20,000 pages to get $6.2 trillion in long-term deficits???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"the White House's goal of enrolling 7 million in the first year."

The one bright spot in all of this is that these 115,000 people who have completed applications (though not necessarily picked and paid for a plan)
How Many People Have Enrolled in Obamacare? - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Obamacare is projected to add $6.2 trillion to the nation's long-term deficits,

Contrary to what Obama said: "This legislation is fully paid for, and will not add one single dime to our deficit."

Photo: 20,000 Pages of Obamacare Regulations - Guy Benson

All of that plus $600 million to create a web site?

So after a few million people acquire insurance through the exchanges, and many of them receive a government subsidy to help them afford it,

and THEN the Republicans magically manage to repeal Obamacare,

are they simply going to revoke those people's policies? End their subsidies?

How will that work?
How does it work when any other government program or subsidy ends?
weird how the 2, 000 page bill is now somehow 20, 000

No it is NOT weird. The BILL was 2,000 pages.
NOW the rules and regulations to execute the bill is 20,000 pages ... pages of rules and regulations.

For example simple ACA legislation calling for "10% tax on tanning salons..."
Means now hundreds of pages on who is taxed. How they are taxed. Who will tax them. How it will be reported. THAT is just to
put the teeth into the 10% tax. NOW you actually have to create the group within the IRS that will administer the tax. REPRINT 2014
tax forms,etc... see what happens when the cubicle in D.C. rules???
And remember I just gave an illustration of ONE of the lines.. 10% tax on tanning salons"!
Consider the remaining NEW and REVISED IRS, HHS, and other alphabets that have to be changed or added to!
Yes, us people who aren't 14 know that it takes a lot of paperwork to Govern a Country of 300million+ people.

It's only news to the illiterate.
This bill obviously should have required no more than 3 paragraphs total. Am I right or am I right!

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