2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved

I love it that conservatives/republicans are standing firm on the wrong side of this issue. The younger generation/new voters know that you are wrong/full of shit so keep up the good work.
I love it that conservatives/republicans are standing firm on the wrong side of this issue. The younger generation/new voters know that you are wrong/full of shit so keep up the good work.

of course, when you are raised and have teachers spewing nonsense in your ears as a child it is hard to form an opinion.

It's kinda like Religion. Most people are religious because they were taught it as a child where they are unable to form their own opinion and it becomes a standard of their life.

Same principle applies.

Don't worry, The polar bears will survive you left wing loon
I love it that conservatives/republicans are standing firm on the wrong side of this issue. The younger generation/new voters know that you are wrong/full of shit so keep up the good work.

I've found the younger generation, by and large, are a lot more open and skeptical about these sort of things, and anything else that has been politicized. That's a good thing.

The pure partisan hacks who tend to cling blindly to one side or another of a given issue tend to come out of the Viet Nam generation, or out of my generation, which came just after. I think that is true partially because the 60s were such a polarizing time and people can't get past the polarity. It's like it became ingrained into them.
I love it that conservatives/republicans are standing firm on the wrong side of this issue. The younger generation/new voters know that you are wrong/full of shit so keep up the good work.
Yeah its a political thing all right. That much is certain. Science be damned.
everything is political with Sealy...If the left said the world was flat he would have a 11 page paper linked by a left wing blog supporting the facts
For Sealy is is clearly political. That, in a nutshell, is the problem with the issue in the first place. You're right.

Newt admitted that it is YOUR SIDE that has politicized this issue. You and all your buddies are projecting on me what you yourself are guilty of.

Isn't that obvious? What sinister motive do us liberals have for wanting to go green?

It's your side that doesn't want companies to be forced into cleaning up their act. Why? Because that means $ and more regulations.

So even though you are dumb, your party knows humans are causing global warming and corporate greed is polluting this planet. Maybe it will be a lot easier if I stop blaming you. LOOK AT CHINA!! They had to stop manufacturing/producing a week before the Olympics to clean up the fucking smog!

But because your side denies fact, yes, this has become a political issue. Rather than debate us honestly, you hold out with your lies and spin suggesting that humans have nothing to do with it. Despite what science tells you. And you'll quote the 5 neo con scientists who were probably paid to despute the facts. And we all know that ANYTHING can be debated. This topic is proof of that.
Yes, because 200 years of tempature data is a good sample for a planet that is 2 billions years old.
everything is political with Sealy...If the left said the world was flat he would have a 11 page paper linked by a left wing blog supporting the facts

Then lets start from scratch and see who's playing politics, me or you guys.

Corporations are polluting our air. Are you against getting them to clean up their act? Why? Fuck polar bears and global warming. Let's just talk about clean air.

And the Pacific ocean is full of plastic/garbage/nuclear waste. Do you want to do something about it or nothing about it?

Put politics aside. Just answer those questions.
Newt admitted that it is YOUR SIDE that has politicized this issue. You and all your buddies are projecting on me what you yourself are guilty of.

Isn't that obvious? What sinister motive do us liberals have for wanting to go green?

It's your side that doesn't want companies to be forced into cleaning up their act. Why? Because that means $ and more regulations.

This post is proof of your partisanship and ignorance. You don't even know what my position is, you're just making it into a partisan dichotomy. Thanks for making my point for me.
Then lets start from scratch and see who's playing politics, me or you guys.

Corporations are polluting our air. Are you against getting them to clean up their act? Why? Fuck polar bears and global warming. Let's just talk about clean air.

And the Pacific ocean is full of plastic/garbage/nuclear waste. Do you want to do something about it or nothing about it?

Put politics aside. Just answer those questions.

You are aware we already ARE working to clean the air and sea? That each year we do more not less? That each year we learn new ways to help us do that?
Newsflash! This just in from "Scientific News and Views"

It has been established that the melting polar ice caps are the direct result of hot air caused by the continuing debate over whether man is ruining the planet by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, or whether climate change is simply a natural phenomenon. Please save the planet by expressing only facts and logic. Thank you.
Yes, because 200 years of tempature data is a good sample for a planet that is 2 billions years old.

Well seeing as how people like you discredit science and the liberal media shows like PBS or NPR that explain how humans are excellerating the process, I guess there is no convincing people like you.

That's why we voted ignorant people like you out of office. People like you are very slick/clever, but very very wrong. Doesn't matter if you are wrong, as long as you win elections. If you believe it, it isn't a lie. Or if you say it enough times, it becomes true.

Either way, we're going to regulate it and tax your precious corporations for their pollution. Get ready.
good, and when the corp fires people to make up the lost revenue for the taxes, please don't come here with your skirt inbetween your legs asking for another bailout as you did for your precious GM
You are aware we already ARE working to clean the air and sea? That each year we do more not less? That each year we learn new ways to help us do that?

I'm not buying that. I hear the stories about Bush's environmental plans vs the Kyoto Treaty vs Liberal proposals.

I see what the GOP is doing. They are trying to stall/delay the solutions to this problem for as long as they can because corporate lobbyists are paying them to do so.

The question is, will they buy our democrats too now that they run the show. Will the Dems sell out too? You guys say they will.

But don't act like the earth got cleaner under bush. Or prove it with some links.
*crickets* eh Sealy?

People like you on both sides of this issue are the problem, and now after making a partisan ass of yourself you have nothing to add?
good, and when the corp fires people to make up the lost revenue for the taxes, please don't come here with your skirt inbetween your legs asking for another bailout as you did for your precious GM

Hey, the way it worked when people like you ran the government was that companies laid people off anyways.

Be honest, corporations only hire as many people as they need to get the job done. Lean and mean!

And if you had your way, there wouldn't be things like unemployment for when people lost their jobs. No thanks.

And companies will start hiring when we stop giving tax breaks for them to go overseas.

And remember from 2004 and 2006 when corporate profits were thru the roof? They didn't hire anyone. They just gave their CEO's and VP's and BOD's all the bonus'.

If you haven't noticed, the last 8 years, the rich got rich. Where is all that bank bailout money going? To the rich. Where did all those corporate profits go? To the rich.

Who's wages, gas, taxes, debt, cost of living and healthcare went up? Ours.

And so now you want the Big 3 to fail and it will lower our wages even more?

If you think it through, you guys are kind of retarded. :cuckoo:

Either that or rich, and I doubt you are that rich.
*crickets* eh Sealy?

People like you on both sides of this issue are the problem, and now after making a partisan ass of yourself you have nothing to add?

Sometimes I think people in the middle are the biggest idiots.

For example, at the very last debates they had people who still weren't sure if they were going to vote for Obama or McCain.

Are you fucking serious? :cuckoo:

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