20 children hospitalized each day with gun injuries

Ok, let's keep the topic on kids.

Please state a solution that would prevent children from being injured by guns.

That is a good question finally.

How about this. A 14 year old or younger who is injured in the home of a gun owner, that gun owner loses the right to ever own a gun again. If the kid is killed, then the gun owner goes to jail for criminal negligence. For at least 15 years. And can't ever own a gun legally again.

14 and up could have more leeway seeing as how the 15 yo and up should have more fucking gun sense than to accidentally shoot themselves or accidentally shoot another.

But if a 15 year old and up did end up shooting themselves of someone else accidentally, they would forfeit their right to own a gun legally. And the parent or guardian as well.

Then, seeing as how most mass shooters and gang bangers are young men in their early 20ties, I would make it illegal for young men under 30 to buy guns. Any guns. Get picked up with a gun, go to jail. Or get your trigger finger cut off.

Whadda ya think. To radical?

Ya think a few cases of people knowing a gun nut in jail for negligent homicide of their kids MIGHT lock their fucking guns up where the kid can't get to them? Or trigger lock the piece.
Or store the weapon in a different place than the ammo. Whatever it take to keep the kid safe in their own home.

Right now there is no real consequence if people are the cause of their kids injury or death by gun. At least if it occurs in the home occupied by the kid and an adult parent.

Well other than the misery and guilt from being the cause of a kids death or injury. And guilt and misery won't slow a gun nutter down for an instant.

So we need a law(s) that will.

btw, raised three kids with guns in my gun safe and trigger locks if I wanted a gun outside the safe. Wasn't very hard to do and no one suffered from having the guns locked up. And my kids didn't shoot me, themselves or a friend.

That is successful, responsible gun ownership. Not something a gun nutter cares about from what I read here.

My question was to prevent it, not how to prosecute it after it happens.

Is that all you libs want is to see someone punished after you dig up these stories on the internet?

Will that help you sleep at night?

I don't believe it for a minute.

Fuck, you and warrior are dense, How to prevent kids (14 and under) from getting their parents guns and accidentally shooting themselves or another person. You can't figure out that locking the guns in a safe, using a trigger lock or storing the gun unloaded would solve this mystery eh?

You shouldn't own a gun around children either.

Hey warrior, stick one of your guns up your ass and go fuck yourself. Dick breath.
Three times as many kids end up in the hospital every day due to shopping carts.

Shopping cart injuries send 66 kids to nation’s ERs each day, study finds

Every 22 minutes in the U.S., an injury from a shopping cart sends a child to the emergency room, according to new research that finds voluntary safety standards fail to protect kids in the grocery store.Between 1990 and 2011, about 530,500 children under age 15 were hospitalized due to a shopping cart-related injury, which translates to more than 24,000 children a year, or 66 children each day, according to the*new study*by Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, published in the January issue of the journal Clinical Pediatrics.Dr. Michael Ross, a pediatrician at Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor, urged parents to exercise caution when placing children in shopping carts.“While we aren’t seeing the same injury rate as suggested in the study in our area, about every six months or so I see rpatients that have had a fall from a shopping cart related incident,” Ross said in a press release about the new research.Falls from a shopping cart accounted for the majority of injuries, about 70 percent, followed by running into or falling over a cart, carts tipping over, and getting body parts trapped in a cart.

Shopping cart injuries send 66 kids to nation?s ERs each day, study finds ? Health ? Bangor Daily News ? BDN Maine
my point, which you are apparently too dumb to grasp, is that more laws do not stop criminal behavior.[/B]

What the fuck is wrong with you peoples reading comprehension.

A 5 yo who finds Dads gun and shoots themselves accidentally is not a criminal. And has no idea what a "law" is or does. Dad or Mom is not a criminal. (but I would make them one)

But some gun nutter link me to the law that says a parent responsible for the accidental gun death or injury of their child or someone else's child, can never own a gun legally again.

Or goes to jail for their negligence.

I want to read that law.

Does the 5 yr old have to be their kid or just any kid, for you to take away their civil liberties?

Their kid or any kid that is in their house and under their supposed protection from harm.

And fuck the gun owners "civil liberties" who is negligent in a child's death by their gun.
And here I thought asshole gun nutters like you knew ALL the laws on the books about guns.

Don't think - asswipe. You'll hurt yourself.
I don't even know how many guns I own. But, I handle each responsibly.
I am also licensed to carry weapons concealed. Again, with responsibility.
Occasionally - a gun gets into the hands of a thug or a dumb fuck like you who has no clue which end of the tube the fucking round comes out of.
I can't police stupidity son.
Shut the fuck up, before I stick my dick in your mouth.

Woah! That took an unexpected turn.

All of this talk about pistols and discharging weapons get you excited?
That is a good question finally.

How about this. A 14 year old or younger who is injured in the home of a gun owner, that gun owner loses the right to ever own a gun again. If the kid is killed, then the gun owner goes to jail for criminal negligence. For at least 15 years. And can't ever own a gun legally again.

14 and up could have more leeway seeing as how the 15 yo and up should have more fucking gun sense than to accidentally shoot themselves or accidentally shoot another.

But if a 15 year old and up did end up shooting themselves of someone else accidentally, they would forfeit their right to own a gun legally. And the parent or guardian as well.

Then, seeing as how most mass shooters and gang bangers are young men in their early 20ties, I would make it illegal for young men under 30 to buy guns. Any guns. Get picked up with a gun, go to jail. Or get your trigger finger cut off.

Whadda ya think. To radical?

Ya think a few cases of people knowing a gun nut in jail for negligent homicide of their kids MIGHT lock their fucking guns up where the kid can't get to them? Or trigger lock the piece.
Or store the weapon in a different place than the ammo. Whatever it take to keep the kid safe in their own home.

Right now there is no real consequence if people are the cause of their kids injury or death by gun. At least if it occurs in the home occupied by the kid and an adult parent.

Well other than the misery and guilt from being the cause of a kids death or injury. And guilt and misery won't slow a gun nutter down for an instant.

So we need a law(s) that will.

btw, raised three kids with guns in my gun safe and trigger locks if I wanted a gun outside the safe. Wasn't very hard to do and no one suffered from having the guns locked up. And my kids didn't shoot me, themselves or a friend.

That is successful, responsible gun ownership. Not something a gun nutter cares about from what I read here.

My question was to prevent it, not how to prosecute it after it happens.

Is that all you libs want is to see someone punished after you dig up these stories on the internet?

Will that help you sleep at night?

I don't believe it for a minute.

Fuck, you and warrior are dense, How to prevent kids (14 and under) from getting their parents guns and accidentally shooting themselves or another person. You can't figure out that locking the guns in a safe, using a trigger lock or storing the gun unloaded would solve this mystery eh?

You shouldn't own a gun around children either.

Hey warrior, stick one of your guns up your ass and go fuck yourself. Dick breath.

Why are you stuck on 14 and under? The stats are 84% are 15-19. It's not he cutie pie poor innocent kids stumbling upon mom and dads gun

Face reality
Give us some examples of this "sensible legislation."

They don't have any.

The one thing gun control idiots never seem to take into account is that the fucking criminals responsible for most of the gun crime won't obey the fucking laws anyway.

You have loaded guns in a house with children and they get ahold of the guns and kill themselves or another child.....you are guilty of manslaughter

Yes, they are, you just blew your own argument away that "sensible legislation" has been blocked....
Children get killed in car accidents....we require child safety seats
Children poisoned by prescription drugs.....we require child safety caps
Children fall out of highrise windows......we require safety shields

Children killed by guns........fuck em, we have a second amendment

"Babies get mutilated and sometime their brain gets sucked out...screw em, it is a choice damn it. It is my body not the baby's damn it"

So, your logic is that as long as we have legal abortion......who gives a fuck about kids killed by guns?

LOL, you can't grasp any argument, can you RW?

The point is that:

1) Liberals are jacked out of shape that 3 kids a day go to hospitals for gunshot wounds.

2) Liberals are OK with 3,000+ kids a day being aborted, mostly for the convenience of the mother.

Conclusion, you don't care about "children" you are just using them as political fodder. It's an iron clad case.

Now I'm pro-choice, but I'm pro-gun freedom. You're either, you're just socialist.
"Babies get mutilated and sometime their brain gets sucked out...screw em, it is a choice damn it. It is my body not the baby's damn it"

So, your logic is that as long as we have legal abortion......who gives a fuck about kids killed by guns?

LOL, you can't grasp any argument, can you RW?

The point is that:

1) Liberals are jacked out of shape that 3 kids a day go to hospitals for gunshot wounds.

2) Liberals are OK with 3,000+ kids a day being aborted, mostly for the convenience of the mother.

Conclusion, you don't care about "children" you are just using them as political fodder. It's an iron clad case.

Now I'm pro-choice, but I'm pro-gun freedom. You're either, you're just socialist.

LOL, what does "socialist" have anything to do with any of the crap you just posted?

You people literally just equate anything you don't like as Socialist. LOL.
That is a good question finally.

How about this. A 14 year old or younger who is injured in the home of a gun owner, that gun owner loses the right to ever own a gun again. If the kid is killed, then the gun owner goes to jail for criminal negligence. For at least 15 years. And can't ever own a gun legally again.

14 and up could have more leeway seeing as how the 15 yo and up should have more fucking gun sense than to accidentally shoot themselves or accidentally shoot another.

But if a 15 year old and up did end up shooting themselves of someone else accidentally, they would forfeit their right to own a gun legally. And the parent or guardian as well.

Then, seeing as how most mass shooters and gang bangers are young men in their early 20ties, I would make it illegal for young men under 30 to buy guns. Any guns. Get picked up with a gun, go to jail. Or get your trigger finger cut off.

Whadda ya think. To radical?

Ya think a few cases of people knowing a gun nut in jail for negligent homicide of their kids MIGHT lock their fucking guns up where the kid can't get to them? Or trigger lock the piece.
Or store the weapon in a different place than the ammo. Whatever it take to keep the kid safe in their own home.

Right now there is no real consequence if people are the cause of their kids injury or death by gun. At least if it occurs in the home occupied by the kid and an adult parent.

Well other than the misery and guilt from being the cause of a kids death or injury. And guilt and misery won't slow a gun nutter down for an instant.

So we need a law(s) that will.

btw, raised three kids with guns in my gun safe and trigger locks if I wanted a gun outside the safe. Wasn't very hard to do and no one suffered from having the guns locked up. And my kids didn't shoot me, themselves or a friend.

That is successful, responsible gun ownership. Not something a gun nutter cares about from what I read here.

My question was to prevent it, not how to prosecute it after it happens.

Is that all you libs want is to see someone punished after you dig up these stories on the internet?

Will that help you sleep at night?

I don't believe it for a minute.

Fuck, you and warrior are dense, How to prevent kids (14 and under) from getting their parents guns and accidentally shooting themselves or another person. You can't figure out that locking the guns in a safe, using a trigger lock or storing the gun unloaded would solve this mystery eh?

You shouldn't own a gun around children either.

Hey warrior, stick one of your guns up your ass and go fuck yourself. Dick breath.

No, I can figure that out fine.

How are you going to enforce it?

Do you only prosecute when someone is shot?

Do you think calling people names helps to prove your point?
So, your logic is that as long as we have legal abortion......who gives a fuck about kids killed by guns?

LOL, you can't grasp any argument, can you RW?

The point is that:

1) Liberals are jacked out of shape that 3 kids a day go to hospitals for gunshot wounds.

2) Liberals are OK with 3,000+ kids a day being aborted, mostly for the convenience of the mother.

Conclusion, you don't care about "children" you are just using them as political fodder. It's an iron clad case.

Now I'm pro-choice, but I'm pro-gun freedom. You're either, you're just socialist.

LOL, what does "socialist" have anything to do with any of the crap you just posted?

You people literally just equate anything you don't like as Socialist. LOL.

Socialist has everything to do with it. You recognize clearly that the best way to protect your beloved government is to have yet another government controlled monopoly. Guns.
They don't have any.

The one thing gun control idiots never seem to take into account is that the fucking criminals responsible for most of the gun crime won't obey the fucking laws anyway.

You have loaded guns in a house with children and they get ahold of the guns and kill themselves or another child.....you are guilty of manslaughter

Yes, they are, you just blew your own argument away that "sensible legislation" has been blocked....

By whom?
Guns are inanimate; thay don't kill - criminals do. Stepout of your dumb fucking ideology into reason :eusa_pray:

So, what's all the hoo-haw about "Fast and Furious"?
Those guns were sold to a known continued criminal enterprise who's violence is renown! Holder was complicit, but denied it!

Holder shot someone? How odd that you do not want to blame those who used the weapons but SUDDENLY it's the supplier. Do you hold gun shop owners to the same standards?
Why are accidental gun injuries more egregious than any other accidental injury?

There are far more children hurt and killed accidentally by many other means than there are by guns.

Shouldn't you people maybe start at the top of the list and work your way down?
You have loaded guns in a house with children and they get ahold of the guns and kill themselves or another child.....you are guilty of manslaughter

Yes, they are, you just blew your own argument away that "sensible legislation" has been blocked....

By whom?

If someone leaves their gun and a child finds it and shoots themselves, they can be charged and convicted of manslaughter. Which is correct, and contradicts your argument that there are no reasonable gun laws protecting children.

There are a lot of stupid people out there. Your goal of idiot proofing life is idiocy.
Why are accidental gun injuries more egregious than any other accidental injury?

There are far more children hurt and killed accidentally by many other means than there are by guns.

Shouldn't you people maybe start at the top of the list and work your way down?

Their goal is not protecting children, it's eliminating guns. So they are doing that, they are just using a different list.
So, what's all the hoo-haw about "Fast and Furious"?
Those guns were sold to a known continued criminal enterprise who's violence is renown! Holder was complicit, but denied it!

Holder shot someone? How odd that you do not want to blame those who used the weapons but SUDDENLY it's the supplier. Do you hold gun shop owners to the same standards?

So out of curiosity, since you didn't know what "complicit" means, why didn't you Google it rather than demonstrating you don't know what it means?
Why are accidental gun injuries more egregious than any other accidental injury?

There are far more children hurt and killed accidentally by many other means than there are by guns.

Shouldn't you people maybe start at the top of the list and work your way down?

When children were injured in car accidents....we required car seats
When children were poisoned by prescription drugs.....we required child safe caps
When children fell out of windows....we required window shields

Why should we refuse to do anything when children are injured by guns?

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