2012 Presidential Debate - Third and Final Debate

And The Winner Is..

  • "Mitt Romneh won, yuo only think it was Obummer becuase deh moderater was bias!"

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I think they are both doing rather well. Mitt sometimes seems to get one over on Obama, but in the next minute, the tables have turned and Obama is calling the shots.

Don't you have a 'worm' so we can actually see what the audience thinks of each candidates performance? If you do, its not showing up for me!

Seems? Are you listening at all?
You are a moron

Those ships ran on COAL

They have no range, no defense and no lethality

For Romney to compare their numbers to todays fleet is idiocy. Forget one Aircraft carrier. One Destroyer could wipe out that fleet of rust buckets

I m not comparing ship to ship dumb ass, wtf are you on?

A carrier grps is composed of how many dopey?

Romney did

He compared our ship count to 1916. One destroyer could wipe out that entire fleet. We don't even need carriers to have more naval power than the 1916 fleet. One ship decimates the 300 ships from 1916

Monitors? Do you know what monitors are?

No shit, they won't be fighting ironclads or a 1916 fleet , wtf is your problem? :alcoholic:
I thought Mitt was born in Mexico?

Managed bankruptcy. That's what they did, you idiot, Romney.

Mitt's father was born in Mexico.

Also, the GM bankruptcy was very non-standard. The bondholders got the shaft. That's why GM has not done well since their IPO. Nobody wants to invest in it lest they get screwed by the government again.
I think they are both doing rather well. Mitt sometimes seems to get one over on Obama, but in the next minute, the tables have turned and Obama is calling the shots.

Don't you have a 'worm' so we can actually see what the audience thinks of each candidates performance? If you do, its not showing up for me!

Seems? Are you listening at all?

Half the time they are repeating the same things back to each other.

They Each made good arguments. Obama's Record seems to be the biggest obstacle to his.... :lmao:
So the Democrats get to f us over with Fanny Mae, GM, banks and then claim that it was conservative policies that put us on the brink of a great depression? Meanwhile, Obama gets to spend literally trillions of our money paying off his cronies while he sleeps on Iran getting nukes?

I gotz one thing to say about that: F THAT!
Moonbats jerk off all over the GM bailout because unions kept their payday and investors got fucked.....
I think they are both doing rather well. Mitt sometimes seems to get one over on Obama, but in the next minute, the tables have turned and Obama is calling the shots.

Don't you have a 'worm' so we can actually see what the audience thinks of each candidates performance? If you do, its not showing up for me!

Seems? Are you listening at all?

Half the time they are repeating thecsame things back to each other.

Get the transcripts, Candy.

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