2 more banks collapsing

Wow, so for the same loan, the person with Good Credit (they say 740) is STILL going to pay less than 1/2 the fees of someone with a credit score 100 less (640).

The outrage.

Why should someone with fantastic credit pay any fees at all, other than BARE minimum? Why punish those who pay their bills?
Everything Joe Biden does he does slowly even his banking collapse is happening at a snails pace... the only thing Biden does fast is screw the USA and makes money by doing favors abroad....
I'm startin' to thunk that our banking system is under attack.

If you notice...it always starts with the stock market...A big drop sets in panic and the people start pulling the deposits out...that kills the bank.

It's been working that way with the previous 3 banks and these 2 are no different. A traditional "bank run" usually BEGINS with depositers pulling their money out of the bank.

Short sellers can manipulate the price of a stock downwards until "algorithms" kick in & computers start doing the selling (thunk AMC or gamestop).

Keep an eye out for this pattern. It might be an act of war.
I'm startin' to thunk that our banking system is under attack.

If you notice...it always starts with the stock market...A big drop sets in panic and the people start pulling the deposits out...that kills the bank.

It's been working that way with the previous 3 banks and these 2 are no different. A traditional "bank run" usually BEGINS with depositers pulling their money out of the bank.

Short sellers can manipulate the price of a stock downwards until "algorithms" kick in & computers start doing the selling (thunk AMC or gamestop).

Keep an eye out for this pattern. It might be an act of war.

Or an act of greed, which is far more probable
Or an act of greed, which is far more probable

Yup, that is a definate possibility. It could be a foreign gov't...it could be our own gov't collapsing the banking system to bring about the CBDC and have complete control over all our spending.

No matter which it is...it appears to be an attack...not just standard bank failures like we saw in 2008 (and the great depression).
They ain't paying for anyone.
They are still paying $3,062 to $7,875.
How is that subsidizing for some shitbag?

If all at once the higher credit score had to pay MORE in fees, in total, than the lower credit score, then I could see your anger, but that ain't the case.

You're probably the guy that tips $5 total, regardless of the total bill, if you tip at all.

What part of this don't you understand, Winnie?

According to a recent analysis from Bankrate, someone with a "below average" credit score of 640 seeking a $350,000 mortgage with 20% down paid $10,500 in fees before the new regulations. They will now pay $7,875.

Someone with a 740 credit score exploring the same deal paid $1,750 in fees before the FHFA’s new rules, but now is expected to pay more at $3,062.
I gave data from the article.
You just repeated what I said.

Changing the numbers on fees just levels the field.
I know you hate that.
Someone with a 740 credit score STILL pays less than 1/2 the fees of the person with 640 score.
Good grief. :rolleyes-41:
A socialist/communist MF likes to redistribute the wealth.
In fact, it will cause another meltdown in the housing industry, and you don't
have the IQ to understand that. You need to come out of your mom's basement
What part of this don't you understand, Winnie?

According to a recent analysis from Bankrate, someone with a "below average" credit score of 640 seeking a $350,000 mortgage with 20% down paid $10,500 in fees before the new regulations. They will now pay $7,875.

Someone with a 740 credit score exploring the same deal paid $1,750 in fees before the FHFA’s new rules, but now is expected to pay more at $3,062.
I understand the Math.
The premise of the OP was that high credit folks like me (871, just bought a vehicle on May 1st, so I saw the credit score) would subsidize the poor credit people.
Meister a Question I hope you will honestly answer....... Do high credit people still pay lower fees than a lower credit person????
I understand the Math.
The premise of the OP was that high credit folks like me (871, just bought a vehicle on May 1st, so I saw the credit score) would subsidize the poor credit people.
Meister a Question I hope you will honestly answer....... Do high credit people still pay lower fees than a lower credit person????
Winco - a question I hope you will honestly answer: are fees for borrowers with good credit going up while fees for borrowers with poor credit going down?
Because they were paying $1750 before, now they have to pay $3062.
And that's because the government wants the good creditors to subsidize
people like you.
That's just wrong, and I'm embarrassed for your response.
My credit score is 871, fuck you, it's true before you call me a liar.

I just bought a USED Jeep, 2017, and they ran my credit.

Why does a Moderator like you have to try to disparage me, a poster with different political views? Answer that.
Winco - a question I hope you will honestly answer: are fees for borrowers with good credit going up while fees for borrowers with poor credit going down?
Yes. I believe from what I have read, that the field is being balanced.

But the OP was suggesting that a high credit score like me (871) would pay MORE than a lower credit score. That is simply NOT true.....ie False.

Do you Ralph Norton care to respond to that? Honestly?
Yes they do, and do you know why? The risk factor that is involved with loaning the higher risk
people. Take in consideration late payments, partial payments, skipped payments, defaulted loans.
Higher credit scores show a history of payments made, and on time, and loans not defaulting.
Yes. I believe from what I have read, that the field is being balanced.

But the OP was suggesting that a high credit score like me (871) would pay MORE than a lower credit score. That is simply NOT true.....ie False.

Do you Ralph Norton care to respond to that? Honestly?
I have responded honestly about this issue every time.
No, rates are not going up nor would borrowers with good credit ever pay more than those with bad credit.
What is also honest is that fees for borrowers with good credit are going up in order to subsidize lower fees for borrowers with poor credit.
That's just wrong, and I'm embarrassed for your response.
My credit score is 871, fuck you, it's true before you call me a liar.

I just bought a USED Jeep, 2017, and they ran my credit.

Why does a Moderator like you have to try to disparage me, a poster with different political views? Answer that.
Because I'm a poster just like you, and a person with any IQ higher than his shoe size knows exactly why
people with higher credit scores are paying for those who in all probability shouldn't get a mortgage loan.
Yes they do, and do you know why? The risk factor that is involved with loaning the higher risk
people. Take in consideration late payments, skipped payments, defaulted loans.
Higher credit scores show a history of payments made, and on time, and loans not defaulting.
Would you care to have discourse in a civil way?
I'm here for another hour.
I got 60 minutes, maybe more.

Respond with a Yes or No.

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