200,000 New Jobs in July, Strong Earnings = The Wind at Democrats Back

Thats what Drivebydumbass does.

Do the Limbaugh ditto heads truly understand how infantile and boring they are?


The title of this thread is 200,000 New Jobs in July, Strong Earnings = The Wind at Democrats Back

Why don't you children start a thread on taxes on overseas profits and show your knowledge?


Because you stated that the Bush Tax Cuts of 2003 "assured companies would kill jobs in the U.S. and set up manufacturing facilities overseas" and further, that Obama would "turn this around" by trimming those tax breaks on overseas profits.

The only problem...there were no changes in the tax code on overseas profits that came about from the 2003 (or the 2001) tax rate changes.

And FWIW, not a Limbaugh fan...but don't let the chance for a good ad hominem attack pass you by...

you see, he must be a 7th grader, as most 8th graders would be able to attempt to give you a bogus reason, while he only deflects.
Here's how to create 200,00 jobs:

Take 600,000 full time jobs at 40 hours per week.

Cut everyone's hours to 30 per week.

Hire 200,000 people to work 30 hours per week.

Voila! 200,000 more jobs with ZERO net paid hours.

All thanks to ObamaCare!

Well, you are correct that that could happen. However, we can test that hypothesis by looking at average hours....which have not been going down. Therefore, your scenario is not actually occurring.
There are the released statistics, then they are revised. No one is still fooled by the insipid good news. Last quarter the economy improved by a 1.8 GDP, that has now been revised downward to 1.1 GDP.

Now that we know the last report was a lie, it's great news that the economy grew by 1.7 percent. Except that's lkely a lie too. Next quarter there will be a revised downward rate, with good news that the economy rose from there.

Futures flat despite upbeat GDP, private sector employment report

. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the economy growing at a 1.0 percent pace.

We know that jobs were increased because so many companies hired part time workers to get out from under obamacare.

There has to be a powerful lot of reality denial for this.

GDP is down because of the GOP sequester.

This is totally what you folks wanted.

No idea why you aren't thrilled. :doubt:

President Obama stated he would veto any legislation that prevented the sequester cuts from going into effect or give him flexibility on them would you care to revise your statement?
White House threatens to veto bill that gives Obama flexibility on implementing sequestration | WashingtonExaminer.com
This is the Pub disfunction recovery- 1% cut in growth the last 2 years just because of the Debt "Crisis!!"/sequester...

Love the way pubs include the Pub abyss on Obama while Obama was turning around their DEPRESSION 1-10/2009...
You love the mindless fools who started ANOTHER Pub Great World Depression AND obstruct any quick recovery...
1.7 GDP. Yeah, we're cruising.

You prefer the -4.3 of the Bush Administration?

Keep waiting for Godot - he's coming .... honest!


Your organizer has the worst recovery in post ww2. You love the sub mediocrity.

Obama is the only postwar President to be handed the worst Recession in U.S. history on his first day in office!

... while every Republican in Congress did nothing else but try to block Obama's successful recovery.
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so lets see, GDP= q4 2012- 0.1%........q1 2013 1.1% ( downgraded form 1.8% yes, they were off by a third) Q2 2013 1.7% but hey the markets over 15K so its all good :rolleyes:....
These boards really need to make it so if your rep is in the red you can't spam the boards with trolling threads...
These boards really need to make it so if your rep is in the red you can't spam the boards with trolling threads...

If it wasn't this ignoramus, it'd be a different ignoramus.

At least this ignoramus is well marked for identification.
Looks like the LIBTARDS need to change the jobs script again...shit report today...but the unemployment rate drops...BS.
Exclusive: Signs of declining economic security | US National Headlines | Comcast

Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.

Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.

Hardship is particularly growing among whites, based on several measures. Pessimism among that racial group about their families' economic futures has climbed to the highest point since at least 1987. In the most recent AP-GfK poll, 63 percent of whites called the economy "poor."
As nonwhites approach a numerical majority in the U.S., one question is how public programs to lift the disadvantaged should be best focused — on the affirmative action that historically has tried to eliminate the racial barriers seen as the major impediment to economic equality, or simply on improving socioeconomic status for all, regardless of race.
This is what happens when you go to part timers. What one person working 40 hours did, you hire 2 people at 20 hours each, you add a job and avoid obamacare.
"Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives..."

This is utterly meaningless statistic that is indicative of nothing more than the researcher trying to develop data to prove some misguided point.

Anyone who has ever been laid off has "struggled with joblessness...for at least parts of their lives." So what? I've been laid off four times, but now I'm in the top quintile. What the fuck does that prove?

The economy has to create 270 thousand jobs, on average, every month, just to create employment for people who are entering the job market for the first time. During every recovery in history (but THIS one), the economy has created MULTIPLES of this number each month, to compensate for the people who lost work during the recession.

The fact that the media allow this administration to trumpet embarrassing job creation numbers as though they were proof of a robust recovery is just more proof that they are in the Dems' pocket. The employment participation rate (working population over total population) is lower now than when Barry was elected. For those who care about such things, this warrants a FAILING GRADE.
just wait for his amnesty
just wait till he gets his minimum wage
wait till oc fully kicks in
his purpose is to shackle the.country. look at facts and history
just because he is the first white african potus does not mean he likes this country
drivebymedia, u make me fuckin sick with ur hackness. he could get videotapped shooting children in the face with his skeet and u will still lick his ass

You sound upset ... are you?


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