2012: Obama Wins. Now what?

Romney wins...all 58 states.

Romney will lose because he will do more damage than good.

Evangelicals will stay home because they won't vote for a Mormon.

Hispanics will stick with Obama because Romney has used race baiting in the most despicable ways.

Working folks will vote against him when they realize he made his fortune screwing people just like them. As Mike Huckabee said, "He looks like the guy who lays you off."
Earth to Nick

Straw polls and Internet polls are fake. Ron Paul doesn't really have 82% support of the Republicans

He is a nice old man who will finish third or fourth in some early states and be washed out by February

Believe what you like - you stated that Ron Paul won straw polls in 2008 - which he didn't.

Besides, a straw poll is nothing like an internet poll...

Oh and Ron Paul doesn't get 82% of Republican support.... Independents will put him over the top..

I'd give Paul 30% of the republican vote and 50+% of the independent vote. Also I believe in some states democrats can vote in the republican primary and without question most benevolent democrats in such states would vote Ron Paul over any other republican candidate..

Hell there are quite a few democrats that would take Paul over Obama and that is why Paul will beat Obama...

It's pretty much simple math..

Simply crazy....

Paul is a non factor....just like last time

Straw polls are fake and get swamped by Paulites. They can't do that in the primaries. Paul will finish fourth or fifth among Republicans behind Romney, Cain, Gingrich and Perry.

Cheer up......he will probably beat Bachmann and Santorum

Ron Paul wins 82% of Iowa straw poll vote.....how can anyone beat him?

Ron Paul Wins Iowa Straw Poll Of GOP Presidential Candidates

MSNBC reports that Paul's campaign purchased a large number of tickets for the straw poll and distributed them to supporters for $10, half off the price. Cain's campaign reportedly also purchased a large number of tickets and was selling them for $20 but had difficulty distributing all of them.

Earlier in the day, Paul addressed a packed house of supporters, drawing huge applause when he called for the U.S. to withdraw troops fro Afghanistan, according to CNN.

"I think it's time for us to come home and mind our own business," Paul said. "I fear much more the erosion of the protections of our liberties here at home and the erosion of our economy than I do from any foreign adversary."

The Des Moines Register reports that most of the crowd left immediately following Paul's speech, leaving just about 100 people in the audience to hear rival GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum, and about 75 people for speech by Anita Perry, the wife of Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
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Earth to Nick

Straw polls and Internet polls are fake. Ron Paul doesn't really have 82% support of the Republicans

He is a nice old man who will finish third or fourth in some early states and be washed out by February

Believe what you like - you stated that Ron Paul won straw polls in 2008 - which he didn't.

Besides, a straw poll is nothing like an internet poll...

Oh and Ron Paul doesn't get 82% of Republican support.... Independents will put him over the top..

I'd give Paul 30% of the republican vote and 50+% of the independent vote. Also I believe in some states democrats can vote in the republican primary and without question most benevolent democrats in such states would vote Ron Paul over any other republican candidate..

Hell there are quite a few democrats that would take Paul over Obama and that is why Paul will beat Obama...

It's pretty much simple math..

Simply crazy....

Paul is a non factor....just like last time

Straw polls are fake and get swamped by Paulites. They can't do that in the primaries. Paul will finish fourth or fifth among Republicans behind Romney, Cain, Gingrich and Perry.

Cheer up......he will probably beat Bachmann and Santorum

I don't give a fuck about straw polls either... That still doesn't change the fact Paul appeals to republicans, independents and democrats...

He has strong republican support this time around, throw in the independents, first time voters and in some states democrats and he will win...

Not to mention the pancakes that will flip..

You add up all these minorities and you will certainly get a majority...

For fucks sake Ron Paul is already neck and neck with the other republican candidates in all republican scientific polls. What do you think is going to happen when the independents come out to vote and in some states democrats??

Those voters will put him over the top - hence Ron Paul wins...
So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
The Congress will go over to the GOP, having the lowest ratings in years. What will Obama do for 4 years? He is the most compromised president in history. He doesn't have a shred of credibility with the GOP, having demonized them for over 4 years. He has proven he cannot work with them. He has proven he ignores all advice contrary to his own ideas (see, Simpson-Bowles). He is unable to get a single piece of legislation through Congress. And his regulatory moves are blocked by Congressional action.
Is that really the formula for success? Gridlock?
No, Obama is unable to govern. The Dems need to choose someone else as a sacrificial lamb.
If Obama wins, the same people who vote him in will again give him Congress.

I predict a civil cold war should that happen.

That will be nothing new. The Democrats have waged a cold war for the last 2 decades when Republicans are elected. Americans have set aside brotherly love.
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Believe what you like - you stated that Ron Paul won straw polls in 2008 - which he didn't.

Besides, a straw poll is nothing like an internet poll...

Oh and Ron Paul doesn't get 82% of Republican support.... Independents will put him over the top..

I'd give Paul 30% of the republican vote and 50+% of the independent vote. Also I believe in some states democrats can vote in the republican primary and without question most benevolent democrats in such states would vote Ron Paul over any other republican candidate..

Hell there are quite a few democrats that would take Paul over Obama and that is why Paul will beat Obama...

It's pretty much simple math..

Simply crazy....

Paul is a non factor....just like last time

Straw polls are fake and get swamped by Paulites. They can't do that in the primaries. Paul will finish fourth or fifth among Republicans behind Romney, Cain, Gingrich and Perry.

Cheer up......he will probably beat Bachmann and Santorum

Ron Paul wins 82% of Iowa straw poll vote.....how can anyone beat him?

Ron Paul Wins Iowa Straw Poll Of GOP Presidential Candidates

MSNBC reports that Paul's campaign purchased a large number of tickets for the straw poll and distributed them to supporters for $10, half off the price. Cain's campaign reportedly also purchased a large number of tickets and was selling them for $20 but had difficulty distributing all of them.

Earlier in the day, Paul addressed a packed house of supporters, drawing huge applause when he called for the U.S. to withdraw troops fro Afghanistan, according to CNN.

"I think it's time for us to come home and mind our own business," Paul said. "I fear much more the erosion of the protections of our liberties here at home and the erosion of our economy than I do from any foreign adversary."

The Des Moines Register reports that most of the crowd left immediately following Paul's speech, leaving just about 100 people in the audience to hear rival GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum, and about 75 people for speech by Anita Perry, the wife of Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

Thanks for proving my point...
Simply crazy....

Paul is a non factor....just like last time

Straw polls are fake and get swamped by Paulites. They can't do that in the primaries. Paul will finish fourth or fifth among Republicans behind Romney, Cain, Gingrich and Perry.

Cheer up......he will probably beat Bachmann and Santorum

Ron Paul wins 82% of Iowa straw poll vote.....how can anyone beat him?

Ron Paul Wins Iowa Straw Poll Of GOP Presidential Candidates

MSNBC reports that Paul's campaign purchased a large number of tickets for the straw poll and distributed them to supporters for $10, half off the price. Cain's campaign reportedly also purchased a large number of tickets and was selling them for $20 but had difficulty distributing all of them.

Earlier in the day, Paul addressed a packed house of supporters, drawing huge applause when he called for the U.S. to withdraw troops fro Afghanistan, according to CNN.

"I think it's time for us to come home and mind our own business," Paul said. "I fear much more the erosion of the protections of our liberties here at home and the erosion of our economy than I do from any foreign adversary."

The Des Moines Register reports that most of the crowd left immediately following Paul's speech, leaving just about 100 people in the audience to hear rival GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum, and about 75 people for speech by Anita Perry, the wife of Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

Thanks for proving my point...

You mean that Paul cheats on straw polls?
I think no one here can accuse me of being a Romney fan. I find a lot of his business practices horrifying, and his religion scares the hell out of me. I won't vote him if he's the nominee.

Why in the HELL should his religion have anything to do with it? And why in the Hell should anyone be "scared" over someone else's religion? That's absolute stupidity.

Right. So if he belonged to a religion that called for vengence on the murderers of the Prophet (which Mormon Temple Oaths called for up until the 1930's), insisted that their goal was to create God's Kingdom on Earth, and called all other creeds an "abomination onto the Lord", that shouldn't concern me at all.

Sorry, for me, that was first and foremost the deal killer.

That sounds like pretty much every flavor of Abrahamic religion, when sufficiently twisted for one's own predetermined prejudices and agendas. Stop sounding like Osama bin Laden.
I think no one here can accuse me of being a Romney fan. I find a lot of his business practices horrifying, and his religion scares the hell out of me. I won't vote him if he's the nominee.

If you're an Atheist, WTF diff does it make? One religion is just as far fetched as the next. :eusa_eh:
Privatization would equate to scrapping social security

Republicans advocated scrapping Medicare and replacing it with a voucher system

I completely disagree with you. In fact, I think privatization would make the system 1000 times better for the citizens of the U.S.


All we need is one major economic downturn and millions of the elderly will be wiped out

republicans will reply......"so what....it's your own fault"

Only a fool or someone who knows nothing at all about investing would say something as foolish as that and mean it. So, I must assume you either know nothing of investing or you say that tongue in cheek because I am certain you are not a fool.

I completely disagree with you. In fact, I think privatization would make the system 1000 times better for the citizens of the U.S.


All we need is one major economic downturn and millions of the elderly will be wiped out

republicans will reply......"so what....it's your own fault"

Only a fool or someone who knows nothing at all about investing would say something as foolish as that and mean it. So, I must assume you either know nothing of investing or you say that tongue in cheek because I am certain you are not a fool.


I know enough about investing to know that it is unpredictable and you need to be divested

Right now, most retirees rely on a three legged stool with their money spread between a Social Security annuity, a paid off home and cash savings.

Removing that dependable annuity is highly risky. Also most retirees would choose to keep their Social Security
All we need is one major economic downturn and millions of the elderly will be wiped out

republicans will reply......"so what....it's your own fault"

Only a fool or someone who knows nothing at all about investing would say something as foolish as that and mean it. So, I must assume you either know nothing of investing or you say that tongue in cheek because I am certain you are not a fool.


I know enough about investing to know that it is unpredictable and you need to be divested

Right now, most retirees rely on a three legged stool with their money spread between a Social Security annuity, a paid off home and cash savings.

Removing that dependable annuity is highly risky. Also most retirees would choose to keep their Social Security

And given the choice if they are confronted with death before a long retirement, most people would choose to have the right to pass on their retirement accounts to their loved ones rather than giving it away to Congress.

I, for one, do not believe that SS should be eliminated. However it should be privatized and those tax dollars should be placed into an account in the name of the taxpayer with options similar to a mutual fund rather than stolen by Congress for a promise to pay later.

All we need is one major economic downturn and millions of the elderly will be wiped out

republicans will reply......"so what....it's your own fault"

Only a fool or someone who knows nothing at all about investing would say something as foolish as that and mean it. So, I must assume you either know nothing of investing or you say that tongue in cheek because I am certain you are not a fool.


only a fool would not know that because of the 08 crash people lost a lot of money or everything in their 401k savings.

The only ones that lost a dime were the fools that went into panic mode and cashed out.

Even a person that retired the day that everything fell apart wouldn't have lost much at all as long as he didn't cash out. That is the funny thing about investing for retirement. There are ups and downs but as long as you stick to your guns you are going to do very well... on and avoid the Bernie Madoffs too.

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Future Headlines:
November 2011- Obama leads all polls by 5%.
December 2011- Obama leads all polls by 5%.
January 2012- Obama leads all polls by 6%.
March 2012- Obama leads all polls by 7%.
May 2012- Obama leads all polls by 8%.
July 2012 - Obama leads all polls by 9%
Sept 2012 - Obama leads all polls by 10%
November 5th 2012- Obama with commanding lead over Romney.

November 7th, 2012- Mitt Romney defeats Barack Obama by largest margin in history.

November 8th, 2012 - Obama celebrates. Relief that he finally can golf during the week, and smoke in public.

If the republicans are sufficently retarded to nominate Romney, they will lose and deservedly so.

It will be the first time in 32 years I haven't voted for the Republican.
Not a big fan of Romney either. I cannot however, sit out. Another 4 years of Obama is too much to bear.
I urge you to please reconsider. Is another Obama admin really what you want?
So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
The Congress will go over to the GOP, having the lowest ratings in years. What will Obama do for 4 years? He is the most compromised president in history. He doesn't have a shred of credibility with the GOP, having demonized them for over 4 years. He has proven he cannot work with them. He has proven he ignores all advice contrary to his own ideas (see, Simpson-Bowles). He is unable to get a single piece of legislation through Congress. And his regulatory moves are blocked by Congressional action.
Is that really the formula for success? Gridlock?
No, Obama is unable to govern. The Dems need to choose someone else as a sacrificial lamb.

Hmmm..... We will run a campaign to remove all GOP from Congress and Senate. And the Corperate Dems as well. Then we will get things done.

See Rabid, very easy. And you can set there and foam at the mouth for at least two years:lol:
Future Headlines:
November 2011- Obama leads all polls by 5%.
December 2011- Obama leads all polls by 5%.
January 2012- Obama leads all polls by 6%.
March 2012- Obama leads all polls by 7%.
May 2012- Obama leads all polls by 8%.
July 2012 - Obama leads all polls by 9%
Sept 2012 - Obama leads all polls by 10%
November 5th 2012- Obama with commanding lead over Romney.

November 7th, 2012- Mitt Romney defeats Barack Obama by largest margin in history.

November 8th, 2012 - Obama celebrates. Relief that he finally can golf during the week, and smoke in public.

If the republicans are sufficently retarded to nominate Romney, they will lose and deservedly so.

It will be the first time in 32 years I haven't voted for the Republican.
Not a big fan of Romney either. I cannot however, sit out. Another 4 years of Obama is too much to bear.
I urge you to please reconsider. Is another Obama admin really what you want?


Not only that, replace all the Repugs with Dems or Independents, throw out the present health care bill and replace it with a fully universal health care system funded by a tax on income. A tax that includes all income all the way to the top.

Cut subsidies to big corperations and invest the savings in R and D in energy and space.

Have the same tax brackets on all forms of income. From SS to dividends and capital gains. And that includes the old 6.2 FICA tax.

See, we have just fully eliminated the cost of Medicare and Mediaid, increased the income of the government, maybe even balanced the budget. And fully funded SS for the foreseeable future.
So let me get this straight. Do you think it's a success that WI had a flash in the pan job growth during half the year, just to see their overall yearly numbers bottom out? At the time of year when businesses are naturally creating additional jobs for the holiday seasons no less?

I think Wisconsin has set themselves up for real job growth going forward because they've dealt with their fiscal crisis, balanced their budget and have reached out to businesses to let them know that the State is willing to work with them rather than tax them out of existence like Illinois is in the process of doing. I'm quite confident that Wisconsin is on the right track and that Illinois is not.

You cannot change track now and pretend you were on track all along. You bragged that WI created such and such jobs, and managed to do with while doing such and such else. That is the stance you have taken. You were called out with additional information that shows that their job creation in fact is anything but good. You cannot justify your initial position by saying that their job growth, in your assumption, will be good.

The thing that I "bragged" about was Governor Walker being able to get rid of a 3 billion dollar budget deficit, without raising taxes or laying off teachers, cops and firemen. The fact that he added 40,000 jobs over six months was strictly a bonus.

Contrast what Wisconsin has done with Illinois. I believe the deficit in Illinois is now in the 17 billion dollar range and growing by the day? The Governor of Illinois raised taxes to address that and yet their deficit keeps on growing. That's reality in Illinois yet you guys want to hold them up as doing "better" than Wisconsin because they added a few thousand more jobs? You're kidding...right? Wisconsin is in far better shape going forward than it's neighbor. Illinois is in the same shape as California. Bankruptcy is at their door and unless they get bailed out by the Federal Government they're going to become insolvent. Now "you" might think that's doing things the right way but I'm going to pass on that plan.
So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
The Congress will go over to the GOP, having the lowest ratings in years. What will Obama do for 4 years? He is the most compromised president in history. He doesn't have a shred of credibility with the GOP, having demonized them for over 4 years. He has proven he cannot work with them. He has proven he ignores all advice contrary to his own ideas (see, Simpson-Bowles). He is unable to get a single piece of legislation through Congress. And his regulatory moves are blocked by Congressional action.
Is that really the formula for success? Gridlock?
No, Obama is unable to govern. The Dems need to choose someone else as a sacrificial lamb.

Hmmm..... We will run a campaign to remove all GOP from Congress and Senate. And the Corperate Dems as well. Then we will get things done.

See Rabid, very easy. And you can set there and foam at the mouth for at least two years:lol:

Through the use of the vote you intend on sending all the GOP home and Corporate Dems as well?

When you succeed in that then you will have shut the doors of Congress because we will have exactly zero Senators and Representatives as they will have all been sent home.

2012: Obama Wins. Now what?

Probably more gridlock unless the public actually tries to change things and throws all incumbents out. Flip the House. flip the Senate and send a very strong message. At this point it appears to be the only thing that may work. See an incumbent on your ballot? Vote against it.
only a fool would not know that because of the 08 crash people lost a lot of money or everything in their 401k savings.

The only ones that lost a dime were the fools that went into panic mode and cashed out.

Even a person that retired the day that everything fell apart wouldn't have lost much at all as long as he didn't cash out. That is the funny thing about investing for retirement. There are ups and downs but as long as you stick to your guns you are going to do very well... on and avoid the Bernie Madoffs too.


um.......then you have no clue as to what you are talking about.

Obviously it is you who have no clue. Your 401(k) goes up and down all the time, but you neither gain nor lose anything until you sell shares. Really, it is not that difficult of a concept. Those who did not panic have seen their accounts rebound. The market will have its ups and downs but only those who sell shares will gain or lose at any given time.

Are you really that young? Have you not figured that out yet?

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