If you don't have enough money, it is your fault

The rich are the reason great poverty exists in this world:


‘"Wherever there is great property there is great inequality. For one very rich man, there must be at least five hundred poor, and the affluence of the few supposes the indigence of the many. The affluence of the rich excites the indignation of the poor, who are often both driven by want, and prompted by envy, to invade his possessions.’    

"Wealth of Nations,
V:I.b, p.709-710"
There are many inequities in our world today. The widening gap between the rich and the poor is one of those.
That issue will not be solved by blaming everything on illegals and the deep state.

And we all can do better with effort and accountability rather than blaming all problems on someone else.
There are many inequities in our world today. The widening gap between the rich and the poor is one of those.
That issue will not be solved by blaming everything on illegals and the deep state.

And we all can do better with effort and accountability rather than blaming all problems on someone else.
Perhaps it's also time to blame the Darwinian approach, echoed by mainstream economics (capitalism), which claims "humans are inherently selfish, greedy, and competitive?"

The generation of the first economic surplus, grain from ancient Mesopotamia, may have generated an initial oligarchic mafia committed to propagating a society "...with ultimate power in the hands of a tiny minority of the population--the most ruthless and ambitious,"

Then came silver coins:

Ancient settlements show that commoning is ‘natural’ for humans, not selfishness and competition | MR Online

"...Greek rulers minted coins with their heads on, and paid conscripted soldiers with them.

"Local people were told that they had to pay their taxes in those coins, and that the way to get them was to provide whatever it was that their soldiers needed—food, weapons, clothes, armour, horses, prostitutes, alcohol etc. (or direct services to the rulers, like building their ships and castles) in return for the coins.

"Armies were then able to conquer more lands and send newly-captured slaved down mines to get the silver for the coins, and so on."

"Again, it was control of the means of exchange that was important in maintaining power."
Perhaps it's also time to blame the Darwinian approach, echoed by mainstream economics (capitalism), which claims "humans are inherently selfish, greedy, and competitive?"

The generation of the first economic surplus, grain from ancient Mesopotamia, may have generated an initial oligarchic mafia committed to propagating a society "...with ultimate power in the hands of a tiny minority of the population--the most ruthless and ambitious,"

Then came silver coins:

Ancient settlements show that commoning is ‘natural’ for humans, not selfishness and competition | MR Online

"...Greek rulers minted coins with their heads on, and paid conscripted soldiers with them.

"Local people were told that they had to pay their taxes in those coins, and that the way to get them was to provide whatever it was that their soldiers needed—food, weapons, clothes, armour, horses, prostitutes, alcohol etc. (or direct services to the rulers, like building their ships and castles) in return for the coins.

"Armies were then able to conquer more lands and send newly-captured slaved down mines to get the silver for the coins, and so on."

"Again, it was control of the means of exchange that was important in maintaining power."
I will not argue with all of that.
I love when millionaires tell me I don't have enough money. It's so funny. At least I don't stand in front of crowds of people and give bad investment advice.

And yet liberals hate Trump because he's wealthy.

Double standard much?

I don't hate Trump because he is rich. Him being rich doesn't affect me at all.

I dislike him over his childish name calling. Lying about his accomplishments, scamming others out of their hard earned money, disrespect of women, etc.
If you don't have enough money, it is your fault

Suze Orman Says 'If You're Struggling Financially, It's Your Fault'​

Quit blaming the government. That is not conservative values. MAGA are not conservatives. They are a group of whiners who expect Donald Trump will take care of all their problems.

You reap what you sow.
Just think how hard it would be if we would have got Trump's negative interest rates.
When I think of saving, I think of spending less than you make and saving the surplus. That's not about interest rates. If you have in mind to invest the surplus, You don't use a savings acct to do that.
When I think of saving, I think of spending less than you make and saving the surplus. That's not about interest rates. If you have in mind to invest the surplus, You don't use a savings acct to do that.

Dodge all you want. Negative interest rates would chip away at those savings no matter how you want to spin it.

It's really not up to you how one saves it. Many do not trust (rightly so) the markets.
The rich are the reason great poverty exists in this world:
There are many inequities in our world today. The widening gap between the rich and the poor is one of those.
Lots of folks say that and don't do much about it. At the same time there are folks who move from areas w/o rich people and move into area where there are rich people. It's a lot easier to get rich if you hang around and do business w/ rich people. The poor people have no money to buy things from you.

So what we got is that there are some who say the rich make others poor, and others in the real world who know better.
So what we got is that there are some who say the rich make others poor, and others in the real world who know better.
How do those "others" justify almost two-thirds of all new wealth going to the top 1% since 2020?

Top 5 ways billionaires are bad for the economy

"The richest people in the world make six times more than the bottom 90% of humanity.

"Collectively, that’s $2.7 billion a day.

"Our report shows that extreme wealth gaps undermine the fight against poverty, gender inequality, and climate change.

"The U.N. set a goal to end poverty by 2030, but this increasing concentration of wealth means that efforts to reduce poverty have slowed down.

"This is the first time in decades that global inequality has risen.

"In response, the World Bank determined in 2022 that we are unlikely to meet the U.N.’s goal."
Lots of folks say that and don't do much about it. At the same time there are folks who move from areas w/o rich people and move into area where there are rich people. It's a lot easier to get rich if you hang around and do business w/ rich people. The poor people have no money to buy things from you.

So what we got is that there are some who say the rich make others poor, and others in the real world who know better.
The way to get richer is to have money or have a skill that will provide a good living.
The biggest money is made using the money you have to invest.
I have a good career that has paid well but the largest amount of my net worth is from taking the money I made and investing it.
"Our report shows that extreme wealth gaps undermine the fight against poverty, gender inequality, and climate change.
Ask Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Buffett etc. All those good democrats that aren't paying their fair share but always get left out of the discussion when democrats are pointing fingers. Hmm. I think you can join the ranks of the hypocrites. It is clear you're a democrat.
Ask Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Buffett etc. All those good democrats that aren't paying their fair share but always get left out of the discussion when democrats are pointing fingers. Hmm. I think you can join the ranks of the hypocrites. It is clear you're a democrat.
I haven't voted for a Democrat or Republican in the last thirty years. A small minority of rich parasites have controlled every government for the last two thousand years.

This hasn't been a partisan issue in the US since 1837:

"'The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.'"​

― Franklin D. Roosevelt"

A quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt
I haven't voted for a Democrat or Republican in the last thirty years. A small minority of rich parasites have controlled every government for the last two thousand years.

This hasn't been a partisan issue in the US since 1837:

"'The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.'"​

― Franklin D. Roosevelt"

A quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt
The rich and well placed have been in the position of power since the beginning of time, LOL. You're a bit selective don't you think? 1837---LOL, how did you come up with that magic number? All of the whining in the world isn't going to change the fact that the rich are in power. Get used to it.

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