20 signs that the Pharmaceutical companies are running a 280 billion dollar money making scam


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
If you could get 70 percent of Americans addicted to your drugs and rake in $280 billion a year in the process, would you do it? If you could come up with a “pill for every problem” and charge Americans twice as much for those pills as people in other countries pay, would you do it? If you could make more money than you ever dreamed possible by turning the American people into the most doped up people in the history of the planet, would you do it? In America today, the number of people hooked on legal drugs absolutely dwarfs the number of people hooked on illegal drugs. And sadly, the number of people killed by legal drugs absolutely dwarfs the number of people killed by illegal drugs. But most Americans assume that if a drug is “legal” that it must be safe. After all, the big pharmaceutical companies and the federal government would never allow us to take anything that would hurt us, right? Sadly, the truth is that they don’t really care about us. They don’t really care that prescription painkillers are some of the most addictive drugs on the entire planet and that they kill more Americans each year than heroin and cocaine combined. They don’t care that antidepressants are turning tens of millions of Americans into zombies and can significantly increase the chance of suicide (just look at the warning label). All the big pharmaceutical companies really care about is making as much money as they possibly can. The following are 20 signs that the pharmaceutical companies are running a $280 billion money making scam…

#1 According to a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug. An astounding 20 percent of all Americans are on at least five prescription drugs.

20 Signs That The Pharmaceutical Companies Are Running A 280 Billion Dollar Money Making Scam

Somewhere someone is connecting the dots when information like this pops up. Somewhere someone realizes how much truth there is to keeping you sick and by doing so Big Pharma gets rich off our health when you are thier victim.

Then there are some who see the medical industry as their Gods and obey obey and obey never looking into whatever it is they pop into their mouths they simply take the Doctors word for it and carry on....

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