200,000 Puerto Ricans flee to Florida. Demand taxpayers give them HOTEL ROOMS

They see the benefits being poured out to Muslim "refugees" and they feel they are at least as entitled, if not moreso. And I agree with them. If we're going to give money away, I favor the Hispanics, the vast majority of whom are hard-working Christians -- and they don't hate us.

They are AMERICAN citizens, not refugees.
I didn't say they (Puerto Ricans) are refugees. That is what you read -- not what I wrote.

Yes, you compared them to refugees... and then even categorized them as Hispanics... when what they are, is AMERICANS.
They see the benefits being poured out to Muslim "refugees" and they feel they are at least as entitled, if not moreso. And I agree with them. If we're going to give money away, I favor the Hispanics, the vast majority of whom are hard-working Christians -- and they don't hate us.

You're wrong there. ALL non-whites hate whites. because they know whites are superior. Hell - everybody knows that. White countries are first world while non-white countries are sewers.

You sure aren't the sharpest marble are you? Who are known as the smartest, most innovated people in the history of mankind? I'll give you a hint, it isn't White people.
You sure aren't the sharpest marble are you? Who are known as the smartest, most innovated people in the history of mankind? I'll give you a hint, it isn't White people.

Tell us. Are you claiming it's the jooz? They are white people, you nitwit.

BTW einstein - you misspelled innovative. And why would i want to be a sharp marble???
They see the benefits being poured out to Muslim "refugees" and they feel they are at least as entitled, if not moreso. And I agree with them. If we're going to give money away, I favor the Hispanics, the vast majority of whom are hard-working Christians -- and they don't hate us.
How much welfare do we give to Muslim refugees?
You sure aren't the sharpest marble are you? Who are known as the smartest, most innovated people in the history of mankind? I'll give you a hint, it isn't White people.

Tell us. Are you claiming it's the jooz? They are white people, you nitwit.

BTW einstein - you misspelled innovative. And why would i want to be a sharp marble???

No, not the Jews. The Mayans and the Egyptians. THINK!
Awesome, let's make sure we get them registered to vote so they can thank the Orange Shitgibbon for the bangup job he did responding to the hurricane.
For welfare = People run to

For work = People do not run to

It's human nature....Psychology 101....easy as 1-2-3 ;):D
Yes, for you 'Conservatives', that is the case. After all, that is why the red states are the welfare states.
You sure aren't the sharpest marble are you? Who are known as the smartest, most innovated people in the history of mankind? I'll give you a hint, it isn't White people.

Tell us. Are you claiming it's the jooz? They are white people, you nitwit.

BTW einstein - you misspelled innovative. And why would i want to be a sharp marble???
does not take away what he said about you dipshit.....you are not very bright....matter of fact you are downright stupid as the board knows...
Florida should tell these deadbeats to sink or swim on your own. Maybe give them a $40 tent from walmart. These are just hispanic indians with IQs of 68 trying to live off the hated gringos.

More than 200,000 Puerto Ricans fled to Florida. Their housing aid could soon run out

dec 19 2017 More than 200,000 Puerto Ricans fled to Florida. Their housing aid could soon run out

As Puerto Rico continues to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Maria, Florida legislators are calling on Gov. Ricardo Rosselló to seek additional federal aid for the hundreds of thousands of evacuees that have come to the state.

The lawmakers sent a letter Monday urging Rosselló to request that FEMA extend the federal hotel voucher program, known as the Transitional Sheltering Assistance program, so evacuees can continue to receive the assistance for hotel stays across the state. The program is set to end Jan. 15.

“There are tens of thousands of families living in Florida and if just one family becomes homeless due to lack of action by the federal government or those officials making decisions in Puerto Rico, it is one family too many,” Sen. Victor Torres, D-Orlando, said in a statement.

Fuck you insensitive shithead.

They are American citizens suffering because of a natural disaster.

We should help them, just like the government would help you, if a hurricane or flood displaced your family.
They are home, bitch. They are Americans, they have the right to go anywhere in this nation that they please. You bigoted cocksucks should be deported for the good of this nation.

They ain't americans, you fool. They can't vote and they don't pay federal income taxes. THINK
Fuck you insensitive shithead.
They are American citizens suffering because of a natural disaster.

BS. The problems in PR are because the people are ignorant indians and the officials are crooks. The hurricane had little to do with the problems of PR.
They are home, bitch. They are Americans, they have the right to go anywhere in this nation that they please. You bigoted cocksucks should be deported for the good of this nation.

They ain't americans, you fool. They can't vote and they don't pay federal income taxes. THINK
When the come and establish residence on mainland, yes, they vote and pay federal income taxes, fool.
Florida should tell these deadbeats to sink or swim on your own. Maybe give them a $40 tent from walmart. These are just hispanic indians with IQs of 68 trying to live off the hated gringos.

More than 200,000 Puerto Ricans fled to Florida. Their housing aid could soon run out

dec 19 2017 More than 200,000 Puerto Ricans fled to Florida. Their housing aid could soon run out

As Puerto Rico continues to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Maria, Florida legislators are calling on Gov. Ricardo Rosselló to seek additional federal aid for the hundreds of thousands of evacuees that have come to the state.

The lawmakers sent a letter Monday urging Rosselló to request that FEMA extend the federal hotel voucher program, known as the Transitional Sheltering Assistance program, so evacuees can continue to receive the assistance for hotel stays across the state. The program is set to end Jan. 15.

“There are tens of thousands of families living in Florida and if just one family becomes homeless due to lack of action by the federal government or those officials making decisions in Puerto Rico, it is one family too many,” Sen. Victor Torres, D-Orlando, said in a statement.

Its like a mudslide washing ashore......Florida's going to be a 3rd world hellhole

Not if they cut the welfare

It's not rocket science.:smile:

One can only wonder how the facts, that $22 trillion has been wasted on welfare/'The War on Poverty, over half a century, and the poverty rate is almost exactly what it was when LBJ began same, have escaped Liberals' recognition?

Are they that stupid???

Could be?
Florida should tell these deadbeats to sink or swim on your own. Maybe give them a $40 tent from walmart. These are just hispanic indians with IQs of 68 trying to live off the hated gringos.

More than 200,000 Puerto Ricans fled to Florida. Their housing aid could soon run out

dec 19 2017 More than 200,000 Puerto Ricans fled to Florida. Their housing aid could soon run out

As Puerto Rico continues to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Maria, Florida legislators are calling on Gov. Ricardo Rosselló to seek additional federal aid for the hundreds of thousands of evacuees that have come to the state.

The lawmakers sent a letter Monday urging Rosselló to request that FEMA extend the federal hotel voucher program, known as the Transitional Sheltering Assistance program, so evacuees can continue to receive the assistance for hotel stays across the state. The program is set to end Jan. 15.

“There are tens of thousands of families living in Florida and if just one family becomes homeless due to lack of action by the federal government or those officials making decisions in Puerto Rico, it is one family too many,” Sen. Victor Torres, D-Orlando, said in a statement.

Its like a mudslide washing ashore......Florida's going to be a 3rd world hellhole

Not if they cut the welfare

It's not rocket science.:smile:

One can only wonder how the facts, that $22 trillion has been wasted on welfare/'The War on Poverty, over half a century, and the poverty rate is almost exactly what it was when LBJ began same, have escaped Liberals' recognition?

Are they that stupid???

Could be?

They are that supid :biggrin: but then ...

what's new? ;)
One can only wonder how the facts, that $22 trillion has been wasted on welfare/'The War on Poverty, over half a century, and the poverty rate is almost exactly what it was when LBJ began same, have escaped Liberals' recognition?

Are they that stupid???

No - it was brilliant. Welfare queens vote liberal so naturally liberals want more and more people on welfare.
They are home, bitch. They are Americans, they have the right to go anywhere in this nation that they please. You bigoted cocksucks should be deported for the good of this nation.

They ain't americans, you fool. They can't vote and they don't pay federal income taxes. THINK
Voters in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories are not permitted to vote in the presidential election under the provisions set forth in the Electoral College. But that doesn't mean they don't have a say in who gets to the White House.

That's because voters in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam and American Samoa are permitted to participate in the presidential primary and are granted delegates by the two major political parties.

Why Puerto Rico Matters in US Presidential Elections

All the more reason to get rid of the Electoral College. All Americans should be allowed to vote.

A new poll of 2,200 adults by Morning Consult found that only 54 percent of Americans know that people born in Puerto Rico, a commonwealth of the United States, are U.S. citizens. (Because Puerto Rico is not a state, they do not vote in presidential elections, but they send one nonvoting representative to Congress.)

This finding varied significantly by age and education. Only 37 percent of people ages 18 to 29 know people born in Puerto Rico are citizens, compared with 64 percent of those 65 or older. Similarly, 47 percent of Americans without a college degree know Puerto Ricans are Americans, compared with 72 percent of those with a bachelor’s degree and 66 percent of those with a postgraduate education.

In other words, Puerto Rico and the other U.S. territories get to help nominate the presidential candidates. But voters there cannot actually participate in the election because of the Electoral College system.

Nearly Half of Americans Don’t Know Puerto Ricans Are Fellow Citizens

Ol' Shitspitter definitely pegs her educational level.

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