What do you do next?

What gas station?
Cops cuff white teen, two black men at video shoot

well played
Cops cuff white teen, two black men at video shoot
Hmmm... Is there some law against two grown men being with a 13-year-old girl? I'm not really understanding what is to question here... nothing unusual was happening? They weren't trying to molest her or she wasn't naked... nothing? I mean.... I don't even get why a cop would question them. They were all asleep in the car? :dunno:
I disagree. The cop certainly should have questioned them. What if your daughter had been kidnapped and sold into sex slavery?

On what basis? You can't be suggesting cops question every man with a teenage girl in their custody... that makes no sense whatsoever.

Yes, I understand there is a sex trade where girls are kidnapped. They usually don't run around sleeping in cars at gas stations though.
On the basis there is no family resemblance. if i saw two guys of any color with a 13 yr girl of any color and she didnt look like one of them they are getting questioned. Calls would be made on the spot.

Sorry... maybe it's the Libertarian in me but "no family resemblance" last I checked, wasn't a crime. I mean, if there was some other suspicious behavior... maybe so? But just the fact the girl looks different than the men isn't evidence a crime has happened.
It doesnt have to be a crime to question you. If there is reasonable suspicion something may be wrong you err on the side of safety for the minor. They were asleep in the parking lot of a gas station.
I once took a trip with a friend of mine to audit some courses at the University of Chicago.

We were parked in a park between Chicago's South Side and Hyde Park and slept in my car for the night, and some damn cop woke us up. Fucker.

I learned then at nineteen it is illegal to sleep in your car in a metropolitan area.

He told us we had to move along.

I'm willing to bet we got off easy since we were white college kids.
These dudes got hand cuffed and detained for I believe 11 hours and the girl was handed over to CPS.

I would guess the excuse given would be because;

1) It is illegal behavior, even I know that.


2) She is a minor.

There is no way in hell I would ever sleep in a car in an urban are with my minor son. I know the consequences. It is simply bad parenting. I care too much about my kid to get into that kind of trouble.

I understand the girl going to CPS and an investigation being launched into her welfare, OTH, unless these guys had a previous criminal record, I can't really understand being detained for that long. However, I wasn't there, I didn't run their info, nor to I have all the facts.

We must guard against the belief that the police state is racially motivated though. It destroys and interferes with the rights of all citizens. We should all be alarmed and outraged at its excesses against any citizen, and not make it an issue of race.
After checking out your link, I see the girl is a pretty blond white girl and the two guys are young and black. I think they have a legitimate case for racial profiling. Now... I'm a "racist right-wing conservtard" so if I think this, I can imagine what some liberal judge might think. You can't go arresting people because they have the wrong color skin. You have to wonder if the guys had been white and the girl black, would there have been any questioning at all?
Here is the scenario. You are a cop and you see 2 grown ass men with a 13 year old girl asleep in a car parked at a gas station. You question the guys and talk to the girl. They tell you they are together and even produce a affidavit showing they have legal custody of the girl. What do you do next?

What gas station?
Cops cuff white teen, two black men at video shoot

Leftists want them all to use the same bathroom together.
Hmmm... Is there some law against two grown men being with a 13-year-old girl? I'm not really understanding what is to question here... nothing unusual was happening? They weren't trying to molest her or she wasn't naked... nothing? I mean.... I don't even get why a cop would question them. They were all asleep in the car? :dunno:
I disagree. The cop certainly should have questioned them. What if your daughter had been kidnapped and sold into sex slavery?

On what basis? You can't be suggesting cops question every man with a teenage girl in their custody... that makes no sense whatsoever.

Yes, I understand there is a sex trade where girls are kidnapped. They usually don't run around sleeping in cars at gas stations though.
Depending on the jurisdiction, in most of them, sleeping in your car is against the law.

The local motel and hotel industry, along with the trade groups have passed ordinances making that a crime.
What color is the cop?
I assume they were white.
Why would you assume that?
Life experience.
What, that every cop is white?
No that they go overboard where Black men are involved. I also want to thank Norm Stamper as another reason I assume they were all white.
How did they go overboard? Didn't you say you agreed with what they did?
I once took a trip with a friend of mine to audit some courses at the University of Chicago.

We were parked in a park between Chicago's South Side and Hyde Park and slept in my car for the night, and some damn cop woke us up. Fucker.

I learned then at nineteen it is illegal to sleep in your car in a metropolitan area.

He told us we had to move along.

I'm willing to bet we got off easy since we were white college kids.
These dudes got hand cuffed and detained for I believe 11 hours and the girl was handed over to CPS.

I would guess the excuse given would be because;

1) It is illegal behavior, even I know that.


2) She is a minor.

There is no way in hell I would ever sleep in a car in an urban are with my minor son. I know the consequences. It is simply bad parenting. I care too much about my kid to get into that kind of trouble.

I understand the girl going to CPS and an investigation being launched into her welfare, OTH, unless these guys had a previous criminal record, I can't really understand being detained for that long. However, I wasn't there, I didn't run their info, nor to I have all the facts.

We must guard against the belief that the police state is racially motivated though. It destroys and interferes with the rights of all citizens. We should all be alarmed and outraged at its excesses against any citizen, and not make it an issue of race.
Not everyone knows its illegal to sleep in your car. It doesnt even make any apparent sense it would be illegal. If youre tired and you pull over so you wont be a danger to other motorists one would assume it was ok to catch some sleep.

I'm going with the racially motivated for 2 reasons. The kept the guys for 11 hours. They could have cleared it up right there if they werent racists.
Cops cuff white teen, two black men at video shoot
Hmmm... Is there some law against two grown men being with a 13-year-old girl? I'm not really understanding what is to question here... nothing unusual was happening? They weren't trying to molest her or she wasn't naked... nothing? I mean.... I don't even get why a cop would question them. They were all asleep in the car? :dunno:
I disagree. The cop certainly should have questioned them. What if your daughter had been kidnapped and sold into sex slavery?

On what basis? You can't be suggesting cops question every man with a teenage girl in their custody... that makes no sense whatsoever.

Yes, I understand there is a sex trade where girls are kidnapped. They usually don't run around sleeping in cars at gas stations though.
On the basis there is no family resemblance. if i saw two guys of any color with a 13 yr girl of any color and she didnt look like one of them they are getting questioned. Calls would be made on the spot.
You didn't say anything about the teenager having parental legal forms for the police.

Two things;

First, these kids broke the law, giving the police state an in, that was THEIR mistake.

However, after that, this girl had parental permission to be chaperoned by these adults, so they have would have every right to take the police department to court, IF they had done something wrong.

However, the Police department was just enforcing the law. You can't have a minor with a couple of adults going around breaking civic ordinances.
I once took a trip with a friend of mine to audit some courses at the University of Chicago.

We were parked in a park between Chicago's South Side and Hyde Park and slept in my car for the night, and some damn cop woke us up. Fucker.

I learned then at nineteen it is illegal to sleep in your car in a metropolitan area.

He told us we had to move along.

I'm willing to bet we got off easy since we were white college kids.
These dudes got hand cuffed and detained for I believe 11 hours and the girl was handed over to CPS.

I would guess the excuse given would be because;

1) It is illegal behavior, even I know that.


2) She is a minor.

There is no way in hell I would ever sleep in a car in an urban are with my minor son. I know the consequences. It is simply bad parenting. I care too much about my kid to get into that kind of trouble.

I understand the girl going to CPS and an investigation being launched into her welfare, OTH, unless these guys had a previous criminal record, I can't really understand being detained for that long. However, I wasn't there, I didn't run their info, nor to I have all the facts.

We must guard against the belief that the police state is racially motivated though. It destroys and interferes with the rights of all citizens. We should all be alarmed and outraged at its excesses against any citizen, and not make it an issue of race.
Not everyone knows its illegal to sleep in your car. It doesnt even make any apparent sense it would be illegal. If youre tired and you pull over so you wont be a danger to other motorists one would assume it was ok to catch some sleep.

I'm going with the racially motivated for 2 reasons. The kept the guys for 11 hours. They could have cleared it up right there if they werent racists.

So you ran their licenses and know what their priors were?
I assume they were white.
Why would you assume that?
Life experience.
What, that every cop is white?
No that they go overboard where Black men are involved. I also want to thank Norm Stamper as another reason I assume they were all white.
How did they go overboard? Didn't you say you agreed with what they did?
I agreed that they took the time to question them. Once someone produces a document that explains whats going on with phone numbers to verify the story then the cops should have given it a rest. They didnt. They cuffed the guys and the girl. They kept the guys in custody for 11 hours and sent the girl to CPS
Cops cuff white teen, two black men at video shoot
Hmmm... Is there some law against two grown men being with a 13-year-old girl? I'm not really understanding what is to question here... nothing unusual was happening? They weren't trying to molest her or she wasn't naked... nothing? I mean.... I don't even get why a cop would question them. They were all asleep in the car? :dunno:
I disagree. The cop certainly should have questioned them. What if your daughter had been kidnapped and sold into sex slavery?

On what basis? You can't be suggesting cops question every man with a teenage girl in their custody... that makes no sense whatsoever.

Yes, I understand there is a sex trade where girls are kidnapped. They usually don't run around sleeping in cars at gas stations though.
On the basis there is no family resemblance. if i saw two guys of any color with a 13 yr girl of any color and she didnt look like one of them they are getting questioned. Calls would be made on the spot.

Sorry... maybe it's the Libertarian in me but "no family resemblance" last I checked, wasn't a crime. I mean, if there was some other suspicious behavior... maybe so? But just the fact the girl looks different than the men isn't evidence a crime has happened.
It doesnt have to be a crime to question you. If there is reasonable suspicion something may be wrong you err on the side of safety for the minor. They were asleep in the parking lot of a gas station.

Like I said that is against the law. They might have been fine and been left alone had she not been a minor.
I once took a trip with a friend of mine to audit some courses at the University of Chicago.

We were parked in a park between Chicago's South Side and Hyde Park and slept in my car for the night, and some damn cop woke us up. Fucker.

I learned then at nineteen it is illegal to sleep in your car in a metropolitan area.

He told us we had to move along.

I'm willing to bet we got off easy since we were white college kids.
These dudes got hand cuffed and detained for I believe 11 hours and the girl was handed over to CPS.

I would guess the excuse given would be because;

1) It is illegal behavior, even I know that.


2) She is a minor.

There is no way in hell I would ever sleep in a car in an urban are with my minor son. I know the consequences. It is simply bad parenting. I care too much about my kid to get into that kind of trouble.

I understand the girl going to CPS and an investigation being launched into her welfare, OTH, unless these guys had a previous criminal record, I can't really understand being detained for that long. However, I wasn't there, I didn't run their info, nor to I have all the facts.

We must guard against the belief that the police state is racially motivated though. It destroys and interferes with the rights of all citizens. We should all be alarmed and outraged at its excesses against any citizen, and not make it an issue of race.
Not everyone knows its illegal to sleep in your car. It doesnt even make any apparent sense it would be illegal. If youre tired and you pull over so you wont be a danger to other motorists one would assume it was ok to catch some sleep.

I'm going with the racially motivated for 2 reasons. The kept the guys for 11 hours. They could have cleared it up right there if they werent racists.

So you ran their licenses and know what their priors were?
Who me? The cops did all that. Do you honestly believe it took 11 hours to do that? They werent arrested for sleeping in the car at all.
Depending on the jurisdiction, in most of them, sleeping in your car is against the law.

The local motel and hotel industry, along with the trade groups have passed ordinances making that a crime.

Fair enough. However, they had a note from her parents with phone numbers. It seems a bit much to haul them all in with handcuffs. While it may be against the law to sleep in your car, it's very seldom something you get arrested for. The officers should have had dispatch call and confirm things, then sent them on their way.

I think this is a clear case of racial profiling. I am not someone who is opposed to any and all racial profiling, I believe there are times when it's appropriate, this just isn't one of them.
I once took a trip with a friend of mine to audit some courses at the University of Chicago.

We were parked in a park between Chicago's South Side and Hyde Park and slept in my car for the night, and some damn cop woke us up. Fucker.

I learned then at nineteen it is illegal to sleep in your car in a metropolitan area.

He told us we had to move along.

I'm willing to bet we got off easy since we were white college kids.
These dudes got hand cuffed and detained for I believe 11 hours and the girl was handed over to CPS.

I would guess the excuse given would be because;

1) It is illegal behavior, even I know that.


2) She is a minor.

There is no way in hell I would ever sleep in a car in an urban are with my minor son. I know the consequences. It is simply bad parenting. I care too much about my kid to get into that kind of trouble.

I understand the girl going to CPS and an investigation being launched into her welfare, OTH, unless these guys had a previous criminal record, I can't really understand being detained for that long. However, I wasn't there, I didn't run their info, nor to I have all the facts.

We must guard against the belief that the police state is racially motivated though. It destroys and interferes with the rights of all citizens. We should all be alarmed and outraged at its excesses against any citizen, and not make it an issue of race.
Not everyone knows its illegal to sleep in your car. It doesnt even make any apparent sense it would be illegal. If youre tired and you pull over so you wont be a danger to other motorists one would assume it was ok to catch some sleep.

I'm going with the racially motivated for 2 reasons. The kept the guys for 11 hours. They could have cleared it up right there if they werent racists.

The state provides rest areas, and towns and cities provide hotels and motels.

If you are old enough to drive, you know that vagrancy is against the law. Or, experiences like this teach you very quickly. lol

What is the big deal? Oh, I know, the media took this case, b/c it involved some black youths, focused it, highlighted it, and dramatized it, to make it a "racial" thing.

Trust me, it isn't.

Those kids learned something.

Maybe you did too.
“Are you aware that your daughter is with two black men?” the cop on the line allegedly asked.

Pretty sure it was racial profiling.

. . . allegedly asked. . . . .

This isn't news, really, it isn't. Even if it is, are you surprised that there are folks out there that have in group preferences? You have them, why are others not allowed to have them?

It isn't about that department, it is about that one individual. Let go of the hate man.

You're reacting exactly like the media wants you to react. Stop being their puppet.

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