2010 The hottest year on record

Record Events for Tue Oct 26, 2010 through Mon Nov 1, 2010

High Temperatures: 649
Low Temperatures: 73

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

And the Rockies got 33 inches of powder!

Skiers rejoice as early snow hits the West - USATODAY.com

this is just as absurd as pointing out the high temps and proves absolutely nothing

Ahhhh, you're getting a clue. If you look back at many of my past posts you will see that I make that point repeatedly.

this is just as absurd as pointing out the high temps and proves absolutely nothing

Ahhhh, you're getting a clue. If you look back at many of my past posts you will see that I make that point repeatedly.

...getting, lol, you have no clue on my position on GW then. And still no answers to my questions yet...
Ahhhh, you're getting a clue. If you look back at many of my past posts you will see that I make that point repeatedly.

...getting, lol, you have no clue on my position on GW then. And still no answers to my questions yet...

Which questions?

I asked this question in a different thread in which you posted about the early Alps ski season opening...

Since you're an expert on skiing in the Alps, glaciers and early season conditions in the Alps; how many early openings have the Alps had in the last 50 years?

How many early closings have the Alps had in the last 50 years?

How have the glaciers held up in the last 50 years?

Most records go back to 1850 in the Alps so I'll make it easy on you and only have you document proof back to 1960.
I have been in australia, and indeed the weather has been hot. Only the last two months have been normal, or even a little cooler, but winter was really warmer than usual.

Oh........and ummm, the science doesnt mean shit at the end of the day if the political will of the people says it doesnt mean shit.

See pic above............it doesnt mean shit!!!:fu:
Record Events for Mon Nov 1, 2010 through Sun Nov 7, 2010

High Temperatures: 453
Low Temperatures: 135

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

What is a mental disorder?

Doing something over and over and over again and expecting a different result!!!:D:D

ps........its snowing on Long Island, New York this AM. Its November 8th. Im 50 years old.......never happened before.

Its all this fcukking global warming!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::blowup:

Snow in early November is obvious proof of Climate Disruption! The Gummint warned us, and now its happening.
We have such a short record that the fact that it hasn't snowed their in 50 years means quite little as their might be times during the little ice ages/cool periods that it happens every few years and periods of 100 or more years during the warmers periods like the Med evil warm period. It is pretty hard to point towards it and say that is a sign of a cooling or warming trend.

The best way to tell is how often do these events happen over the earth within a period of time. The bad news is that we don't have nearly enough of a record to make a good estimate with 100-150 years of record data.
We have such a short record that the fact that it hasn't snowed their in 50 years means quite little as their might be times during the little ice ages/cool periods that it happens every few years and periods of 100 or more years during the warmers periods like the Med evil warm period. It is pretty hard to point towards it and say that is a sign of a cooling or warming trend.

The best way to tell is how often do these events happen over the earth within a period of time. The bad news is that we don't have nearly enough of a record to make a good estimate with 100-150 years of record data.

We only have global data since 1971.
We have enough data through proxy measurements in ice cores and isotopes in sediments to know that the rate of increase in temperatures that we are experiancing at present is extremely outside the norm. And, from the evidence in geology from prior periods of rapid change, will lead to an adrupt climate change.

What we don't know, is the point at which that will take place, or how severe the change will be. Even a short event like the Younger Dryas, were it to happen today, would result in the die off of a significant portion of the world's population.
Much earlier, at the beginning of summer, someone posted that they expected this summer to be very warm. The peanut gallery gave them a rousing chorus of bronx cheers. I stated that I would wait until October to weigh in.

Well, this summer definately was a warm one, worldwide. Rivalling that of 1998. So, rdean or Chris, were spot on with their predictions. And the peanut gallery was, as usual, out in left field.
And, by the way, we have an interesting anomally going on. A very strong La Nina, yet October was very warm, and November does not look like a cold month at all. Should the anomoly be above 3, we will still be in competition with 1998 and 2005 for the warmest year on record.

In a year that began with a moderate El Nino, and ends with a very strong La Nina. Not a good sign for you fellows in denial.

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