20 children hospitalized each day with gun injuries

You realize when people live in alternate universes and innocent children/adults getting shot and killed is just ...... Long live the mouth breathers!!!

I said children/adults...Learn to read Dumbass...

And most of the gun grabbers stats that are being used cont the 20 year olds as children, fuck face bitch.

The Second Amendment does not grant anyone the rights to siege weapons but only personal firearms, dumbass.

Show me where the 2nd amendment defines what type of weapon is allowed, Dumbass......

That is the historical context and it also speaks of 'bearing' arms, that excludes siege weapons, retard.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

Well you must have a whole bunch of opinions since you are all 100% ass hole.

I said children/adults...Learn to read Dumbass...

And most of the gun grabbers stats that are being used cont the 20 year olds as children, fuck face bitch.

Show me where the 2nd amendment defines what type of weapon is allowed, Dumbass......

That is the historical context and it also speaks of 'bearing' arms, that excludes siege weapons, retard.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

Well you must have a whole bunch of opinions since you are all 100% ass hole.

LOL You are one insightful, intelligent biotch.....Gets emotionally bitchy when confronted with facts. Have a nice day.

,|,,(-_-),,|, :ahole-1:

I said children/adults...Learn to read Dumbass...

And most of the gun grabbers stats that are being used cont the 20 year olds as children, fuck face bitch.

Show me where the 2nd amendment defines what type of weapon is allowed, Dumbass......

That is the historical context and it also speaks of 'bearing' arms, that excludes siege weapons, retard.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

Well you must have a whole bunch of opinions since you are all 100% ass hole.

Oh, historical context you say?

So, the only weapons that should be allowed are muskets and single shot weapons. Nothing semi-automatic then. Right?
I said children/adults...Learn to read Dumbass...

And most of the gun grabbers stats that are being used cont the 20 year olds as children, fuck face bitch.

That is the historical context and it also speaks of 'bearing' arms, that excludes siege weapons, retard.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

Well you must have a whole bunch of opinions since you are all 100% ass hole.

Oh, historical context you say?

So, the only weapons that should be allowed are muskets and single shot weapons. Nothing semi-automatic then. Right?

I wouldn't expect much, just likes to make up stuff and name call. I enjoy a good debate, but he seems to want to troll and incite. In all seriousness there is no definition as to what is acceptable for the 2nd amendment. There is no language that forbids "siege weapons" like catapults, ballista and trebuchet. Nor does there seem to be any specific language around serious modern weaponry.
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You realize when people live in alternate universes and innocent children/adults getting shot and killed is just collateral damage to protect a perceived right and fuzzy logic somehow dictates that if I own a gun and don't have a conscience I am somehow safer, you are dealing with a mouth breather. The macho theory that when the shit hits the fan, it will all unfold like it has in my delusional mind for years. I will shoot better and faster and be completely aware of impending doom. And yes I will reign victorious because I have old blue by my side for protection. Long live the mouth breathers!!!

BTW to address my second amendment needs I want an Apache AH-64 and the K2 Black Panther....

In a study commissioned by Obama ir was concluded that

incidents in which a gun was “used” by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies

So it seems people who were armed were indeed safer and suffered less injury.

So you see it is a reality not merely a perception that guns are a viable tool for self defense.

And your whole scenario is a product of your own mind.,

Most people who carry for self defense are not looking to protect you or anyone else.

I certainly am not. As I have said over and over. If I saw you that you were getting the tar kicked out of you I would not pull my weapon. I would call the cops but I would not shoot to defend you. You see I have a permit to carry but that permit in no way gives me permission to shoot my weapon. Shooting my weapon may be cause for me to lose my permit so I will not shoot to defend anyone but myself.

The way I see it you chose to be defenseless and I respect that choice and would call the cops since that id your chosen means of self defense.. They might even show up before you get beaten to death.
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You realize when people live in alternate universes and innocent children/adults getting shot and killed is just collateral damage to protect a perceived right and fuzzy logic somehow dictates that if I own a gun and don't have a conscience I am somehow safer, you are dealing with a mouth breather. The macho theory that when the shit hits the fan, it will all unfold like it has in my delusional mind for years. I will shoot better and faster and be completely aware of impending doom. And yes I will reign victorious because I have old blue by my side for protection. Long live the mouth breathers!!!

BTW to address my second amendment needs I want an Apache AH-64 and the K2 Black Panther....

In a study commissioned by Obama ir was concluded that

incidents in which a gun was “used” by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies

So it seems people who were armed were indeed safer and suffered less injury.

So you see it is a reality not merely a perception that guns are a viable tool for self defense.

And your whole scenario is a product of your own mind.,

Most people who carry for self defense are not looking to protect you or anyone else.

I certainly am not. As I have said over and over. If I saw you that you were getting the tar kicked out of you I would not pull my weapon. I would call the cops but I would not shoot to defend you. You see I have a permit to carry but that permit in no way gives me permission to shoot my weapon. Shooting my weapon may be cause for me to lose my permit so I will not shoot to defend anyone but myself.

The way I see it you chose to be defenseless and I respect that choice and would call the cops since that id your chosen means of self defense.. They might even show up before you get beaten to death.

Thank you for the reasonable response. I agree with your assessment that guns could and should be used for self defense, I'm concerned about the collateral damage, especially when they are used for aggression. It is a shame to have innocent people killed because a nut got a hold of a weapon.

The second point was, who decides what types of weapons are covered under the 2nd amendment? I have not read anywhere that there are parameters of choice or quantity of weapon.

Not sure how you concluded that I have chosen to be defenseless? These discussions should not be an all or nothing proposition, either 50 automatic, high caliber weapons or nothing.

Hopefully we are all on the same page about innocent people being killed, the question is what becomes a good solution to address it.
20 kids each day is NOT very many. I would wager TEN times that many are hospitalized each day due to car crashes. So while aren't liberals screaming for lower speed limits and mandatory prison for drunk drivers and text drivers?
20 kids each day is NOT very many. I would wager TEN times that many are hospitalized each day due to car crashes. So while aren't liberals screaming for lower speed limits and mandatory prison for drunk drivers and text drivers?

Are only liberals concerned about innocent people getting killed or injured?
You realize when people live in alternate universes and innocent children/adults getting shot and killed is just collateral damage to protect a perceived right and fuzzy logic somehow dictates that if I own a gun and don't have a conscience I am somehow safer, you are dealing with a mouth breather. The macho theory that when the shit hits the fan, it will all unfold like it has in my delusional mind for years. I will shoot better and faster and be completely aware of impending doom. And yes I will reign victorious because I have old blue by my side for protection. Long live the mouth breathers!!!

BTW to address my second amendment needs I want an Apache AH-64 and the K2 Black Panther....
Thank you for helping to prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
You realize when people live in alternate universes and innocent children/adults getting shot and killed is just collateral damage to protect a perceived right and fuzzy logic somehow dictates that if I own a gun and don't have a conscience I am somehow safer, you are dealing with a mouth breather. The macho theory that when the shit hits the fan, it will all unfold like it has in my delusional mind for years. I will shoot better and faster and be completely aware of impending doom. And yes I will reign victorious because I have old blue by my side for protection. Long live the mouth breathers!!!

BTW to address my second amendment needs I want an Apache AH-64 and the K2 Black Panther....

In a study commissioned by Obama ir was concluded that

incidents in which a gun was “used” by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies

So it seems people who were armed were indeed safer and suffered less injury.

So you see it is a reality not merely a perception that guns are a viable tool for self defense.

And your whole scenario is a product of your own mind.,

Most people who carry for self defense are not looking to protect you or anyone else.

I certainly am not. As I have said over and over. If I saw you that you were getting the tar kicked out of you I would not pull my weapon. I would call the cops but I would not shoot to defend you. You see I have a permit to carry but that permit in no way gives me permission to shoot my weapon. Shooting my weapon may be cause for me to lose my permit so I will not shoot to defend anyone but myself.

The way I see it you chose to be defenseless and I respect that choice and would call the cops since that id your chosen means of self defense.. They might even show up before you get beaten to death.

Thank you for the reasonable response. I agree with your assessment that guns could and should be used for self defense, I'm concerned about the collateral damage, especially when they are used for aggression. It is a shame to have innocent people killed because a nut got a hold of a weapon.

The second point was, who decides what types of weapons are covered under the 2nd amendment? I have not read anywhere that there are parameters of choice or quantity of weapon.

Not sure how you concluded that I have chosen to be defenseless? These discussions should not be an all or nothing proposition, either 50 automatic, high caliber weapons or nothing.

Hopefully we are all on the same page about innocent people being killed, the question is what becomes a good solution to address it.

innocent people aren't being killed by law abiding gun owners.

80% of gun murders happen in urban areas and are gang related.

It is not a gun problem as if you excluded gun crimes related to gangs our gun death rate would be far far lower.

If you want to stop gun violence then start with the major urban areas where most of the violence takes place not with law abiding gun owners.
In a study commissioned by Obama ir was concluded that

So it seems people who were armed were indeed safer and suffered less injury.

So you see it is a reality not merely a perception that guns are a viable tool for self defense.

And your whole scenario is a product of your own mind.,

Most people who carry for self defense are not looking to protect you or anyone else.

I certainly am not. As I have said over and over. If I saw you that you were getting the tar kicked out of you I would not pull my weapon. I would call the cops but I would not shoot to defend you. You see I have a permit to carry but that permit in no way gives me permission to shoot my weapon. Shooting my weapon may be cause for me to lose my permit so I will not shoot to defend anyone but myself.

The way I see it you chose to be defenseless and I respect that choice and would call the cops since that id your chosen means of self defense.. They might even show up before you get beaten to death.

Thank you for the reasonable response. I agree with your assessment that guns could and should be used for self defense, I'm concerned about the collateral damage, especially when they are used for aggression. It is a shame to have innocent people killed because a nut got a hold of a weapon.

The second point was, who decides what types of weapons are covered under the 2nd amendment? I have not read anywhere that there are parameters of choice or quantity of weapon.

Not sure how you concluded that I have chosen to be defenseless? These discussions should not be an all or nothing proposition, either 50 automatic, high caliber weapons or nothing.

Hopefully we are all on the same page about innocent people being killed, the question is what becomes a good solution to address it.

innocent people aren't being killed by law abiding gun owners.

80% of gun murders happen in urban areas and are gang related.

It is not a gun problem as if you excluded gun crimes related to gangs our gun death rate would be far far lower.

If you want to stop gun violence then start with the major urban areas where most of the violence takes place not with law abiding gun owners.

Deadliest U.S. mass shootings - Timelines - Los Angeles Times

All of these places seem to be in small towns...
Thank you for the reasonable response. I agree with your assessment that guns could and should be used for self defense, I'm concerned about the collateral damage, especially when they are used for aggression. It is a shame to have innocent people killed because a nut got a hold of a weapon.

The second point was, who decides what types of weapons are covered under the 2nd amendment? I have not read anywhere that there are parameters of choice or quantity of weapon.

Not sure how you concluded that I have chosen to be defenseless? These discussions should not be an all or nothing proposition, either 50 automatic, high caliber weapons or nothing.

Hopefully we are all on the same page about innocent people being killed, the question is what becomes a good solution to address it.

innocent people aren't being killed by law abiding gun owners.

80% of gun murders happen in urban areas and are gang related.

It is not a gun problem as if you excluded gun crimes related to gangs our gun death rate would be far far lower.

If you want to stop gun violence then start with the major urban areas where most of the violence takes place not with law abiding gun owners.

Deadliest U.S. mass shootings - Timelines - Los Angeles Times

All of these places seem to be in small towns...

He stated 'gun murders' not 'mass shootings', you fascist shit-for-brains.
I said children/adults...Learn to read Dumbass...

And most of the gun grabbers stats that are being used cont the 20 year olds as children, fuck face bitch.

That is the historical context and it also speaks of 'bearing' arms, that excludes siege weapons, retard.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

Well you must have a whole bunch of opinions since you are all 100% ass hole.

LOL You are one insightful, intelligent biotch.....Gets emotionally bitchy when confronted with facts. Have a nice day.

,|,,(-_-),,|, :ahole-1:

The facts are against you and you know it, but you twist and lie and do everything you can to disarm the American people.

Eat shit and choke, you fucking whore.
20 kids each day is NOT very many. I would wager TEN times that many are hospitalized each day due to car crashes. So while aren't liberals screaming for lower speed limits and mandatory prison for drunk drivers and text drivers?

Are only liberals concerned about innocent people getting killed or injured?

The answer is no. The liberal total acceptance of the much larger and much more correctable problem of car violence proves they don't care about people getting killed or injured. They just hate gun owners.
20 kids each day is NOT very many. I would wager TEN times that many are hospitalized each day due to car crashes. So while aren't liberals screaming for lower speed limits and mandatory prison for drunk drivers and text drivers?

Are only liberals concerned about innocent people getting killed or injured?

The answer is no. The liberal total acceptance of the much larger and much more correctable problem of car violence proves they don't care about people getting killed or injured. They just hate gun owners.

Libtards don't care about innocent lives at all, or they would want people to have easier access to guns so they can defend themselves and save far more lives. Low end estimate is that 2,500,000 violent crimes are prevented each year by the defensive use of guns.

Private Guns Stop Crime 2.5M Times A Year In US

According to FBI stats, there is 757 violent crimes in the US per 100,000 people, and 9.3 murders, so that gives murders as 1.12% of violent crimes.

FBI ? Table 1

That means that in all likelihood around 30,000 lives are saved by the defensive use of guns each year.

So why do libtards want MORE innocent people to die?
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Bottom line. As gun sales have been soaring, violent crime has been dropping

We have licensing for cars, require insurance, hold car owners responsible for damages, require manufacturers to build a safer product

You support the same for guns?

Ready.....ready?.....here it comes

God DAYUM! but you are one stupid bitch.

All that and more is required you stupid fuck.

I can go buy a 600 Horsepower car capable of exceeding 200 MPH with NO proof that I can safely operate it.

I might be a drunk, a druggie, a homicidal maniac or a dimocrap idiot(same-same)....

But I can buy the car. I don't need a license to buy it, I don't need to go to a class and if I pay cash for it, I don't even have to buy Insurance.

I can even legally lend it to my 16 year-old nephew, Race Car Rickey and if he goes out and plows into a school bus stop full of kids at 140MPH, the worst you can do to me is sue me for civil damages.

dimocraps are just simply stupid.... You really are.

Here's a thought..... Stop crime and watch how fast gun ownership rates drop in this Country.

I don't like guns. I see them as a tool. I've been around the too much and I know FIRST HAND what they can do to people. It ain't pretty.

But I keep one because there's idiots out there who will break into your house, rape your wife, beat you silly, steal your money and kill your kids.

Probably the same guys that were just let of Jail by a soft-hearted dimocrap Judge the week before.

A gun gives me a chance.

Statistically it makes you much more likely to be shot.

Only if you use dishonest dipshit leftist statistics . . . y'know, like the ones in your fucktard OP.

What an utter load of horseshit.
20 children hospitalized each day. Those guns make us so safe.
Twenty U.S. Kids Hospitalized Each Day for Gun Injuries: Study ? WebMD

Which begs the question...

What's going to happen to the so-called responsible gun owners who owned the weapons?

Didn't bother to read the link did ya? The vast majority of those "children" were 15-20 year old thugs who are shooting each other, I don't think they have ever been considered responsible gun owners.

I wondered how long it would take someone to point out that the article is defining "children" as "under 20". How many of us consider people 18-20 to be "children"? Pretty odd, considering that they're legal adults at 18, and able to do everything adults do, with the exception of drinking and gambling.
Pools keep us cool the drownings are just collateral damage.

Pools aren't designed to cause violence. Fail.

Using these tired comparisons just makes the person typing them look like an idiot.

Even if banning guns to some extent saved 20 childrens lives, it would be a good thing. Nobody can deny that.

"Social values in general are incrementally variable: neither safety, diversity, rational articulation, nor morality is categorically a good thing to have more of, without limits. All are subject to diminishing returns, and ultimately negative returns." - Thomas Sowell

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