2012: Obama Wins. Now what?

You put down the choices that repubs have, at least they have 8 choices.
Who does Dem's have? Obama and who else besides Rosanne Barr?
What a choice for Dem's, a light weight communist, Marxist,Obama or a full outright communist like Rosanne.

The Democrats have an electable candidate

republicans have no such choice

What part of vote for Obama or don't vote at all is a choice for Dems?

No kidding. how sad is that.
yet they BELIEVE that have it all..

10 States That Added the Most Jobs in the First Half of 2011 - Careers Articles

So Wisconsin managed to do that WHILE erasing a 3 billion dollar deficit. Remind me again how much Illinois is in the red?

So let me get this straight. Do you think it's a success that WI had a flash in the pan job growth during half the year, just to see their overall yearly numbers bottom out? At the time of year when businesses are naturally creating additional jobs for the holiday seasons no less?

I think Wisconsin has set themselves up for real job growth going forward because they've dealt with their fiscal crisis, balanced their budget and have reached out to businesses to let them know that the State is willing to work with them rather than tax them out of existence like Illinois is in the process of doing. I'm quite confident that Wisconsin is on the right track and that Illinois is not.
I expect a Republican sweep next year but I wouldn't be too surprised if Obama won and Republicans took Congress.

But this would probably reflect the unreality in which Americans are currently living. They want spending cut, just not on spending that affects them or on defense. And they want taxes raised, but not on themselves, just on the rich and corporations.

So this muddled thinking probably leads us to elect a muddled government, just like we have now.


That's sort of perplexing. The Republican's best candidate for the presidency is Romney. And he probably the worst possible candidate one could run. Aside from all his "baggage", like running employees out of a company, then rehiring the young ones for less pay and no benefits..he lacks charm. He appears to be robotic and Kerry lost the election mainly due to 1 flip flop. It's impossible to tell what Romney's position is from day to day.

I don't expect the tea baggers to last in congress either. Although I don't discount the stupidity of voters in southern states..I see the Democrats retaining the Senate and making gains in the House. They probably won't take the majority, however.
So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
The Congress will go over to the GOP, having the lowest ratings in years. What will Obama do for 4 years? He is the most compromised president in history. He doesn't have a shred of credibility with the GOP, having demonized them for over 4 years. He has proven he cannot work with them. He has proven he ignores all advice contrary to his own ideas (see, Simpson-Bowles). He is unable to get a single piece of legislation through Congress. And his regulatory moves are blocked by Congressional action.
Is that really the formula for success? Gridlock?
No, Obama is unable to govern. The Dems need to choose someone else as a sacrificial lamb.

Well, I suspect in a second term, he'd be completely ineffective.

No POTUS has really ever had a good second term. Bush had Katrina, lost Congress and the war went south. Clinton had impeachment, Reagan had Iran Contra, Nixon had Watergate. There are enough things bubbling under the surface- Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Rezko waiting for his pardon- to make Obama's life in a second term miserable.

Obama has shown an inability to bend. When Clinton and Bush lost Congress, they still found ways to get things done. Obama likes to pretend that 2010 didn't happen and acts petulant when Congress wants a say. (Although, to be fair, he acted petulant when his own party controlled congress.)

That said, the GOP would deserve to lose if it goes on it's present course. It seems determined to snub or insult the very continencies that have carried it this far- social conservatives and the TEA Party.

This is a lie. Stop lying.

Yep. A big fat lie. But it goes along with the Conservative meme..that Obama didn't listen to Republicans, despite all the parties, meetings and the ridiculous number of times he reached out to them.

And it's hilarious they wanted him to deal with the "Super Committee". That was their baby. And they failed to come up with an agreement. Well the "Trigger" is a coming!

You're amusing, Green. You take one month's mediocre numbers and ignore the past six months great numbers...all the while TOTALLY ignoring how much debt Illinois has incurred.

For the fourth month, Wisconsin loses jobs | The Marquette Tribune

November 22, 2011 Wisconsin posted its fourth consecutive month with job losses in October, as the Department of Workforce Development estimates a total of 9,700 non-farm jobs disappeared from the state last month.

Marquette Department of Economics chair Abdur Chowdhury said the trend is especially troubling because on a national level, the nation has posted four straight months of job gains.

“It is of concern that we are not creating jobs at a state level,” Chowdhury said in an email. “With these types of loss we will not see growth in the state economy.”

What does Illinois have to do with anything? You said that if we elect the right Republican, the whole nation can mirror Wisconsin's "success."

No thanks.
How true....

Republicans are running scared. They look at the uninspiring group of candidates and know they have no way of defeating Obama

So what can they do?

Resort to threats of...."You know that if you elect Obama again we will block him from accomplishing anything"

It ain't a threat, it's a promise.

Obama had his chance, and he wasted it. A president is going to accomplish whatever he's going to accomplish inhis first two years. Those are done and gone for Obama.

Just like Roosevelt huh? :eusa_hand: :cuckoo: I think there's going to be a lot of upset people in '12 who will take their rage out on Boehner & Cantor's "do nothing Congress" :up:



People (only) need to remember Cantor's & McCain's sophomoric-behavior, at the Health Care Summit.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuygCN_tq8k]President Obama Chides Rep. Cantor for Use of Props at Health-Care Summit - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i0bDbYUUhY]Obama to McCain: "The Election Is Over" - YouTube[/ame]


Boner's issue is, he's a LAZY DRUNK.

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Just like Roosevelt huh? :eusa_hand: :cuckoo: I think there's going to be a lot of upset people in '12 who will take their rage out on Boehner & Cantor's "do nothing Congress" :up:

Uh, if you are having to go back to FDR to find an example of someone who survives this level of fail, then you are really hoping against hope.

The fact is, when presidents have this bad of an economy, they lose and their party loses seats with them. Always. We just aren't that forgiving.
  • Thanks
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If he is actually that horrible and wins a second term, what would that say about the republican choices America was offered?

Most of the American american voters still living are ignorant and the dead ones automatically vote democrat?...... :eusa_whistle:
If he is actually that horrible and wins a second term, what would that say about the republican choices America was offered?

Most of the American american voters still living are ignorant and the dead ones automatically vote democrat?...... :eusa_whistle:

very true, they voted in someone on a slogan...
I wonder how that Hope and Change is working for them now.
Let's look at this logically, shall we?

We've already seen what Obama can do when he has Super Majorities...we've seen what he can do when he doesn't.

With the Super Majorities he passed ObamaCare, probably the worst piece of legislation ever crafted in our nation's history.....
Aw, jeez.....another know-nothing loudmouth.

O.K., it's your turn, Oldy-Moldy.

Show us WHICH are the worst-parts, of.....

My guess is.....you'll do the same as every other Teabagger, here......

That's sort of perplexing. The Republican's best candidate for the presidency is Romney. And he probably the worst possible candidate one could run. Aside from all his "baggage", like running employees out of a company, then rehiring the young ones for less pay and no benefits..he lacks charm. He appears to be robotic and Kerry lost the election mainly due to 1 flip flop. It's impossible to tell what Romney's position is from day to day.

I don't expect the tea baggers to last in congress either. Although I don't discount the stupidity of voters in southern states..I see the Democrats retaining the Senate and making gains in the House. They probably won't take the majority, however.

What have you been smoking and where can I score some.

I think no one here can accuse me of being a Romney fan. I find a lot of his business practices horrifying, and his religion scares the hell out of me. I won't vote him if he's the nominee.

That said, the 2004 election was not lost because Kerry got Swiftboated, or because of "one flip flop". Kerry lost because 53% of the population approved of the job George W. Bush was doing in November 2004. People who approved of bush voted for him and people who disapproved voted for Kerry. Unemployment was at 5%, gasoline cost less than $2.00 a gallon.

if economic conditions stay the same as they are now or get worse, Obama is finished. His approval rating is only at 43%, and no incumbant has won with one less than 47%.

For the Tea Party members in Congress. Some of them are going. My congressman, Joe Walsh (IL-8), might as well start working on his concession speech now. They've Gerrymandered his district to make it more Democratic (he only won by a few hundred votes last time), he's got a formidable challenger in Tammy Duckworth, and his own personal behavior has doomed him.

Overall, though, redistricting is probably going to favor the GOP, and if it's a wave election, they'll gain seats- probably about 10 of them.

The Senate is even worse for the Democrats, for no other reason than they are protecting all their gains from 2006. They are already going to pick up two Dem seats without a doubt- ND and NE. Red state vacancies the Dems can't fill.

They've got six seats in the toss up column while the repubicans only have two. They could lose as many as 8 seats.
Obama has shown an inability to bend. When Clinton and Bush lost Congress, they still found ways to get things done. Obama likes to pretend that 2010 didn't happen and acts petulant when Congress wants a say. (Although, to be fair, he acted petulant when his own party controlled congress.)


This is a lie. Stop lying.

Yep. A big fat lie. But it goes along with the Conservative meme..that Obama didn't listen to Republicans, despite all the parties, meetings and the ridiculous number of times he reached out to them.

And it's hilarious they wanted him to deal with the "Super Committee". That was their baby. And they failed to come up with an agreement. Well the "Trigger" is a coming!


Telling Republicans they have to "ride in the back of the bus" is not reaching out.

And voters figure it's going to be a lot easier getting rid of Obama than actually trying to figure out who their congressman is.
How true....

Republicans are running scared. They look at the uninspiring group of candidates and know they have no way of defeating Obama

So what can they do?

Resort to threats of...."You know that if you elect Obama again we will block him from accomplishing anything"

It ain't a threat, it's a promise.

Obama had his chance, and he wasted it. A president is going to accomplish whatever he's going to accomplish inhis first two years. Those are done and gone for Obama.

Really? Have a link to back up your statement?
A Teabagger.....with supporting-facts/references????


You must be relatively-new, here.

They get (about)....

.....when it comes to "references"......well.....besides.....

Then NOTHING will get done until obama surrenders. If he refuses to play ball, he will be seen as the obstructionist and insure a Republican will occupy the White House for a good long time.
But why are we even arguing this?

Ain't gonna happen.

You don't get it..

Republicans don't have a ball to play. As the public remains sour on Congress and it's unwillingness to help people in need, Obama will be looked at as the only one in the room looking out for them
Republicans in Congress takes sides against Obama....they will lose

An 8% approval rating will do that

Unfortunately, that is the sick twisted thinking of the people in this country today.
Can't make it on their OWN, gotta have a Politician take care of you..
Yeah.....those pooooorrrrrrrr......

It ain't a threat, it's a promise.

Obama had his chance, and he wasted it. A president is going to accomplish whatever he's going to accomplish inhis first two years. Those are done and gone for Obama.

Just like Roosevelt huh? :eusa_hand: :cuckoo: I think there's going to be a lot of upset people in '12 who will take their rage out on Boehner & Cantor's "do nothing Congress" :up:



People (only) need to remember Cantor's & McCain's sophomoric-behavior, at the Health Care Summit.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuygCN_tq8k]President Obama Chides Rep. Cantor for Use of Props at Health-Care Summit - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i0bDbYUUhY]Obama to McCain: "The Election Is Over" - YouTube[/ame]


Boner's issue is, he's a LAZY DRUNK.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6jEIh52jbA]Scarborough calls John Boehner lazy - YouTube[/ame]​

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Api4fUziAnI]obama C span - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akVkzm0YPAc]Obama Says 8 Times During Campaign Healthcare Debate Would Air on C-SPAN and Now Breaks Promise - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YqZBwwyZvQ]Obama Breaks Transparency Promise regarding C-Span and Health Care Debate - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqssE7E0rDk]Obama Promised to Debate Health Care on C-Span - YouTube[/ame]
Uh, if you are having to go back to FDR to find an example of someone who survives this level of fail, then you are really hoping against hope.

We're in a Crisis era, and those have their own rules. The last presidential election we had in a Crisis was 2008, but before that the last one we had was 1944, and FDR was the Democratic candidate.

That was late in the Crisis, though; it was almost over. We've had only two presidential elections in our history that were temporally placed like 2012: 1864 and 1932. In times like that, the people recognize and accept that the country is in serious trouble, and rate presidential candidates based on how likely they seem to handle that trouble well, not on whether the trouble is still ongoing.

Of those two elections, 1864 was more like the dynamic we have now than 1932. In 1932, Hoover was seen as going full-on against where the people wanted to take the country. He was seen as doing nothing for the people and everything for the bankers. If McCain were president, he might be in Hoover's position right now. Obama is not.

In 1864, Lincoln was viewed ambivalently. The people were tiring of the Civil War. The Emancipation Proclamation, while it staved off British and French intervention, was not that popular among most of the people of the Union. The war effort seemed to have stalemated and bogged down. But before the election, Union victories under Grant and Sherman made Lincoln unbeatable.

Right now, the economy is improving in the crucial measure of unemployment. If it continues to improve between now and November 2012, Obama will be unbeatable, even though it will continue to have serious problems that need addressing and prosperity comparable to the 1990s will likely not have been restored. As in those earlier elections, the people are aware we're in Crisis and don't expect untroubled times. They just expect good leadership taking us in the right direction.
Right now, the economy is improving in the crucial measure of unemployment. If it continues to improve between now and November 2012, Obama will be unbeatable, even though it will continue to have serious problems that need addressing and prosperity comparable to the 1990s will likely not have been restored. As in those earlier elections, the people are aware we're in Crisis and don't expect untroubled times. They just expect good leadership taking us in the right direction.

Guy, you need to put down the joint you've been passing around at the OWS rally, man.

Employment is NOT getting better. In fact, it's getting worse. Companies are not hiring, and they probably won't hire until after the election.

Obama's approval rating is at 43%. That's a level people lose at.
You put down the choices that repubs have, at least they have 8 choices.
Who does Dem's have? Obama and who else besides Rosanne Barr?
What a choice for Dem's, a light weight communist, Marxist,Obama or a full outright communist like Rosanne.

The Democrats have an electable candidate

republicans have no such choice

What part of vote for Obama or don't vote at all is a choice for Dems?

Democrats are quite pleased with running Obama in 2012, unlike the Republicans who jump on one bandwagon after another

Amusing to watch actually
Guy, you need to put down the joint you've been passing around at the OWS rally, man.

Employment is NOT getting better. In fact, it's getting worse. Companies are not hiring, and they probably won't hire until after the election.

Obama's approval rating is at 43%. That's a level people lose at.

I'm not sure how much that matters. It was inconceivable to me that we'd be dumb enough to re-elect Bush in '04, but we did. If the Republicans offer up more of the same, it's entirely possible we'll get four more years of Obama.
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