2 White Kids Beat Black Kid on Bus in what Appears to he a "Hate Crime"


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Tape shows beating on bus of Belleville West student - STLtoday.com

^Oops... I had that wrong... And that is why it won't get Duke Coverage...

To the Credit of some on that Bus, it Appeared that some were Appauled by the Violence.

And others Tried to Stop it.

Can you Imagine Whites NOT Giving up a Seat on a Bus to a Black Kid, and then Beating him Repeatedly?...

And say, the White Bus Driver does nothing to Stop it...

There are so many ways this Story WOULD have gone, but the Races were Right for the Media with all of the Misplaced White Guilt.


They sure were beating the crap out of that white kid! His great-great-great-grand-daddy probably was friends of a guy whose cousin knew someone that was a slave owner so he probably deserved it. And if you think the white kid didn't deserve it, you're a racist!!! Praise Obama.
I Watch that Video, and I Think about all of the Times in RECENT Years that Black "Leaders" try to get Sympathy by Telling Whites they don't Know what it's like to Black in America...


I grew up in Long Beach CA and learned quite a long time ago that the clear majority of Blacks hate White people and hate America. They all voted for Obama in the last election.

I've been called "Honkey" "Cracker" "Haystack" and of course "Whitey" my whole life. I got into many fights just because of my skin color. Blacks in America expect Whitey to give them a living because they were brought here as slaves, they think they built everything. And don't ever even think of going into a Black neighborhood in L.A. because as I've been told many times: "You don't belong here".

Watching that video makes me wanna' take a machine gun to all those involved. You just watch though, some Black kid is gonna' say "He be callin' us boy and shit!" Which of course never happened but will be backed up by all the other Blacks on that bus. I've seen the race card played a million times like that.

"Hey yall', we gots Barackst Obamas now. We niggahs taken owvuh! We been slaves fo fo-hunid yeah an shit". No. Your group is too stupid to take over without destroying everything. Just look at Barack Obama and "crew".

But here's Blacks real problem that doesn't get reported: Mexicans are the ones who are really taking over and they really don't like Black people.

I know I'm gonna' be flamed for this post but I don't care, it's got to be said.
If adults would just leave the kids alone, they would come to a mutual understanding all on their own. It might take a fight or two but in the long run, they will find common ground.
Why would anyone automatically assume this was motivated by pure racial hatred? I didn't see or hear anything in the video to support jumping to that conclusion. Maybe the kid is just a dweeb that nobody likes. Doesn't make it right, but it certainly doesn't necessarily make it a race thing either.
My grandparents used to live in Cahokia. Which, including Belleville, is some dirty ass ghetto suburbs of EAST St. Louis. Can't say that this really shocks me all that much. East St. Louis is to St. Louis what Camden, Nj is to Philly.

Race crime? dunno. but, expulsion for sure and I'd sue the shit out of the school district for not providing safe transportation to school. Hell, if this were a white on black crime we'd be past the condemning stage and would be trying to predict how many millions would be the reward in this civil lawsuit.
Hell, if this were a white on black crime we'd be past the condemning stage and would be trying to predict how many millions would be the reward in this civil lawsuit.

Probably. But just because it's true doesn't make it right.

What I think is retarded is the opinions expressed already in this thread indicating that justice can be served by doing the same thing (in reverse).

I guess their momma's never told them two wrongs don't make a right.
Hell, if this were a white on black crime we'd be past the condemning stage and would be trying to predict how many millions would be the reward in this civil lawsuit.

Probably. But just because it's true doesn't make it right.

What I think is retarded is the opinions expressed already in this thread indicating that justice can be served by doing the same thing (in reverse).

I guess their momma's never told them two wrongs don't make a right.

you know about that white boy that was beaten nearly to death in Maryland? Cause he dated a black girl? Maryland doesn't want to declare it a hate crime either. Know what was stated on the TV? Because they did not want to subject black youngsters to the American judical system. So it looks like there will be no justice.
Hell, if this were a white on black crime we'd be past the condemning stage and would be trying to predict how many millions would be the reward in this civil lawsuit.

Probably. But just because it's true doesn't make it right.

What I think is retarded is the opinions expressed already in this thread indicating that justice can be served by doing the same thing (in reverse).

I guess their momma's never told them two wrongs don't make a right.

i dont know about justice being served but I think the double standard is pretty obvious. If a bus full of white kids in alabama were on tape whipping the shit out of a black student we'd have seen LA in riots by now. The stark silence from the typical talking heads when it's whites on blacks is deafening.

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