2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

Ryan stayed classy. Biden did not. Most of the MSM will call it a Biden win, but i actually thought Ryan won easily. He stayed calm & cool while Biden made a fool of himself. And the Moderator was a real embarrassment. So if you like cranky old obnoxious dudes, Biden was your winner. But if you like classy respectable Candidates, Ryan was your winner.

A CNN poll declared Ryan the winner.
That was registered voters.

CBS polled undecided voters - the ones who supposedly haven't made up their minds.

Also known as low information voters
people who don't pay ANY attention to politics
People who couldn't name the VP before the debate
People who don't know there are three branches of government

But their votes count just as much as Krauthammer's does. :lol:
That smile looks like he's getting ready to Bork the kid.

Funny you should use the name "Bork" as a verb, but quite understandable.

It was the very same Joe Biden who destroyed a decent man, Robert Bork, so much so that his disgraceful performance as the Senate committee chair turned the good name of Robert Bork into a symbol and a verb of character assassination.

Pretty much the only thing - with the possible exception of making asinine and sophomoric gaffes - is what Jo Biden is good at.

Those two things should never go together. :lol:
Poll: Biden takes debate over Ryan, uncommitted voters say, 50-31

Fifty percent of uncommitted voters who tuned into Thursday night's vice presidential debate in Danville, Ky., said they see Vice President Joe Biden as the winner over Mitt Romney's GOP running mate Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., according to an instant poll taken by CBS News.

Of the 431 polled immediately following the debate, 31 percent deemed Ryan the winner, and 19 percent said they felt it was a tie. Party-wise it's a switch from last week's presidential debate, which uncommitted voters handed easily to Romney over President Obama.

Both Biden and Ryan gained ground on relatability and knowledge. The percentage of voters who say they believe they can relate to Biden spiked from 34 percent before the debate to 55 percent; 48 percent think Ryan is relatable, up from 31 percent before the debate. Meanwhile, after watching the two candidates debate, 85 percent of those polled think Biden is knowledgeable about the issues; 75 percent say that about Ryan.

Ryan, though, faced a loss among voters' opinions of which candidate would be an effective president, if necessary. Before the debate, he led Biden 45 percent to 39 percent; after the debate, 56 percent of those polled said Biden would be an effective president, with fewer - 49 percent--saying the same about Ryan.
Oh, it didn't get deleted - IT GOT BURIED!!! :lol:

Well, it was bad news....
Some wingnut was up all night making that! :lol:
Well this was fun while it lasted..

the children must be out of school for lunch

good thread Sarah

Ryan lost, most of America thinks this and the only people fooling themselves are the right.

As predicted on this board, the right was going to declare Ryan won even if he clearly didn't.. you guys followed suit, hook, line, and sinker.. :lol:

He got nailed to the floor on ALMOST every issue.

Republican candidate Paul Ryan beat Vice President Joe Biden, 48 percent to 44 percent, in the vice presidential debate Thursday night, according to a nationwide poll conducted by CNN right after the debate.

Read more: CNN POLL: Ryan Beats Biden In VP Debate - Business Insider

Right wingers don't watch CNN kid, sorry.
All of a sudden, wingnuts LOVE CNN and cite them as a credible source! :lol:
Libya, taxes and Iran. And I believe closing arguments. Maybe more, I cant remember.. It's still early

Taxes? Ryan still hasn't answered that question. And he had nothing to say about what they would do different with Iran.

Hey maybe if Biden gave him a chance to talk you would have heard more .. But then again the moderator invited Obama to her wedding so we know how she will vote :eusa_whistle:

Pull up some of the Romney debate threads from last week and look at what y'all said about Mittens interrupting. :lol:

Ryan lost, most of America thinks this and the only people fooling themselves are the right.

As predicted on this board, the right was going to declare Ryan won even if he clearly didn't.. you guys followed suit, hook, line, and sinker.. :lol:

He got nailed to the floor on ALMOST every issue.

Republican candidate Paul Ryan beat Vice President Joe Biden, 48 percent to 44 percent, in the vice presidential debate Thursday night, according to a nationwide poll conducted by CNN right after the debate.

Read more: CNN POLL: Ryan Beats Biden In VP Debate - Business Insider

Right wingers don't watch CNN kid, sorry.
All of a sudden, wingnuts LOVE CNN and cite them as a credible source! :lol:

wow...are you really that naive that you dont understand why we are citing CNN even though we think they lean left and their reporting is left leaning?

Let me lay it out for you son.

If a news outlet has a reputation in our eyes of leaning left...and then all of a sudden they report on something that shows the right in a favorable light...then we must assume they reported it accurately knowing that they would NEVER report fiction that makes the right look good.

I am kind of taken aback that you could not decipher such basic logic on your own.

Actually....as it pertains to you.....I am not so much taken aback.
Ryan stayed classy. Biden did not. Most of the MSM will call it a Biden win, but i actually thought Ryan won easily. He stayed calm & cool while Biden made a fool of himself. And the Moderator was a real embarrassment. So if you like cranky old obnoxious dudes, Biden was your winner. But if you like classy respectable Candidates, Ryan was your winner.

A CNN poll declared Ryan the winner.
That was registered voters.

CBS polled undecided voters - the ones who supposedly haven't made up their minds.

Also known as low information voters
people who don't pay ANY attention to politics
People who couldn't name the VP before the debate
People who don't know there are three branches of government

But their votes count just as much as Krauthammer's does. :lol:

A registered voter can't be undecided?
Republican candidate Paul Ryan beat Vice President Joe Biden, 48 percent to 44 percent, in the vice presidential debate Thursday night, according to a nationwide poll conducted by CNN right after the debate.

Read more: CNN POLL: Ryan Beats Biden In VP Debate - Business Insider

Right wingers don't watch CNN kid, sorry.
All of a sudden, wingnuts LOVE CNN and cite them as a credible source! :lol:

wow...are you really that naive that you dont understand why we are citing CNN even though we think they lean left and their reporting is left leaning?

Let me lay it out for you son.

If a news outlet has a reputation in our eyes of leaning left...and then all of a sudden they report on something that shows the right in a favorable light...then we must assume they reported it accurately knowing that they would NEVER report fiction that makes the right look good.

I am kind of taken aback that you could not decipher such basic logic on your own.

Actually....as it pertains to you.....I am not so much taken aback.

So, when CNN is reporting Republican fuck-ups, they are not credible.

When CNN is reporting a Republican win, they are credible.

A CNN poll declared Ryan the winner.
That was registered voters.

CBS polled undecided voters - the ones who supposedly haven't made up their minds.

Also known as low information voters
people who don't pay ANY attention to politics
People who couldn't name the VP before the debate
People who don't know there are three branches of government

But their votes count just as much as Krauthammer's does. :lol:

A registered voter can't be undecided?
They could be.

Tell me why the CBS 50-31 Biden win is incorrect.
You guys are just mad Biden did not conform to the addled senile gaffe machine you all see him as.

All Biden had to do in order to exceed expectations is show up without actually wearing a clown nose and then refrain from bumping into the furniture. :eusa_whistle:
Ryan kicked his ass on substance, and the fact-checkers are going to have a field day with Laughin' Joe by morning.
Ryan had no substance. He gave no specifics on taxes, even when asked directly by Raddatz.

What a pantload... and further proof that Raddatz had her own agenda. This has been explained repeatedly by both Romney and Ryan. There are some issues which deserve broad bipartisan consensus in order to get past Congress. Unlike the tyrant you liberals appear to worship, Romney intends to treat ALL Americans with respect rather than shove his monarchical will down the throats of the people. Obama is NOT a KING. We have a republican system of representative democracy, not an autocracy where one guy tells us all what the fuck to do and when to do it.

It is simply not possible to say which tax loopholes will be closed until Congress moves to close them. That said, with everyone's taxes flattened to 20%, most of those loopholes will be offset by the actual tax savings for the middle class. It's the extremely wealthy who are making the most use of these loopholes. And how fucking weird is it that Democrats, who have been bitching for decades about this issue, suddenly aren't interested in fixing it. But "weird" isn't the word, is it? :rolleyes:

The word is partisan. One would think that making taxation more "fair" so that we aren't giving special discounts to one citizen over another would be near and dear to the hearts of people who occupy themselves endlessly with the word "fair". But it would appear that "fairness" is only an issue for you people if Barack Obama defines the meaning of it for you. :rolleyes:
Ryan showed he has more brains than Bush, Palin and Quayle put together. Now, there are those that might say that still doesn't add up to much, but there it is.

In over all, American-standard feely-goody terms, Biden won.

Both played their parts adequately well. I'm sure Ryan would have been better than 'W.' as president, but, again, who wouldn't?

The roles, however, are both played in a staged production to convince 'the public' that democracy is at work. The two-party regime these candidates represent has become a monolith, excluding any heterodoxical voice that might be raised. More than that, it demonizes any second voice and calls it a 'third party'. There is only one party presently, and the debates are really just the primaries again.

Vote other.
Only the 0bama fluffers will claim a Biden victory...

Most thinking people will call it what it was - no clear winner...

i think by stopping the bleeding and doing his job, it puts the president in a much better position.

ryan screwed up on afghanistan and should never have said what he did about abortion

is that no clear winner?

it wasn't the blow out that last week was... but that doesn't mean it wasn't a win.

Biden made up numbers and came across as an arrogant ass... Not how you win over indys...

Sorry, it was a draw.... Claiming victory is for the nutters....

What numbers did Biden make up?
All I can say is Obama thought he won last week, so did many of the lefties on this board. They also think Biden won................

I will say he was quite animated and entertaining. I want some of what ever he was smoking.

This man is one heartbeat away from the Presidency today. OMG :eek:
I don't remember Democrats being as whiney after last week's debate as the Republicans are today. :eusa_think:

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