2010 The hottest year on record

Bottomline almost all of us will continue to treat you warmist cretins with tolerance like we do fags and their buttfucking - knock yourselves out in private, but don't disrupt public places or try to recruit kids.
On average

there is a 100 year weather event of every variety (hurricane, drought, record rainfall, hail, tornado, etc)

across 40,000 sq miles of the earth's surface (an area larger than the state of Maine)

every single day.

On average

there is a 10 year weather event of every variety (hurricane, drought, record rainfall, hail, tornado, etc)

across 40,000 sq miles of the earth's surface (an area larger than the state of Maine)

10 times

every single day.

Freak weather has always been the norm

and will never be the exception

Chris is either a lying sack of shit.....

Or he is posting drunk!

Are you even listening Chris or just so stupporfied that you can't realize the abject stupidity of your posts?
hes just a weak minded fool...like that storm trooper that obi wan duped into thinking that those weren't the droids he was looking for lololol
Data from the Met Office estimated the global average temperature for the period at 14.52C, making it the first or second hottest year since the British body began compiling records, reports the Sunday Times.

While the idea of some warmer temperatures may be appealing after the recent cold spell in the UK, scientists warned the hotter weather had come at a cost.

Vicky Pope, head of climate science advice for the Met Office, said the available data indicated the Arctic is warming faster than any other part of the world, as the ice cap continues to shrink.

Data from the Met Office estimated the global average temperature for the period at 14.52C, making it the first or second hottest year since the British body began compiling records, reports the Sunday Times.

While the idea of some warmer temperatures may be appealing after the recent cold spell in the UK, scientists warned the hotter weather had come at a cost.

Vicky Pope, head of climate science advice for the Met Office, said the available data indicated the Arctic is warming faster than any other part of the world, as the ice cap continues to shrink.


Oh, is this the same MET office that the BBC no longer uses because their data was so screwed up and unreliable that it couldn't be used???? The same MET office that said England would no longer be seeing snow in the winter??? Just before the UK had the worst winter in decades??? Why yes it is! As usual Chris resorts to using folks who have been completely and utterly discredited because of their gross incompetance!
Record Events for Sun Oct 24, 2010 through Sat Oct 30, 2010

High Temperatures: 651
Low Temperatures: 62

That has been normal for a very long time, dude. In fact it becomes even more normal every day since we collect shitloads more data.

The warmest year on record is 1998, there has been no global warming since then, deal with it.

On average

there is a 100 year weather event

Of every conceivable variety

across 40,000 square kilometers of the Earth's surface


And it has been that way since the earth formed.
Record Events for Tue Oct 26, 2010 through Mon Nov 1, 2010

High Temperatures: 649
Low Temperatures: 73

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

And the Rockies got 33 inches of powder!

Skiers rejoice as early snow hits the West - USATODAY.com

With the top of the mountain at 20-25 F and the base in the 40s, that sounds pretty warm! Could that be where all the moisture for that snow is coming?
What the fear mongers don't have is perspective. Worryng about this year being the warmest year on record is kind of like thinking there is a global climate problem because it was the warmest part of the day at 6 pm.

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