200,000 New Jobs in July, Strong Earnings = The Wind at Democrats Back

Damn smokey you really celebrate bottom feeding huh!

162K is FAR below the average and far below the 250K need for strong growth. Last 2 months were revised downward by 26K a piece (rather typical). Wages fell and work weeks got shorter. Labor participation rate fell to 58% (nearly have of America doesn't work). PT workers jumped up by 19K. 70% of the jobs gained were in the low wage, no benefits, increasingly PT retail and food service industry. And to top it off the ONLY reason the faux unemployment rate went down is a gigantic amount of people supposedly 'left' the job market!

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Damn smokey you really celebrate bottom feeding huh!

162K is FAR below the average and far below the 250K need for strong growth. Last 2 months were revised downward by 26K a piece (rather typical). Wages fell and work weeks got shorter. Labor participation rate fell to 58% (nearly have of America doesn't work). PT workers jumped up by 19K. 70% of the jobs gained were in the low wage, no benefits, increasingly PT retail and food service industry. And to top it off the ONLY reason the faux unemployment rate went down is a gigantic amount of people supposedly 'left' the job market!

you are wasting your time....when the market hit 14K in october 07, and we had a 3% gdp and 4.5% unemployment economy they beat the shit out of Bush becasue the rich were getting richer and the everyone else was languishing, you know the drill.....now? you have imbecile sycophants like this tool( and others ) drolling all over their key hoards because they have been programmed too...
This is what happens when you go to part timers. What one person working 40 hours did, you hire 2 people at 20 hours each, you add a job and avoid obamacare.

These are the hack companies that pay $3.50 and hour, and think Health Care Insurance for employees is what the Taliban does to women who get raped.

41 straight months of job growth - 7.9 million jobs - from the hole the Republicans left Obama in when they killed 8 million jobs in Bush's last year.

Not bad, eh?

Not bad at all .....

41 straight months of job growth - 7.9 million jobs - from the hole the Republicans left Obama in when they killed 8 million jobs in Bush's last year.

Not bad, eh?

Not bad at all .....


Still down 9 million jobs since Obummer took office.

So yes, really bad.
41 straight months of job growth - 7.9 million jobs - from the hole the Republicans left Obama in when they killed 8 million jobs in Bush's last year.

Not bad, eh?

Not bad at all .....


41 straight months of job growth - 7.9 million jobs - from the hole the Republicans left Obama in when they killed 8 million jobs in Bush's last year.

Not bad, eh?

Not bad at all .....


Still down 9 million jobs since Obummer took office.

So yes, really bad.
Will both of you quit making up numbers?
Total nonfarm payroll jobs Jan 2008: 138,056,000
Jan 2009: 133,631,000
Jobs bottomed out Feb 2010 at 129,320,000
Preliminary estimate Jun 2013 is 136,038,000
41 straight months of job growth - 7.9 million jobs - from the hole the Republicans left Obama in when they killed 8 million jobs in Bush's last year.

Not bad, eh?

Not bad at all .....


41 straight months of job growth - 7.9 million jobs - from the hole the Republicans left Obama in when they killed 8 million jobs in Bush's last year.

Not bad, eh?

Not bad at all .....


Still down 9 million jobs since Obummer took office.

So yes, really bad.
Will both of you quit making up numbers?
Total nonfarm payroll jobs Jan 2008: 138,056,000
Jan 2009: 133,631,000
Jobs bottomed out Feb 2010 at 129,320,000
Preliminary estimate Jun 2013 is 136,038,000

You're right, I should have been more clear. First, Obama took office in January of 2009, not 2008. But more importantly, the numbers you quote don't take into consideration the precipitous drop in the number of people looking for work...those that have given up, gone on the dole, etc. The labor participation rate has dropped significantly. Heck, two million left the work force in the last year alone! Were the labor participation rate the same as it has been traditionally, we'd have nearly 9 million more people working. That's a more realistic indication of the condition of the jobs market than the raw/seasonally adjusted BLS numbers.
The left keeps talking about the Stock Market going up tell us what do you think the market will do when the fed shuts down the printing presses and stops pumping the money in? I suspect it will do something like this.
Obama is laughable and will go down as the worst President of all time.

do liberals live in the real world with the rest of the people in this country?

and do they believe the shit they peddle? 200.000 part time jobs flipping burgers added when there are how many MILLIONS unemployed?

my gawd the patetic
Democrats have wind all right, duping you again with bullshit out their ass and it STINKS


New jobs disproportionately low-pay or part-time

— Aug. 3 4:20 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — The 162,000 jobs the economy added in July were a disappointment. The quality of the jobs was even worse.

A disproportionate number of the added jobs were part-time or low-paying — or both.

Part-time work accounted for more than 65 percent of the positions employers added in July. Low-paying retailers, restaurants and bars supplied more than half July's job gain.

"You're getting jobs added, but they might not be the best-quality job," says John Canally, an economist with LPL Financial in Boston.

So far this year, low-paying industries have provided 61 percent of the nation's job growth, even though these industries represent just 39 percent of overall U.S. jobs, according to Labor Department numbers analyzed by Moody's Analytics. Mid-paying industries have contributed just 22 percent of this year's job gain.

"The jobs that are being created are not generating much income," Steven Ricchiuto, chief economist at Mizuho Securities USA, wrote in a note to clients.

That's one reason Americans' pay hasn't kept up with even historically low inflation since the Great Recession ended in June 2009. Average hourly pay fell 2 cents in July to $23.98 an hour.

Among those feeling the squeeze is Elizabeth Wilkinson, 28, of Houston. After losing a $39,000-a-year administrative job at Rice University in January, Wilkinson found work at an employment agency for $15 an hour. Yet she's had to supplement that job with part-time work as a waitress.

"This morning I put $1.35 worth of gas in my car because that is all the money that I had," Wilkinson said via email. "It's very difficult to survive on $30,000 (a year), and I am living paycheck to paycheck."

Part-time work has made up 77 percent of the job growth so far this year. The government defines part-time work as being less than 35 hours a week.

all of it here
New jobs disproportionately low-pay or part-time
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July jobs report: Disproportionate number of jobs added were part-time, low-paying, or both

Read more: July jobs report: Disproportionate number of jobs added were part-time, low-paying, or both* - NY Daily News

Part-Time Work Made Up More Than 65 Percent Of New Jobs Created In July

WASHINGTON — The 162,000 jobs the economy added in July were a disappointment. The quality of the jobs was even worse.

Ooooo... Ouch...

Now there you go confusing low information voters with facts

I don't know about anyone else but 170,000 burger flipping jobs being added to the economy isn't exactly good news. :eusa_eh:
Business always wins, and with easy cerebral pickings like Obama, CEO's are cashing in now more than ever.

Since they are not hiring, they are putting $$ into the market ONLY if Uncle Ben keeps the presses printing the stomped on dollar

Matter of time before 10yr yields spike and the house of cards comes crashing down.

China no longer will buy our dollars and the liberals who put us in this mess will be crying.

When that happens, stay off my property, move along, nothing to see here... lol

I sense we've arrived at the point where douchebagmedia says, "They have once again proven me a dullard, I shall abandon my failure of a thread..."
Companies in U.S. Added More Workers in July Than Forecast

Companies in U.S. Added More Workers in July Than Forecast - Bloomberg

Excellent .....


To save myself the agony of reading the tripe that goes with this trash - the majority of jobs are PART TIME!!!!! Big deal.

And company after company is reducing the hours of their regular employees due to ObozoTrash. So this helps Americans? How?


It helps them stay dependent on government subsidies

Just what Adolf Obama wants.


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