2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

What this thread teaches us is that Republicans are much bigger sore losers than Democrats.

Democrats could admit Obama lost. Why can't Republicans simply admit Ryan lost? When they have to resort to "but ... but ... Biden laughed to much! And the mean moderator wouldn't let our guy handwave!", they've clearly already admitted defeat.

Oh, CNN itself admitted their poll heavily oversampled Republicans, by 8 points.

Polling Center: CNN Poll: Who won the VP debate? - Elections & Politics from CNN.com
SPECIAL NOTE OF CAUTION #2: The sample of debate-watchers in this poll were 31% Democratic and 33% Republican. That indicates that the sample of debate watchers is about eight points more Republican than an average CNN poll of all Americans, so the respondents were more Republican than the general public.
Some wingnut was up all night making that! :lol:

the image is funny though
Poll: Biden takes debate over Ryan, uncommitted voters say, 50-31

Fifty percent of uncommitted voters who tuned into Thursday night's vice presidential debate in Danville, Ky., said they see Vice President Joe Biden as the winner over Mitt Romney's GOP running mate Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., according to an instant poll taken by CBS News.

Of the 431 polled immediately following the debate, 31 percent deemed Ryan the winner, and 19 percent said they felt it was a tie. Party-wise it's a switch from last week's presidential debate, which uncommitted voters handed easily to Romney over President Obama.

Both Biden and Ryan gained ground on relatability and knowledge. The percentage of voters who say they believe they can relate to Biden spiked from 34 percent before the debate to 55 percent; 48 percent think Ryan is relatable, up from 31 percent before the debate. Meanwhile, after watching the two candidates debate, 85 percent of those polled think Biden is knowledgeable about the issues; 75 percent say that about Ryan.

Ryan, though, faced a loss among voters' opinions of which candidate would be an effective president, if necessary. Before the debate, he led Biden 45 percent to 39 percent; after the debate, 56 percent of those polled said Biden would be an effective president, with fewer - 49 percent--saying the same about Ryan.
Ha ha ha! Even Democrat mouthpiece CNN voters gave the debate to Ryan 48 to 43. According to an undecided CNN voter Biden acted like a "buffoon" and "very disrespectful". What I found especially funny was that Biden kept complaining abut "lack of time" while the stopwatch kept showing he actually hogged more of it.

cnn called it a tie.
Poll: Biden takes debate over Ryan, uncommitted voters say, 50-31

Fifty percent of uncommitted voters who tuned into Thursday night's vice presidential debate in Danville, Ky., said they see Vice President Joe Biden as the winner over Mitt Romney's GOP running mate Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., according to an instant poll taken by CBS News.

Of the 431 polled immediately following the debate, 31 percent deemed Ryan the winner, and 19 percent said they felt it was a tie. Party-wise it's a switch from last week's presidential debate, which uncommitted voters handed easily to Romney over President Obama.

Both Biden and Ryan gained ground on relatability and knowledge. The percentage of voters who say they believe they can relate to Biden spiked from 34 percent before the debate to 55 percent; 48 percent think Ryan is relatable, up from 31 percent before the debate. Meanwhile, after watching the two candidates debate, 85 percent of those polled think Biden is knowledgeable about the issues; 75 percent say that about Ryan.

Ryan, though, faced a loss among voters' opinions of which candidate would be an effective president, if necessary. Before the debate, he led Biden 45 percent to 39 percent; after the debate, 56 percent of those polled said Biden would be an effective president, with fewer - 49 percent--saying the same about Ryan.
Oh, it didn't get deleted - IT GOT BURIED!!! :lol:

Well, it was bad news....

you didnt make a thread on it, dumb ass... you posted and lost track of it.
even the libtards most valued source for information, HuffPo, say mixed results.
Vice Presidential Debate Polls Show Mixed Results

CNBC online poll
Paul Ryan 48%
Joe Biden 47%
Neither 5%
Total Votes: 179604

I am thinking this is what we'll see over the next several days from the majority of the polls.


Biden won, but he won in the sense that he stopped the bleeding from Obama's poor performance. He tightened up the polls to make this really close. This also makes the next debate basically epic.

so coming from a political junky, this is great stuff.
All of a sudden, wingnuts LOVE CNN and cite them as a credible source! :lol:

wow...are you really that naive that you dont understand why we are citing CNN even though we think they lean left and their reporting is left leaning?

Let me lay it out for you son.

If a news outlet has a reputation in our eyes of leaning left...and then all of a sudden they report on something that shows the right in a favorable light...then we must assume they reported it accurately knowing that they would NEVER report fiction that makes the right look good.

I am kind of taken aback that you could not decipher such basic logic on your own.

Actually....as it pertains to you.....I am not so much taken aback.

So, when CNN is reporting Republican fuck-ups, they are not credible.

When CNN is reporting a Republican win, they are credible.


CNN is desperate. They've lost their credibility so now they're trying to be unbiased.
wow...are you really that naive that you dont understand why we are citing CNN even though we think they lean left and their reporting is left leaning?

Let me lay it out for you son.

If a news outlet has a reputation in our eyes of leaning left...and then all of a sudden they report on something that shows the right in a favorable light...then we must assume they reported it accurately knowing that they would NEVER report fiction that makes the right look good.

I am kind of taken aback that you could not decipher such basic logic on your own.

Actually....as it pertains to you.....I am not so much taken aback.

So, when CNN is reporting Republican fuck-ups, they are not credible.

When CNN is reporting a Republican win, they are credible.


CNN is desperate. They've lost their credibility so now they're trying to be unbiased.

I think they tried to be biased but the numbers ended up this way....
even the libtards most valued source for information, HuffPo, say mixed results.
Vice Presidential Debate Polls Show Mixed Results

CNBC online poll
Paul Ryan 48%
Joe Biden 47%
Neither 5%
Total Votes: 179604

I am thinking this is what we'll see over the next several days from the majority of the polls.


Biden won, but he won in the sense that he stopped the bleeding from Obama's poor performance. He tightened up the polls to make this really close. This also makes the next debate basically epic.

so coming from a political junky, this is great stuff.

Most intelligent post you've made...except for one thing.....we don't know how this will reflect in the polls yet, but Joe did make Obama look pitiful in comparison
I don't remember Democrats being as whiney after last week's debate as the Republicans are today. :eusa_think:

Who is being whiny?????? Descriptive is the word.

You all keep talking about Biden being mean and the moderator being biased, we all admitted Obama effed up. You all are really whining about some unfairness to Ryan or some other thing.
I don't remember Democrats being as whiney after last week's debate as the Republicans are today. :eusa_think:

Who is being whiny?????? Descriptive is the word.

You all keep talking about Biden being mean and the moderator being biased, we all admitted Obama effed up. You all are really whining about some unfairness to Ryan or some other thing.

I didnt say shit about Biden being mean... He was rude and acting like a child.
I don't remember Democrats being as whiney after last week's debate as the Republicans are today. :eusa_think:

Who is being whiny?????? Descriptive is the word.

You all keep talking about Biden being mean and the moderator being biased, we all admitted Obama effed up. You all are really whining about some unfairness to Ryan or some other thing.

Then why did you claim 0bama won the debate?

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Poll Results
Weekly Standard’s Mark Hemingway: “Joe Biden’s laughing through talking about Iran sanctions?”

Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein: “Biden’s strategy seems to be to laugh at Ryan constantly. Will it work to infantalize Ryan, or backfire like Gore sighing?”

NBC’s David Gregory: “Biden’s smile is out of control.”

BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith: “So did Biden practice laughing at Ryan???”

ABC’s Rick Klein: “Biden on verge of breaking down in laughter when Ryan talks.”

Former Eric Cantor staffer Brad Dayspring: “Joe Biden needs to realize this isn’t a Senate Foreign Relations Hearing. His laughter and condescending attitude is a disaster.”

Radio host Neal Boortz: “Looking like Biden’s gameplan is to laugh his way through this.”

Townhall.com’s Guy Benson: “Will Biden laugh his ass off at the terrible economy, too?”

MSNBC’s S.E. Cupp: “Biden needs to laugh a little less through the Libya, Middle East, nuclear Iran segment.”

Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza: “Ok. I have decided. I find the Biden smile slightly unsettling.”

PBS’ Jeff Greenfield: “Biden has always had a smile that at times is really, really inappropriate.”

Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard: “Can’t tell yet if Biden’s smirking, laughs, eye-rolling, head shaking, works for him or not against the oh-so-young looking eager Ryan.”

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer: “Biden is at risk of having his laugh come across like Gore’s sighs. He should knock it off.”

The New York Times’ Ashley Parker: “Biden’s grin is Chesire Cat caliber.”

Republican strategist Ron Bonjean: “Biden laughing does not come off with the intended effect. It is actually hurting him. Looks very condescending.”

Movie critic Roger Ebert: “Joe! Stop smiling and laughing!”

Washington Times’ Emily Miller: “Biden laughing when he disagrees with Ryan is so annoying. Like a child in time out.”

Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin: “Biden’s laughing is losing the debate- obnoxious”

(Excerpt) Read more at politico.com ...

This guys a loon!
I don't remember Democrats being as whiney after last week's debate as the Republicans are today. :eusa_think:

come on Sarah, don't make us go back and post all the lame ass excuses that was made for Obama last week..We were laughing our asses off over it..

You people think Biden won something then whatever..Class and civility hasn't ever been a Democrats strong suit, then they want everyone else to give it them and their hero Politicians..

Obama fell flat on his face and Biden was his buffoon, sad you people call that winning something
If he shook his head any more, it might have fallen off.

Vice President Biden's smirk and condescending rudeness, constant interruptions and arrogance made him look small, mean spirited and petty.

Clearly his game plan was to be assertive, take charge and dominate the "debate." And what we saw was the method his brain trust came up with?

I thought he sucked last night.

Now, having said that, I still think he CLEARLY out shined his boss.

DISCLAIMER: (I saw only bits and pieces last night since I was busy watching the Birds beat the Yankees to force a game 5. But I supplemented my limited viewing last night with a little bit of the TV news and the interwebz since then.)
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I don't remember Democrats being as whiney after last week's debate as the Republicans are today. :eusa_think:

Who is being whiny?????? Descriptive is the word.

You all keep talking about Biden being mean and the moderator being biased, we all admitted Obama effed up. You all are really whining about some unfairness to Ryan or some other thing.

Obama mailed it in.

That's the only reason you're not hollering that he won.

Truth is, on substance and on presentation Ryan kicked Biden's ass. If you want to include obnoxious noises and classlessness Obiden won hands down.

BTW, with respect to Iran. Biden wants us to rely on him and on their intelligence community that he claims misled him in Libya. .

How dumb does he think we are?
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Who is being whiny?????? Descriptive is the word.

You all keep talking about Biden being mean and the moderator being biased, we all admitted Obama effed up. You all are really whining about some unfairness to Ryan or some other thing.

Obama mailed it in.

That's the only reason you're not hollering that he won.

Truth is, on substance and on presentation Ryan kicked Biden's ass. If you want to include obnoxious noises and classlessness Obiden won hands down.

BTW, Biden wants us to rely on him and on their intelligence community that he claims misled him.

How dumb does he think we are?

We're not as dumb as he needs us to be; he's not as smart as we need him to be.
Who is being whiny?????? Descriptive is the word.

You all keep talking about Biden being mean and the moderator being biased, we all admitted Obama effed up. You all are really whining about some unfairness to Ryan or some other thing.

Obama mailed it in.

That's the only reason you're not hollering that he won.

Truth is, on substance and on presentation Ryan kicked Biden's ass. If you want to include obnoxious noises and classlessness Obiden won hands down.

BTW, with respect to Iran. Biden wants us to rely on him and on their intelligence community that he claims misled him in Libya. .

How dumb does he think we are?

Well based on the strange candidates you always seem to put up, pretty damn dumb.

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