2012: Obama Wins. Now what?

The Democrats have an electable candidate

republicans have no such choice

What part of vote for Obama or don't vote at all is a choice for Dems?

Democrats are quite pleased with running Obama in 2012, unlike the Republicans who jump on one bandwagon after another

Amusing to watch actually

So now your are the SPEAKER of all people who are Democrats. or just the ones in the 43% APPROVAL?:lol:
Obama is going to win, the Republicans are done.

You heard it here first.
Most of the American american voters still living are ignorant and the dead ones automatically vote democrat?...... :eusa_whistle:

very true, they voted in someone on a slogan...
I wonder how that Hope and Change is working for them now.

shut up, you are one of the most ignorant worthless people around here.
You have zero value to politics in any sense of the term. You are a poser, a fake, a fraud, who only can repeat talking points. You have zero depth to your knowledge.

You are a one trick pony and that is to be a talking point troll.I rank you just below Rabbi in the moron department, and he tends to be bottom of the barrel.

Lastly you are a hypocrite.

LOL, you just described YOURSELF to a tee Jack..feel better?
Most of the American american voters still living are ignorant and the dead ones automatically vote democrat?...... :eusa_whistle:

very true, they voted in someone on a slogan...
I wonder how that Hope and Change is working for them now.

shut up, you are one of the most ignorant worthless people around here.
You have zero value to politics in any sense of the term. You are a poser, a fake, a fraud, who only can repeat talking points. You have zero depth to your knowledge.

You are a one trick pony and that is to be a talking point troll.I rank you just below Rabbi in the moron department, and he tends to be bottom of the barrel.

Lastly you are a hypocrite.

She does have a firm grasp on how to post smilies
Most of the American american voters still living are ignorant and the dead ones automatically vote democrat?...... :eusa_whistle:

very true, they voted in someone on a slogan...
I wonder how that Hope and Change is working for them now.

shut up, you are one of the most ignorant worthless people around here.
You have zero value to politics in any sense of the term. You are a poser, a fake, a fraud, who only can repeat talking points. You have zero depth to your knowledge.

You are a one trick pony and that is to be a talking point troll.I rank you just below Rabbi in the moron department, and he tends to be bottom of the barrel.

Lastly you are a hypocrite.

Tell us what you really think.
very true, they voted in someone on a slogan...
I wonder how that Hope and Change is working for them now.

shut up, you are one of the most ignorant worthless people around here.
You have zero value to politics in any sense of the term. You are a poser, a fake, a fraud, who only can repeat talking points. You have zero depth to your knowledge.

You are a one trick pony and that is to be a talking point troll.I rank you just below Rabbi in the moron department, and he tends to be bottom of the barrel.

Lastly you are a hypocrite.

She does have a firm grasp on how to post smilies

I also have a firm grasp on reality, more than I say for you and your new buddy Jack.
This is a lie. Stop lying.

Yep. A big fat lie. But it goes along with the Conservative meme..that Obama didn't listen to Republicans, despite all the parties, meetings and the ridiculous number of times he reached out to them.

And it's hilarious they wanted him to deal with the "Super Committee". That was their baby. And they failed to come up with an agreement. Well the "Trigger" is a coming!


Telling Republicans they have to "ride in the back of the bus" is not reaching out.

And voters figure it's going to be a lot easier getting rid of Obama than actually trying to figure out who their congressman is.

Well thats ignoring the meeting he has had. The ones on TV where he invited them to share their concerns and thoughts. Where he stated that if the idea made sense he would have no issue supporting it.

Then you have the meetings with Boner. Then you have the fact he has offered up bi-partisan purposed for cutting the debt, and going so far as to purpose older Republican plans.

Oh thats right they wouldnt even support their own plans, because he wanted to add taxes for the higher classes.

No that wasnt good enough. Why raise their taxes, that is unfair and being the party of no new taxes they couldnt do that. Well right up until the latest meme about fair taxes and everyone having their skin in the game. I didnt see any of those no new taxes talking points coming out.

So willing was the right to raise taxes on the poor and cut for the wealthy.That little promise was a lie.

Thats the problem with todays people. They love to comment on things they have very little knowledge about. This is why message boards and blogs thrive. Ignorance can be rewarded with friendship and being a part of something. Everyone wants to be a part of something these days. It makes you feel good when someone agrees with you, accepts your point and uses it for their own. It makes you look smart, regardless of how wrong the info is. It inflates your ego as well, giving you a false sense of superiority. ( See O'Donnell Debate about Sep. Of church and state for a perfect example.)

Here are some words to live by. If you dont know anything about the subject at hand? Shut up, mind your manners, ask questions when needed and learn, before opening your mouth thinking you know all about a subject.

This was more directed at stepthanie, the village troll.

Listen up Jackoff. when you BUY AND OWN this board you can tell ME and US how we should conduct ourselves. until then...go fuck yourself.
and my NAME is spelled, Stephanie
Well thats ignoring the meeting he has had. The ones on TV where he invited them to share their concerns and thoughts. Where he stated that if the idea made sense he would have no issue supporting it.

Then you have the meetings with Boner. Then you have the fact he has offered up bi-partisan purposed for cutting the debt, and going so far as to purpose older Republican plans.

Oh thats right they wouldnt even support their own plans, because he wanted to add taxes for the higher classes.

No that wasnt good enough. Why raise their taxes, that is unfair and being the party of no new taxes they couldnt do that. Well right up until the latest meme about fair taxes and everyone having their skin in the game. I didnt see any of those no new taxes talking points coming out.

So willing was the right to raise taxes on the poor and cut for the wealthy.That little promise was a lie.

Thats the problem with todays people. They love to comment on things they have very little knowledge about. This is why message boards and blogs thrive. Ignorance can be rewarded with friendship and being a part of something. Everyone wants to be a part of something these days. It makes you feel good when someone agrees with you, accepts your point and uses it for their own. It makes you look smart, regardless of how wrong the info is. It inflates your ego as well, giving you a false sense of superiority. ( See O'Donnell Debate about Sep. Of church and state for a perfect example.)

Here are some words to live by. If you dont know anything about the subject at hand? Shut up, mind your manners, ask questions when needed and learn, before opening your mouth thinking you know all about a subject.

This was more directed at stepthanie, the village troll.

Listen up Jackoff. when you BUY AND OWN this board you can tell ME and US how we should conduct ourselves. until then...go fuck yourself.
and my NAME is spelled, Stephanie

Oh i knew you would ignore my advice, You live inside a bubble of ignorance. You are a troll and nothing more. You have zero to offer this world. Well i guess you are a hole for some guy to use, but thats about it, i guess.

You can call yourself whatever you like, and spell it however, but its a tad hypocritical to sit there and whine about I telling you what to do, and you sitting there telling me how to say your name.....

I told you that you are not very bright, Thanks for proving my point once again.

You thoughts on me mean jackshit jackoff and I like many others here could give two shits about YOUR ADVICE. so why don't you save your fingers and your wee brain from all the strain..you want to see ignorance, take a look at your post above.
spell check if free my dear.
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Let's look at this logically, shall we?

We've already seen what Obama can do when he has Super Majorities...we've seen what he can do when he doesn't.

With the Super Majorities he passed ObamaCare, probably the worst piece of legislation ever crafted in our nation's history (Thanks Harry & Nancy!) and the Obama Stimulus, which managed to spend a trillion dollars and have unemployment go up.

Without the Super Majorities he's managed to do nothing for two years.

So what is it exactly that you folks on the Left are expecting if Obama "does" get reelected? What magical change is going to take place that makes his next four years any less of a cluster you know what than the last four? Is he going to be any better at choosing the people around him? Is he going to get rid of Geithner and Holder? Is he going to change his belief that you can spend your way out of a recession or that European socialism is the model that we should be emulating? Is he suddenly going to forge a working relationship with those across the aisle after blaming them for everything that isn't working? What's going to CHANGE that's going to make Barack Obama an effective President?

Sorry, folks but I don't see it. Obama has a huge amount of money to throw at a reelection campaign and he still has the main stream media in his back pocket. That being said...when people stand in a voting booth come next November they're going to have to ask themselves one simple question and that is...if I reelect Barack Obama...what solutions does he have to our problems? It's been evident that our President ran out of ideas about a year and a half ago when the stimulus didn't work. Why would you give someone another term that ran out of solutions half way through his first?

Because the republican candidates are weak, fumbling and unable to win. You can't see the forest for the trees.

What you're seeing in the Republican debates, Salt...is what you didn't see happen in the Democratic debates back in 2008. Republican candidates are being grilled over weaknesses in their economic and policy plans...something that was never done when Barack Obama ran against Hilary Clinton. It's the reason we ended up with a President who isn't a good executive and doesn't have any solutions.

What you're seeing in these debates, Old.... is that the republican party has a bunch of unelectable people running for the nomination. Cain, Perry, Bachman, Newt, Santorum and Paul will never get anywhere close to winning the nomination. That leaves the Mormons, of which Romney may squeak by with the nod, but will lose in the general. Romneycare, Immigration and all other flip flops will doom him. Your candidates are weak.
For christs sake can you two grow up or at least take this stupid insult contest into a private chat.

Stop polluting and flooding the board with this childish bullshit.
Right now, the economy is improving in the crucial measure of unemployment. If it continues to improve between now and November 2012, Obama will be unbeatable, even though it will continue to have serious problems that need addressing and prosperity comparable to the 1990s will likely not have been restored. As in those earlier elections, the people are aware we're in Crisis and don't expect untroubled times. They just expect good leadership taking us in the right direction.

Guy, you need to put down the joint you've been passing around at the OWS rally, man.

Employment is NOT getting better. In fact, it's getting worse. Companies are not hiring, and they probably won't hire until after the election.

Obama's approval rating is at 43%. That's a level people lose at.

Companies not higher is not the fault of Obama. The issue is a tad more complex than that.

Even thought the election is still a year out, Obama is still polling better than all the GOP runners. You want me to get into the problems the Each GOP runner has? Fuck i dont even want Obama to win, I dont even want the GOP to win with the current crop of retards.

I am at least honest enough to see the facts, and saying obama is a one termer, and the All the GOp runners can win over him easily is a lie.

The "fact" is that Obama ran out of ideas on how to fix this mess about a year and a half ago. You can pretty much figure out when that occurred by checking the time line on Christina Romer and Larry Summers putting their collective tails between their legs and making a bee line back to the safety of their tenured teaching jobs. The question I keep asking liberals here...and the question they consistently ignore...is what do you expect to be different over Obama's second term compared to his first?

Do you honestly see Barack Obama pivoting to the center as Bill Clinton did for his second term? Do you see him working with what will almost certainly be a Republican House and quite possibly be a Republican Senate to pass bi-partisan legislation? I'm sorry but I just don't see him as the guy to broker a truce between two parties that have driven further apart than ever before by his own strategy of blaming Republican "obstructionism" for nothing getting done, even though he had super majorities at the beginning of his term and a Democratically controlled Senate is sitting on dozens of Republican bills at the end of his term. At this point he's a major part of the problem...not the means to solving the problem.
Guy, you need to put down the joint you've been passing around at the OWS rally, man.

Employment is NOT getting better. In fact, it's getting worse. Companies are not hiring, and they probably won't hire until after the election.

Obama's approval rating is at 43%. That's a level people lose at.

Companies not higher is not the fault of Obama. The issue is a tad more complex than that.

Even thought the election is still a year out, Obama is still polling better than all the GOP runners. You want me to get into the problems the Each GOP runner has? Fuck i dont even want Obama to win, I dont even want the GOP to win with the current crop of retards.

I am at least honest enough to see the facts, and saying obama is a one termer, and the All the GOp runners can win over him easily is a lie.

The "fact" is that Obama ran out of ideas on how to fix this mess about a year and a half ago. You can pretty much figure out when that occurred by checking the time line on Christina Romer and Larry Summers putting their collective tails between their legs and making a bee line back to the safety of their tenured teaching jobs. The question I keep asking liberals here...and the question they consistently ignore...is what do you expect to be different over Obama's second term compared to his first?

Do you honestly see Barack Obama pivoting to the center as Bill Clinton did for his second term? Do you see him working with what will almost certainly be a Republican House and quite possibly be a Republican Senate to pass bi-partisan legislation? I'm sorry but I just don't see him as the guy to broker a truce between two parties that have driven further apart than ever before by his own strategy of blaming Republican "obstructionism" for nothing getting done, even though he had super majorities at the beginning of his term and a Democratically controlled Senate is sitting on dozens of Republican bills at the end of his term. At this point he's a major part of the problem...not the means to solving the problem.

Name the republican candidate that can be Obama in the 2012 Presidential election.
Companies not higher is not the fault of Obama. The issue is a tad more complex than that.

Even thought the election is still a year out, Obama is still polling better than all the GOP runners. You want me to get into the problems the Each GOP runner has? Fuck i dont even want Obama to win, I dont even want the GOP to win with the current crop of retards.

I am at least honest enough to see the facts, and saying obama is a one termer, and the All the GOp runners can win over him easily is a lie.

I go by the numbers, guy. The number say that unless unemployment gets better, Obama's done in one. Carter, Ford, Bush41 all had unemployment over 7%, and they lost.

It doesn't matter if it's his fault or not, the UE will be the measure he lives or dies on.

So you can get into Romney's slimy business practices or Newts multiple divorces, but the fact of the matter is, people will say, at some point, "Well, this guy can't do worse than the current idiot."

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