2 Suspects In Custody After School Shooting In Colorado

this is whats changed , the wierdos are weirder and are tolerated and catered too . - --- Suspects in Colorado school shooting make first court appearances - CNN --- and the adults , teachers running things and laws accommodate and baby the murderers plus allow them into school . Only one redheaded murderer shown because the other murderer is a minor .

Yeah I think probably the motive for the attack is that the tranny and the gay felt that their needs weren't pandered to quite hard enough by their peers. Everyone didn't bow and scrape to their homo-supremacist ideology and the faculty didn't shield them from and severely punish every insult whether real or perceived.
I would like to know the law, the exact wording of the law, that if it had been passed, would have stopped this guy from shooting up this school.

Thanks in advance.
We have a media and a democrat party that are spewing hate every day, filling heads with lies and telling the gullible that they must hate and destroy everyone that doesn't believe as they do (sounds like Islam doesn't it?)

That is the root cause of all these senseless murders of innocents-----the hate filled rhetoric of the 2016 losers who cannot get over the FACT that crooked hillary was beaten by Trump. couple that with the same people trying sell that perversions of all kinds must be considered "normal" and we have a toxic mix that must be ended.

The purveyors of all this hate must be held accountable, either by the legal system or by public boycotts of their filthy lies. Until this happens these horrible things will continue.
apologies for starting a similar thread in politics, did not see this one.
They still are not talking about a possible motive. It boggles the mind. This morning while I was working with a student and we were deep in discussion, it occurred to me how awful but how possible it was that some nut would come charging in the door and start shooting at us for no known reason. How frightening and how brutally unfair that would be.

Forget Pismoe--he is a psychopath. We have to take this societal obscenity by the scruff of the neck and throw it out the door. We CAN teach people that it is totally uncool to shoot other people, and that INCLUDES the daily gang shootings in some of our larger cities as well as the mass shootings that seem to be happening every week these days. It CAN be done; we just for some reason don't want to try.

Everyone already knows it's wrong to commit murder. We knew it decades ago before mass shootings were a topic of discussion, when gun restrictions were practically non-existent. What's changed in our society since then?
It's time we figured it out. Not finger pointing, but really figuring it out.
They still are not talking about a possible motive. It boggles the mind. This morning while I was working with a student and we were deep in discussion, it occurred to me how awful but how possible it was that some nut would come charging in the door and start shooting at us for no known reason. How frightening and how brutally unfair that would be.

Forget Pismoe--he is a psychopath. We have to take this societal obscenity by the scruff of the neck and throw it out the door. We CAN teach people that it is totally uncool to shoot other people, and that INCLUDES the daily gang shootings in some of our larger cities as well as the mass shootings that seem to be happening every week these days. It CAN be done; we just for some reason don't want to try.

Everyone already knows it's wrong to commit murder. We knew it decades ago before mass shootings were a topic of discussion, when gun restrictions were practically non-existent. What's changed in our society since then?
It's time we figured it out. Not finger pointing, but really figuring it out.

stop teaching our kids to hate.
but until yer next report comes out . Here is some info on the 'pity party' that took place at the 'colorado stem school' where the murders happened . --- Frank Miniter: Student walkout at Colorado shooting vigil is a good sign --- the walkout by the students in disgust looks good to me GNut .
An admitted NRA and gun manufacturer lobbyist cries "politics!" in a Faux Noise OP and you lap it all up, pismoe? Big surprise.
I would like to know the law, the exact wording of the law, that if it had been passed, would have stopped this guy from shooting up this school.
Also shocking.. for lack of originality and the reverse being so obviously the case. Clearly the last thing you really wanna know.
The purveyors of all this hate must be held accountable
stop teaching our kids to hate.
Examples of "all this hate" please? Gun strokers feeling threatened or something? Perhaps freedom of speech needs to be outlawed? Maybe not.. Hmmm..?
but until yer next report comes out . Here is some info on the 'pity party' that took place at the 'colorado stem school' where the murders happened . --- Frank Miniter: Student walkout at Colorado shooting vigil is a good sign --- the walkout by the students in disgust looks good to me GNut .
An admitted NRA and gun manufacturer lobbyist cries "politics!" in a Faux Noise OP and you lap it all up, pismoe? Big surprise.
I would like to know the law, the exact wording of the law, that if it had been passed, would have stopped this guy from shooting up this school.
Also shocking.. for lack of originality and the reverse being so obviously the case. Clearly the last thing you really wanna know.
The purveyors of all this hate must be held accountable
stop teaching our kids to hate.
Examples of "all this hate" please? Gun strokers feeling threatened or something? Perhaps freedom of speech needs to be outlawed? Maybe not.. Hmmm..?
------------------------------ i like the NRA , they and other pro gunners are just my style . These are kids or Young Gun Strokers and it was good to see them walk out on the 'pity party' organized by the ' 'brady bunch' or similar anti gun group GNut !!
but until yer next report comes out . Here is some info on the 'pity party' that took place at the 'colorado stem school' where the murders happened . --- Frank Miniter: Student walkout at Colorado shooting vigil is a good sign --- the walkout by the students in disgust looks good to me GNut .
An admitted NRA and gun manufacturer lobbyist cries "politics!" in a Faux Noise OP and you lap it all up, pismoe? Big surprise.
I would like to know the law, the exact wording of the law, that if it had been passed, would have stopped this guy from shooting up this school.
Also shocking.. for lack of originality and the reverse being so obviously the case. Clearly the last thing you really wanna know.
The purveyors of all this hate must be held accountable
stop teaching our kids to hate.
Examples of "all this hate" please? Gun strokers feeling threatened or something? Perhaps freedom of speech needs to be outlawed? Maybe not.. Hmmm..?

examples? do you live under a rock? antifa, BLM, KKK, Islamists, the anti-Trump media, hollywood, RAP music, global warmers, the View, hypocritical democrats who preach love but practice hate, PP who murders millions of minority children every year. We are living in a culture of hate and it must be turned around or this nation is over.

and yes, freedom of speech must be preserved, but censorship of speech must never be allowed.

I have no issue with you expressing different views, but I do have an issue when you lie about mine. Understand?
Yes. Unfortunately I do. All too well. Let's try "global warmers" for 1,000, Alex.. What "hate" do they "practice"? Quotes and links backing your claims please..
Yes. Unfortunately I do. All too well. Let's try "global warmers" for 1,000, Alex.. What "hate" do they "practice"? Quotes and links backing your claims please..

the global warmer hate is quite evident in this thread

BTW, it works better if you hit the reply button so we know who you are responding to.
guy is full of zhit , first he was talking 'tea in china' and now he once again talks BS in his post 8 - 9 minutes ago .
I often respond more specifically to reduce contextual confusion. Works much better in many instances.

the global warmer hate is quite evident in this thread
Great hand-waving example. Could you get serious?

attacking those who disagree with the AGW religion is a perfect example of global warmer hate. What we see from most leftists is a complete intolerance of any other viewpoint to the extent of violence against those who disagree with them. Hate or stupidity, or both, you decide.

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