2012: Obama Wins. Now what?

Sharia Law is a terrifying thought. But ANY religious law enforced in this country is the thing that nightmares are made of.

For one thing, since most of the US is or was raised in a Christian church...we would then have to decide-will Catholicism be our law? What about Orthodox Christianity? How about a Protestant denomination?

Just imagine how this would all go down. Most Americans are Protestants, but there are MANY different denominations. Is Baptist the biggest Protestant denomination? Do all of you want to be Baptist? Imagine that you're receiving the Host from the priest in your parish-a armed militia breaks down the door, and declares Catholic Communion over. Just hypothetically....the armed militia members declare that Baptist is the official denomination of the United States. You can no longer be Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Jainist, or even Catholic or Orthodox.

Not a philosopher, but I suspect that this would lead to a civil war. Like some of the Muslim Countries-Sunni and Shia, violently don't see eye to eye. And I seem to recall a not so distant civil uprising in Ireland.

This is why many of us get a little nervous when we hear people declaring this a Christian Country. Yes, many of the laws are based on Christian scriptures. But do we really want to live like Iran, or other similar countries?

This was what scared me away from Palin, and what scares me away from people like Michelle Bachmann. No offense, guys. I believe in God, and consider myself a Christian.

Peace be unto you.
Bottom line is this...I don't think there's a single liberal here who REALLY thinks Obama being reelected is going to lead to our problems being fixed.

By itself, that's absolutely true. We were cured of that delusion over the past three years.

It begins to look like Obama's reelection is a slam-dunk. The real question, as stated, is what happens with Congress, and that depends on liberal voters. Will they vote, as they did in 2008? If so, then the Democrats keep the Senate and retake the House. Will they boycott the election, as they did in 2010? If so, then the Republicans keep the House and take the Senate.

Right now the safe bet is somewhere between those two. However, a lot can happen in a year. There is pressure on the Democrats, and especially on the president, to move in a populist, progressive direction. If they respond appropriately to this pressure, they will win in a landslide. If not, then not.

The real question is what Independent voters will do. Liberal voters will vote for Obama. Will the turnout be as high for him among liberals as it was in 2008? Highly doubtful in my opinion. He's running on a rather dismal record now, not "Hope and Change".
Soon gridlock will mean end of Bush Tax cuts, then defense cuts, and Obamacare...Krugman loves it...


I thought I was the only one who realized that the Republicans in Congress fell right into Obama's trap on the Bush tax cuts and the supercommittee spending cuts.

Nope. You're not the only one. He gave them enough rope, they hanged themselves. It was a Thing of Beauty to Behold, and a Joy Forever.
You put down the choices that repubs have, at least they have 8 choices.
Who does Dem's have? Obama and who else besides Rosanne Barr?
What a choice for Dem's, a light weight communist, Marxist,Obama or a full outright communist like Rosanne.

The Democrats have an electable candidate

republicans have no such choice
Re Elect Obama and we will go bankrupt.
At least repubs had a 6 trillion dollar cut in ten years.

yes, you should put back the people who created the situation.

talk about doing the same thing over and over and seeking a different result :cuckoo:

a little reality... it will take rational thought to solve problems... it is not just about tax cuts for corporatists. you need to raise revenue.

get rid of the teanut gallery... solve problems. maybe then the smart repubs can act smart again.
I expect a Republican sweep next year but I wouldn't be too surprised if Obama won and Republicans took Congress.
.....Yeah, especially due to those major-changes resulting from that Republican sweep, in 2010!!

Same old threat Republicans have used for the last three years

If you do not get rid of Obama......we will obstruct the government till he is gone

Obama must FAIL....Part II

Whatever Republicans retain their seats are going to have to fight like mad to hang onto them. Recalls will happen if they pull the same shit they pulled last time.

great..so this is going to be the NEW tactics OF THE LEFT. you don't like who the PEOPLE elect. RECALL..
Too damn bad we couldn't do that with THE OBAMA..
You put down the choices that repubs have, at least they have 8 choices.
Who does Dem's have? Obama and who else besides Rosanne Barr?
What a choice for Dem's, a light weight communist, Marxist,Obama or a full outright communist like Rosanne.

Yep..you guys have 8 choices. 4 Fascist Warmongering Theocrats, 1 moderate ex ambassador no conservative likes, 1 crazy ex businessman, 1 lunatic "liberatarian", and one really whacky bigotted Racist Fascist Theocrat.

Looking good. :lol:
Look for Nancy Pelosi to be back calling the shots in 2013

If Democrats retake the House, the worst thing they could do is reelect Pelosi Speaker. I have a feeling that a great many Congressional leaders will be voted out. Pelosi very well could be out. And if Obama is reelected the best thing he can hope for is better Congressional leaders.
Same old threat Republicans have used for the last three years

If you do not get rid of Obama......we will obstruct the government till he is gone

Obama must FAIL....Part II

Whatever Republicans retain their seats are going to have to fight like mad to hang onto them. Recalls will happen if they pull the same shit they pulled last time.

great..so this is going to be the NEW tactics OF THE LEFT. you don't like who the PEOPLE elect. RECALL..
Too damn bad we couldn't do that with THE OBAMA..

Sure you can.

And we learned the tactic from you guys. No republican president has ever been impeached. 2 Democrats have been.

Oh and lookie here..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xeS7KsPMkM]ARPA-E 2011 Keynote: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger - YouTube[/ame]

Made governor on the tail of a recall.
What happened in Wisconsin could happen for the country as a whole.

That's certainly the danger.

Wisconsin lags nation in payroll growth - JSOnline

Nov. 22, 2011 Payrolls increased in 39 states in October, while the jobless rate dropped in 36 states, indicating the labor market is steadying across much of the nation.

Wisconsin posted the nation's biggest payroll losses, with employment dropping by 9,700 jobs in October compared with September, according to a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report released Tuesday.

The bureau said Wisconsin was the only state with a statistically significant decline in employment, dropping from 2,757,200 jobs in September to 2,747,500 jobs in October. However, the state unemployment rate, which doesn't include jobless people no longer actively searching for new work, dropped to 7.7% from 7.8%.

Wisconsin saw a job increase in the leisure and hospitality sector, according to the bureau's seasonally adjusted data.

But there were declines in several other sectors: construction; manufacturing; trade, transportation and utilities; financial activities; professional and business services; education and health services, and government.

10 States That Added the Most Jobs in the First Half of 2011 - Careers Articles

So Wisconsin managed to do that WHILE erasing a 3 billion dollar deficit. Remind me again how much Illinois is in the red?
Last edited:
I believe it's well over 14 BILLION now? So tell me again why we should emulate Illinois instead of Wisconsin?
What happened in Wisconsin could happen for the country as a whole.

That's certainly the danger.

Wisconsin lags nation in payroll growth - JSOnline

Nov. 22, 2011 Payrolls increased in 39 states in October, while the jobless rate dropped in 36 states, indicating the labor market is steadying across much of the nation.

Wisconsin posted the nation's biggest payroll losses, with employment dropping by 9,700 jobs in October compared with September, according to a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report released Tuesday.

The bureau said Wisconsin was the only state with a statistically significant decline in employment, dropping from 2,757,200 jobs in September to 2,747,500 jobs in October. However, the state unemployment rate, which doesn't include jobless people no longer actively searching for new work, dropped to 7.7% from 7.8%.

Wisconsin saw a job increase in the leisure and hospitality sector, according to the bureau's seasonally adjusted data.

But there were declines in several other sectors: construction; manufacturing; trade, transportation and utilities; financial activities; professional and business services; education and health services, and government.

10 States That Added the Most Jobs in the First Half of 2011 - Careers Articles

So Wisconsin managed to do that WHILE erasing a 3 billion dollar deficit. Remind me again how much Illinois is in the red?

So let me get this straight. Do you think it's a success that WI had a flash in the pan job growth during half the year, just to see their overall yearly numbers bottom out? At the time of year when businesses are naturally creating additional jobs for the holiday seasons no less?
You don't know politics or trade winds do you?

Two months ago would Rabbi have posted this thread? After two months of republican candidates and debates, even the conservatives are seeing the writing on the wall.

How true....

Republicans are running scared. They look at the uninspiring group of candidates and know they have no way of defeating Obama

So what can they do?

Resort to threats of...."You know that if you elect Obama again we will block him from accomplishing anything"

It ain't a threat, it's a promise.

Obama had his chance, and he wasted it. A president is going to accomplish whatever he's going to accomplish inhis first two years.
You'll have to mention that to.....

....the next time you seen him, SKIPPY!!


I expect a Republican sweep next year but I wouldn't be too surprised if Obama won and Republicans took Congress.

But this would probably reflect the unreality in which Americans are currently living. They want spending cut, just not on spending that affects them or on defense. And they want taxes raised, but not on themselves, just on the rich and corporations.

So this muddled thinking probably leads us to elect a muddled government, just like we have now.

You put down the choices that repubs have, at least they have 8 choices.
Who does Dem's have? Obama and who else besides Rosanne Barr?
What a choice for Dem's, a light weight communist, Marxist,Obama or a full outright communist like Rosanne.

The Democrats have an electable candidate

republicans have no such choice

What part of vote for Obama or don't vote at all is a choice for Dems?

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