2 Suspects In Custody After School Shooting In Colorado

and since you don't know i Guess that millions and millions of kids went to school every school day of the year and your news flash is that 94 of them were murdered in the Year of 2018 . Well , thats bad but as i point out , more students were probably killed in car accidents that same year GNuts
and since you don't know i Guess that millions and millions of kids went to school every school day of the year and your news flash is that 94 of them were murdered in the Year of 2018 . Well , thats bad but as i point out , more students were probably killed in car accidents that same year GNuts
That should ease the pain of the parents over the death of their child.
and since you don't know i Guess that millions and millions of kids went to school every school day of the year and your news flash is that 94 of them were murdered in the Year of 2018 . Well , thats bad but as i point out , more students were probably killed in car accidents that same year GNuts
That should ease the pain of the parents over the death of their child.
--------------------------------- such is life eh Moonglow !!
Some have asked where these two got the guns.

"Investigators believe the two suspects in the shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch smashed into the locked gun cabinet at the home of the adult suspect’s parents Tuesday morning, stole the weapons and used them in the shooting later that day, a high-ranking source with knowledge of the investigation tells Denver7."

Source: STEM suspects smashed into locked gun cabinet

So, guns safely and properly stored were stolen.

How do you smash into a locked gun cabinet?


Hey, I wouldn't know. I also don't know what kind, of the many varieties of gun safe. Just answering a question asked by others. I'm sure the DA's will try to show it's possible at trial, as the defense will try to prove it's not.

All the DA has to show is that it's improbable, thus puts into question on whether the safe was actually locked. In addition, a preponderance of the evidence in a civil trial. The parents are SCREWED.
and since you don't know i Guess that millions and millions of kids went to school every school day of the year and your news flash is that 94 of them were murdered in the Year of 2018 . Well , thats bad but as i point out , more students were probably killed in car accidents that same year GNuts
That should ease the pain of the parents over the death of their child.
--------------------------------- such is life eh Moonglow !!
Fortunes of war I suppose..
and since you don't know i Guess that millions and millions of kids went to school every school day of the year and your news flash is that 94 of them were murdered in the Year of 2018 . Well , thats bad but as i point out , more students were probably killed in car accidents that same year GNuts
Many more undoubtedly drank tea as well. Can't help noticing how you continue to completely neglect the inherent similarities and differences between apples and oranges as well. Spot the trend?


I knew you could!
and since you don't know i Guess that millions and millions of kids went to school every school day of the year and your news flash is that 94 of them were murdered in the Year of 2018 . Well , thats bad but as i point out , more students were probably killed in car accidents that same year GNuts
That should ease the pain of the parents over the death of their child.
--------------------------------- such is life eh Moonglow !!
Fortunes of war I suppose..
------------------------------- 94 students out of millions and millions of students is the numbers for a bad year of 2018 according to GNut if i read his report correct Moonglow .
Oh, how does "RIP and Prayers sent" square with rating "the worst year on record for gun violence in schools" "Funny"?
well , whats the number . Looks like its 94 dead in the year 2018 which i think YOU claim unless i misread your chart . I say RIP and i send Prayers for those 94 you 'GNut' !!
It takes a genuine nut to continue failing to comprehend that the stuff I put in quotes came straight from the linked report. Got a beef with their data or quoted conclusion? Take it up with them, pismoe. Not my report. Not my claim. Got some source you think better with more accurate stats? Then, by all means, please fucking share it! Be sure to explain and praise their superior methodology. Counter with something intelligent for mercy's sake! In your world the number "94" is apparently difficult to read off of a clear-as-day chart, who knew? Maybe time for new glasses?
Point of the two charts I shared, obviously:

1) Mass shootings continue to rise.
2) School shootings continue to rise.
3) Those facts despite violent crime continuing to decrease.

The operative word being "shootings", McFly. Guns and operators being the only things necessary. Perhaps 94 kids being shot is like nothing to you because you have none of your own. All those kids dying in auto accidents as well. Doesn't matter. To you. Still a record number were shot in 2018 in line with the historical trend. That trend being what's important to acknowledge and perceive as a serious societal problem yet to be seriously addressed.
They still are not talking about a possible motive. It boggles the mind. This morning while I was working with a student and we were deep in discussion, it occurred to me how awful but how possible it was that some nut would come charging in the door and start shooting at us for no known reason. How frightening and how brutally unfair that would be.

Forget Pismoe--he is a psychopath. We have to take this societal obscenity by the scruff of the neck and throw it out the door. We CAN teach people that it is totally uncool to shoot other people, and that INCLUDES the daily gang shootings in some of our larger cities as well as the mass shootings that seem to be happening every week these days. It CAN be done; we just for some reason don't want to try.
Point of the two charts I shared, obviously:

1) Mass shootings continue to rise.
2) School shootings continue to rise.
3) Those facts despite violent crime continuing to decrease.

The operative word being "shootings", McFly. Guns and operators being the only things necessary. Perhaps 94 kids being shot is like nothing to you because you have none of your own. All those kids dying in auto accidents as well. Doesn't matter. To you. Still a record number were shot in 2018 in line with the historical trend. That trend being what's important to acknowledge and perceive as a serious societal problem yet to be seriously addressed.
---------------------------------might go down next years but until then i will simply wait and see to see yer next report GNut !!
They still are not talking about a possible motive. It boggles the mind. This morning while I was working with a student and we were deep in discussion, it occurred to me how awful but how possible it was that some nut would come charging in the door and start shooting at us for no known reason. How frightening and how brutally unfair that would be.

Forget Pismoe--he is a psychopath. We have to take this societal obscenity by the scruff of the neck and throw it out the door. We CAN teach people that it is totally uncool to shoot other people, and that INCLUDES the daily gang shootings in some of our larger cities as well as the mass shootings that seem to be happening every week these days. It CAN be done; we just for some reason don't want to try.
------------------------------------------------------- get to work , you and GNut sound like the Naive team of the future OldLady .
as if the motive is important . Motive might be interesting but the motive doesn't matter GNut and OldLady .
They still are not talking about a possible motive. It boggles the mind. This morning while I was working with a student and we were deep in discussion, it occurred to me how awful but how possible it was that some nut would come charging in the door and start shooting at us for no known reason. How frightening and how brutally unfair that would be.

Forget Pismoe--he is a psychopath. We have to take this societal obscenity by the scruff of the neck and throw it out the door. We CAN teach people that it is totally uncool to shoot other people, and that INCLUDES the daily gang shootings in some of our larger cities as well as the mass shootings that seem to be happening every week these days. It CAN be done; we just for some reason don't want to try.

Everyone already knows it's wrong to commit murder. We knew it decades ago before mass shootings were a topic of discussion, when gun restrictions were practically non-existent. What's changed in our society since then?

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