2012 Vice Presidential Debate Thread

Biden lied when he said most Americans do not want to attack Iran.

56% of Americans support the United States taking military action against Iran if there is evidence that Iran is building nuclear weapons.

62% of Americans support Israel taking military action against Iran if there is evidence that Iran is building nuclear weapons.

53% of Americans support taking military action against Iran if there is evidence that Iran is building nuclear weapons even if it causes gasoline and fuel prices in the United States to go up.

Iran war polls
I think the potential for Ryan to run away with it was there..and I think Biden quite effectively prevented him from doing that.

So it was a wash, can't wait to see Obama fuck up next time though...
The debates are a mere theatrical event. In my opinion Romney won the first debate and Biden won the VP debate - based on theatrics. The real debate is won/lost on me regarding the lies/half truths told during the night. There were quite a few by both sides.

From -- Factcheck.org. I'll leave it to you to decide how much each lie/exageration is worth to you.

1. Biden exaggerated when he said House Republicans cut funding for embassy security by $300 million. The amount approved for fiscal year 2012 was $264 million less than requested, and covers construction and maintenance, not just security.
2. Biden seemed to question Ryan’s assertion that administration officials called Syrian President Bashar Assad “a reformer” even when he was killing his own civilian countrymen. Ryan was right. Early in the bloody Syrian uprising Hillary Clinton called Assad a “different leader” who many in Congress believe is “a reformer.”
3. Biden quoted Romney as saying that he would not “move heaven and earth” to get Osama bin Laden. What Romney said was that he’d go after other terrorists as well.
4. Biden claimed that Ryan “cut embassy security in his budget $300 million below what we asked for.” That’s an exaggeration
5. Biden falsely claimed that Romney has “another tax cut coming” that “will, in fact, give … $250,000 a year” to millionaires and “raise taxes” on middle-income families by $2,000 a year. That’s not true.

1. Ryan said Obama’s proposal to let tax rates rise for high-income individuals would “tax about 53 percent of small-business income.” Wrong.
2. Ryan claimed the Obama administration spent stimulus money on “electric cars in Finland.” Not true. Although the cars have been assembled in Finland, the money went for work in the United States.
3. Ryan misquoted a Medicare official as saying “one out of six hospitals and nursing homes are going to go out of business” as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Not quite. The official said that many could become “unprofitable,” and the the situation could be monitored to head off bad outcomes.
4. Ryan claimed that the ACA contains “taxpayer funding” of abortion. In fact the law provides no direct funding of abortion except in cases of rape or incest or to save the mother’s life. And it’s a matter of interpretation whether subsidized private insurance would amount to indirect federal support for abortion.
5. Ryan was off base when he said of a cost-saving panel created by the Affordable Care Act, “not one of them even has to have medical training.” Actually, the board must include physicians and other health care professionals among its members.
6. Ryan was incorrect when he said, “That’s how it’s going all around America.” In fact, the unemployment rate nationwide is now exactly the same as it was when Obama took office – 7.8 percent (and as Biden said, has been going down — slowly and at times fitfully – since it hit a peak of 10 percent in October 2009).
7. Ryan said that the actuary of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services “came to Congress and said one out of six hospitals and nursing homes are going to go out of business” as a result of the federal health care law. But that’s not what the actuary said
8. Ryan said that there was “taxpayer funding” of abortion “in Obamacare.” There’s no direct funding allowed, but it’s a matter of interpretation whether federal dollars will be supporting abortion indirectly.
9. Ryan was wrong when he said premiums had “gone up $3,000″ because of the health care law.
10. Ryan also exaggerated with the claim that “20 million people … are projected to lose their health insurance if Obamacare goes through.”
11. For his part, Ryan claimed that “six studies have verified” that Romney’s tax plan is mathematically possible — that it can reduce income tax rates by 20 percent across the board and offset the loss of revenues by reducing or eliminating tax deductions without benefiting the wealthy or increasing the deficit. But Ryan inflates the number of “studies” by including blog items and the work of campaign advisers.

You got that from Factcheck.org.....and it's nonsense. I know this because I read it a couple of hours ago on the site. It goes of into the weeds against Ryan and doesn't even question 90% of Bidens ridiculous statements. It doesn't mention Libya. It doesn't mention the coverup. It doesn't mention that Biden said he always means what he says. If that were true I hope Obama lives long enough to hand over the reigns to Romney because we are in deadly peril with this asshole being one heart-beat away from being POTUS.

And FYI......the people at Factcheck.org are on the Obama payroll.
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If that was the best Biden could do as a 'spanking', God help us if he was ever President.

I imagine there will be some wonky news type who will continue to harp on this line or that line, but anybody who isn't focusing on the'gotcha' lines on either side will carry away one final impression:

A vice president who was grinning and sneering and guffawing and interrupting others 82 times during discussions of four Amermican consulate people dead and more than two dozen others injured and tax policy and entitlement reform. And they may also possibly take away an image of an opponent who was courteous, serious, and astonished when his opponent behaved that way.

And I think the Obama camp planned and designed and coached it exactly that way to ensure that Ryan would have no chance to get an effective message out while depending on their own constituency to defend or forgive Biden as they always do.
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If that was the best Biden could do as a 'spanking', God help us if he was ever President.

I imagine there will be some wonky news type who will continue to harp on this line or that line, but anybody who isn't focusing on the'gotcha' lines on either side will carry away one final impression:

A vice president who was grinning and sneering and guffawing and interrupting others 82 times during discussions of four Amermican consulate people dead and more than two dozen others injured and tax policy and entitlement reform. And they may also possibly take away an image of an opponent who was courteous, serious, and astonished when his opponent behaved that way.

And I think the Obama camp planned and designed and coached it exactly that way to ensure that Ryan would have no chance to get an effective message out while depending on their own constituency to defend or forgive Biden as they always do.
I don,t think they wanted biden to go that far. For me he was just over the top which as a liberal i was disspointed to see. he could have really nailed ryan but instead let him off the hook with over the top behavior . media could then focus on biden behavior then on what was said.

so if your romney and ryan your feeing very happy about things.
If that was the best Biden could do as a 'spanking', God help us if he was ever President.

I imagine there will be some wonky news type who will continue to harp on this line or that line, but anybody who isn't focusing on the'gotcha' lines on either side will carry away one final impression:

A vice president who was grinning and sneering and guffawing and interrupting others 82 times during discussions of four Amermican consulate people dead and more than two dozen others injured and tax policy and entitlement reform. And they may also possibly take away an image of an opponent who was courteous, serious, and astonished when his opponent behaved that way.

And I think the Obama camp planned and designed and coached it exactly that way to ensure that Ryan would have no chance to get an effective message out while depending on their own constituency to defend or forgive Biden as they always do.
I don,t think they wanted biden to go that far. For me he was just over the top which as a liberal i was disspointed to see. he could have really nailed ryan but instead let him off the hook with over the top behavior . media could then focus on biden behavior then on what was said.

so if your romney and ryan your feeing very happy about things.

Biden had his fair share of lies to try and nail Ryan.
Then give us some. Specific examples.

If that was the best Biden could do as a 'spanking', God help us if he was ever President.

I imagine there will be some wonky news type who will continue to harp on this line or that line, but anybody who isn't focusing on the'gotcha' lines on either side will carry away one final impression:

A vice president who was grinning and sneering and guffawing and interrupting others 82 times during discussions of four Amermican consulate people dead and more than two dozen others injured and tax policy and entitlement reform. And they may also possibly take away an image of an opponent who was courteous, serious, and astonished when his opponent behaved that way.

And I think the Obama camp planned and designed and coached it exactly that way to ensure that Ryan would have no chance to get an effective message out while depending on their own constituency to defend or forgive Biden as they always do.
I don,t think they wanted biden to go that far. For me he was just over the top which as a liberal i was disspointed to see. he could have really nailed ryan but instead let him off the hook with over the top behavior . media could then focus on biden behavior then on what was said.

so if your romney and ryan your feeing very happy about things.

Biden had his fair share of lies to try and nail Ryan.
Then give us some. Specific examples.

I don,t think they wanted biden to go that far. For me he was just over the top which as a liberal i was disspointed to see. he could have really nailed ryan but instead let him off the hook with over the top behavior . media could then focus on biden behavior then on what was said.

so if your romney and ryan your feeing very happy about things.

Biden had his fair share of lies to try and nail Ryan.
one them was that under obama would see the navy reduced to its lowest of world war one. politico could this pants of fire moment saying that the numbers were lower under george we bush with 278 compared to 285 under obama. it was 245 in 1916

also he said that new helthcare fedreal law would use taxpayers funds to pay for all abortions was disputed by department of health. they said the only abortions it would cover is those involved with cases of incest, rape or danger to mothers lives

to be fair biden lie few times. biden claimed romney said withdrawing troops from iraq was tragic. romney atucally said it was about pace of the withdrawll of troops from iraq in 2011.

so both sides lie sadly.
Then give us some. Specific examples.

I don,t think they wanted biden to go that far. For me he was just over the top which as a liberal i was disspointed to see. he could have really nailed ryan but instead let him off the hook with over the top behavior . media could then focus on biden behavior then on what was said.

so if your romney and ryan your feeing very happy about things.

Biden had his fair share of lies to try and nail Ryan.

A Romney supporter wouldn't be asking such a question
If that was the best Biden could do as a 'spanking', God help us if he was ever President.

I imagine there will be some wonky news type who will continue to harp on this line or that line, but anybody who isn't focusing on the'gotcha' lines on either side will carry away one final impression:

A vice president who was grinning and sneering and guffawing and interrupting others 82 times during discussions of four Amermican consulate people dead and more than two dozen others injured and tax policy and entitlement reform. And they may also possibly take away an image of an opponent who was courteous, serious, and astonished when his opponent behaved that way.

And I think the Obama camp planned and designed and coached it exactly that way to ensure that Ryan would have no chance to get an effective message out while depending on their own constituency to defend or forgive Biden as they always do.
I don,t think they wanted biden to go that far. For me he was just over the top which as a liberal i was disspointed to see. he could have really nailed ryan but instead let him off the hook with over the top behavior . media could then focus on biden behavior then on what was said.

so if your romney and ryan your feeing very happy about things.

Do you own homework, Jake, just like I did, it's not that hard. It's there, you just need to Google it.
If that was the best Biden could do as a 'spanking', God help us if he was ever President.

I imagine there will be some wonky news type who will continue to harp on this line or that line, but anybody who isn't focusing on the'gotcha' lines on either side will carry away one final impression:

A vice president who was grinning and sneering and guffawing and interrupting others 82 times during discussions of four Amermican consulate people dead and more than two dozen others injured and tax policy and entitlement reform. And they may also possibly take away an image of an opponent who was courteous, serious, and astonished when his opponent behaved that way.

And I think the Obama camp planned and designed and coached it exactly that way to ensure that Ryan would have no chance to get an effective message out while depending on their own constituency to defend or forgive Biden as they always do.
I don,t think they wanted biden to go that far. For me he was just over the top which as a liberal i was disspointed to see. he could have really nailed ryan but instead let him off the hook with over the top behavior . media could then focus on biden behavior then on what was said.

so if your romney and ryan your feeing very happy about things.

I think they told Biden to do whatever he had to do to make sure Ryan didn't have a chance to say anything or to make sure what Ryan did say was covered up, deflected, and buried under the shenanigans Biden was pulling. You see the trolls on USMB behaving the very same way. They have nothing to add to the discussion or have no intention of engaging in one, but they show up on threads to throw out one liners, the same assiigned snarky talking points they all use so you know its orchestrated, or use insults or unrelated questions or whatever they have to do to make sure no meaningful discussion happens. And I think a whole bunch of them are instructed, possibly paid, to behave exactly that way because enough will take the bait to effectively shut down the discussion.

Ryan didn't take the bait, but it did throw him off his game and sufficiently to make sure nothing really memorable would come from his side. And all we really remember of Biden is a grade a rude, condescending, disrespectful jerk, but I'll give him credit for mission accomplished in being that.
If that was the best Biden could do as a 'spanking', God help us if he was ever President.

I imagine there will be some wonky news type who will continue to harp on this line or that line, but anybody who isn't focusing on the'gotcha' lines on either side will carry away one final impression:

A vice president who was grinning and sneering and guffawing and interrupting others 82 times during discussions of four Amermican consulate people dead and more than two dozen others injured and tax policy and entitlement reform. And they may also possibly take away an image of an opponent who was courteous, serious, and astonished when his opponent behaved that way.

And I think the Obama camp planned and designed and coached it exactly that way to ensure that Ryan would have no chance to get an effective message out while depending on their own constituency to defend or forgive Biden as they always do.
I don,t think they wanted biden to go that far. For me he was just over the top which as a liberal i was disspointed to see. he could have really nailed ryan but instead let him off the hook with over the top behavior . media could then focus on biden behavior then on what was said.

so if your romney and ryan your feeing very happy about things.

I think they told Biden to do whatever he had to do to make sure Ryan didn't have a chance to say anything or to make sure what Ryan did say was covered up, deflected, and buried under the shenanigans Biden was pulling. You see the trolls on USMB behaving the very same way. They have nothing to add to the discussion or have no intention of engaging in one, but they show up on threads to throw out one liners, the same assiigned snarky talking points they all use so you know its orchestrated, or use insults or unrelated questions or whatever they have to do to make sure no meaningful discussion happens. And I think a whole bunch of them are instructed, possibly paid, to behave exactly that way because enough will take the bait to effectively shut down the discussion.

Ryan didn't take the bait, but it did throw him off his game and sufficiently to make sure nothing really memorable would come from his side. And all we really remember of Biden is a grade a rude, condescending, disrespectful jerk, but I'll give him credit for mission accomplished in being that.
biden went to far in the end with over top attacks. shame as if he kept his cool could have won the debate.]

so conservatives on here should be happy as they still got big mo on their side towards winning this election.

which is pretty depressing really from my viewpoint.

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