2010 The hottest year on record

WASHINGTON — The government's National Climate Data Center reported Monday that the January-September period is tied with 1998 for the warmest first nine months on record.

The average temperature for the period was 1.17 degree Fahrenheit (0.65 Celsius) above normal for records going back 131 years, the agency said. For a full year the warmest on record was 2005.

It has been the warmest January-September on record in the Northern Hemisphere and the second warmest in the Southern Hemisphere, the agency noted.

The Canadian Press: Like a broken record, global temperatures continue to go up
WASHINGTON — The government's National Climate Data Center reported Monday that the January-September period is tied with 1998 for the warmest first nine months on record.

The average temperature for the period was 1.17 degree Fahrenheit (0.65 Celsius) above normal for records going back 131 years, the agency said. For a full year the warmest on record was 2005.

It has been the warmest January-September on record in the Northern Hemisphere and the second warmest in the Southern Hemisphere, the agency noted.

The Canadian Press: Like a broken record, global temperatures continue to go up

you believe the government, lol.
WASHINGTON — The government's National Climate Data Center reported Monday that the January-September period is tied with 1998 for the warmest first nine months on record.

The average temperature for the period was 1.17 degree Fahrenheit (0.65 Celsius) above normal for records going back 131 years, the agency said. For a full year the warmest on record was 2005.

It has been the warmest January-September on record in the Northern Hemisphere and the second warmest in the Southern Hemisphere, the agency noted.

The Canadian Press: Like a broken record, global temperatures continue to go up

you believe the government, lol.

Must be wonderful to be able to have full faith in what your idols state. I am sure Limpbaugh and Beck have more intelligiance and sources than all the scientists in the US.
Record Events for Wed Oct 20, 2010 through Tue Oct 26, 2010
Total Records: 1544
Rainfall: 783
Snowfall: 21
High Temperatures: 178
Low Temperatures: 12
Lowest Max Temperatures: 62
Highest Min Temperatures: 488

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

there is a 100 year weather event

of every variety

across 40,000 squ kilometers of the earth's surface

every single day

Extreme weather is the norm, not the exception.
Record Events for Wed Oct 20, 2010 through Tue Oct 26, 2010
Total Records: 1544
Rainfall: 783
Snowfall: 21
High Temperatures: 178
Low Temperatures: 12
Lowest Max Temperatures: 62
Highest Min Temperatures: 488

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

there is a 100 year weather event

of every variety

across 40,000 squ kilometers of the earth's surface

every single day

Extreme weather is the norm, not the exception.

Your argument is as empty as a paper bag.

The vast majority of the extreme weather is on the warming side.

That's the point.
WASHINGTON — The government's National Climate Data Center reported Monday that the January-September period is tied with 1998 for the warmest first nine months on record.

The average temperature for the period was 1.17 degree Fahrenheit (0.65 Celsius) above normal for records going back 131 years, the agency said. For a full year the warmest on record was 2005.

It has been the warmest January-September on record in the Northern Hemisphere and the second warmest in the Southern Hemisphere, the agency noted.

The Canadian Press: Like a broken record, global temperatures continue to go up

you believe the government, lol.

Must be wonderful to be able to have full faith in what your idols state. I am sure Limpbaugh and Beck have more intelligiance and sources than all the scientists in the US.

I do my own scholarship, thank you very much.
Record Events for Wed Oct 20, 2010 through Tue Oct 26, 2010
Total Records: 1544
Rainfall: 783
Snowfall: 21
High Temperatures: 178
Low Temperatures: 12
Lowest Max Temperatures: 62
Highest Min Temperatures: 488

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

there is a 100 year weather event

of every variety

across 40,000 squ kilometers of the earth's surface

every single day

Extreme weather is the norm, not the exception.

Your argument is as empty as a paper bag.

The vast majority of the extreme weather is on the warming side.

That's the point.

You exhale CO2. You are therefore hurting the planet, by virtue of your own statements the logical conclusion is....?
Record Events for Wed Oct 20, 2010 through Tue Oct 26, 2010
Total Records: 1544
Rainfall: 783
Snowfall: 21
High Temperatures: 178
Low Temperatures: 12
Lowest Max Temperatures: 62
Highest Min Temperatures: 488

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

there is a 100 year weather event

of every variety

across 40,000 squ kilometers of the earth's surface

every single day

Extreme weather is the norm, not the exception.

Your argument is as empty as a paper bag.

The vast majority of the extreme weather is on the warming side.

That's the point.

actually you are empty as a paper bag. The majority of what your source is reporting may trend toward warming. While you will report evidence of cooling as evidence of warming.

Extreme weather is evidence of neither. Extreme weather is absolutely normal. Period.

You have a bias and seek to promote that bias, therefore you and what you post has negative credibility.

Try being honest instead. People might take you seriously.

mean while 40,000 sq kilometers of the earth's surface experience a 100 year climate event, of every variety, each and every day. Extreme weather is the norm, not an exception.
there is a 100 year weather event

of every variety

across 40,000 squ kilometers of the earth's surface

every single day

Extreme weather is the norm, not the exception.

Your argument is as empty as a paper bag.

The vast majority of the extreme weather is on the warming side.

That's the point.

actually you are empty as a paper bag. The majority of what your source is reporting may trend toward warming. While you will report evidence of cooling as evidence of warming.

Extreme weather is evidence of neither. Extreme weather is absolutely normal. Period.

You have a bias and seek to promote that bias, therefore you and what you post has negative credibility.

Try being honest instead. People might take you seriously.

mean while 40,000 sq kilometers of the earth's surface experience a 100 year climate event, of every variety, each and every day. Extreme weather is the norm, not an exception.

Have you been drinking?
Your argument is as empty as a paper bag.

The vast majority of the extreme weather is on the warming side.

That's the point.

actually you are empty as a paper bag. The majority of what your source is reporting may trend toward warming. While you will report evidence of cooling as evidence of warming.

Extreme weather is evidence of neither. Extreme weather is absolutely normal. Period.

You have a bias and seek to promote that bias, therefore you and what you post has negative credibility.

Try being honest instead. People might take you seriously.

mean while 40,000 sq kilometers of the earth's surface experience a 100 year climate event, of every variety, each and every day. Extreme weather is the norm, not an exception.

Have you been drinking?

Yes, and with the super nina I seriously doubt we top 1998, 2005 now.
Record Events for Wed Oct 20, 2010 through Tue Oct 26, 2010
Total Records: 1544
Rainfall: 783
Snowfall: 21
High Temperatures: 178
Low Temperatures: 12
Lowest Max Temperatures: 62
Highest Min Temperatures: 488

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

there is a 100 year weather event

of every variety

across 40,000 squ kilometers of the earth's surface

every single day

Extreme weather is the norm, not the exception.

Your argument is as empty as a paper bag.

The vast majority of the extreme weather is on the warming side.

That's the point.

Your arguments are based on manufactured, massaged and manipulated data and hyperbole.

I can see which bag is full of hot air, and it's yours.
Record Events for Thu Oct 21, 2010 through Wed Oct 27, 2010
Total Records: 2700
Rainfall: 1101
Snowfall: 75
High Temperatures: 425
Low Temperatures: 22
Lowest Max Temperatures: 113
Highest Min Temperatures: 964

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

On average

there is a 100 year weather event of every variety (hurricane, drought, record rainfall, hail, tornado, etc)

across 40,000 sq miles of the earth's surface (an area larger than the state of Maine)

every single day.

On average

there is a 10 year weather event of every variety (hurricane, drought, record rainfall, hail, tornado, etc)

across 40,000 sq miles of the earth's surface (an area larger than the state of Maine)

10 times

every single day.

Freak weather has always been the norm

and will never be the exception

Chris is either a bald faced lying propagandist or too stupid to understand rudimentary statistics.

Or he is posting drunk!
Last edited:
On average

there is a 100 year weather event of every variety (hurricane, drought, record rainfall, hail, tornado, etc)

across 40,000 sq miles of the earth's surface (an area larger than the state of Maine)

every single day.

On average

there is a 10 year weather event of every variety (hurricane, drought, record rainfall, hail, tornado, etc)

across 40,000 sq miles of the earth's surface (an area larger than the state of Maine)

10 times

every single day.

Freak weather has always been the norm

and will never be the exception

Chris is either a lying sack of shit.....

Or he is posting drunk!
I think we can now safely say that 2010 will not be the hottest year ever because of the super la nina is now kicking in. Surface temperature based on satellite data is dive bombing like a bat out of hell. http://processtrends.com/images/RClimate_UAH_Ch5_latest.png

Strongest nina since 1954!!! I'm thinking 3rd or 4th for 2010 now at the end of the day with the giss.

2011 may not be within the top 10. I'm thinking it could easly be colder then 2008.

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