2012: Obama Wins. Now what?

Watch what is going on in Egypt right now. If that were to happen in the US, conservative Republicans would be equal to the Egyptian military right now, telling the protesters to go home and than expecting them to go. When the protesters don't, we here in the US support them, and even encourage them, talking about the rights of the people. When it comes to the OWS protesters the conservative Republicans have a totaly opposite reaction. They support violence against the protesters here saying the protesters asked for it by not going home when told.

How does this fit this thread you ask?

If Obama is re-elected the OWS protesters will maintain this level of disruption. If Republicans are elected to the WH I would expect Egyptian type protests across the US.

How lovely, something we all get to look forward to.
Let's look at this logically, shall we?

We've already seen what Obama can do when he has Super Majorities...we've seen what he can do when he doesn't.

With the Super Majorities he passed ObamaCare, probably the worst piece of legislation ever crafted in our nation's history (Thanks Harry & Nancy!) and the Obama Stimulus, which managed to spend a trillion dollars and have unemployment go up.

Without the Super Majorities he's managed to do nothing for two years.

So what is it exactly that you folks on the Left are expecting if Obama "does" get reelected? What magical change is going to take place that makes his next four years any less of a cluster you know what than the last four? Is he going to be any better at choosing the people around him? Is he going to get rid of Geithner and Holder? Is he going to change his belief that you can spend your way out of a recession or that European socialism is the model that we should be emulating? Is he suddenly going to forge a working relationship with those across the aisle after blaming them for everything that isn't working? What's going to CHANGE that's going to make Barack Obama an effective President?

Sorry, folks but I don't see it. Obama has a huge amount of money to throw at a reelection campaign and he still has the main stream media in his back pocket. That being said...when people stand in a voting booth come next November they're going to have to ask themselves one simple question and that is...if I reelect Barack Obama...what solutions does he have to our problems? It's been evident that our President ran out of ideas about a year and a half ago when the stimulus didn't work. Why would you give someone another term that ran out of solutions half way through his first?

Because the republican candidates are weak, fumbling and unable to win. You can't see the forest for the trees.

What you're seeing in the Republican debates, Salt...is what you didn't see happen in the Democratic debates back in 2008. Republican candidates are being grilled over weaknesses in their economic and policy plans...something that was never done when Barack Obama ran against Hilary Clinton. It's the reason we ended up with a President who isn't a good executive and doesn't have any solutions.
Watch what is going on in Egypt right now. If that were to happen in the US, conservative Republicans would be equal to the Egyptian military right now, telling the protesters to go home and than expecting them to go. When the protesters don't, we here in the US support them, and even encourage them, talking about the rights of the people. When it comes to the OWS protesters the conservative Republicans have a totaly opposite reaction. They support violence against the protesters here saying the protesters asked for it by not going home when told.

How does this fit this thread you ask?

If Obama is re-elected the OWS protesters will maintain this level of disruption. If Republicans are elected to the WH I would expect Egyptian type protests across the US.

How lovely, something we all get to look forward to.

Yes, sharia law for everyone and burn the Christians out. lol
Looks like the Repubs are going to be stuck w/ pulling the lever for Romney(care) :D :lol: The big question for me is which bums will be tossed out of Congress :razz:

I really think that will be the big story in 2012. Obamas reelection will be anticlimactic. But how will voters respond to a Congress which is totally nonfunctional? We still have another year of Congressional inaction to put up with......how many more crisis will Congress kick down the road?

There looks to be a major backlash coming against Congress. How will voters respond as each Congressman whines..."It's not my fault, it's the other parties fault"
And the election of a Republican will magically make it all go away?

What would we get from a Republican sweep of the White House and Congress?

We only have to look back three years to Bush/Cheney

Well, let's take Wisconsin as an example of a political change effecting things. Under a Democratic Governor and a Democratically controlled State House, Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar deficit and either massive tax increases or layoffs of government employees.

The voters elected a Republican Governor and State House and in less than two years that deficit has been erased, the State has a balanced budget, taxes were not raised (and from all reports will actually be lowered this year) and no teachers, cops or firefighters were laid off.

What would we get from a Republican sweep? Fiscal sanity?

The better question is what would we get from another four years of Barack Obama?

The answer is; you are going to get another 4 years of Barack Obama as president. So, steel your soul and fight or get the fuck out of the way.

Steel my soul? I'm an agnostic, so that's not happening.

Seriously, Salt...what is another 4 years of Obama going to give us? If he's got ideas to fix things then why did we just get that joke of "jobs bill" from him to fix unemployment and the economy? You know...the one that's going to be paid for by cuts that the Super Committee come up with?
So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
The Congress will go over to the GOP, having the lowest ratings in years. What will Obama do for 4 years? He is the most compromised president in history. He doesn't have a shred of credibility with the GOP, having demonized them for over 4 years. He has proven he cannot work with them. He has proven he ignores all advice contrary to his own ideas (see, Simpson-Bowles). He is unable to get a single piece of legislation through Congress. And his regulatory moves are blocked by Congressional action.
Is that really the formula for success? Gridlock?
No, Obama is unable to govern. The Dems need to choose someone else as a sacrificial lamb.

Well, I suspect in a second term, he'd be completely ineffective.

No POTUS has really ever had a good second term. Bush had Katrina, lost Congress and the war went south. Clinton had impeachment, Reagan had Iran Contra, Nixon had Watergate. There are enough things bubbling under the surface- Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Rezko waiting for his pardon- to make Obama's life in a second term miserable.

Obama has shown an inability to bend. When Clinton and Bush lost Congress, they still found ways to get things done. Obama likes to pretend that 2010 didn't happen and acts petulant when Congress wants a say. (Although, to be fair, he acted petulant when his own party controlled congress.)

That said, the GOP would deserve to lose if it goes on it's present course. It seems determined to snub or insult the very continencies that have carried it this far- social conservatives and the TEA Party.

As long as Obama's health exchanges are driven into the ground....

Obamacare Is Working!!!


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:


Looks like the Repubs are going to be stuck w/ pulling the lever for Romney(care) :D :lol: The big question for me is which bums will be tossed out of Congress :razz:

I really think that will be the big story in 2012. Obamas reelection will be anticlimactic. But how will voters respond to a Congress which is totally nonfunctional? We still have another year of Congressional inaction to put up with......how many more crisis will Congress kick down the road?

There looks to be a major backlash coming against Congress. How will voters respond as each Congressman whines..."It's not my fault, it's the other parties fault"

They'll be accused of plagiarism, "It's not my fault, it's the other parties fault" is obamas line
Watch what is going on in Egypt right now. If that were to happen in the US, conservative Republicans would be equal to the Egyptian military right now, telling the protesters to go home and than expecting them to go. When the protesters don't, we here in the US support them, and even encourage them, talking about the rights of the people. When it comes to the OWS protesters the conservative Republicans have a totaly opposite reaction. They support violence against the protesters here saying the protesters asked for it by not going home when told.

How does this fit this thread you ask?

If Obama is re-elected the OWS protesters will maintain this level of disruption. If Republicans are elected to the WH I would expect Egyptian type protests across the US.

How lovely, something we all get to look forward to.

Yes, sharia law for everyone and burn the Christians out. lol

I just have to ask; are you serious? :lol: That's one of the funniest things that I've read all day.
Looks like the Repubs are going to be stuck w/ pulling the lever for Romney(care) :D :lol: The big question for me is which bums will be tossed out of Congress :razz:

I really think that will be the big story in 2012. Obamas reelection will be anticlimactic. But how will voters respond to a Congress which is totally nonfunctional? We still have another year of Congressional inaction to put up with......how many more crisis will Congress kick down the road?

There looks to be a major backlash coming against Congress. How will voters respond as each Congressman whines..."It's not my fault, it's the other parties fault"

Yeah sure, blame Congress. and the Obama gets NO BLAME whatsoever..
but we sure heard how everything today, WAS BUSH'S FAULT.
So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
The Congress will go over to the GOP, having the lowest ratings in years. What will Obama do for 4 years? He is the most compromised president in history. He doesn't have a shred of credibility with the GOP, having demonized them for over 4 years. He has proven he cannot work with them. He has proven he ignores all advice contrary to his own ideas (see, Simpson-Bowles). He is unable to get a single piece of legislation through Congress. And his regulatory moves are blocked by Congressional action.
Is that really the formula for success? Gridlock?
No, Obama is unable to govern. The Dems need to choose someone else as a sacrificial lamb.

OMG! I'm in tears, just thinking about that poor GOP! Working their assess off, fighting for us - .... no wait. That didn't happen.

Never mind.
Bottom line is this...I don't think there's a single liberal here who REALLY thinks Obama being reelected is going to lead to our problems being fixed.

What happened in Wisconsin could happen for the country as a whole. That State's problems were a microcosm of what we face as a nation. But we didn't elect a fiscal conservative in 2008. We elected a tax and spend liberal. So Wisconsin's situation has improved dramatically. Our situation as a nation, hasn't. So could we perhaps LEARN something here?
So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
The Congress will go over to the GOP, having the lowest ratings in years. What will Obama do for 4 years? He is the most compromised president in history. He doesn't have a shred of credibility with the GOP, having demonized them for over 4 years. He has proven he cannot work with them. He has proven he ignores all advice contrary to his own ideas (see, Simpson-Bowles). He is unable to get a single piece of legislation through Congress. And his regulatory moves are blocked by Congressional action.
Is that really the formula for success? Gridlock?
No, Obama is unable to govern. The Dems need to choose someone else as a sacrificial lamb.

OMG! I'm in tears, just thinking about that poor GOP! Working their assess off, fighting for us - .... no wait. That didn't happen.

Never mind.

No problem there.
Same old threat Republicans have used for the last three years

If you do not get rid of Obama......we will obstruct the government till he is gone

Obama must FAIL....Part II

Whatever Republicans retain their seats are going to have to fight like mad to hang onto them. Recalls will happen if they pull the same shit they pulled last time.
So.....can we finally concede that Rick Perry is a non-factor?

That leaves us with Romney, who even the Republicans have to hold their nose to back. Obama is still much more popular than any Republican right now. Romney can't pull numbers against the bunch of stiffs he is running against.....he won't do anything against Obama

Once Obama is reelected, and he will be, what cards do the Republicans have? The Bush tax cuts are DOA given the current animosity between the parties. No way they get extended unless you have something to deal. What do Republicans have to deal? Another threatened government shutdown? That card has already been played twice.....how many more times do Repubs think they can play it?

You dont get it. If the GOP nominates Bachmann, she will win. If they nominate Santorum he will win. If they nominate Bozo the Clown, he would win.
Obama is the worst president in history. He is the worst world leader since Idi Amin.

In a Time Magazine poll, Hilary Clinton scored on average 22pts. higher thant all of the GOP candidates. She isn't even running, and she's not a Republican. The GOP is truly in dire staights.

Bill & Hill....


Scheduled: 2016


"Ah'll be helpin'-out, around the 'House, while she gets things straightened-out between Israel & Palestine."​
Bottom line is this...I don't think there's a single liberal here who REALLY thinks Obama being reelected is going to lead to our problems being fixed.

By itself, that's absolutely true. We were cured of that delusion over the past three years.

It begins to look like Obama's reelection is a slam-dunk. The real question, as stated, is what happens with Congress, and that depends on liberal voters. Will they vote, as they did in 2008? If so, then the Democrats keep the Senate and retake the House. Will they boycott the election, as they did in 2010? If so, then the Republicans keep the House and take the Senate.

Right now the safe bet is somewhere between those two. However, a lot can happen in a year. There is pressure on the Democrats, and especially on the president, to move in a populist, progressive direction. If they respond appropriately to this pressure, they will win in a landslide. If not, then not.
What happened in Wisconsin could happen for the country as a whole.

That's certainly the danger.

Wisconsin lags nation in payroll growth - JSOnline

Nov. 22, 2011 Payrolls increased in 39 states in October, while the jobless rate dropped in 36 states, indicating the labor market is steadying across much of the nation.

Wisconsin posted the nation's biggest payroll losses, with employment dropping by 9,700 jobs in October compared with September, according to a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report released Tuesday.

The bureau said Wisconsin was the only state with a statistically significant decline in employment, dropping from 2,757,200 jobs in September to 2,747,500 jobs in October. However, the state unemployment rate, which doesn't include jobless people no longer actively searching for new work, dropped to 7.7% from 7.8%.

Wisconsin saw a job increase in the leisure and hospitality sector, according to the bureau's seasonally adjusted data.

But there were declines in several other sectors: construction; manufacturing; trade, transportation and utilities; financial activities; professional and business services; education and health services, and government.
I grew up in Massachusetts, one of the most liberal States in the country. What's remarkable however...and rather telling...is how many times such a liberal State has elected a Republican Governor. Why would they DO that? It makes no sense at all!

When you look at closely however you see that it DOES make sense. The liberal voters of Massachusetts know that they need fiscal sanity to be imposed on a regular basis or the tax and spend thing spins out of control. That's why they voted in Weld, Celluci, Swift and Romney. You liberals here on this board don't seem to grasp that concept though...you think MORE tax and spend liberalism is going to get us out of this mess. It won't.
Sorry that overnight, Obama didn't fix the 8-years-in-the-making clusterfuck that Bush left us with.

Three years with a filibuster proof majority is not overnight, sweet cheeks.
Bush solved the Clinton recession within 18 months. This is the longest recession in history.

You can't name a single year in which Obama had a filibuster proof majority

Bush entered with a budget surplus, a world at peace Anne a stock market at 10750

He left running up $5 trillion in debt, two bungled wars and a stock market at 8150.......also an economy losing 700,000 jobs a month
.....And, when you rub Republicans' noses in that......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y04g6OPLnQ]Obama Dismantles Republican Caucus Part 1 of 7 - YouTube[/ame]

.....they CAN'T SAY SHIT!!!!!!

You put down the choices that repubs have, at least they have 8 choices.
Who does Dem's have? Obama and who else besides Rosanne Barr?
What a choice for Dem's, a light weight communist, Marxist,Obama or a full outright communist like Rosanne.

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