2-year-old black girl cuffed by white child for Rosa Parks reenactment at Florida day care

The little white girl was the victim in this for being taught that her ancestors were oppressors and she should have to pay reparations. What ever happened to learning your ABC's and 123's in preschool?
What happened is the disease of Dem / Socialism and the woke, self-hating agenda it typifies.
This would be an effective lesson for middle schoolers. It would leave an impression and promote Rosa Parks as the great individual she was.

entresting this is the kind of teaching dems and blacks want in school. now there having a fit over it. i think more is being made out of it that should be.
Indoctrination starts at a very young age in our schools. Should we really be surprised at the antisemitism in society?
The rightwing response to the children enacting our history is only indicative of how bad our history is.
Before I got to this post I knew a retarded leftist like this idiot would invoke "history". You can't even let kids be kids. Should we teach more modern history?


There's nothing wrong with teaching about a hero like Rosa Parks. But do it at an age where they can comprehend how wrong segregation was. These kids are way too young.
So is it your contention that children should be forced to practice slavery in schools so they can be "taught" history?
His contention is that children in nursery schools and kindergarten practice pretend slavery. They must learn to hate each other early on.
It was an answer to your post and geography has nothing to do with this. Should black students concentrate hard on learning math and English rather this nonsense?
Rosa Parks story should be taught. Just at a later age. It's an important event in our history.
This would be an effective lesson for middle schoolers. It would leave an impression and promote Rosa Parks as the great individual she was.

Rosa Parks story should be taught. Just at a later age. It's an important event in our history.
Jr. high is an appropriate age to learn that stuff, not preschool. But you know, leftist shitlords gotta indoctrinate

and rob children of childhood and stoke racism and like that. :rolleyes-41:
The rightwing response to the children enacting our history is only indicative of how bad our history is.
The Democrats who think this is teaching history need to be thrown in jail. A 2 year old does not know how to communicate let alone learn about the democrats racist history.

Enacting history, you are insane
2 year olds can not communicate let alone learn of the democrats racist history.

The entire school staff should be thrown in jail
I wonder, how come we don't teach brain surgery to two year olds.

Or, we could teach a two year old to drive a tractor trailor
2 year olds can not communicate let alone learn of the democrats racist history.

The entire school staff should be thrown in jail
Shouldn't you, as a Republican, be rejoicing that the "Democrat racist history" is being revealed?

Why are only Republicans crying about this?

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