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Sep 23, 2010
The ball game is all tied up if Scotland splits from Britain. Vice Admiral John McAnally is wrong about one thing. It’s a certainty the seat will be lost:

Our relationship with the United States, our status as a leading military power and even our permanent membership of the UN Security Council would all probably be lost.

Scotland will be powerless to defend itself
Independence would fatally undermine the Armed Forces on both sides of the border
By John McAnally
8:05PM GMT 16 Mar 2014

Scotland will be powerless to defend itself - Telegraph

Communist China should never have been given the Republic of China’s seat on the Security Council. Russia should never have been given a Security Council seat when the Soviet Union imploded. But the way the United Nations is stacked against the United States there is no doubt that Great Britain will lose its Security Council seat. That will make the score 2 to 2. Russia and China against the United States and France. After Britain loses its seat a cynic might say the score will then be 3 to 1 with France on the short end.

The military aspects are equally troubling. Barack Taqiyya gutted America’s military, purged loyal officers from every branch of the armed services, ratified New START, and dismantled Europe’s Missile Defence Shield. While that was going on China was building nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers to augment the world’s largest army. North Korea is acquiring intercontinental missile capabilities, Iran will soon have atomic weapons, and Joe Stalin would be proud of Russia’s saber rattling.

Reality matters not. Barack Taqiyya will throw away a military ally by coming down on the side of China and Russia.

Finally, Barack Taqiyya has almost three years remaining to continue his dirty work. Our vice president has never been right about anything. Our secretary of state is a known traitor. Our secretary of defence is an idiot who was chosen by Joe Biden. The US Senate in the hands of Harry Reid will block every move to stop this country from defending itself militarily. The entire administration is rife with UN-loving, America-hating, Socialists/Communists. Worst of all they are telling America’s enemies that America will not retaliate. Indeed, cannot retaliate by the time they are finished.

Assuming Barack Taqiyya & Company are not suicidal they have to be operating on the assumption that nobody will attack America after the US military is neutered. Everything Taqiyya the Liar is doing is a sick perversion of the lie American Communists told at the beginning of the Cold War “If everybody has the bomb nobody will use it.”
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Daniel Greenfield’s detailed critique of International law, and the dangerous naiveté of its advocates, is a must read; however, I want to comment on the League of Nations in relation to my OP:
“There has been no greater advance than this, gentlemen,” the President of the United States said. “It is a definite guaranty of peace. It is a definite guaranty by word against aggression.”

“If you look back upon the history of the world you will see how helpless peoples have too often been a prey to powers that had no conscience in the matter… Now, the world, expressing its conscience in law, says there is an end of that.”

The year was 1919. The speaker was President Woodrow Wilson and the tremendous advance in human history that he was talking up was the League of Nations.

Thirteen years later, Japan seized Manchuria and turned it into a puppet regime. China turned to the League of Nations which ordered Japan to withdraw from Manchuria. Japan instead withdrew from the League of Nations.

America was not a member of the League of Nations. US membership would not have deterred Japan.

My point: None of America’s enemies will withdraw from the United Nations. Instead, they are uniting in order to turn the over-rated International community against the US. Claiming the moral high ground on nothing more than the UN’s authorization is a prelude to justifying military action against the American people when the time is right. Removing Great Britain’s military from the Security Council is a bonus they never expected.

Parenthetically, much is made of the Balance of Power Theory. There is a lot to the theory, but in simple terms weaker nations band together to protect themselves from a threat, or align themselves with a powerful nation seen as a winner. Russia is starting to look like a winner while Socialists always portrayed America as the biggest threat to world peace. A weakened America adds one more item to Russia’s side of the scale.

You don’t need the Hubble Telescope to see that the United Nations has become a forum for aggressive nations to tip the balance of power against the American people. The current Administration is determined to accelerate the process.

Question: How do you define aggressive nation? Answer: Russia, Communist China, Iran, North Korea, and even tiny Cuba, would own the world today if any one of them ever had the monopoly on the atomic bomb that the International law priesthood gave away.

Finally, anybody who is trying to understand the grip non-existent International law has on the country through the media, and fueled by Hollywood propaganda, cannot do better than reading this:

The End of International Law
By Daniel Greenfield Monday, March 17, 2014

The End of International Law

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