2010 The hottest year on record


Chris has no "facts" in the true sense of the meaning. He has "truthiness" facts. Look it up you'll laugh.

And you have nothing but personal attacks.

How sad.

You are nothing but a personal attack.. Your whole methodology is designed to make people angry at you so that they will lose control and lash out at you. Thus making them look foolish. So sad for you that intelligent people see through your juvenile tactics and call out your inane behaviour.

You present fraudulent data and think that you can convince people that you are correct. What planet exactly has that ever worked on for you? You are the one who has a zero rep, how exactly did you get that? Shenanigans on a grand scale no doubt. You expect people to actually grant you any sort of respectability or creedence? Really?

How is that working for you? What sort of job at Goldman Sachs do you have that allows you to eat? You have ZERO credibility. So feel free to post your silly false facts and people like me and Saveliberty and Ianc will continue to play WHACK-A-MOLE until you finally stay down in your hole.
I hope the human race perishes. We suck. We don't deserve this beautiful planet, the way we treat it.
I hope the human race perishes. We suck. We don't deserve this beautiful planet, the way we treat it.

I agree. You should go jump off of a bridge right now. That will have no impact on the world but will certainly make you feel better...for a moment.
I understand what Chris is trying to show with his posts. He is saying there are huge numbers of highs being reported and that is telling for an increase in global temperatures. What he refuses to acknowledge is, these weather stations are going to report abnormally high temps because of increased concrete and other heat sources being placed near the equipment. In many cases the readings are 4-10 degrees higher than other personal stations near the sites. That is enough in most cases to actually translate into a decrease in temperatures below normal. It would be nice if Chris could admit this is happening on a fairly large scale.
I understand what Chris is trying to show with his posts. He is saying there are huge numbers of highs being reported and that is telling for an increase in global temperatures. What he refuses to acknowledge is, these weather stations are going to report abnormally high temps because of increased concrete and other heat sources being placed near the equipment. In many cases the readings are 4-10 degrees higher than other personal stations near the sites. That is enough in most cases to actually translate into a decrease in temperatures below normal. It would be nice if Chris could admit this is happening on a fairly large scale.

He will never admit to anything that doesn't support his position. He is intellectually dishonest to an extreme.
I understand what Chris is trying to show with his posts. He is saying there are huge numbers of highs being reported and that is telling for an increase in global temperatures. What he refuses to acknowledge is, these weather stations are going to report abnormally high temps because of increased concrete and other heat sources being placed near the equipment. In many cases the readings are 4-10 degrees higher than other personal stations near the sites. That is enough in most cases to actually translate into a decrease in temperatures below normal. It would be nice if Chris could admit this is happening on a fairly large scale.

Except that is not true.

Most of the 1,000 weather stations reporting record highs are in rural areas.

I really feel sorry for you guys. Your arguments are pathetic.
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I understand what Chris is trying to show with his posts. He is saying there are huge numbers of highs being reported and that is telling for an increase in global temperatures. What he refuses to acknowledge is, these weather stations are going to report abnormally high temps because of increased concrete and other heat sources being placed near the equipment. In many cases the readings are 4-10 degrees higher than other personal stations near the sites. That is enough in most cases to actually translate into a decrease in temperatures below normal. It would be nice if Chris could admit this is happening on a fairly large scale.

Be nice if you would admit what a liar you are. Tell me, do those thermometers cause the glaciers to melt?

And how about the temperatures recorded by the satellites? They also show record temperatures.
I understand what Chris is trying to show with his posts. He is saying there are huge numbers of highs being reported and that is telling for an increase in global temperatures. What he refuses to acknowledge is, these weather stations are going to report abnormally high temps because of increased concrete and other heat sources being placed near the equipment. In many cases the readings are 4-10 degrees higher than other personal stations near the sites. That is enough in most cases to actually translate into a decrease in temperatures below normal. It would be nice if Chris could admit this is happening on a fairly large scale.

He will never admit to anything that doesn't support his position. He is intellectually dishonest to an extreme.

Lordy, lordy, for you to make a statement like that is pathetic. You are one of the biggest liars on this board. You consistently make unsupported statements which anyone with a little knowledge can prove wrong. Faux geologist, you would be a laugh, were not the effects of people like yourself so detrimental to the lives of our children.
I understand what Chris is trying to show with his posts. He is saying there are huge numbers of highs being reported and that is telling for an increase in global temperatures. What he refuses to acknowledge is, these weather stations are going to report abnormally high temps because of increased concrete and other heat sources being placed near the equipment. In many cases the readings are 4-10 degrees higher than other personal stations near the sites. That is enough in most cases to actually translate into a decrease in temperatures below normal. It would be nice if Chris could admit this is happening on a fairly large scale.

He will never admit to anything that doesn't support his position. He is intellectually dishonest to an extreme.

Lordy, lordy, for you to make a statement like that is pathetic. You are one of the biggest liars on this board. You consistently make unsupported statements which anyone with a little knowledge can prove wrong. Faux geologist, you would be a laugh, were not the effects of people like yourself so detrimental to the lives of our children.

LMAO............check the DRUDGE Report today genius..............

your side loses!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Coldest winter in 1,000 years on its way - RT

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Major frost warnings across several states Monday night. Care to guess what is going to happen to the new low records tomorrow?
Record Events for Tue Sep 28, 2010 through Mon Oct 4, 2010
Total Records: 2260
Rainfall: 703
Snowfall: 4
High Temperatures: 981
Low Temperatures: 48
Lowest Max Temperatures: 48
Highest Min Temperatures: 476

HAMweather Climate Center - Record High Temperatures for The Past Week - Continental US View

Coldest winter in 1,000 years on its way - RT

another fcukking dummy!!!!!!!:funnyface::funnyface::tomato::oops::funnyface::tomato::oops:

I hope so because I love wild weather, but I seriously doubt it and believe strongly that this is a bunch of hype. How many times does these hypers have to talk about a new ice age...Sure we should be cooling based on natural effects, but we aren't...The why to whats stopping a new cooling is why we're debating back and forth about.
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Major frost warnings across several states Monday night. Care to guess what is going to happen to the new low records tomorrow?

Thats called weather...It happens every year across the northern states as cold air starts moving down from the north because of the jet stream.

The point was, will it create record lows for October 4, 2010?

Brrrr! Low temperature records set in Oklahoma

Associated Press - October 4, 2010 6:15 PM ET

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - Overnight temperatures broke records in parts of Oklahoma, including one that dated back to the 19th century.

The National Weather Service reported Monday the morning low temperature at Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City reached 37 degrees, breaking the previous record for Oct. 4 of 40 degrees set in 1891.

The weather service says the low temperature in Tulsa also reached 37 degrees overnight, breaking a record of 39 degrees set on Oct. 4, 1987.

According to the Oklahoma Mesonet, low temperatures ranged from 29 degrees in Oilton near Tulsa to 49 degrees in Kenton in the Oklahoma Panhandle.

Brrrr! Low temperature records set in Oklahoma - KOAM TV 7 Joplin and Pittsburg News Weather Sports

Oh oh.
I understand what Chris is trying to show with his posts. He is saying there are huge numbers of highs being reported and that is telling for an increase in global temperatures. What he refuses to acknowledge is, these weather stations are going to report abnormally high temps because of increased concrete and other heat sources being placed near the equipment. In many cases the readings are 4-10 degrees higher than other personal stations near the sites. That is enough in most cases to actually translate into a decrease in temperatures below normal. It would be nice if Chris could admit this is happening on a fairly large scale.

He will never admit to anything that doesn't support his position. He is intellectually dishonest to an extreme.

Lordy, lordy, for you to make a statement like that is pathetic. You are one of the biggest liars on this board. You consistently make unsupported statements which anyone with a little knowledge can prove wrong. Faux geologist, you would be a laugh, were not the effects of people like yourself so detrimental to the lives of our children.

So says the pot. The difference between you and I is I don't lie. If I make a mistake I own up to it. You on the other hand live a lie. You claim to be an environmentalist yet work in a polluting industry for a notoriously polluting company. You actually could make a change to your life that would make a difference, but no, you choose to chase after the allmighty dollar and poison your neighbors with your filth. Faux environmentalist.
Major frost warnings across several states Monday night. Care to guess what is going to happen to the new low records tomorrow?

Thats called weather...It happens every year across the northern states as cold air starts moving down from the north because of the jet stream.

You are correct it is weather. So are the "record" temps that Chris posts ad nauseum about. The difference is the cold records are real.....you can't hide blizzards that kill hundreds of thousands of animals nearly as easily as you can fudge a temperature record up a few ticks to give you a record high reading.

NZ - Snow hits farmers big time
If you think summer has never been this hot, you’re quite right. What you’re experiencing could well be the hottest summer in 100 years. The first four months of 2010 have been the hottest on record and north India hasn’t been this warm in 100 years, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) — America’s climate agency, which monitor global weather using satellites — said on Tuesday. If this trend continues, 2010 could be the warmest in history.

“March has been recorded as the warmest month in the last 60 years in north India,” said the NOAA report. Average global temperature in January-April was 13.3 degree Celsius, 0.69 degrees above the average recorded since 1880.

Three regions in the world — Canada, North Africa and South Asia — recorded average temperatures higher than the rest of the world.

2010 could be hottest year ever - Hindustan Times

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