2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved

The earth will continue to warm and cool and warm and cool for ever. There is very little we can do about it.

Certainly creating a massive scam in carbon credit trading, and making the air we breath out a controlled pollutant is not an answer.

The cycles of the sun have 100 times more to do with climate change than humans. Of course the true believers will never admit it. Less they lose a tool to scare us all with and thereby control us with.

Why do you guys keep repeating lies by the way. The earth has not been warming for decades, it in fact has cooled over the last 8 years. As the sun entered the low cycle of sun spots. This year is the peak of this low cycle and that is why we can expect a very brutal winter.
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The earth will continue to warm and cool and warm and cool for ever. There is very little we can do about it.

Certainly creating a massive scam in carbon credit trading, and making the air we breath out a controlled pollutant is not an answer.

The cycles of the sun have 100 times more to do with climate change than humans. Of course the true believers will never admit it. Less they lose a tool to scare us all with and thereby control us with.

Why do you guys keep repeating lies by the way. The earth has not been warming for decades, it in fact has cooled over the last 8 years. As the sun entered the low cycle of sun spots. This year is the peak of this low cycle and that is why we can expect a very brutal winter.

Right on man... To think that we humans can control mother nature is pretty arogant. I guess that's another difference between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives believe in a higher power, liberals believe they are the higher power.
One funny observation ...

All this is suppose to be happening outside right? Then how is it that everyone who is debating it is inside most of their lives now anyway?
Right on man... To think that we humans can control mother nature is pretty arogant. I guess that's another difference between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives believe in a higher power, liberals believe they are the higher power.

The melting North Polar ice cap is neither liberal nor conservative.
The earth will continue to warm and cool and warm and cool for ever. There is very little we can do about it.

Certainly creating a massive scam in carbon credit trading, and making the air we breath out a controlled pollutant is not an answer.

The cycles of the sun have 100 times more to do with climate change than humans. Of course the true believers will never admit it. Less they lose a tool to scare us all with and thereby control us with.

Why do you guys keep repeating lies by the way. The earth has not been warming for decades, it in fact has cooled over the last 8 years. As the sun entered the low cycle of sun spots. This year is the peak of this low cycle and that is why we can expect a very brutal winter.

Clueless as usual.

A brutal winter? We had record highs this weekend.
Who knew such an argument could be falwed in so many ways in so few words.

Should we let an inaccuracy stand in hopes that a lie will ultimately lead to a greater good?

Why would disproving a theory automatically constitute a reversion to old consumption habits?

You're right, and I hope it doesn't. I don't tie the argument to global warming. What I'm concerned with is pollution and long term effects of human economic activity on nature. Not because I think that we actually cause a threat "to the planet", but because I think we cause a threat to ourselves. Global warming may or may not be part of that.

You know, I do think that the whole "carbon credits" thing sounds awfully like a scam. And yeah, Al Gore is a total hypocrite. He 'invented' the internet- more than anyone he should make the case for having video-conferences instead of private jet flights to and fro. But that doesn't change some fundamental facts that our way of life is gonna run into a wall. I've said it before- Nature, and life, and the universe is a closed system. Nothing is waste. There is no garbage. But the human economy is linear. It begins with nature, and it ends with garbage. Regardless of whether the planet is cooling, or heating, or staying the same, the fact is that we're gonna run out of nature, and we're piling up on garbage. We have to come to terms with that. We can't just read some bloggers opinion and suddenly think the party will go on forever, cuz the hangover's gonna happen. And it's gonna be bad. And maybe you won't see it. But statistically speaking, I've still got about a half century left, my unborn kids may even see the 22nd century. Is there gonna BE a 22nd century, the way things are going?

Another fact is that, whether global warming is real or not, there are things we are doing that are fucking up the place. Dry areas are getting dryer, wet areas are getting wetter, and there ARE things we are doing to exacerbate them. Take deforestation. Can you deny that humans have cut down a gigantic portion of the world's forests? I mean, those things DO affect places. Even the most ardent anti-global warming-ers can accept that. Forests serve a function in the regulating of the planet. If we're cutting them down, we're changing something that was in a particular state to a different state. What if we just keep going on, forever, with no end, and at the same or increasing rate? Forests don't just MAGICALLY appear. We're gonna run out. If you have a bag of something, and you take out more than you put in, you're gonna run out of the whatever's in the bag. RIGHT? Liberal, conservative, communist, or theologian, you can't deny that. What about fisheries? It is indeed a fact that many major fisheries have collapse or are en route to collapse. What happens? We just move into another fishery. Ever heard of the gigantic cod fisheries in northern Canada? It's been decades and decades, with no sign of replenishment. It's basically dead. And it's not isolated. It's happening everywhere. Same concept. And everyday there's more and more of us, needing more wood, and more fish. I'm not saying that all of a sudden we can just ban fishing and logging. Millions of people depend on it for their livelihood. But there must be SOME effort, whatever limited, to at least come up with some way in which we can meet necessities and not just keep drinkin the booze and figure it'll be someone else's problem someday. That's just not responsible.

But what about global warming? It's pretty much about oil, correct? Well, oil's a pretty good example of this, but even worse. Let's say, there is no global warming. When people say that, what I really hear is "WELL THEN LET THE PARTY CONTINUE! LEVEL THE MOUNTAINS AND BOMBARD THE OCEANS, WE'RE GETTING THAT BLACK GOLD OUT NOW!" At least trees you can plant, at least fish mate, but how much future can our civilization have if we base our entire existence on a geological accident; a complete absurdity. Every time you put ONE gallon of oil into the car, that's really one less gallon of oil on earth. There's no stuff you can put in that bag. That bag is perpetually running out. And it WILL run out. And in what kind of mindframe can we keep thinking "ohhh well, you know, in 50 years we'll think about it. In 100 years we'll think about it. There's sooo much of it, it'll be somebody's problem someday." But really, how much of a bridge will we have by the time we get to it? Even today, I mean, people say "oh well, there's the oil sands, there's the shale, there's all the chemicals we can pump in the earth to get it all out", but do they really know what those things mean? Is it just someone else's problem that they have to raze entire mountains to get those sands going? Does it all just not matter as long as we don't have to think about it?

It just doesn't make any sense to me.

But what you are saying is correct... IF global warming is not real, or rather, not caused by us, but is simply a natural process, well, then fuck that theory. Fine. But I do sincerely hope that the disproving of the theory isn't a referendum on the fact that there is such a thing as the environment, that we do cause some effect in it, and that it's not just there for the reaping forever with absolutely no consequences. At the same time, I don't think a couple of bloggers and columnists writing on the big scam of global warming disprove anything. Fact is, still the majority of scientists and specialists say that it's there. That there is something happening and we're exacerbating it. Maybe I'm naive. But I think that they know better than the bloggers and columnists that compare their heating bills for this year and last year and suddenly declare that it's all a big hoax. I think it might be a little more complicated than that. But hey, what do I know? And in any case, it doesn't change other fundamental facts: Basically, that we're fucked.
There is no compelling evidence that this is NOT just a cycle that will reverse it self and in fact has already reversed it self.

No one can predict what will be happening in 10 years much less more than that. Hell they can not predict out a year.

No compelling evidence to you. Just to most of the scientists worldwide. There is not a single scientific society that does not state that global warming is happening, that it is a clear and present danger, and that the burning on fossil fuels is the primary driver.
True, that's essentially what I'm getting at. The proponents of the man made theory are essentially arguing that man has been such an influence on the environment that we have 'unnnaturally' altered the Earth and it's climate cycles. Now evidence is indicating that what we are seeing may very well be 'natural'. So if it's natural how should we prepare? It would seem that if you were of the postion that man is unnaturally altering earth's cycle that you would thus be for earth maintaining a natural cycle and thus oppossed to some man made intervention to, say, cool the earth. it would seem that it would be our duty to adapt to earth's natural cycles, not make the earth adapt to us.

If we are going to adapt we need to think big picture. Relatively speaking we know the Earth has been warmer than this. Not a lot warmer relatively speaking mind you, but warmer. We also know the Earth has been an awful lot colder. We know that where I am sitting right now at one point was under a mile of ice. Worst case scenario for warming is that it might get 5 degrees celsius warmer. Big picture what should we be more concerned about? 5 Degrees or prolonged freezing temperatures under a mile of ice?

For either to occur in the space of a couple centurys is equally damaging.
One funny observation ...

All this is suppose to be happening outside right? Then how is it that everyone who is debating it is inside most of their lives now anyway?

Virtually 100% of our agriculture is still outside. And there are seven billion of us that agriculture has to feed. Adrupt climate change is just that, very quick even in the terms of a human lifespan. The last major change, the Younger Dryas, took only a decade to change, going in and coming out. And the change lasted 1300 years. So, while most of us may live our lives in this nation, indoors, our lives still depend on the food grown outdoors.


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We do NOT have the technology to project out to begin with. We are so ignorant on how and why and when weather and weather effects happen as to be just barely out of the stone age.

We need to learn how the Environment works. We can not predict anything past what we can observe. All the projections are simply wild ass guesses.

You can not predict 5 years from now if you do not even know what causes things to happen. Have we figured out WHY clouds form? When they will form? What kind they will be? How long they will last? When it comes to rain we GUESS based on weather patterns we can see.

Until we know enough of the variables nothing we guess at will be accurate except by pure simple luck.

As for the bullshit claim about not believing in Global warming, HORSE SHIT. There were arguments put forth that man did not cause it and also those put forth that it was just a short term cycle.

In fact the heating has been short term, it was a 1/3 of a degree in around 10 years and is not currently occurring as rapidly anymore. In fact some have stated, with evidence that there has been NO warming since around 1998.

It does sound so much better for the loons though if they claim people did not believe in a warming trend.

One again, you are full of it. Here is a quote from just one of the wingnut think tanks that states exactly what you say they did not. Another lie to cover a lie.

APC: United Nations > Articles > There is No Global Warming

There is No Global Warming
There is no global warming. Period.

You can't find a real scientist anywhere in the world who can look you in the eye and, without hesitation, without clarification, without saying, kinda, mighta, sorta, if, and or but...say "yes, global warming is with us."

There is no evidence whatsoever to support such claims. Anyone who tells you that scientific research shows warming trends - be they teachers, news casters, Congressmen, Senators, Vice Presidents or Presidents - is wrong. There is no global warming.

Scientific research through U.S. Government satellite and balloon measurements shows that the temperature is actually cooling - very slightly - .037 degrees Celsius.

A little research into modern-day temperature trends bears this out. For example, in 1936 the Midwest of the United States experienced 49 consecutive days of temperatures over 90 degrees. There were another 49 consecutive days in 1955. But in 1992 there was only one day over 90 degrees and in 1997 only 5 days.

Because of modern science and improved equipment, this "cooling" trend has been most accurately documented over the past 18 years. Ironically, that's the same period of time the hysteria has grown over dire warnings of "warming."

Changes in global temperatures are natural. There is no proof that temperature is affected by anything that man has done.

In fact, recent severe weather has been directly attributed to a natural phenomenon that occurs every so often called El Nino. It causes ocean temperatures to rise as tropical trade winds actually reverse for a time.
Virtually 100% of our agriculture is still outside. And there are seven billion of us that agriculture has to feed. Adrupt climate change is just that, very quick even in the terms of a human lifespan. The last major change, the Younger Dryas, took only a decade to change, going in and coming out. And the change lasted 1300 years. So, while most of us may live our lives in this nation, indoors, our lives still depend on the food grown outdoors.
That pretty much disproves your theory of man-induced climate change then, doesn't it? :eusa_whistle:
I missed that one, but it is an accurate observation.

He said it at the 2006 White House Correspondents Dinner!!!

You should have seen the look on Bush's face once he realized Colbert was ripping on him.

They didn't realize Colbert is a fake Republican. How stupid/uninformed are they?

You can utube it and you will die laughing.
Right on man... To think that we humans can control mother nature is pretty arogant. I guess that's another difference between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives believe in a higher power, liberals believe they are the higher power.

Is it?

Is is also arrogance to think that single celled organisms could control mother nature and change the earth's atmosphere, too?
Virtually 100% of our agriculture is still outside. And there are seven billion of us that agriculture has to feed. Adrupt climate change is just that, very quick even in the terms of a human lifespan. The last major change, the Younger Dryas, took only a decade to change, going in and coming out. And the change lasted 1300 years. So, while most of us may live our lives in this nation, indoors, our lives still depend on the food grown outdoors.

Actually warming can be a good thing for growing food. But hey don't let that little fact bother you.

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