2010 The hottest year on record

Record Events for Sat Oct 9, 2010 through Fri Oct 15, 2010
Total Records: 1497
Rainfall: 185
Snowfall: 3
High Temperatures: 948
Low Temperatures: 57
Lowest Max Temperatures: 6
Highest Min Temperatures: 298

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

Holdren and Ehrlichs book from WAY back in 1972 where they claim we will all disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1992 unless we are really, really lucky.

These are the fools you choose to follow. Congrats, you have confirmed that you have the intellect of a gnat.

The physicists: the history of a ... - Google Books
Record Events for Sat Oct 9, 2010 through Fri Oct 15, 2010
Total Records: 1497
Rainfall: 185
Snowfall: 3
High Temperatures: 948
Low Temperatures: 57
Lowest Max Temperatures: 6
Highest Min Temperatures: 298

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

Holdren and Ehrlichs book from WAY back in 1972 where they claim we will all disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1992 unless we are really, really lucky.

These are the fools you choose to follow. Congrats, you have confirmed that you have the intellect of a gnat.

The physicists: the history of a ... - Google Books

And you have no facts, only insults.
Record Events for Sat Oct 9, 2010 through Fri Oct 15, 2010
Total Records: 1497
Rainfall: 185
Snowfall: 3
High Temperatures: 948
Low Temperatures: 57
Lowest Max Temperatures: 6
Highest Min Temperatures: 298

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

Holdren and Ehrlichs book from WAY back in 1972 where they claim we will all disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1992 unless we are really, really lucky.

These are the fools you choose to follow. Congrats, you have confirmed that you have the intellect of a gnat.

The physicists: the history of a ... - Google Books

And you have no facts, only insults.

Read the book Chris, it is a fact that the people you follow wrote that drivel. They were wrong in 1972 and they have not been right yet. You are following a group that has a great track record! A monkey could do a better job of prediction than these clowns.

But hey it's a religion so believe what you wish.
Population size is probably the main factor in CO2 emmission. How come it is never brought up as a solution? lol. maybe the catastrophists are right and mother nature has her own plan to clean up the planet.
Population size is probably the main factor in CO2 emmission. How come it is never brought up as a solution? lol. maybe the catastrophists are right and mother nature has her own plan to clean up the planet.

That is certainly a hypothesis worth figuring out. However, we do know from the Vostock ice cores that the CO2 levels rise around 800 years after a major warming period and lo and behold the MWP was 800 years ago, so it could just as likely be that mechanism at work again.
gotta love the way government agencies keep changing temperature measurements!


gee, I wonder what came online in 2003 that they wanted to homogenize? ARGO perhaps?
gotta love the way government agencies keep changing temperature measurements!


gee, I wonder what came online in 2003 that they wanted to homogenize? ARGO perhaps?

I notice that to...Really it don't show a solid warming, but more or less stable. I don't think that there has been a period as stable as the 2000's in the last 300 years. It is almost always cooling or warming.
gotta love the way government agencies keep changing temperature measurements!


gee, I wonder what came online in 2003 that they wanted to homogenize? ARGO perhaps?

I notice that to...Really it don't show a solid warming, but more or less stable. I don't think that there has been a period as stable as the 2000's in the last 300 years. It is almost always cooling or warming.

yes, that may be it. I thought they were disguising a step change but perhaps they are just trying to show a trend that they can reconsile farther down the road.
Ah, Walleyes, still as full of bullshit as usual.

Warming of Oceans Will Reduce and Rearrange Marine Life | Wired Science | Wired.com
The warmth of the ocean is the critical factor that determines how much productivity and biodiversity there is in the ocean, and where.

In two separate studies, researchers found that warming oceans have led to a massive decline in the amount of plant life in the sea over the last century, and that temperature is tightly linked to global patterns of marine biodiversity.

“We are just now understanding how deeply temperature affects ocean life,” said biologist Boris Worm of Dalhousie University, a co-author on both papers appearing July 28 in Nature. “It is not necessarily that increased temperature is destroying biodiversity, but we do know that a warmer ocean will look very different.”

In one study that looks at historical records of algae abundance over the last hundred years, Worm and his co-authors found that warming ocean temperatures are correlated to a massive decline in the amount of marine algae, or phytoplankton. Marine algae are the base of the entire ocean food chain, and were also responsible for originally creating oxygen on the planet.

The study estimates the decline in marine algae has been approximately 40 percent since 1950.

Read More Warming of Oceans Will Reduce and Rearrange Marine Life | Wired Science | Wired.com
Around a dozen more records fell from Texas into the Southeast on Monday due to the unusually warm air that has enveloped the area for the past several days.

San Antonio, Texas; Alexandria, La.; Greenwood, Miss.; Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Orlando and Jacksonville, Fla.; and Raleigh, N.C., are among some of the cities and towns with new records on the books.

Afternoon high temperatures even flirted with the 100-degree mark in parts of Texas. Del Rio, Texas, had the hottest temperature in the nation on Monday, when the high reached 99 degrees and shattered the long-standing record of 92 degrees from 1917.

The exceptional warmth even reached into the mid-Atlantic Monday. In Philadelphia, a high temperature of 76 degrees, which is a whopping 14 degrees above normal, tied the record from 1993.

AccuWeather.com - Weather News | Record Warmth Grips the South
Record Events for Tue Oct 12, 2010 through Mon Oct 18, 2010
Total Records: 785
Rainfall: 191
Snowfall: 3
High Temperatures: 262
Low Temperatures: 67
Lowest Max Temperatures: 29
Highest Min Temperatures: 233

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

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