20 children hospitalized each day with gun injuries

Who said ban?

Thats the end game of all of this, to prevent law abiding people from owning firearms.

Don't act so coy about it.

We have 300 million fucking guns....how are we going to ban them

Yet any time people try to bring up sensible legislation to keep children safe, gun nuts run around saying....they are going to ban my guns....they are going to ban my guns

Your proposed legislation isn't sensible, it does nothing to address the problem and only limits my right to get a firearm if I so choose.
most of those laws are already on the books.

Hint: criminals do not obey laws, thats why we call them criminals.

Why do we have laws against murder?

Criminals will kill people anyway

my point, which you are apparently too dumb to grasp, is that more laws do not stop criminal behavior.

What the fuck is wrong with you peoples reading comprehension.

A 5 yo who finds Dads gun and shoots themselves accidentally is not a criminal. And has no idea what a "law" is or does. Dad or Mom is not a criminal. (but I would make them one)

But some gun nutter link me to the law that says a parent responsible for the accidental gun death or injury of their child or someone else's child, can never own a gun legally again.

Or goes to jail for their negligence.

I want to read that law.
thats the end game of all of this, to prevent law abiding people from owning firearms.

Don't act so coy about it.

we have 300 million fucking guns....how are we going to ban them

yet any time people try to bring up sensible legislation to keep children safe, gun nuts run around saying....they are going to ban my guns....they are going to ban my guns

your proposed legislation isn't sensible, it does nothing to address the problem and only limits my right to get a firearm if i so choose.

Why do we have laws against murder?

Criminals will kill people anyway

my point, which you are apparently too dumb to grasp, is that more laws do not stop criminal behavior.[/B]

What the fuck is wrong with you peoples reading comprehension.

A 5 yo who finds Dads gun and shoots themselves accidentally is not a criminal. And has no idea what a "law" is or does. Dad or Mom is not a criminal. (but I would make them one)

But some gun nutter link me to the law that says a parent responsible for the accidental gun death or injury of their child or someone else's child, can never own a gun legally again.

Or goes to jail for their negligence.

I want to read that law.

So find it and read it, dumb-fuck. No one around here is your mother or your fucking secretary.
That is a good question finally.

How about this. A 14 year old or younger who is injured in the home of a gun owner, that gun owner loses the right to ever own a gun again. If the kid is killed, then the gun owner goes to jail for criminal negligence. For at least 15 years. And can't ever own a gun legally again.

14 and up could have more leeway seeing as how the 15 yo and up should have more fucking gun sense than to accidentally shoot themselves or accidentally shoot another.

But if a 15 year old and up did end up shooting themselves of someone else accidentally, they would forfeit their right to own a gun legally. And the parent or guardian as well.

Then, seeing as how most mass shooters and gang bangers are young men in their early 20ties, I would make it illegal for young men under 30 to buy guns. Any guns. Get picked up with a gun, go to jail. Or get your trigger finger cut off.

Whadda ya think. To radical?

Ya think a few cases of people knowing a gun nut in jail for negligent homicide of their kids MIGHT lock their fucking guns up where the kid can't get to them? Or trigger lock the piece.
Or store the weapon in a different place than the ammo. Whatever it take to keep the kid safe in their own home.

Right now there is no real consequence if people are the cause of their kids injury or death by gun. At least if it occurs in the home occupied by the kid and an adult parent.

Well other than the misery and guilt from being the cause of a kids death or injury. And guilt and misery won't slow a gun nutter down for an instant.

So we need a law(s) that will.

btw, raised three kids with guns in my gun safe and trigger locks if I wanted a gun outside the safe. Wasn't very hard to do and no one suffered from having the guns locked up. And my kids didn't shoot me, themselves or a friend.

That is successful, responsible gun ownership. Not something a gun nutter cares about from what I read here.

most of those laws are already on the books.

Hint: criminals do not obey laws, thats why we call them criminals.

Why do we have laws against murder?

Criminals will kill people anyway
Guns are inanimate; thay don't kill - criminals do. Stepout of your dumb fucking ideology into reason :eusa_pray:
we have 300 million fucking guns....how are we going to ban them

yet any time people try to bring up sensible legislation to keep children safe, gun nuts run around saying....they are going to ban my guns....they are going to ban my guns

your proposed legislation isn't sensible, it does nothing to address the problem and only limits my right to get a firearm if i so choose.


When it comes to rights meeee!! is the only sentiment you need.
OK, question asked and answered. Maybe you could at least go to the effort to come up with a different snarky comment instead of just repeating the first one?

What's snarky about the truth? It's not important. No one except for immediate family/friends cares. It is what it is.

Liberals say they care, are you calling them liars?

3 kids a day 14 or under go to the hospital every day because of a gunshot. That is very distressing to them.

On the other hand, over three thousand children are aborted every day, most of those for the convenience of the mother, and that doesn't bother them.

Are you saying that there are disingenuous arguments coming from the left?

I am a liberal and I am a gun owner. There is no general, cure all solution. No one wants a general, cure all solution because we do not care unless it happens to us. Life (for most of us) goes on.
Why do we have laws against murder?

Criminals will kill people anyway

my point, which you are apparently too dumb to grasp, is that more laws do not stop criminal behavior.[/B]

What the fuck is wrong with you peoples reading comprehension.

A 5 yo who finds Dads gun and shoots themselves accidentally is not a criminal. And has no idea what a "law" is or does. Dad or Mom is not a criminal. (but I would make them one)

But some gun nutter link me to the law that says a parent responsible for the accidental gun death or injury of their child or someone else's child, can never own a gun legally again.

Or goes to jail for their negligence.

I want to read that law.
The parents are criminally negligent, and should be prosecuted. If they obtain a felony conviction, they will not be able to lawfully obtain a firearm.
my point, which you are apparently too dumb to grasp, is that more laws do not stop criminal behavior.[/B]

What the fuck is wrong with you peoples reading comprehension.

A 5 yo who finds Dads gun and shoots themselves accidentally is not a criminal. And has no idea what a "law" is or does. Dad or Mom is not a criminal. (but I would make them one)

But some gun nutter link me to the law that says a parent responsible for the accidental gun death or injury of their child or someone else's child, can never own a gun legally again.

Or goes to jail for their negligence.

I want to read that law.

So find it and read it, dumb-fuck. No one around here is your mother or your fucking secretary.

You stupid cocksucker. The law don't exist specifically written to protect kids from negligent irresponsible parent with guns in the home. There are proposals from different groups concerned with kids getting shot at home. But you NRA asshole types are fighting those hard and none have been implemented.

And here I thought asshole gun nutters like you knew ALL the laws on the books about guns.
No the simple fact is that you want to deflect as much as possible. The topic was kids and guns. Not kids and cars or kids in shopping carts.

Start a thread for those topics. Maybe the idiot Repubs in Congress can ban shopping carts.
They aren't protected in the COTUS are they?

Ok, let's keep the topic on kids.

Please state a solution that would prevent children from being injured by guns.

That is a good question finally.

How about this. A 14 year old or younger who is injured in the home of a gun owner, that gun owner loses the right to ever own a gun again. If the kid is killed, then the gun owner goes to jail for criminal negligence. For at least 15 years. And can't ever own a gun legally again.

14 and up could have more leeway seeing as how the 15 yo and up should have more fucking gun sense than to accidentally shoot themselves or accidentally shoot another.

But if a 15 year old and up did end up shooting themselves of someone else accidentally, they would forfeit their right to own a gun legally. And the parent or guardian as well.

Then, seeing as how most mass shooters and gang bangers are young men in their early 20ties, I would make it illegal for young men under 30 to buy guns. Any guns. Get picked up with a gun, go to jail. Or get your trigger finger cut off.

Whadda ya think. To radical?

Ya think a few cases of people knowing a gun nut in jail for negligent homicide of their kids MIGHT lock their fucking guns up where the kid can't get to them? Or trigger lock the piece.
Or store the weapon in a different place than the ammo. Whatever it take to keep the kid safe in their own home.

Right now there is no real consequence if people are the cause of their kids injury or death by gun. At least if it occurs in the home occupied by the kid and an adult parent.

Well other than the misery and guilt from being the cause of a kids death or injury. And guilt and misery won't slow a gun nutter down for an instant.

So we need a law(s) that will.

btw, raised three kids with guns in my gun safe and trigger locks if I wanted a gun outside the safe. Wasn't very hard to do and no one suffered from having the guns locked up. And my kids didn't shoot me, themselves or a friend.

That is successful, responsible gun ownership. Not something a gun nutter cares about from what I read here.

My question was to prevent it, not how to prosecute it after it happens.

Is that all you libs want is to see someone punished after you dig up these stories on the internet?

Will that help you sleep at night?

I don't believe it for a minute.
And here I thought asshole gun nutters like you knew ALL the laws on the books about guns.

Don't think - asswipe. You'll hurt yourself.
I don't even know how many guns I own. But, I handle each responsibly.
I am also licensed to carry weapons concealed. Again, with responsibility.
Occasionally - a gun gets into the hands of a thug or a dumb fuck like you who has no clue which end of the tube the fucking round comes out of.
I can't police stupidity son.
Shut the fuck up, before I stick my dick in your mouth.
And here I thought asshole gun nutters like you knew ALL the laws on the books about guns.

Don't think - asswipe. You'll hurt yourself.
I don't even know how many guns I own. But, I handle each responsibly.
I am also licensed to carry weapons concealed. Again, with responsibility.
Occasionally - a gun gets into the hands of a thug or a dumb fuck like you who has no clue which end of the tube the fucking round comes out of.
I can't police stupidity son.
Shut the fuck up, before I stick my dick in your mouth.

Wouldn't be the first time for Warrior102
my point, which you are apparently too dumb to grasp, is that more laws do not stop criminal behavior.[/B]

What the fuck is wrong with you peoples reading comprehension.

A 5 yo who finds Dads gun and shoots themselves accidentally is not a criminal. And has no idea what a "law" is or does. Dad or Mom is not a criminal. (but I would make them one)

But some gun nutter link me to the law that says a parent responsible for the accidental gun death or injury of their child or someone else's child, can never own a gun legally again.

Or goes to jail for their negligence.

I want to read that law.
The parents are criminally negligent, and should be prosecuted. If they obtain a felony conviction, they will not be able to lawfully obtain a firearm.

Shoulda woulda coulda. They (parents) should have had their gun(s) locked up. But I couldn't find a prosecution and conviction of a parent for the negligent homicide of their or another kids accidental death.

Most prosecutors seem to take the attitude that the parents have suffered enough already.
You know, from being the cause of a kids death or injury.

Crime is Slate’s crime blog. Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter [MENTION=27323]Slate[/MENTION]crime.

On Friday, I wrote about the five-year-old Kentucky boy who accidentally shot and killed his two-year-old sister with a child-size rifle he had received as a gift. (The gun was marketed to children under the slogan “My First Rifle.”) One of the most baffling aspects of the entire baffling story was that the boy’s parents reportedly stored the rifle “in a corner,” rather than, say, in a gun safe, a locked closet, or anywhere else that a child couldn’t reach it.

Given their seemingly lackadaisical attitude towards firearms storage, might the parents be held criminally liable for their daughter’s death? According to the New York Times, the answer is no. A May 5 story reports that Kentucky “does not hold adults liable when a child gets hold of a firearm and causes an injury or death.”

In this case, putting the boy’s parents in jail would only serve to deprive him of his mother and father as well as his sister. But the fact that a criminal prosecution isn’t even an option in Kentucky indicates the threadbare state of the various laws that are supposed to help prevent child gun violence in this country.

Just a small example of what is going on with parents, their kids and guns.
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Why do we have laws against murder?

Criminals will kill people anyway

my point, which you are apparently too dumb to grasp, is that more laws do not stop criminal behavior.[/B]

What the fuck is wrong with you peoples reading comprehension.

A 5 yo who finds Dads gun and shoots themselves accidentally is not a criminal. And has no idea what a "law" is or does. Dad or Mom is not a criminal. (but I would make them one)

But some gun nutter link me to the law that says a parent responsible for the accidental gun death or injury of their child or someone else's child, can never own a gun legally again.

Or goes to jail for their negligence.

I want to read that law.

Does the 5 yr old have to be their kid or just any kid, for you to take away their civil liberties?

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