2012: Obama Wins. Now what?

You read the shopping winds about as well as you read the political winds. Watch and learn, my friend. Watch and learn.

I gave up on the left's "procrastinations" on the economy about two "Recovery Summers" back.. thank you very much.

MOre shopping just means more money going to China, man. What we need is solid manufacturing in this country.

More shopping means more money going to retailers, paying the wages of people working in retail, and other money going to services which is what most Americans are employed doing these days.

As for manufacturing, we still have solid manufacturing in this country. That America no longer makes things is a myth. What is true, is that we no longer employ nearly as many people as we once did in the process. That's partly due to outsourcing and partly to automation, but whatever the reason for the decline in manufacturing jobs, it's not the same as a decline in manufacturing capacity. Measured by value-added, we produce more in the U.S. than ever.

Now, it's true that we manufacture very little anymore that's ENTIRELY made here from the start of the process to the finish; most of our manufacturing these days is linked to partial operations offshore. Perhaps you consider that a problem, but if it is, it's a different one than you're talking about.
If Obama wins I end up cooking French fries at my local fast food restaurant.

Good for you! If only we had more hard working Americans who understood that they aren't entitled to jobs, and that they have to be willing to accept the job opportunities they are given, then maybe more people would start to realize that just working hard at whatever you do, even if it's just cooking french fries, good things will happen to you and you'll be able to create your own success and join the 1% on day.
Name the republican candidate that can be Obama in the 2012 Presidential election.

My opinion is that Newt, Mitt or Perry all have the potential to beat Obama.

Ultimately, it comes down to the Reagan question. Are you better off than you were four years ago?

For most people, the answer is no. Not with 9% unemployment, busted 401K, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, underwater mortgages, and so on.

Peoples 401ks were rescued under Obama....the market almost doubled

Gas is $3.00 a gallon

It was the Republicans who advocate scrapping social security and Medicare.

This is very important. And it's got to be stressed over and over again.

Republicans are well on the way to make it very difficult for people other then the super rich to have a good life in this country.
I think no one here can accuse me of being a Romney fan. I find a lot of his business practices horrifying, and his religion scares the hell out of me. I won't vote him if he's the nominee.

Why in the HELL should his religion have anything to do with it? And why in the Hell should anyone be "scared" over someone else's religion? That's absolute stupidity.

Right. So if he belonged to a religion that called for vengence on the murderers of the Prophet (which Mormon Temple Oaths called for up until the 1930's), insisted that their goal was to create God's Kingdom on Earth, and called all other creeds an "abomination onto the Lord", that shouldn't concern me at all.

Sorry, for me, that was first and foremost the deal killer.
My opinion is that Newt, Mitt or Perry all have the potential to beat Obama.

Ultimately, it comes down to the Reagan question. Are you better off than you were four years ago?

For most people, the answer is no. Not with 9% unemployment, busted 401K, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, underwater mortgages, and so on.

Peoples 401ks were rescued under Obama....the market almost doubled

Gas is $3.00 a gallon

It was the Republicans who advocate scrapping social security and Medicare.

This is very important. And it's got to be stressed over and over again.

Republicans are well on the way to make it very difficult for people other then the super rich to have a good life in this country.

Except that I don't recall anyone suggesting we scrap either Social Security or Medicare. Fixing does not coincide with "scrapping".

I think no one here can accuse me of being a Romney fan. I find a lot of his business practices horrifying, and his religion scares the hell out of me. I won't vote him if he's the nominee.

Why in the HELL should his religion have anything to do with it? And why in the Hell should anyone be "scared" over someone else's religion? That's absolute stupidity.

Do Mormons have Sharia Law?
Peoples 401ks were rescued under Obama....the market almost doubled

Gas is $3.00 a gallon

It was the Republicans who advocate scrapping social security and Medicare.

This is very important. And it's got to be stressed over and over again.

Republicans are well on the way to make it very difficult for people other then the super rich to have a good life in this country.

Except that I don't recall anyone suggesting we scrap either Social Security or Medicare. Fixing does not coincide with "scrapping".


Privatization would equate to scrapping social security

Republicans advocated scrapping Medicare and replacing it with a voucher system
You read the shopping winds about as well as you read the political winds. Watch and learn, my friend. Watch and learn.

I gave up on the left's "procrastinations" on the economy about two "Recovery Summers" back.. thank you very much.

MOre shopping just means more money going to China, man. What we need is solid manufacturing in this country.

More shopping means more money going to retailers, paying the wages of people working in retail, and other money going to services which is what most Americans are employed doing these days.

As for manufacturing, we still have solid manufacturing in this country. That America no longer makes things is a myth. What is true, is that we no longer employ nearly as many people as we once did in the process. That's partly due to outsourcing and partly to automation, but whatever the reason for the decline in manufacturing jobs, it's not the same as a decline in manufacturing capacity. Measured by value-added, we produce more in the U.S. than ever.

Now, it's true that we manufacture very little anymore that's ENTIRELY made here from the start of the process to the finish; most of our manufacturing these days is linked to partial operations offshore. Perhaps you consider that a problem, but if it is, it's a different one than you're talking about.

Guy, I work in manufacturing. it is worse than you think.

If you really think that a little more shopping is going to solve the problem. (Funny, you didn't think that when it was Bush's suggestion in 2002) then you are mistaken.

The best I'm hoping for is that Europe doesn't blow up, because that will mean Double Dip. Then it doesn't matter if we get rid of Obama or not.
I think no one here can accuse me of being a Romney fan. I find a lot of his business practices horrifying, and his religion scares the hell out of me. I won't vote him if he's the nominee.

Why in the HELL should his religion have anything to do with it? And why in the Hell should anyone be "scared" over someone else's religion? That's absolute stupidity.

Do Mormons have Sharia Law?

Actually, they do have "Blood Atonement". It's why Utah is the only state that still has firing squads as a form of capital punishment.
Peoples 401ks were rescued under Obama....the market almost doubled

Gas is $3.00 a gallon

It was the Republicans who advocate scrapping social security and Medicare.

This is very important. And it's got to be stressed over and over again.

Republicans are well on the way to make it very difficult for people other then the super rich to have a good life in this country.

Except that I don't recall anyone suggesting we scrap either Social Security or Medicare. Fixing does not coincide with "scrapping".


They want to make fundamental changes that would make them something very different.

If I took away your car and gave you a horse..you can still get around. But a car is not a horse..or vice versa. Even if I called the horse..a car.
This is very important. And it's got to be stressed over and over again.

Republicans are well on the way to make it very difficult for people other then the super rich to have a good life in this country.

Except that I don't recall anyone suggesting we scrap either Social Security or Medicare. Fixing does not coincide with "scrapping".


Privatization would equate to scrapping social security

Republicans advocated scrapping Medicare and replacing it with a voucher system

I completely disagree with you. In fact, I think privatization would make the system 1000 times better for the citizens of the U.S.

So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
The Congress will go over to the GOP, having the lowest ratings in years. What will Obama do for 4 years? He is the most compromised president in history. He doesn't have a shred of credibility with the GOP, having demonized them for over 4 years. He has proven he cannot work with them. He has proven he ignores all advice contrary to his own ideas (see, Simpson-Bowles). He is unable to get a single piece of legislation through Congress. And his regulatory moves are blocked by Congressional action.
Is that really the formula for success? Gridlock?
No, Obama is unable to govern. The Dems need to choose someone else as a sacrificial lamb.

Now what? You ask- We are done as a country and will be left in the ash heap of history. That's what.
I gave up on the left's "procrastinations" on the economy about two "Recovery Summers" back.. thank you very much.

MOre shopping just means more money going to China, man. What we need is solid manufacturing in this country.

More shopping means more money going to retailers, paying the wages of people working in retail, and other money going to services which is what most Americans are employed doing these days.

As for manufacturing, we still have solid manufacturing in this country. That America no longer makes things is a myth. What is true, is that we no longer employ nearly as many people as we once did in the process. That's partly due to outsourcing and partly to automation, but whatever the reason for the decline in manufacturing jobs, it's not the same as a decline in manufacturing capacity. Measured by value-added, we produce more in the U.S. than ever.

Now, it's true that we manufacture very little anymore that's ENTIRELY made here from the start of the process to the finish; most of our manufacturing these days is linked to partial operations offshore. Perhaps you consider that a problem, but if it is, it's a different one than you're talking about.

Guy, I work in manufacturing. it is worse than you think.

If you really think that a little more shopping is going to solve the problem. (Funny, you didn't think that when it was Bush's suggestion in 2002) then you are mistaken.

The best I'm hoping for is that Europe doesn't blow up, because that will mean Double Dip. Then it doesn't matter if we get rid of Obama or not.

You must be in the wrong manufacturing industry, because defense is rolling strong.
So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
Now lots of right wing nuts will have to move out of my country, and she will be better off in 2016 when pvst.net candidates take over
So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
The Congress will go over to the GOP, having the lowest ratings in years. What will Obama do for 4 years? He is the most compromised president in history. He doesn't have a shred of credibility with the GOP, having demonized them for over 4 years. He has proven he cannot work with them. He has proven he ignores all advice contrary to his own ideas (see, Simpson-Bowles). He is unable to get a single piece of legislation through Congress. And his regulatory moves are blocked by Congressional action.
Is that really the formula for success? Gridlock?
No, Obama is unable to govern. The Dems need to choose someone else as a sacrificial lamb.

It really depends on the makeup of the House and Senate. If either or both are held by republicans they will just block every tyrannical piece of legislation he proposes while while Obama cries about it while claiming he's a "victim". Not to mention if that were to occur I believe Obama would respond to that by ruling as a dictator by passing his agenda via executive order(s)..

Besides, Obama isn't going to win - the sane people that bought his shit last time and gave him a chance aren't dumb enough to buy a second round of that bullshit..

I have Ron Paul beating Obama by a wide margin..
So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
The Congress will go over to the GOP, having the lowest ratings in years. What will Obama do for 4 years? He is the most compromised president in history. He doesn't have a shred of credibility with the GOP, having demonized them for over 4 years. He has proven he cannot work with them. He has proven he ignores all advice contrary to his own ideas (see, Simpson-Bowles). He is unable to get a single piece of legislation through Congress. And his regulatory moves are blocked by Congressional action.
Is that really the formula for success? Gridlock?
No, Obama is unable to govern. The Dems need to choose someone else as a sacrificial lamb.

Now what? You ask- We are done as a country and will be left in the ash heap of history. That's what.

Hahahaha. Keep running scared, it's typical of your ilk.
So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
The Congress will go over to the GOP, having the lowest ratings in years. What will Obama do for 4 years? He is the most compromised president in history. He doesn't have a shred of credibility with the GOP, having demonized them for over 4 years. He has proven he cannot work with them. He has proven he ignores all advice contrary to his own ideas (see, Simpson-Bowles). He is unable to get a single piece of legislation through Congress. And his regulatory moves are blocked by Congressional action.
Is that really the formula for success? Gridlock?
No, Obama is unable to govern. The Dems need to choose someone else as a sacrificial lamb.

It really depends on the makeup of the House and Senate. If either or both are held by republicans they will just block every tyrannical piece of legislation he proposes while while Obama cries about it while claiming he's a "victim". Not to mention if that were to occur I believe Obama would respond to that by ruling as a dictator by passing his agenda via executive order(s)..

Besides, Obama isn't going to win - the sane people that bought his shit last time and gave him a chance aren't dumb enough to buy a second round of that bullshit..

I have Ron Paul beating Obama by a wide margin..

Ron Paul won't even win a single primary.

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