20/20 census

Okay, 67% minority-majority population or simply put 67% of the population is of minority races. As if that was really ever a thing.
It's getting confusing these days, since lefties have come up with a single race called "people of color", that includes everybody but whites, they have come up with a single convenient race called the "human race" that assigns us ALL to it, and many lefties deny that race even exists at all. Some even think you can just identify as whatever race you want, kinda like men who identify as women and then win all the women's sporting events.
It's getting confusing these days, since lefties have come up with a single race called "people of color", that includes everybody but whites, they have come up with a single convenient race called the "human race," and many lefties deny that race doesn't even exist at all. Some even think you can just identify as whatever race you want, kinda like men who identify as women and then win all the women's sporting events.
Actually the " human race " is correct. DNA proves that. Personally I believe it should be " humanoid race " since several lines of humans are represented in our DNA.
It's getting confusing these days, since lefties have come up with a single race called "people of color", that includes everybody but whites, they have come up with a single convenient race called the "human race" that assigns us ALL to it, and many lefties deny that race even exists at all. Some even think you can just identify as whatever race you want, kinda like men who identify as women and then win all the women's sporting events.
The idea of race could have been just as easily been based on eye color rather than pigmentation in one skin. It would have made just as much sense and by that I mean none.
Does this mean black oppression never happened?
Black oppression did occur and continues to occur in our culture because of that original misconception that continues to be perpetuated.
Next year I will have been out of the Air Force for 50 years now. I don't know what the current standards are now, but I enlisted at a time when Donald Trump was busy getting deferred and others like him were fleeing to Canada. My hands have arthritis so I use a machine to print out the words I don't always correct the punctuation and with you I have even less incentive to do so. I'm having a great night and hope you can try to have the same. Good luck with that.
So that's your problem! Senility is such an ugly way to live!
since the conception of the Monroe doctrine.
The Monroe doctrine has absolutely nothing to do with ILLEGAL immigration. It had everything to do with American imperialism in the western hemisphere and preventing Europe from establishing any more footholds in this hemisphere. Your misconception that it allows for open borders is fallacious.
The Monroe doctrine has absolutely nothing to do with ILLEGAL immigration. It had everything to do with American imperialism in the western hemisphere and preventing Europe from establishing any more footholds in this hemisphere. Your misconception that it allows for open borders is fallacious.
I believe you're mistaken on that one point at least, the rest was correct. If it wasn't part of the Monroe doctrine I believe it was because many nation states did not even have armies they depended on us to defend them so as a result their people were allowed to join our military. If that's not the case the OAS agreement the US signed in 1948 and our immigration laws allow for non-citizens to join our military. I was in the Air Force I worked with Foreign Nationals as peers. Also serving in our military allows for an accelerated process to citizenship for these people. Most of the ones I knew just wanted to put their 20 years in and go back home to live like kings. The only restriction I could find was they aren't allowed to be commission officers / warrant officers. Those positions entail security clearances which weren't given this group in the military.
Correct, strongholds of the good old boys that are member of racist groups like the KKK and the proud boys.
You stupid fucker, you just said that TX and FL were "white minority" states while you attempted to associate the right with racists. Are you trying to say that these states that have a majority of people of color are really white racists in disguise? I thought that maybe after a good night's sleep you might gain some perspective--I was wrong. You are still a moron that has no grip on reality. You are good for some great side-splitters though. Better than the comedy coming out of Hollywood.
I believe you're mistaken on that one point at least, the rest was correct. If it wasn't part of the Monroe doctrine I believe it was because many nation states did not even have armies they depended on us to defend them so as a result their people were allowed to join our military. If that's not the case the OAS agreement the US signed in 1948 and our immigration laws allow for non-citizens to join our military. I was in the Air Force I worked with Foreign Nationals as peers. Also serving in our military allows for an accelerated process to citizenship for these people. Most of the ones I knew just wanted to put their 20 years in and go back home to live like kings. The only restriction I could find was they aren't allowed to be commission officers / warrant officers. Those positions entail security clearances which weren't given this group in the military.
Quit spouting bullshit. By your own multiple admissions above, you don't know WTF you are talking about. Better to keep quiet and let people think you are stupid than to open your piehole and remove all doubt.
I was talking about extremists. How many blacks are minorities are in the kkk or proud boys.
Racists and extremists are not limited by race moron. Only a racist would think such a thing. There are just as many extremist POC as there are white. To claim innocence for those groups while hypocritically labeling the entire caucasion race as extremist is the height of racism. How's it feel to be a bigot?
You stupid fucker, you just said that TX and FL were "white minority" states while you attempted to associate the right with racists. Are you trying to say that these states that have a majority of people of color are really white racists in disguise? I thought that maybe after a good night's sleep you might gain some perspective--I was wrong. You are still a moron that has no grip on reality. You are good for some great side-splitters though. Better than the comedy coming out of Hollywood.
No, I said one of the probable reasons for the rise in white supremacy throughout the South, it's mostly in the South ( always has been hopefully always won't be ) is because they are fearful of the rise in minority numbers. Like I said from the beginning do you have a problem with comprehension ? Or do you just choose to be obtuse ? Take your pick it's got to be one or the other. Also I'm not going to do this all day, so get it out of your system. I have a busy afternoon coming up and it doesn't include you.

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