20-year-old Mexican police chief fired


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
Police chief Marisol Valles Garcia has been fired, an official in Praxedis G. Guerrero, Mexico, said Monday.

The 20-year-old criminology student made headlines when she took the reins of the police force in one of the most violent cities in the border state of Chihuahua. It's common for police officers in Praxedis to be abducted and killed.

"Marisol did not show up for work this morning as she was expected," town secretary Andres Morales said. "Since she was on a personal leave that expired today and did not reach out to us over the weekend, she now faces termination. It is now an official matter. We don't know anything about her whereabouts. Our attempts to get a hold of her during the weekend were unsuccessful."

Praxedis Mayor Jose Luis Guerrero told CNN last week that Valles Garcia was on personal leave because her 8-month-old baby was sick. He said she was expected back at work Monday.

"Marisol, in fact, still works here and she's still getting paid. She comes back on Monday," he said.

Praxedis is located about 35 miles southeast of Ciudad Juarez, one of the bloodiest cities in world.

20-year-old Mexican police chief fired after failing to show up for work – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

She is asking the USA for political asylum as we speak - :lol::lol::lol:
which I'm sure was her intention from the onset.
Think of the 20 year olds who work at McDonalds. Not all 20 somethings are the type of folks who can be put in charge of themselves.
Do we know where she is or is she missing? The story isn't exactly clear.

If she's missing, she's dead I imagine.
Do we know where she is or is she missing? The story isn't exactly clear.

If she's missing, she's dead I imagine.

I doubt that she is dead. It was reported that she feared for her life and was going into hiding while she completes her plan and ask for political asylum in the USA - :eek::eek: Let's not forget that now it's the in-thing to ask for this as EVERYBODY in Mexico is said to be targeted. Good luck USA!!!! God help us all!!
Why do you doubt she's dead? It seem to be a pretty common fate for the sheriff there...
Shes staying with me until this all blows over.

I don't understand how this is worth bringing up.

I think it's worth bringing up because if we set the precendent of granting political asylum to anyone leaving Mexico we will have opened the flood gates.
Shit, if they made some 20 year old girl police chief in my town, I'd start robbing banks
Shes staying with me until this all blows over.


Most 20 year old Latinos are already over the hill. I any case, after you hose her down for fleas, wear the recommended triple rubbers.:lol:

Don't judge a book by it's cover!​

Lost American is putting it lightly.:cuckoo:
You obviously do not know Mexicans. They may not have bread but you can bet your life they have a bar of soap and use it. More than I can say for some children I went to school with and got lice from. Same thing happen with my grand children and they did not get them from Mexican children.
The reason they run out of water crossing the border is because they use it to wash themselves.
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Think of the 20 year olds who work at McDonalds. Not all 20 somethings are the type of folks who can be put in charge of themselves.

I applaude this girl. She lasted longer than most of the men who have no cajones for the job. At least she tried and that is saying more for her then 20 million cowards that tucked their tails and ran across the border.:clap2:
Think of the 20 year olds who work at McDonalds. Not all 20 somethings are the type of folks who can be put in charge of themselves.

I applaude this girl. She lasted longer than most of the men who have no cajones for the job. At least she tried and that is saying more for her then 20 million cowards that tucked their tails and ran across the border.:clap2:

You have a point there, with all the Cartels and drug runners running around in Mexico it takes balls to be a Police Chief in that country, they are always targeted for assassination.
20-Year-Old Police Chief Fired after Reportedly Fleeing Mexico for U.S.

She made international headlines months ago for accepting a job that no one wanted -- but now the 20-year-old police chief has been fired.

Marisol Valles García stepped in as police chief of the violent Mexican border town of Práxedis G. Guerrero when no one else would take the job. But on Monday, she was let go for apparently abandoning her post and seeking asylum in the U.S.Relatives told various news outlets that the single mother is seeking asylum for her and her young son. The New York Post quoted these sources as saying she’d "received death threats from criminal groups that wanted to force her to work for them."

García was given permission to travel to the United States last week for personal matters but failed to return to the community as agreed, according to a statement from the city."In the absence of (her) presence on the agreed-upon day and since there was no notification of a need to extend the period of her absence, the mayor has decided to remove her from office," the statement read.

20-Year-Old Police Chief Fired after Reportedly Fleeing Mexico for U.S. - Fox News Latino
I think it's worth bringing up because if we set the precendent of granting political asylum to anyone leaving Mexico we will have opened the flood gates.

She does not meet the criteria for politcal asylum. Send her back.

I was under the impression that if you can prove your life is in danger, you can qualify for asylum.

She is no longer the police, she got fired. Tough to prove a continuing threat.
She does not meet the criteria for politcal asylum. Send her back.

I was under the impression that if you can prove your life is in danger, you can qualify for asylum.

She is no longer the police, she got fired. Tough to prove a continuing threat.

How does anyone prove that they are under threat from their original countries though? this made the news so she has a better case than most, Cartels will still kill her whether she is still in the police or not.

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