2012: Obama Wins. Now what?

Name the republican candidate that can be Obama in the 2012 Presidential election.

My opinion is that Newt, Mitt or Perry all have the potential to beat Obama.

Ultimately, it comes down to the Reagan question. Are you better off than you were four years ago?

For most people, the answer is no. Not with 9% unemployment, busted 401K, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, underwater mortgages, and so on.
Because the republican candidates are weak, fumbling and unable to win. You can't see the forest for the trees.

What you're seeing in the Republican debates, Salt...is what you didn't see happen in the Democratic debates back in 2008. Republican candidates are being grilled over weaknesses in their economic and policy plans...something that was never done when Barack Obama ran against Hilary Clinton. It's the reason we ended up with a President who isn't a good executive and doesn't have any solutions.

What you're seeing in these debates, Old.... is that the republican party has a bunch of unelectable people running for the nomination. Cain, Perry, Bachman, Newt, Santorum and Paul will never get anywhere close to winning the nomination. That leaves the Mormons, of which Romney may squeak by with the nod, but will lose in the general. Romneycare, Immigration and all other flip flops will doom him. Your candidates are weak.

What exactly is Obama going to talk about when he's up on a stage debating a Republican opponent next year, Salt? He's going to be asked for specifics on what HE is going to do to solve the country's problems and if all he has is finger pointing then the Independents are going to leave him in droves.

The most important issue out there right now is the economy. There isn't a single Republican out there that doesn't mop the floor with Obama when it comes to that issue. I'm sorry but he jumped on the Keynesian train coming out of the station in 2008 and was tooting the whistle as the stimulus fizzled and the train ran off the tracks. Since then he's had no other remedies. He proposed a watered down version of his first stimulus...giving it a different name...and tried to say that he had a "fix" for the economy and unemployment when it's just more of what didn't work the first time around. I don't think the voting public wants another four years of this. Either Obama comes up with some viable new ideas or they're going to replace him with someone who does. Two years ago Obama himself said he knew he had to produce results or he'd be a one term President. That hasn't changed.
Name the republican candidate that can be Obama in the 2012 Presidential election.

My opinion is that Newt, Mitt or Perry all have the potential to beat Obama.

Ultimately, it comes down to the Reagan question. Are you better off than you were four years ago?

For most people, the answer is no. Not with 9% unemployment, busted 401K, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, underwater mortgages, and so on.

Peoples 401ks were rescued under Obama....the market almost doubled

Gas is $3.00 a gallon

It was the Republicans who advocate scrapping social security and Medicare.
Well thats ignoring the meeting he has had. The ones on TV where he invited them to share their concerns and thoughts. Where he stated that if the idea made sense he would have no issue supporting it.

Then you have the meetings with Boner. Then you have the fact he has offered up bi-partisan purposed for cutting the debt, and going so far as to purpose older Republican plans.

Oh thats right they wouldnt even support their own plans, because he wanted to add taxes for the higher classes.

No that wasnt good enough. Why raise their taxes, that is unfair and being the party of no new taxes they couldnt do that. Well right up until the latest meme about fair taxes and everyone having their skin in the game. I didnt see any of those no new taxes talking points coming out.

So willing was the right to raise taxes on the poor and cut for the wealthy.That little promise was a lie.


But you see, all of Obama's plans were predicated on raising taxes, which the REpublicans said were a non-starter.

If taxing our way to prosperity was the way out of this, then Obama could have done that in 2009 when he had a filibuster proof majority. That wasn't his goal. His goal was to get the GOP establishment to sign on to a tax increase, and drive a wedge between them and the TEA movement. He put a poison pill into the mix seeing if they could get them to swallow.

You see, I think that at some point, you need to raise taxes and yes, the wealthy should pay them. I also think we need massive tariffs on foreign made goods in order to revitalize our own industries.

BUt I think you can't go back to the taxpayer at this point, and say, "We have to raise your taxes" until you have gone through every line item of government spending and excised every ounce of pork, every bit of waste and every inefficiency, just like any private entity does before it goes back to its customers with higher prices.
shut up, you are one of the most ignorant worthless people around here.
You have zero value to politics in any sense of the term. You are a poser, a fake, a fraud, who only can repeat talking points. You have zero depth to your knowledge.

You are a one trick pony and that is to be a talking point troll.I rank you just below Rabbi in the moron department, and he tends to be bottom of the barrel.

Lastly you are a hypocrite.

Furthermore - KIDDING!

You hit all the high points. :clap2:
Name the republican candidate that can be Obama in the 2012 Presidential election.

My opinion is that Newt, Mitt or Perry all have the potential to beat Obama.

Ultimately, it comes down to the Reagan question. Are you better off than you were four years ago?

For most people, the answer is no. Not with 9% unemployment, busted 401K, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, underwater mortgages, and so on.

Peoples 401ks were rescued under Obama....the market almost doubled

Gas is $3.00 a gallon

It was the Republicans who advocate scrapping social security and Medicare.

3.56 a gallon yesterday when I filled up.

Sorry, my 401K (I stopped putting any more money into it after I changed jobs) is worth less than it was in 2008.

Oh, the rich got richer under Obama, who is every bit as much a tool of Wall Street as Romney. But the rest of us, not so much.

Social Security and Medicare are going to collapse under their own weight. At least the REpublicans are the ones having the discussion on how to fix it.
My opinion is that Newt, Mitt or Perry all have the potential to beat Obama.

Ultimately, it comes down to the Reagan question. Are you better off than you were four years ago?

For most people, the answer is no. Not with 9% unemployment, busted 401K, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, underwater mortgages, and so on.

Peoples 401ks were rescued under Obama....the market almost doubled

Gas is $3.00 a gallon

It was the Republicans who advocate scrapping social security and Medicare.

3.56 a gallon yesterday when I filled up.

Sorry, my 401K (I stopped putting any more money into it after I changed jobs) is worth less than it was in 2008.

Oh, the rich got richer under Obama, who is every bit as much a tool of Wall Street as Romney. But the rest of us, not so much.

Social Security and Medicare are going to collapse under their own weight. At least the REpublicans are the ones having the discussion on how to fix it.

Damn, you have expensive gas. $3.07 here full service

You also need to change your 401k manager. Everyone else saw massive increases over the last three years. Market nearly doubled, you should have seen some of that. May be a good reason not to privatize Social Security

Republicans are not looking to fix Social Security, they are looking to scrap it and start over
Employment is NOT getting better. In fact, it's getting worse.

Unemployment rate drops in October | Atlanta Bankruptcy Law Attorney Blog

No, it's getting better. It's still pretty bad, but the trend is up.

Yes. 80,000 jobs! At this rate we will have full employment in 2022. I can hardly wait.

At this point Reagan's economy was creating 1M jobs per month. And Reagan didnt have to roam the country in a rented bus to make his point.
If he does win, the prognosis for the nation is very bad. Forget his agenda, his hands will be tied and he will not get shit done. The real problem is Mr. Obama is not a leader. He's in it for the pension....... four more years of no leadership will hurt.
At this point Reagan's economy was creating 1M jobs per month. And Reagan didnt have to roam the country in a rented bus to make his point.

At this point Jefferson's administration was creating new cheap farmland faster than we could breed people to work it. At this point Lincoln's administration was creating more war casualties than any other president in history. At this point Roosevelt's administration was creating jobs at, well, about the rate we are now. At this point Nixon's administration was just getting paranoid about what the Dems were doing over at the Watergate.

One could bring up all kinds of complete irrelevancies to go along with the one you presented.
Name the republican candidate that can be Obama in the 2012 Presidential election.

My opinion is that Newt, Mitt or Perry all have the potential to beat Obama.

Ultimately, it comes down to the Reagan question. Are you better off than you were four years ago?

For most people, the answer is no. Not with 9% unemployment, busted 401K, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, underwater mortgages, and so on.

None of them will be able to beat him.

Yet these same "not better off" people just spent record amounts shopping on Black Friday.
2012: Obama Wins. Now what?

That depends on the composition of Congress; but there’ll doubtless be gridlock regardless, given the ‘super majority’ needed in the Senate.

Otherwise the American people can rest assured their civil liberties won’t be undermined by the appointment of conservative ideologues to the courts.
I'm going by the numbers, and the numbers say every Gop runner is loosing to Obama right now.
It is possible Obama could win or loose next year. A lot could happen. U.E could be a massive problem for him then..We will have to wait and see.

That is plausible, but likely?
these are all well and good as opinions joe, but these are not facts. ( except for the bold).

Yeah and the left said the civil war in Iraq would bring down Bush, and he squeaked one out over Kerry.

have to love opinion politics.

Actually, the one fact is all I need. Unemployment is still going to suck in a year, just by virtue of the fact that it's an inaccurate read. Even if companies start hiring again, the people they take off the unemployment rolls will be nullfied by those who have given up but will jump back in.

To make anything near a dent in the numbers, Obama has to be adding 500K new jobs per month for the next year. That simply isn't going to happen.

For the polls, I've looked at them, too. You know what I see? I see a lot of "Don't knows".

I see a lot of polls where Obama isn't over 50%. I also see a lot of people aren't thinking about this right now...
Name the republican candidate that can be Obama in the 2012 Presidential election.

My opinion is that Newt, Mitt or Perry all have the potential to beat Obama.

Ultimately, it comes down to the Reagan question. Are you better off than you were four years ago?

For most people, the answer is no. Not with 9% unemployment, busted 401K, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, underwater mortgages, and so on.

None of them will be able to beat him.

Yet these same "not better off" people just spent record amounts shopping on Black Friday.

Meaningless... We always have this hype over "black Friday", and then we have all these stories about disappointing retail sales that follow.
My opinion is that Newt, Mitt or Perry all have the potential to beat Obama.

Ultimately, it comes down to the Reagan question. Are you better off than you were four years ago?

For most people, the answer is no. Not with 9% unemployment, busted 401K, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, underwater mortgages, and so on.

None of them will be able to beat him.

Yet these same "not better off" people just spent record amounts shopping on Black Friday.

Meaningless... We always have this hype over "black Friday", and then we have all these stories about disappointing retail sales that follow.

You read the shopping winds about as well as you read the political winds. Watch and learn, my friend. Watch and learn.
10 States That Added the Most Jobs in the First Half of 2011 - Careers Articles

So Wisconsin managed to do that WHILE erasing a 3 billion dollar deficit. Remind me again how much Illinois is in the red?

So let me get this straight. Do you think it's a success that WI had a flash in the pan job growth during half the year, just to see their overall yearly numbers bottom out? At the time of year when businesses are naturally creating additional jobs for the holiday seasons no less?

I think Wisconsin has set themselves up for real job growth going forward because they've dealt with their fiscal crisis, balanced their budget and have reached out to businesses to let them know that the State is willing to work with them rather than tax them out of existence like Illinois is in the process of doing. I'm quite confident that Wisconsin is on the right track and that Illinois is not.

You cannot change track now and pretend you were on track all along. You bragged that WI created such and such jobs, and managed to do with while doing such and such else. That is the stance you have taken. You were called out with additional information that shows that their job creation in fact is anything but good. You cannot justify your initial position by saying that their job growth, in your assumption, will be good.
You read the shopping winds about as well as you read the political winds. Watch and learn, my friend. Watch and learn.

I gave up on the left's "procrastinations" on the economy about two "Recovery Summers" back.. thank you very much.

MOre shopping just means more money going to China, man. What we need is solid manufacturing in this country.
I think no one here can accuse me of being a Romney fan. I find a lot of his business practices horrifying, and his religion scares the hell out of me. I won't vote him if he's the nominee.

Why in the HELL should his religion have anything to do with it? And why in the Hell should anyone be "scared" over someone else's religion? That's absolute stupidity.

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