2010 The hottest year on record

A typical Sunday dinner in Brazil is the photo above in my last post. I should say traditional. The daughter of the cook just returned from the Amazon, she lived there until she got divorced in June. Now her and her son live in Rio. Her mother cooks me a great meal every time I return to Brazil. Ever eat salt cured, air dried beef with black beans and rice cooked in fried garlic.
No, I have not been to Brazil, and given your level of lying on other subjects, I seriously doubt that you have been either. What ever that case may be, it is far more than just one paper reporting the drought.

Brazil Crops Shrivel as Amazon Dries Up to Lowest in 47 Years - Bloomberg

Drought in Brazil, the world’s biggest producer of coffee, sugar and oranges, is harming crops and drying the Amazon River to its lowest in 47 years.

The Amazon’s 18-meter (59-feet) level on Sept. 20 was the least since 1963, disrupting transportation of food, fuel and medicines in northern Brazil, the National Water Agency said in an e-mailed statement. Growers in Brazil’s Southeast expect the drought will pare output of the nation’s key commodities.

Sugar rose to the highest price in seven months in New York today and has jumped 29 percent this month because of concern the South American drought threatens global supplies. Orange juice gained 15 percent this month and coffee soared 33 percent this year. The dry weather will persist at least until mid- October, said Willians Bini, a meteorologist at Sao Paulo-based weather forecaster Somar Meteorologia.

Point out one lie fuck face. Old Crock, your the biggest fucking liar on these boards, not only do you lie repeatedly you have not the intelligence to read what you link to which makes you dumb.

Not one post have you been able to defend, you must be pissed because I will not accept, "installed capacity" in lieu of actual electricity produced by a wind turbine. Obviously you spent a lot of time trying to google a link you could use and came up empty.

When I see how Old Crock will never give up I realize that people like Old Crock will resort to violence, most likely a declaration of martial law and turn the military loose on ordinary people. I dont try and change the mind of assholes like Old Crock, the fact that Old Crock will resort to calling people filthy names shows me Old Crock will resort to violence one day, once all other avenues close to the liberals they will resort to violence.

Liberals accuse the far right wing of being dangerous, ready to resort to violence, they state this because that is who they are, they believe everyone is the same as them when it comes to violence.

Old Crock is a danger in the sense that those who are liberals use the government to advance their Marxist ideology. I literally pay extreme rates for electricity because the laws passed in California are designed to make the rich filthy rich.

Old Crock loves my money, fucking rat bastard has both hands deep in my pocket, most likely he wants more than my money.

If we think you'd resort to violence, it would have to be because of your demonstrated inability to curb your temper. How do we know this rant about "liberal violence" isn't just a way to give yourself permission to engage in pre-emptive violence? It's like in sports leagues, those who scream the most about cheating are usually trying to distract from their own.
No, I have not been to Brazil, and given your level of lying on other subjects, I seriously doubt that you have been either. What ever that case may be, it is far more than just one paper reporting the drought.

Brazil Crops Shrivel as Amazon Dries Up to Lowest in 47 Years - Bloomberg

Drought in Brazil, the world’s biggest producer of coffee, sugar and oranges, is harming crops and drying the Amazon River to its lowest in 47 years.

The Amazon’s 18-meter (59-feet) level on Sept. 20 was the least since 1963, disrupting transportation of food, fuel and medicines in northern Brazil, the National Water Agency said in an e-mailed statement. Growers in Brazil’s Southeast expect the drought will pare output of the nation’s key commodities.

Sugar rose to the highest price in seven months in New York today and has jumped 29 percent this month because of concern the South American drought threatens global supplies. Orange juice gained 15 percent this month and coffee soared 33 percent this year. The dry weather will persist at least until mid- October, said Willians Bini, a meteorologist at Sao Paulo-based weather forecaster Somar Meteorologia.

Point out one lie fuck face. Old Crock, your the biggest fucking liar on these boards, not only do you lie repeatedly you have not the intelligence to read what you link to which makes you dumb.

Not one post have you been able to defend, you must be pissed because I will not accept, "installed capacity" in lieu of actual electricity produced by a wind turbine. Obviously you spent a lot of time trying to google a link you could use and came up empty.

When I see how Old Crock will never give up I realize that people like Old Crock will resort to violence, most likely a declaration of martial law and turn the military loose on ordinary people. I dont try and change the mind of assholes like Old Crock, the fact that Old Crock will resort to calling people filthy names shows me Old Crock will resort to violence one day, once all other avenues close to the liberals they will resort to violence.

Liberals accuse the far right wing of being dangerous, ready to resort to violence, they state this because that is who they are, they believe everyone is the same as them when it comes to violence.

Old Crock is a danger in the sense that those who are liberals use the government to advance their Marxist ideology. I literally pay extreme rates for electricity because the laws passed in California are designed to make the rich filthy rich.

Old Crock loves my money, fucking rat bastard has both hands deep in my pocket, most likely he wants more than my money.

If we think you'd resort to violence, it would have to be because of your demonstrated inability to curb your temper. How do we know this rant about "liberal violence" isn't just a way to give yourself permission to engage in pre-emptive violence? It's like in sports leagues, those who scream the most about cheating are usually trying to distract from their own.

Fuck off asshole, its not a rant about "liberal violence", I see the liberal demonstrations, the ones where you wear your mask and throw rocks at people, destroy property, I see them on TV all the time.

So far there has been no violence and California passed laws mandating that I transfer my wealth or labor into the pockets of Chevron so assholes can have wind turbines. Old Crock gets my labor so he can watch foreign corporations get filthy rich, like Siemens, selling windmills to Oregon bought with my labor.

Liberals are different than all other human beings, they never resort to violence, liberal's human nature is pure, good, nothing is bigger lie.

Something is wrong with me for expressing anger, go fuck yourself.

Liberal is pure Marxism, Marxism is being taught to the children, Che advocates violence, armed revolution, the only way to pure Marxism.
Up the meds. Everyone knows those who scream the loudest about being screwed are out to screw the rest of us. You can't fool us with the "Marxism" talk. It's only a ploy designed to distract us from your own favorite "ism". I don't trust you anymore than a Marxist and no one else should either.
2010 was my coldest year in Rio De Janeiro, the Brazilians all said the same thing. Coldest in the 16 years I have been going to Rio.

Good thing we have environuts to tell us otherwise.

A severe drought has pushed river levels in Brazil's Amazon region to record lows, leaving isolated communities dependent on emergency aid and thousands of boats stranded on parched riverbeds.

The drought fits a pattern of more extreme weather in the world's largest rain forest in recent years and is, scientists say, an expected result of global warming. Last year, the region was hit by widespread flooding and in 2005 it endured a devastating drought.

The level of the dark Rio Negro, a tributary to the Amazonas river and itself the world's largest black-water river, fell to 13.63 meters (45 feet) on Sunday, its lowest since records began in 1902, according to the Brazilian Geological Service.

"People are lacking food because fish are dying in the warm waters. Nearly all boats are grounded -- only the smallest ones can navigate the waters," said Rosival Dias, a coordinator with the Amazonas Sustainable Foundation environmental group who has visited affected areas.

"I've worked in the region about 30 years and never seen anything like the last few years. This has everything to do with climate change."

Brazil's Amazon region suffers severe drought | Reuters

Funny my friends who live on the Amazon said nothing of this, I guess you know better than those who actually have been to Brazil or live in Brazil.

I bet you scratch your head at night when the sun goes down, what do you propose to do about that, talk about warming and heating the planet, the sun going up and down is the biggest cause of warming and cooling, how do you propose keeping the temperature exactly the same all day, every day, night and day.

Droughts in the Amazon basin are actually fairly common. This is the worst example in 100 years but nothing new (unlike what the alarmists buffoons would have people believe)
in fact there are 7000 year old etchings that have been uncovered so clearly 7000 years ago the water level was much lower for a long period of time.

Stone age etchings found in Amazon basin as river levels fall | World news | The Guardian
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Up the meds. Everyone knows those who scream the loudest about being screwed are out to screw the rest of us. You can't fool us with the "Marxism" talk. It's only a ploy designed to distract us from your own favorite "ism". I don't trust you anymore than a Marxist and no one else should either.

Four hundred dollar electric bills is not getting screwed, is it, I have no right to scream about that. My buddy just filled his pool, the bill was three thousand dollars, he complained and the dropped it to five hundred.

Thats all bullshit I should not scream about.

Arizona, same thing, two hundred to five hundred in the summer time.

What about rates and the expense, I just ran across this, maybe I should thank you, I had no idea there was a program to lower my electric rate.

Still what do you think of the tier 3 rate, I also think the baseline for tier 1 rates is much to low, it is punitive to families. What do you think. This is my rant and why I am screaming.

I will get back to you with specific laws, not so much to prove something to you just so that when others read your post and than see mine, they can decide for themselves if what you state is true.

This link discusses the rates as effected by a program for the poor.

Nuclear reactors could provide extremely cheap power to the poor. Instead the people who struggle with families pay extra high electric rates to pay the bills of the poor.

I say give them cheap electricity and I am the one that should be ignored.

California Overview of Restructuring Legislation - LIHEAP Clearinghouse

In June of 2004, a new commission-approved program went into effect that allows an electric bill discount to low- to middle-income households of three or more people. Under the program, called Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA), an eligible household of four may earn from $43,201 to $54,000 per year in 2008-09. The program was approved by the PUC in a November 2003 order.

Program participants save on their electric bills by being billed at a lower rate. FERA participants’ Tier 3 usage (131 percent to 200 percent of baseline) is billed at Tier 2 rates. Usage in Tier 4 (201-300 percent of baseline) and Tier 5 (above 300 percent of baseline) continues to be billed at the original rates for those tiers. Utilities and the CPUC have noted that more than one third of residential customers do not exceed usage above 130 percent of baseline. (Baseline is a quantity of electricity or gas that is billed at the lowest rate. By law, the commission must set baseline quantities for gas and electricity at a "significant portion of the reasonable energy needs of the average residential customer."

Making me pay more for electricity and using that money to pay a stranger's electric bill is Marxism.

My money is my property, in California government law mandates and regulations have eliminated my right to own personal property, when one does not have the right to personal property than that is Marxism.

It is a perfect example of Marxism, government taking my personal property to give to someone else.

In this case laws mandate the rates I pay, I am a tier 2/tier 3 consumer, as defined by california law, Californian laws also mandate that this extra money pay for other people's electric bills.

Taking my personal property to give to another is Marxism.
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The science and the scientists are completely clear on this subject. We are creating another great extinction

That is one of the most beautifully arrogant statements I have read so far...Is the science also clear, that one large volcanic event, puts more pollution into the environment than all of the cars ever driven in history...Throw in a second large eruption, and you can include all factory and industrial output...Perhaps you might look up how many volcanoes are active at the moment? I love when people compare us to mother nature...One brisk shake of her back, and all the money and hand wringing in the world will matter a wit :)
The science and the scientists are completely clear on this subject. We are creating another great extinction

That is one of the most beautifully arrogant statements I have read so far...Is the science also clear, that one large volcanic event, puts more pollution into the environment than all of the cars ever driven in history...Throw in a second large eruption, and you can include all factory and industrial output...Perhaps you might look up how many volcanoes are active at the moment? I love when people compare us to mother nature...One brisk shake of her back, and all the money and hand wringing in the world will matter a wit :)

The scientist are right, we destroying the earth, there is nothing we can do about it, its too late, out of balance, and seeing that it is earth, and so large, spinning in space and we destroyed its balance, there is no way in the universe we can restore the balance.

Its the fool who thinks they can fix the problem, the fool who believes now that we changed the course of such a large object such as the earth we can put it back on course.

Its the end, the solution is accelerating the problem by consuming the earths resources to build the largest industrial electrical plants ever conceived, massive solar plants covering thousands of square miles, mirrors, more mirrors on one site than ever built in all of earths history, these green energy power plants are of historic size, they cover the natural earth, that breaths and lives, solar completely destroys what lives below the heat concentrating mirrors, how much of that heat radiates up, what is the temperature of the worlds largest solar farm, concentrating the suns energy into heat, heat that is radiating into the atmosphere.
No, I have not been to Brazil, and given your level of lying on other subjects, I seriously doubt that you have been either. What ever that case may be, it is far more than just one paper reporting the drought.

Brazil Crops Shrivel as Amazon Dries Up to Lowest in 47 Years - Bloomberg

Drought in Brazil, the world’s biggest producer of coffee, sugar and oranges, is harming crops and drying the Amazon River to its lowest in 47 years.

The Amazon’s 18-meter (59-feet) level on Sept. 20 was the least since 1963, disrupting transportation of food, fuel and medicines in northern Brazil, the National Water Agency said in an e-mailed statement. Growers in Brazil’s Southeast expect the drought will pare output of the nation’s key commodities.

Sugar rose to the highest price in seven months in New York today and has jumped 29 percent this month because of concern the South American drought threatens global supplies. Orange juice gained 15 percent this month and coffee soared 33 percent this year. The dry weather will persist at least until mid- October, said Willians Bini, a meteorologist at Sao Paulo-based weather forecaster Somar Meteorologia.

Point out one lie fuck face. Old Crock, your the biggest fucking liar on these boards, not only do you lie repeatedly you have not the intelligence to read what you link to which makes you dumb.

Not one post have you been able to defend, you must be pissed because I will not accept, "installed capacity" in lieu of actual electricity produced by a wind turbine. Obviously you spent a lot of time trying to google a link you could use and came up empty.

When I see how Old Crock will never give up I realize that people like Old Crock will resort to violence, most likely a declaration of martial law and turn the military loose on ordinary people. I dont try and change the mind of assholes like Old Crock, the fact that Old Crock will resort to calling people filthy names shows me Old Crock will resort to violence one day, once all other avenues close to the liberals they will resort to violence.

Liberals accuse the far right wing of being dangerous, ready to resort to violence, they state this because that is who they are, they believe everyone is the same as them when it comes to violence.

Old Crock is a danger in the sense that those who are liberals use the government to advance their Marxist ideology. I literally pay extreme rates for electricity because the laws passed in California are designed to make the rich filthy rich.

Old Crock loves my money, fucking rat bastard has both hands deep in my pocket, most likely he wants more than my money.

mdn, what a dumb ass you are. Bitchin' about your electric bill, then screaming because you don't like the idea solar energy. In California.

I hope they double your bill on account of stupidity.
mdn, what a dumb ass you are. Bitchin' about your electric bill, then screaming because you don't like the idea solar energy. In California.

I hope they double your bill on account of stupidity.

That means your electric bill is going up a thousand time because you are a thousand more times stupid.

Solar is more expensive because the electricity produced is so tiny it barely makes it through 200 miles of transmission lines.

In the past all power plants were built relatively close to cities, with wind and solar we are installing hundreds of miles away, this requires new infrastructure, infrastructure if paid for by the wind or solar industry this would make wind and solar require larger subsidies. To hide the subsidy the taxpayer must be convinced the grid needs replacing at our expense.

Yes, I am a dumb ass for bitching about 400$ electric bills.
A record amount of Solar panels reflecting heat away from the earth, the concentrated solar energy super heating CO2 resulting in wild swings in the atmosphere's temperature.

Had the heat been absorbed into the earth temperatures would of been much lower.

Solar's Record Year | RenewablesBiz

New installations of solar power will set a record this year, just like the attendance at the just-concluded Solar Power International conference in Los Angeles
Interesting how record cold keeps killing hundreds of thousands of animals, stops fruit tree production in southern California, kills penguins, freezes fish in the rivers of South America in the hundreds of thousands, and little of that makes it into the news.

Instead we have "record" temps based on two weather stations based at airports in the eastern US. Then we find that GISS is extrapolating temperatures accross thousands of kilometers where they have no data.

And in a amazing example of how incredibly talented (or untruthful depending on your POV and your level of scientific integrity) these boys are they can extrapolate temperatures down to a hundredth of a degree.

Below are some images and the pink shows the area where no data exhists. It's amazingly easy to say there are record temps when you are making them up.

GISS : Fighting For #1 | Real Science


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Ol' Walleyes, if the trend were to colder temperatures, then the balance of the record temps would be on that side. What Chris is postin are indictators of a trend. When the record temps, cold versus hot, keep coming in 3 to 10 times more record hot than cold, for a period of several years, one can safely say that you are seeing a trend.

When all you can do to defend your position that nothing is happening, is post a couple of the cold extremes, then one can safely say that you have nothing to offer.
A record amount of Solar panels reflecting heat away from the earth, the concentrated solar energy super heating CO2 resulting in wild swings in the atmosphere's temperature.

Had the heat been absorbed into the earth temperatures would of been much lower.

Solar's Record Year | RenewablesBiz

New installations of solar power will set a record this year, just like the attendance at the just-concluded Solar Power International conference in Los Angeles

Now mdn, you continue to outdo yourself in stupidity and lies. But you are good for laughs, along with your compatriots, Walleyes and Si.
mdn, what a dumb ass you are. Bitchin' about your electric bill, then screaming because you don't like the idea solar energy. In California.

I hope they double your bill on account of stupidity.

That means your electric bill is going up a thousand time because you are a thousand more times stupid.

Solar is more expensive because the electricity produced is so tiny it barely makes it through 200 miles of transmission lines.

In the past all power plants were built relatively close to cities, with wind and solar we are installing hundreds of miles away, this requires new infrastructure, infrastructure if paid for by the wind or solar industry this would make wind and solar require larger subsidies. To hide the subsidy the taxpayer must be convinced the grid needs replacing at our expense.

Yes, I am a dumb ass for bitching about 400$ electric bills.

Damned right you are. Were I to have a $400 a month electric bill, I would be generating my own juice, whether from solar, wind, or a natural gas fuel cell. And I would be finding ways to lower that bill, instead of proving myself an incompetant bastard for just bitching about it on the internet and doing nothing at all to change the situation.

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